Genus of cartilaginous fishes
Hydrolagus is agenus offish in thefamily Chimaeridae found in theAtlantic ,Indian andPacific Oceans .[ 1]
Deep-sea chimaera photographed by theNOAAS Okeanos Explorer . Visible on its snout are tiny pores which lead toelectroreceptor cells. The 22 recognized species in this genus are:
Hydrolagus affinis (Brito Capello (pt ), 1868) (small-eyed rabbitfish)Hydrolagus africanus (Gilchrist , 1922) (African chimaera)[ 2] Hydrolagus alberti Bigelow &Schroeder , 1951 (gulf chimaera)Hydrolagus alphus Quaranta ,Didier ,Long &Ebert , 2006 (whitespot ghost shark)Hydrolagus barbouri (Garman , 1908) (ninespot chimaera)Hydrolagus bemisi Didier, 2002 (pale ghostshark)Hydrolagus colliei (G. T. Lay &E. T. Bennett , 1839) (spotted ratfish)Hydrolagus eidolon D. S. Jordan &C. L. Hubbs , 1925Hydrolagus erithacus Walovich , Ebert &Kemper , 2017 (Robin's ghostshark)[ 3] Hydrolagus homonycteris Didier, 2008 (black ghostshark)Hydrolagus lusitanicus T. Moura ,I. M. R. Figueiredo ,Bordalo-Machado ,A. C. Almeida &Serrano-Gordo , 2005 (Portuguese chimaera)Hydrolagus macrophthalmus F. de Buen , 1959 (bigeye chimaera)Hydrolagus marmoratus Didier, 2008 (marbled ghost shark)Hydrolagus matallanasi Soto &Vooren , 2004 (striped rabbitfish)Hydrolagus mccoskeri L. A. K. Barnett , Didier,Long & Ebert, 2006 (Galápagos ghostshark)Hydrolagus melanophasma K. C. James , Ebert, Long & Didier, 2009 (Eastern Pacific black ghostshark)Hydrolagus mirabilis (Collett , 1904) (large-eyed rabbitfish)Hydrolagus mitsukurii (D. S. Jordan &Snyder , 1904) (Mitsukuri's chimaera)Hydrolagus novaezealandiae (Fowler , 1911) (dark ghostshark)Hydrolagus pallidus Hardy &Stehmann , 1990 (pale chimaera)Hydrolagus purpurescens (C. H. Gilbert , 1905) (purple chimaera)Hydrolagus trolli Didier &Séret (fr ), 2002 (abyssal ghostshark)Fossil remains of the genus are known from the Miocene and Pliocene of California.[ 4]
^ Weigmann, S. (2016):Annotated checklist of the living sharks, batoids and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) of the world, with a focus on biogeographical diversity. Journal of Fish Biology, 88 (3): 837-1037. ^ Walovich, K.A., Ebert, D.A., Long, D.J. & Didier, D.A. (2015):Redescription ofHydrolagus africanus (Gilchrist, 1922) (Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae), with a review of southern African chimaeroids and a key to their identification. African Journal of Marine Science, 37 (2): 157-165. ^ Walovich, K.A., Ebert, D.A. & Kemper, J.M. (2017):Hydrolagus erithacus sp. nov. (Chimaeriformes: Chimaeridae), a new species of chimaerid from the southeastern Atlantic and southwestern Indian oceans.Zootaxa, 4226 (4): 509–520. ^ Popov, E. V., and G. T. Takeuchi. 2011. Miocene–early Pliocene chimaeroid fishes (Holocephali, Chimaeroidei) from California and a review of the global Neogene chimaeroid diversity and distribution. Journal of the Vertebrate Paleontology 31(Program and Abstracts):175.