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Author of the Iliad and the Odyssey
Several terms redirect here. For other uses, seeHomer (disambiguation), Homerus (disambiguation), and Homeric (disambiguation).

Marble terminal bust of Homer. Roman copy of a lost Hellenistic original of the 2nd c. BCE.
Marble terminal bust of Homer. Roman copy of a lost Hellenistic original of the 2nd c. BCE.
Native name
Bornc. 8th century BCE
LanguageHomeric Greek
SubjectEpic Cycle
Notable works

Homer (/ˈhmər/;Ancient Greek:Ὅμηρος[hómɛːros],Hómēros; possibly bornc. 8th century BCE) was anAncient Greek poet who is credited as the author of theIliad and theOdyssey, twoepic poems that are foundational works ofancient Greek literature. Despite doubts about his authorship, Homer is considered one of the most revered and influential authors in history.[2]

TheIliad centers on a quarrel between KingAgamemnon and the warriorAchilles during the last year of theTrojan War. TheOdyssey chronicles the ten-year journey ofOdysseus, king ofIthaca, back to his home after the fall of Troy. The epics depict man's struggle, theOdyssey especially so, as Odysseus perseveres through punishment of the gods.[3] The poems are inHomeric Greek, also known as Epic Greek, aliterary language which shows a mixture of features of theIonic andAeolic dialects from different centuries; the predominant influence is Eastern Ionic.[4][5] Most researchers believe that the poems were originallytransmitted orally.[6] Despite being predominantly known for their tragic and serious themes, the Homeric poems also containinstances of comedy and laughter.[7]

The Homeric poems shaped aspects of ancient Greek culture and education, fostering ideals of heroism, glory, and honor.[8] ToPlato, Homer was simply the one who "has taught Greece" (τὴν Ἑλλάδα πεπαίδευκεν,tēn Helláda pepaídeuken).[9][10] InDante Alighieri'sDivine Comedy,Virgil refers to Homer as "Poet sovereign", king of all poets;[11] in the preface to his translation of theIliad,Alexander Pope acknowledges that Homer has always been considered the "greatest of poets".[12] From antiquity to the present day, Homeric epics have inspired many famous works of literature, music, art, and film.[13]

The question of by whom, when, where and under what circumstances theIliad andOdyssey were composed continues to be debated. Scholars generally regard the two poems as the works of separate authors. It is thought that the poems were composed at some point around the late eighth or early seventh century BCE.[14] Manyaccounts of Homer's life circulated inclassical antiquity, the most widespread that he was a blindbard fromIonia, a region of central coastalAnatolia in present-day Turkey.[15] Modern scholars consider these accountslegendary.[16]

Works attributed to Homer

Homer and His Guide (1874) byWilliam-Adolphe Bouguereau

Today, only theIliad andtheOdyssey are associated with the name "Homer". In antiquity, a large number of other works were sometimes attributed to him, including theHomeric Hymns, theContest of Homer and Hesiod, severalepigrams, theLittle Iliad, theNostoi, theThebaid, theCypria, theEpigoni, the comic mini-epicBatrachomyomachia ("The Frog–Mouse War"), theMargites, theCapture of Oechalia, and thePhocais. These claims are not considered authentic today and were not universally accepted in the ancient world. As with the multitude of legends surrounding Homer's life, they indicate little more than the centrality of Homer to ancient Greek culture.[17][18][19]

Ancient biographical traditions

Further information:Ancient accounts of Homer

Some ancient accounts about Homer were established early and repeated often. They include that Homer was blind (taking as self-referential a passage describing the blindbardDemodocus),[20][21] that he resided atChios, that he was the son of theriver Meles and the nymphCritheïs, that he was a wandering bard, that he composed a varying list of other works (the "Homerica"), that he died either inIos or after failing to solve a riddle set by fishermen,[22] and various explanations for the name "Homer" (Ὅμηρος,Hómēros).[20] Another tradition from the days of the Roman emperorHadrian saysEpicaste (daughter ofNestor) andTelemachus (son ofOdysseus) were the parents of Homer.[23][24]

The two best known ancient biographies of Homer are theLife of Homer by the Pseudo-Herodotus and theContest of Homer and Hesiod.[1][25]

In the early fourth century BCAlcidamas composed a fictional account of a poetry contest at Chalcis with both Homer andHesiod. Homer was expected to win, and answered all of Hesiod's questions and puzzles with ease. Then, each of the poets was invited to recite the best passage from their work. Hesiod selected the beginning ofWorks and Days: "When thePleiades born ofAtlas ... all in due season". Homer chose a description of Greek warriors in formation, facing the foe, taken from theIliad. Though the crowd acclaimed Homer victor, the judge awarded Hesiod the prize; the poet who praisedhusbandry, he said, was greater than the one who told tales of battles and slaughter.[26]

History of Homeric scholarship

Further information:Homeric scholarship andHomeric Question


Part of an eleventh-century manuscript, "the Townley Homer". The writings on the top and right side arescholia.

The study of Homer is one of the oldest topics in scholarship, dating back to antiquity.[27][28][29] Nonetheless, the aims of Homeric studies have changed over the course of the millennia.[27] The earliest preserved comments on Homer concern his treatment of the gods, which hostile critics such as the poetXenophanes of Colophon denounced as immoral.[29] The allegoristTheagenes of Rhegium is said to have defended Homer by arguing that the Homeric poems areallegories.[29] TheIliad and theOdyssey were widely used as school texts in ancient Greek and Hellenistic cultures.[27][29][30] They were the first literary works taught to all students.[30] TheIliad, particularly its first few books, was far more intently studied than theOdyssey during the Hellenistic and Roman periods.[30]

As a result of the poems' prominence inclassical Greek education, extensive commentaries on them developed to explain parts that were culturally or linguistically difficult.[27][29] During theHellenistic and Roman periods, many interpreters, especially theStoics, who believed that Homeric poems conveyed Stoic doctrines, regarded them as allegories, containing hidden wisdom.[29] Perhaps partially because of the Homeric poems' extensive use in education, many authors believed that Homer's original purpose had been to educate.[29] Homer's wisdom became so widely praised that he began to acquire the image of almost a prototypical philosopher.[29]Byzantine scholars such asEustathius of Thessalonica andJohn Tzetzes produced commentaries, extensions andscholia to Homer, especially in the twelfth century.[31][29] Eustathius's commentary on theIliad alone is massive, sprawling over nearly 4,000 oversized pages in a 21st-century printed version and his commentary on theOdyssey an additional nearly 2,000.[29]


Page from the first printed edition (editio princeps) of collected works by Homer edited byDemetrios Chalkokondyles. Florence, 1489.Bibliothèque Nationale de France

In 1488, the Greek scholarDemetrios Chalkokondyles published inFlorence theeditio princeps of the Homeric poems.[29][32] The earliest modern Homeric scholars started with the same basic approaches towards the Homeric poems as scholars in antiquity.[29][28][27] The allegorical interpretation of the Homeric poems that had been so prevalent in antiquity returned to become the prevailing view of theRenaissance.[29] Renaissance humanists praised Homer as the archetypically wise poet, whose writings contain hidden wisdom, disguised through allegory.[29] In western Europe during theRenaissance,Virgil was more widely read than Homer and Homer was often seen through a Virgilian lens.[33]

In 1664, contradicting the widespread praise of Homer as the epitome of wisdom,François Hédelin, abbé d'Aubignac wrote a scathing attack on the Homeric poems, declaring that they were incoherent, immoral, tasteless, and without style, that Homer never existed, and that the poems were hastily cobbled together by incompetent editors from unrelated oral songs.[28] Fifty years later, the English scholarRichard Bentley concluded that Homer did exist but that he was an obscure, prehistoric oral poet whose compositions bear little relation to theIliad and theOdyssey as they have been passed down.[28] According to Bentley, Homer "wrote a Sequel of Songs and Rhapsodies, to be sung by himself for small Earnings and good Cheer at Festivals and other Days of Merriment; theIlias he wrote for men, and theOdysseis for the other Sex. These loose songs were not collected together in the Form of an epic Poem tillPisistratus' time, about 500 Years after."[28]

Friedrich August Wolf'sProlegomena ad Homerum, published in 1795, argued that much of the material later incorporated into theIliad and theOdyssey was originally composed in the tenth century BC in the form of short, separate oral songs,[34][35][28] which passed through oral tradition for roughly four hundred years before being assembled into prototypical versions of theIliad and theOdyssey in the sixth century BC by literate authors.[34][35][28] After being written down, Wolf maintained that the two poems were extensively edited, modernized, and eventually shaped into their present state as artistic unities.[34][35][28] Wolf and the "Analyst" school, which led the field in the nineteenth century, sought to recover the original, authentic poems which were thought to be concealed by later excrescences.[34][35][28][36]

Within the Analyst school were two camps: proponents of the "lay theory", which held that theIliad and theOdyssey were put together from a large number of short, independent songs,[28] and proponents of the "nucleus theory", which held that Homer had originally composed shorter versions of theIliad and theOdyssey, which later poets expanded and revised.[28] A small group of scholars opposed to the Analysts, dubbed "Unitarians", saw the later additions as superior, the work of a single inspired poet.[34][35][28] By around 1830, the central preoccupations of Homeric scholars, dealing with whether or not "Homer" actually existed, when and how the Homeric poems originated, how they were transmitted, when and how they were finally written down, and their overall unity, had been dubbed "the Homeric Question".[28]

FollowingWorld War I, the Analyst school began to fall out of favor among Homeric scholars.[28] It did not die out entirely, but it came to be increasingly seen as a discredited dead end.[28] Starting in around 1928,Milman Parry andAlbert Lord, after their studies of folk bards in the Balkans, developed the "Oral-Formulaic Theory" that the Homeric poems were originally composed through improvised oral performances, which relied on traditional epithets and poetic formulas.[37][36][28] This theory found very wide scholarly acceptance[37][36][28] and explained many previously puzzling features of the Homeric poems, including their unusually archaic language, their extensive use of stock epithets, and their other "repetitive" features.[36] Many scholars concluded that the "Homeric Question" had finally been answered.[28]

Meanwhile, the 'Neoanalysts' sought to bridge the gap between the 'Analysts' and 'Unitarians'.[38][39] The Neoanalysts sought to trace the relationships between the Homeric poems and other epic poems, which have now been lost, but of which modern scholars do possess some patchy knowledge.[28] Neoanalysts hold that knowledge of earlier versions of the epics can be derived from anomalies of structure and detail in the surviving versions of theIliad andOdyssey. These anomalies point to earlier versions of theIliad in which Ajax played a more prominent role, in which the Achaean embassy to Achilles comprised different characters, and in which Patroclus was actually mistaken for Achilles by the Trojans. They point to earlier versions of theOdyssey in which Telemachus went in search of news of his father not to Menelaus in Sparta but to Idomeneus in Crete, in which Telemachus met up with his father in Crete and conspired with him to return to Ithaca disguised as the soothsayer Theoclymenus, and in which Penelope recognized Odysseus much earlier in the narrative and conspired with him in the destruction of the suitors.[40]



Most contemporary scholars, although they disagree on other questions about the genesis of the poems, agree that theIliad and theOdyssey were not produced by the same author, based on "the many differences of narrative manner, theology, ethics, vocabulary, and geographical perspective, and by the apparently imitative character of certain passages of theOdyssey in relation to theIliad."[41][42][43][28] Nearly all scholars agree that theIliad and theOdyssey are unified poems, in that each poem shows a clear overall design and that they are not merely strung together from unrelated songs.[28] It is also generally agreed that each poem was composed mostly by a single author, who probably relied heavily on older oral traditions.[28] Nearly all scholars agree that theDoloneia in Book X of theIliad is not part of the original poem, but rather a later insertion by a different poet.[28]

Some ancient scholars believed Homer to have been an eyewitness to theTrojan War; others thought he had lived up to 500 years afterwards.[44] Contemporary scholars continue to debate the date of the poems.[45][46][28] A long history of oral transmission lies behind the composition of the poems, complicating the search for a precise date.[47] At one extreme,Richard Janko has proposed a date for both poems to the eighth century BC based on linguistic analysis and statistics.[45][46]Barry B. Powell dates the composition of theIliad and theOdyssey to sometime between 800 and 750 BC, based on the statement fromHerodotus, who lived in the late fifth century BC, that Homer lived four hundred years before his own time "and not more" (καὶ οὐ πλέοσι) and on the fact that the poems do not mentionhoplite battle tactics,inhumation, or literacy.[48]

Martin Litchfield West has argued that theIliad echoes the poetry ofHesiod and that it must have been composed around 660–650 BC at the earliest, with theOdyssey up to a generation later.[49][50][28] He also interprets passages in theIliad as showing knowledge of historical events that occurred in the ancient Near East during the middle of the seventh century BC, including the destruction ofBabylon bySennacherib in 689 BC and theSack of Thebes byAshurbanipal in 663/4 BC.[28] At the other extreme, a few American scholars such asGregory Nagy see "Homer" as a continually evolving tradition, which grew much more stable as the tradition progressed, but which did not fully cease to continue changing and evolving until as late as the middle of the second century BC.[45][46][28]

"'Homer" is a name of unknown etymological origin, around which many theories were erected in antiquity. One such linkage was to the Greekὅμηρος (hómēros'hostage' or'surety'). The explanations suggested by modern scholars tend to mirror their position on the overall Homeric Question. Nagy interprets it as "he who fits (the song) together". West has advanced both possible Greek and Phoenician etymologies.[51][52]

Historicity of the Homeric epics and Homeric society

Main article:Historicity of the Iliad
Greece according to theIliad

Scholars continue to debate questions such as whether the Trojan War actually took place – and if so when and where – and to what extent the society depicted by Homer is based on his own or one which was, even at the time of the poems' composition, known only as legends. The Homeric epics are largely set in the east and center of theMediterranean, with some scattered references toEgypt,Ethiopia and other distant lands, in a warlike society that resembles that of the Greek world slightly before the hypothesized date of the poems' composition.[53][54][55][56]

In ancient Greek chronology, the sack of Troy was dated to 1184 BC. By the nineteenth century, there was widespread scholarly skepticism that the Trojan War had ever happened and that Troy had even existed, but in 1873Heinrich Schliemann announced to the world that he had discovered the ruins of Homer's Troy atHisarlik in modern Turkey. Some contemporary scholars think the destruction ofTroy VIIac. 1220 BC was the origin of the myth of the Trojan War, others that the poem was inspired by multiple similar sieges that took place over the centuries.[57]

Most scholars now agree that the Homeric poems depict customs and elements of the material world that are derived from different periods of Greek history.[36][58][59] For instance, the heroes in the poems use bronze weapons, characteristic of theBronze Age in which the poems are set, rather than the laterIron Age during which they were composed;[36][58][59] yet the same heroes are cremated (an Iron Age practice) rather than buried (as they were in the Bronze Age).[36][58][59] In some parts of the Homeric poems, heroes are described as carrying large shields like those used by warriors during theMycenaean period,[36] but, in other places, they are instead described carrying the smaller shields that were commonly used during the time when the poems were written in the early Iron Age.[36]In theIliad 10.260–265, Odysseus is described as wearing ahelmet made of boar's tusks. Such helmets were not worn in Homer's time, but were commonly worn by aristocratic warriors between 1600 and 1150 BC.[60][61][62]

The decipherment ofLinear B in the 1950s byMichael Ventris and continued archaeological investigation has increased modern scholars' understanding of the Bronze AgeAegean civilisation, which in many ways resembles the ancient Near East more than the society described by Homer.[63] Some aspects of the Homeric world are simply made up;[36] for instance, theIliad 22.145–56 describes there being two springs that run near the city of Troy, one that runs steaming hot and the other that runs icy cold.[36] It is here thatHector takes his final stand against Achilles.[36] Archaeologists, however, have uncovered no evidence that springs of this description ever actually existed.[36]

Style and language

See also:Homeric Greek
Detail ofThe Parnassus (painted 1509–1510) byRaphael, depicting Homer wearing a crown of laurels atopMount Parnassus, withDante Alighieri on his left andVirgil on his right

The Homeric epics are written in an artificialliterary language or 'Kunstsprache' only used in epichexameter poetry. Homeric Greek shows features of multiple regional Greek dialects and periods, but is fundamentally based onIonic Greek, in keeping with the tradition that Homer was from Ionia. Linguistic analysis suggests that theIliad was composed slightly before theOdyssey and that Homeric formulae preserve features older than other parts of the poems.[64][65]

The poems were composed in unrhymeddactylic hexameter; ancient Greekmetre was quantity-based rather than stress-based.[66][67] Homer frequently uses set phrases such asepithets ('craftyOdysseus', 'rosy-fingeredDawn', 'owl-eyedAthena', etc.), Homeric formulae ('and then answered [him/her], Agamemnon, king of men', 'when the early-born rose-fingered Dawn came to light', 'thus he/she spoke'),simile, type scenes, ring composition and repetition. These habits aid the extemporizing bard, and are characteristic of oral poetry. For instance, the main words of a Homeric sentence are generally placed towards the beginning, whereas literate poets likeVirgil orMilton use longer and more complicated syntactical structures. Homer then expands on these ideas in subsequent clauses; this technique is calledparataxis.[68]

The so-called 'type scenes' (typische Szenen), were named by Walter Arend in 1933. He noted that Homer often, when describing frequently recurring activities such as eating,praying, fighting and dressing, used blocks of set phrases in sequence that were then elaborated by the poet. The 'Analyst' school had considered these repetitions as un-Homeric, whereas Arend interpreted them philosophically. Parry and Lord noted that these conventions are found in many other cultures.[69][70]

'Ring composition' orchiastic structure (when a phrase or idea is repeated at both the beginning and end of a story, or a series of such ideas first appears in the order A, B, C ... before being reversed as ... C, B, A) has been observed in the Homeric epics. Opinion differs as to whether these occurrences are a conscious artistic device, a mnemonic aid or a spontaneous feature of human storytelling.[71][72]

Both of the Homeric poems begin with an invocation to theMuse.[73] In theIliad, the poet beseeches her to sing of "the anger of Achilles",[73] and in theOdyssey, he asks her to tell of "the man of many ways".[73] A similar opening was later employed by Virgil in hisAeneid.[73]

Textual transmission

A Reading from Homer (1885) byLawrence Alma-Tadema

The orally transmitted Homeric poems were put into written form at some point between the eighth and sixth centuries BCE. Some scholars believe that they were dictated to ascribe by the poet and that our inherited versions of theIliad andOdyssey were in origin orally dictated texts.[74]Albert Lord noted that the Balkan bards that he was studying revised and expanded their songs in their process of dictating.[75] Some scholars hypothesize that a similar process of revision and expansion occurred when the Homeric poems were first written down.[76][77]

Other scholars hold that, after the poems were created in the eighth century, they continued to be orally transmitted with considerable revision until they were written down in the sixth century.[78] After textualisation, the poems were each divided into 24 rhapsodes, today referred to as books, and labelled by the letters of theGreek alphabet. Most scholars attribute the book divisions to the Hellenistic scholars ofAlexandria, in Egypt.[79] Some trace the divisions back further to the Classical period.[80] Very few credit Homer himself with the divisions.[81]

In antiquity, it was widely held that the Homeric poems were collected and organised in Athens in the late sixth century BCE byPisistratus (died 528/7 BCE), in what subsequent scholars have dubbed the "Peisistratean recension".[82][29] The idea that the Homeric poems were originally transmitted orally and first written down during the reign of Pisistratus is referenced by the first-century BCE Roman oratorCicero and is also referenced in a number of other surviving sources, including two ancientLives of Homer.[29] From around 150 BCE, the texts of the Homeric poems found in papyrus fragments exhibit much less variation, and the text seems to have become relatively stable. After the establishment of theLibrary of Alexandria, Homeric scholars such asZenodotus of Ephesus,Aristophanes of Byzantium and in particularAristarchus of Samothrace helped establish a canonical text.[83]

The first printed edition of Homer was produced in 1488 in Milan, Italy byDemetrios Chalkokondyles. Today scholars use medieval manuscripts,papyri and other sources; some argue for a "multi-text" view, rather than seeking a single definitive text. The nineteenth-century edition ofArthur Ludwich mainly follows Aristarchus's work, whereas van Thiel's (1991, 1996) follows the medieval vulgate.[clarification needed] Others, such asMartin West (1998–2000) orT. W. Allen, fall somewhere between these two extremes.[83]

See also



  1. ^abLefkowitz, Mary R. (2013).The Lives of the Greek Poets. A&C Black. pp. 14–30.ISBN 978-1472503077.
  2. ^"Learn about Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey".Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved31 August 2021.
  3. ^"Odysseus: the First Western Man". 16 April 2021. Retrieved13 October 2024.
  4. ^Hose, Martin; Schenker, David (2015).A Companion to Greek Literature. John Wiley & Sons. p. 445.ISBN 978-1118885956.
  5. ^Miller, D. Gary (2013).Ancient Greek Dialects and Early Authors: Introduction to the Dialect Mixture in Homer, with Notes on Lyric and Herodotus. Walter de Gruyter. p. 351.ISBN 978-1614512950. Retrieved23 November 2016.
  6. ^Ahl, Frederick; Roisman, Hanna (1996).The Odyssey Re-formed. Cornell University Press.ISBN 978-0801483356. Retrieved23 November 2016.
  7. ^Bell, Robert H. "Homer’s humor: laughter in the Iliad." hand 1 (2007): 596.
  8. ^Rutherford, R. B. (2010).Homer: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide. Oxford University Press. p. 31.ISBN 978-0-19-980510-5.
  9. ^Too, Yun Lee (2010).The Idea of the Library in the Ancient World. OUP Oxford. p. 86.ISBN 978-0199577804. Retrieved22 November 2016.
  10. ^MacDonald, Dennis R. (1994).Christianizing Homer: The Odyssey, Plato, and the Acts of Andrew. Oxford University Press. p. 17.ISBN 978-0195358629.Archived from the original on 30 June 2017. Retrieved22 November 2016.
  11. ^Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto IV, 86–88 (Longfellow's translation):

    Him with that falchion in his hand behold,
    ⁠Who comes before the three, even as their lord.
    That one is Homer, Poet sovereign;

  12. ^Alexander Pope's Preface to his translation of the Iliad:
    "Homer is universally allowed to have had the greatest invention of any writer whatever. The praise of judgment Virgil has justly contested with him, and others may have their pretensions as to particular excellencies; but his invention remains yet unrivalled. Nor is it a wonder if he has ever been acknowledged the greatest of poets, who most excelled in that which is the very foundation of poetry."
  13. ^Latacz, Joachim (1996).Homer, His Art and His World. University of Michigan Press.ISBN 978-0472083534. Retrieved22 November 2016.
  14. ^Croally, Neil; Hyde, Roy (2011).Classical Literature: An Introduction. Routledge. p. 26.ISBN 978-1136736629. Retrieved23 November 2016.
  15. ^Daisy Dunn (22 January 2020)."Who was Homer?".British Museum. Retrieved7 March 2024.
  16. ^Wilson, Nigel (2013).Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece. Routledge. p. 366.ISBN 978-1136788000. Retrieved22 November 2016.
    Romilly, Jacqueline de (1985).A Short History of Greek Literature. University of Chicago Press. p. 1.ISBN 978-0226143125. Retrieved22 November 2016.
    Graziosi 2002, p. 15
  17. ^Kelly, Adrian D. "Homerica". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0606
  18. ^Graziosi, Barbara; Haubold, Johannes (2005).Homer: The Resonance of Epic. A&C Black. pp. 24–26.ISBN 978-0715632826.
  19. ^Graziosi 2002, pp. 165–168.
  20. ^abGraziosi 2002, p. 138
  21. ^Odyssey, 8:64ff.[full citation needed]
  22. ^The riddle was: "We left whatever we caught and carry whatever we didn’t". (The solution: lice.)"A Riddle, and How Homer Went Blind".Sententiae Antiquae. Retrieved8 November 2024.
  23. ^"Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns, and Homerica" (Contest of Homer and Hesiod)
  24. ^Parke, Herbert William (1967).Greek Oracles. pp. 136–137 citing theCertamen, 12.
  25. ^Kelly, Adrian D. "Biographies of Homer". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0243
  26. ^West, M. L.Theogony & Works and Days. Oxford University Press. p. xx.
  27. ^abcdeDickey, Eleanor. "Scholarship, Ancient". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1307
  28. ^abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzaaWest, M. L. (December 2011). "The Homeric Question Today".Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society.155 (4):383–393.JSTOR 23208780.
  29. ^abcdefghijklmnopLamberton, Robert (2010). "Homer". InGrafton, Anthony;Most, Glenn W.; Settis, Salvatore (eds.).The Classical Tradition. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press. pp. 449–452.ISBN 978-0-674-03572-0.
  30. ^abcHunter, Richard L. (2018).The Measure of Homer: The Ancient Reception of theIliad and theOdyssey. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 4–7.ISBN 978-1-108-42831-6.
  31. ^Kaldellis, Anthony. "Scholarship, Byzantine". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1308
  32. ^"Homer Editio Princeps".Chetham's Library. Retrieved7 January 2021.
  33. ^Heiden, Bruce. "Scholarship, Renaissance through 17th Century". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1310
  34. ^abcdeHeiden, Bruce. "Scholarship, 18th Century". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1311
  35. ^abcdeHeiden, Bruce. "Scholarship, 19th Century". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1312
  36. ^abcdefghijklmTaplin, Oliver (1986)."2: Homer". In Boardman, John; Griffin, Jasper; Murray, Oswyn (eds.).The Oxford History of the Classical World. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 50–77.ISBN 978-0198721123.
  37. ^abFoley, John Miles (1988).The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology. Indiana University Press.ISBN 978-0253342607.
  38. ^Heiden, Bruce. "Scholarship, 20th Century". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1313
  39. ^Edwards, Mark W. "Neoanalysis". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0968
  40. ^Reece, Steve. "The Cretan Odyssey: A Lie Truer than Truth".American Journal of Philology 115 (1994) 157–173.The_Cretan_Odyssey
  41. ^West, M. L. (1999). "The Invention of Homer".Classical Quarterly.49 (2):364–382.doi:10.1093/cq/49.2.364.ISSN 0009-8388.JSTOR 639863.
  42. ^West, Martin L. "Homeric Question". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0605
  43. ^Latacz, Joachim; Bierl, Anton; Olson, S. Douglas (2015)."New Trends in Homeric Scholarship" in Homer's Iliad: The Basel Commentary. De Gruyter.ISBN 978-1614517375.
  44. ^Saïd, Suzanne (2011).Homer and the Odyssey. OUP Oxford. pp. 14–17.ISBN 978-0199542840.
  45. ^abcGraziosi 2002, pp. 90–92
  46. ^abcFowler 2004, pp. 220–232
  47. ^Burgess, Jonathan S. (2003).The Tradition of the Trojan War in Homer and the Epic Cycle. JHU Press. pp. 49–53.ISBN 978-0801874819.
  48. ^Powell, Barry B. (1996).Homer and the Origins of the Greek Alphabet. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 217–222.ISBN 978-0-521-58907-9.
  49. ^Hall, Jonathan M. (2002).Hellenicity: Between Ethnicity and Culture. University of Chicago Press. pp. 235–236.ISBN 978-0226313290.
  50. ^West, Martin L. "Date of Homer". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0330
  51. ^Graziosi 2002, pp. 51–89.
  52. ^West, M. L. (1997).The East Face of Helicon: West Asiatic Elements in Greek Poetry and Myth. Oxford: Clarendon Press. p. 622.
  53. ^Raaflaub, Kurt A. "Historicity of Homer". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0601
  54. ^Finley, Moses I. (1991).The World of Odysseus. Penguin.ISBN 978-0140136869.
  55. ^Wees, Hans van (2009).War and Violence in Ancient Greece. ISD LLC.ISBN 978-1910589298.
  56. ^Morris, Ian (1986). "The Use and Abuse of Homer".Classical Antiquity.5 (1):81–138.doi:10.2307/25010840.JSTOR 25010840.
  57. ^Dowden, Ken; Livingstone, Niall (2011).A Companion to Greek Mythology. John Wiley & Sons. p. 440.ISBN 978-1444396935.
  58. ^abcSacks, David; Murray, Oswyn; Brody, Lisa R. (2014).Encyclopedia of the Ancient Greek World. Infobase Publishing. p. 356.ISBN 978-1438110202.
  59. ^abcMorris & Powell 1997, pp. 434–435
  60. ^Wood, Michael (1996).In Search of the Trojan War. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. p. 130.ISBN 978-0-520-21599-3. Retrieved1 September 2017.
  61. ^Schofield, Louise (2007).The Mycenaeans. Los Angeles, California: The J. Paul Getty Museum. p. 119.ISBN 978-0-89236-867-9. Retrieved1 September 2017.
  62. ^Everson, Tim (2004).Warfare in Ancient Greece: Arms and Armour from the Heroes of Homer to Alexander the Great. Brimscombe Port: The History Press. pp. 9–10.ISBN 978-0-7524-9506-4. Retrieved1 September 2017.
  63. ^Morris & Powell 1997, p. 625.
  64. ^Willi, Andreas. "Language, Homeric". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0792
  65. ^Bakker, Egbert J. (2010).A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language. John Wiley & Sons. p. 401.ISBN 978-1444317404.
  66. ^Edwards, Mark W. "Meter". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0913
  67. ^Nussbaum, Gerry B. (1986).Homer's Metre: A Practical Guide for Reading Greek Hexameter Poetry. Bristol Classical Press.ISBN 978-0862921729.
  68. ^Edwards, Mark W. "Style". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1377
  69. ^Reece, Steve T. "Type-Scenes". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1488
  70. ^Edwards, Mark W. (1992)."Homer and Oral Tradition: The Type-Scene".Oral Tradition.7:284–330.
  71. ^Stanley, Keith (2014).The Shield of Homer: Narrative Structure in the Illiad. Princeton University Press.ISBN 978-1400863372.
  72. ^Minchin, Elizabeth. "Ring Composition". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1287
  73. ^abcdAdler, Eve (2003).Vergil's Empire: Political Thought in the Aeneid. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. p. 4.ISBN 978-0-7425-2167-4.
  74. ^Steve Reece, "Homer's Iliad and Odyssey: From Oral Performance to Written Text", in Mark Amodio (ed.),New Directions in Oral Theory (Tempe: Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005) 43–89.
  75. ^Albert B. Lord,The Singer of Tales (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1960).
  76. ^Kirk, G. S. (1976).Homer and the Oral Tradition. Cambridge University Press. p. 117.ISBN 978-0521213097.
  77. ^Foley, John Miles. "Oral Dictated Texts". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1029
  78. ^Nagy, Gregory (1996).Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond. Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-0521558488.
  79. ^U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff,Homerische Untersuchungen (Berlin, 1884) 369; R. Pfeiffer,History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford, 1968) 116–117.
  80. ^West, Martin L. "Book Division". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe0253; S. West,The Ptolemaic Papyri of Homer (Cologne, 1967) 18–25.
  81. ^‹See TfM›
  82. ^Jensen, Minna Skafte (1980).The Homeric Question and the Oral-formulaic Theory. Museum Tusculanum Press. p. 128.ISBN 978-8772890968.
  83. ^abHaslam, Michael. "Text and Transmission". InFinkelberg (2012).doi:10.1002/9781444350302.wbhe1413



Selected bibliography



Texts in Homeric Greek

Interlinear translations


English translations

Main article:English translations of Homer

This is a partial list of translations into English of Homer'sIliad andOdyssey.

General works on Homer


Influential readings and interpretations




Dating the Homeric poems

  • Janko, Richard (1982).Homer, Hesiod and the Hymns: Diachronic Development in Epic Diction. Cambridge Classical Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.ISBN 978-0-521-23869-4.

Further reading


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