Two circular coil device which creates a homogeneous magnetic field
A Helmholtz coilHelmholtz coil schematic drawing
AHelmholtz coil is a device for producing a region of nearly uniformmagnetic field, named after the German physicistHermann von Helmholtz. It consists of twoelectromagnets on the same axis, carrying an equal electric current in the same direction. Besides creating magnetic fields, Helmholtz coils are also used in scientific apparatus to cancel external magnetic fields, such as the Earth's magnetic field.
A beam of cathode rays in a vacuum tube bent into a circle by a Helmholtz coil
A Helmholtz pair consists of two identical circular magnetic coils that are placed symmetrically along a common axis, one on each side of the experimental area, and separated by a distance equal to the radius of the coil. Each coil carries an equalelectric current in the same direction.[1]
Setting, which is what defines a Helmholtz pair, minimizes the nonuniformity of the field at the center of the coils, in the sense of setting[2] (meaning that the first nonzero derivative is as explained below), but leaves about 7% variation in field strength between the center and the planes of the coils.A slightly larger value of reduces the difference in field between the center and the planes of the coils, at the expense of worsening the field's uniformity in the region near the center, as measured by.[3]
In some applications, a Helmholtz coil is used to cancel out theEarth's magnetic field, producing a region with a magnetic field intensity much closer to zero.[4]
Magnetic field lines in a plane bisecting the current loops. Note the field is approximately uniform in between the coil pair. (In this picture the coils are placed one beside the other: the axis is horizontal.)Magnetic field induction along the axis crossing the center of coils;z = 0 is the point in the middle of the distance between coilsContours showing the magnitude of the magnetic field near a coil pair, with one coil at top and the other at bottom. Inside the central "octopus", the field is within 1% of its central valueB0. The eight contours are for field magnitudes of 0.5 B0, 0.8 B0, 0.9 B0, 0.95 B0, 0.99 B0, 1.01 B0, 1.05 B0, and 1.1 B0.
The calculation of the exact magnetic field at any point in space is mathematically complex and involves the study ofBessel functions. Things are simpler along the axis of the coil-pair, and it is convenient to think about theTaylor series expansion of the field strength as a function of, the distance from the central point of the coil-pair along the axis.By symmetry, the odd-order terms in the expansion are zero. By arranging the coils so that the origin is aninflection point for the field strength due to each coil separately, one can guarantee that the order term is also zero, and hence the leading non-constant term is of order. The inflection point for a simple coil is located along the coil axis at a distance from its centre. Thus the locations for the two coils are.
The calculation detailed below gives the exact value of the magnetic field at the center point. If the radius isR, the number of turns in each coil isn and the current through the coils isI, then the magnetic field B at the midpoint between the coils will be given by
is the distance dependent, dimensionless coefficient.
The Helmholtz coils consists ofn turns of wire, so the equivalent current in a one-turn coil isn times the currentI in then-turn coil. SubstitutingnI forI in the above formula gives the field for ann-turn coil:
For, the distance coefficientcan be expanded inTaylor series as:
In a Helmholtz pair, the two coils are located at, so theB-field strength at any would be:
The points near the center (halfway between the two coils) have, and theTaylor series of is:
Most Helmholtz coils use DC (direct) current to produce a static magnetic field. Many applications and experiments require a time-varying magnetic field. These applications include magnetic field susceptibility tests, scientific experiments, and biomedical studies (the interaction between magnetic field and living tissue). The required magnetic fields are usually either pulse or continuous sinewave. The magnetic field frequency range can be anywhere from near DC (0 Hz) to many kilohertz or even megahertz (MHz). An AC Helmholtz coil driver is needed to generate the required time-varying magnetic field. The waveform amplifier driver must be able to output high AC current to produce the magnetic field.
Generating a static magnetic field is relatively easy; the strength of the field is proportional to the current. Generating a high-frequency magnetic field is more challenging. The coils are inductors, and their impedance increases proportionally with frequency. To provide the same field intensity at twice the frequency requires twice the voltage across the coil. Instead of directly driving the coil with a high voltage, a series resonant circuit may be used to provide the high voltage.[7] A series capacitor is added in series with the coils. The capacitance is chosen to resonate the coil at the desired frequency. Only the coils parasitic resistance remains. This method only works at frequencies close to the resonant frequency; to generate the field at other frequencies requires different capacitors. The Helmholtz coil resonant frequency,, and capacitor value, C, are given below.[6]
When the pair of two electromagnets of a Helmholtz coil carry an equal electric current in the opposite direction, it is known asanti-Helmholtz coil, which creates a region of nearly uniform magnetic fieldgradient, and is used for creatingmagnetic traps for atomic physics experiments.
In an anti-Helmholtz pair, the B-field strength at any would be:
The points near the center (halfway between the two coils) have, and the Taylor series of is:
To improve the uniformity of the field in the space inside the coils, additional coils can be added around the outside.James Clerk Maxwell showed in 1873 that a third larger-diameter coil located midway between the two Helmholtz coils with the coil distance increased from coil radius to can reduce the variance of the field on the axis to zero up to the sixth derivative of position. This is sometimes called aMaxwell coil.
Amagnetic bottle has the same structure as Helmholtz coils, but with the magnets separated further apart so that the field expands in the middle, trapping charged particles with the diverging field lines. If one coil is reversed, it produces acusp trap, which also traps charged particles.[8]
Helmholtz coils were designed and built for theArmy Research Laboratory's electromagnetic composite testing laboratory in 1993, for testing of composite materials to low-frequency magnetic fields.[9]