Irreligious organizations promote the view thatmoral standards should be based solely onnaturalistic considerations, without reference tosupernatural concepts (such asGod or anafterlife), any desire to do good for a reward after death, or any fear of punishment for not believing in life after death.
Individuals and organizations sharing these views, identify themselves by a variety of terms, including,bright,freethinker,naturalist,rationalist, orskeptic.[1][2] Despite the use of these various terms, the organizations listed here have goals in common. Note that, while most of these organizations and their members consider themselvesirreligious, there are certain exceptions (Ethical Culture, for example).
In some jurisdictions, a provincial or nationalhumanist society may confer uponHumanist officiants the ability to conduct memorial services, child naming ceremonies orofficiate marriages – tasks which would be carried out by clergy in mostorganized religions.[3][4][5]
Atheist Republic[6] is the world's largest atheist organization with local chapters called consulates all over the world. Their facebook page has over 2.4 million followers.
The Brights' Net is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to "building a constituency" and "constructively address[ing] the marginalized situation of persons who have a naturalistic worldview."[7]
The Clergy Project provides support, community, and hope to religious professionals who no longer hold supernatural beliefs.
European Humanist Federation is a union of "numerous humanist organisations from most European countries" whose purpose is to promote humanism and secularism in Europe.[8]
Humanists International is "the sole world umbrella organisation embracing Humanist, atheist, rationalist, secularist, skeptic, laique, [sic][9] ethical cultural, freethought and similar organisations world-wide." Humanists International is a union of over 100 Humanist or secularist organizations in more than 40 countries. It is an international NGO (non-governmental organization) with special consultative status with theUnited Nations.[10]
There are many local humanist groups around the United Kingdom, most being affiliates of Humanists UK and the National Secular Society. Of these,Leicester Secular Society has particular claim to fame in being the world's oldest secular society, founded in 1851.[17] Others includeNorth East Humanists.
Atheists of Florida – founded in 1992 to ensure the separation of state and church
Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, represents multiple Baptist groups (but not the Southern Baptist Convention) in supporting religious liberty and the separation of church and state
Camp Inquiry – summer camp run by the Center for Inquiry
Camp Quest – "The Secular Summer Camp", a residential summer camp in the United States for the children of those who hold a naturalistic world view
Practice What You Preach Foundation – a "non-profit organization that builds bridges between faith communities and secular organizations in the Greater Los Angeles Area"