Herpetological studies can offer benefits relevant to other fields by providing research on the role of amphibians and reptiles inglobal ecology. For example, by monitoring amphibians that are very sensitive to environmental changes, herpetologists record visible warnings that significantclimate changes are taking place.[5][6] Although they can be deadly, sometoxins andvenoms produced by reptiles and amphibians are useful inhuman medicine. Currently, somesnake venom has been used to createanti-coagulants that work to treatstrokes andheart attacks.[7]
The wordherpetology is from theAncient Greek words ἑρπετόν (herpetón), meaning "creeping animal", and λόγος (lógos), meaning "study".[8]
"Herp" is avernacular term for non-avian reptiles and amphibians. It is derived from the archaic term "herpetile", with roots back toLinnaeus's classification of animals, in which he grouped reptiles and amphibians in the same class. There are over 6700species of amphibians[9] and over 9000 species of reptiles.[10] Despite its modern taxonomic irrelevance, the term has persisted, particularly in the names of herpetology, the scientific study of non-avian reptiles and amphibians, andherpetoculture, the captive care and breeding of reptiles and amphibians.
The field of herpetology can be divided into areas dealing with particulartaxonomic groups such as frogs and other amphibians (batrachology),[11][12] snakes (ophiology or ophidiology), lizards (saurology) and turtles (cheloniology, chelonology, or testudinology).[13][14]
More generally, herpetologists work on functional problems in theecology,evolution,physiology,behavior, taxonomy, ormolecular biology of amphibians and reptiles. Amphibians or reptiles can be used asmodel organisms for specific questions in these fields, such as the role of frogs in the ecology of awetland. All of these areas are related through their evolutionary history, an example being the evolution ofviviparity (including behavior andreproduction).[15]
Career options in the field of herpetology includelab research,field studies and surveys, assistance in veterinary and medical procedures, zoological staff, museum staff, and college teaching.[16]
In modern academic science, it is rare for an individual to solely consider themselves to be a herpetologist. Most individuals focus on a particular field such as ecology, evolution, taxonomy, physiology, or molecular biology, and within that field ask questions pertaining to or best answered by examining reptiles and amphibians. For example, anevolutionary biologist who is also a herpetologist may choose to work on an issue such as the evolution of warning coloration incoral snakes.[17]
Modern herpetological writers includeMark O'Shea[18] and Philip Purser. Modern herpetological showmen includeJeff Corwin,Steve Irwin (popularly known as the "Crocodile Hunter"), andAustin Stevens, popularly known as "Austin Snakeman" in the TV seriesAustin Stevens: Snakemaster.
Herpetology is an established hobby around the world due to the varied biodiversity in many environments. Many amateur herpetologists coin themselves as "herpers".[19]
Most colleges or universities do not offer a major in herpetology at theundergraduate or thegraduate level. Instead, persons interested in herpetology select a major in thebiological sciences. The knowledge learned about all aspects of thebiology of animals is then applied to an individual study of herpetology.[20]
Herpetology research is published in academic journals includingIchthyology & Herpetology, founded in 1913[21] (under the nameCopeia in honour ofEdward Drinker Cope);Herpetologica, founded in 1936;[22]Reptiles and amphibians, founded in 1990;[23] andContemporary Herpetology, founded in 1997 and stopped publishing in 2009.[24]