Aheat wave orheatwave, sometimes described asextreme heat, is a period of abnormally hot weather[1]: 2911 generally considered to be at leastfive consecutive days. A heat wave is usually measured relative to the usual climate in the area and to normal temperatures for the season.[2] The main difficulties with this broad definition emerge when one must quantify what the 'normal' temperature state is, and what the spatial extent of the event may or must be. Temperatures that humans from a hotter climate consider normal can be regarded as a heat wave in a cooler area. This would be the case if the warm temperatures are outside the normalclimate pattern for that area. Heat waves have become more frequent, and more intense over land, across almost every area on Earth since the 1950s, the increase in frequency and duration being caused byclimate change.[3]: 8–10 [4]
Heat waves form when ahigh-pressure area in the upper atmosphere strengthens and remains over a region for several days up to several weeks.[5] This traps heat near the earth's surface. It is usually possible to forecast heat waves, thus allowing the authorities to issue a warning in advance.
Heat waves have an impact on the economy. They can reduce labour productivity, disrupt agricultural and industrial processes and damage infrastructure.[6][7] Severe heat waves have caused catastrophic crop failures and thousands of deaths fromhyperthermia. They have increased the risk ofwildfires in areas withdrought. They can lead to widespread electricity outages because more air conditioning is used. A heat wave counts asextreme weather. It poses danger to human health, because heat and sunlight overwhelm thethermoregulation in humans.
TheIPCC definesheatwave as "a period of abnormally hot weather, often defined with reference to a relative temperature threshold, lasting from two days to months."[8][1]: 2911
A definition based on theHeat Wave Duration Index is that a heat wave occurs when the daily maximum temperature of more than five consecutive days exceeds the average maximum temperature by 5 °C (9 °F), the normal period being 1961–1990.[9] The same definition is used by theWorld Meteorological Organization.[10]
A definition from theGlossary of Meteorology is:[11] "A period of abnormally and uncomfortably hot and usually humid weather."
Marine heatwaves are generally described as prolonged discrete periods of unusually warm sea surface temperatures in a specific region. At this time the most commonly accepted definition is that proposed by Hobday et. al.[12] which refers to an algorithm that uses percentile values for temperatures, and defines a threshold set as the 90th percentile for a given day of the year, above which one can say a marine heatwave is occurring. This definition can be used with temperature data acquired anywhere in the world, allowing for comparisons across different observations and latitudes.
Denmark defines a national heat wave (hedebølge) as a period of at least 3 consecutive days in which the average maximum temperature across more than half the country exceeds 28 °C (82.4 °F). TheDanish Meteorological Institute also has a definition for a "warmth wave" (varmebølge). It defines this using the same criteria for a 25 °C (77.0 °F) temperature.[13] Sweden defines a heat wave as at least five days in a row with a daily high exceeding 25 °C (77.0 °F).[14]
In Greece, theHellenic National Meteorological Service defines a heat wave as occurring over three consecutive days with temperatures at 39 °C (102 °F) or higher. In the same period the minimum temperature is 26 °C (79 °F) or more. During this period, there are either no winds or only weak winds. These conditions occur in a broad area.
The Netherlands defines a heat wave as a period of at least five consecutive days in which the maximum temperature inDe Bilt exceeds 25 °C (77 °F). During this period the maximum temperature in De Bilt must exceed 30 °C (86 °F) for at least three days. Belgium also uses this definition of a heat wave withUkkel as a reference point. So does Luxembourg.
In the United Kingdom, theMet Office operates a Heat Health Watch system. This places each Local Authority region into one of four levels. Heat wave conditions occur when the maximum daytime temperature and minimum nighttime temperature rise above the threshold for a particular region. The length of time above that threshold determines the level. Level 1 represents normal summer conditions. Level 2 occurs when there is a 60% or higher risk that the temperature will be above the threshold levels for two days and the intervening night. Level 3 arises when the temperature has been above the threshold for the preceding day and night, and there is a 90% or higher chance that it will stay above the threshold in the following day. Level 4 is triggered if conditions are more severe than those of the preceding three levels. Each of the first three levels gives rise to a particular state of readiness and response by the social and health services. Level 4 involves a more widespread response.[15] The threshold for a heat wave occurs when there are at least three days above 25 °C (77 °F) across much of the country. Greater London has a threshold of 28 °C (82 °F).[16]
In Ireland, a heat wave is defined as temperatures exceeding 25 °C (77 °F) for five or more consecutive days.[17]
In the United States, definitions also vary by region. They usually involve a period of at least two or more days of excessively hot weather.[18] In theNortheast, a heat wave is typically when the temperature reaches or exceeds 90 °F (32.2 °C) for three or more consecutive days. This is not always the case. This is because the high temperature ties in with humidity levels to determine a heat index threshold.[19] The same does not apply to drier climates. A heat storm is a Californian term for an extended heat wave. Heat storms occur when the temperature reaches 100 °F (37.8 °C) for three or more consecutive days over a wide area (tens of thousands of square miles).[20] TheNational Weather Service issuesheat advisories andexcessive heat warnings when it expects unusual periods of hot weather.
In Canada, heat waves are defined using the daily maximum and minimum temperatures, and in most of the country, thehumidex as well, exceeding a regional threshold for two or more days. The threshold in which daily maximum temperatures must exceed ranges between 28 °C (82 °F) in Newfoundland and 35 °C (95 °F) in interior British Columbia, though this threshold is much lower in Nunavut, ranging between 22 °C (72 °F) and 26 °C (79 °F).[21]
In Adelaide, South Australia, a heat wave is five consecutive days at or above 35 °C (95 °F), or three consecutive days at or over 40 °C (104 °F).[22] TheAustralian Bureau of Meteorology defines a heat wave as three or more days of unusual maximum and minimum temperatures.[23] Before this new Pilot Heatwave Forecast there was no national definition for heat waves or measures of heat wave severity.[23]
InNew Zealand, heat waves thresholds depend on local climatology, with the temperature threshold ranging between 27 °C (81 °F) in Greymouth and 32 °C (90 °F) in Gisborne.[24]
Marine heatwaves have become a prominent subject of research in recent years, reflecting the fact that since the turn of this century many ocean areas have experienced peaks of temperatures, along with more frequent, more intense, more prolonged warming events than ever met on record.[25] The genesis of marine heatwaves is mainly driven by a combination of oceanic and atmospheric factors, often triggered by high pressure systems that will reduce cloud cover and increase solar absorption by the sea surface. Human-induced climate change appears bound to play a growing role in the development of marine heatwaves, with increasing impacts on marine ecosystems, such as mass mortality in benthic communities, coral bleaching events, disruptions in fishery catches, and shifts in species distributions.
New high temperature records have outpaced new low temperature records on a growing portion of Earth's surface.[26]
Large increases in both the frequency and intensity ofextreme weather events (for increasing degrees of global warming) are expected.[3]: 18
Map of increasing heat wave trends (frequency and cumulative intensity) over the midlatitudes and Europe, July–August 1979–2020[27]
It is possible to compare heat waves in different regions of the world with different climates thanks to a general indicator that appeared in 2015.[28] With these indicators, experts estimated heat waves at the global scale from 1901 to 2010. They found a substantial and sharp increase in the number of affected areas in the last two decades.[29]
One study in 2021 investigated 13,115 cities. It found that extreme heat exposure of awet bulb globe temperature above 30 Celsius tripled between 1983 and 2016, and if the effect of population growth (increasing theurban heat island effect) during those years is excluded, the exposure increased a further 50%. The researchers compiled a comprehensive list of past urban extreme heat events.[30][31]
Heat waves form when ahigh pressure area at an altitude of 3,000–7,600 metres (9,800–24,900 feet) strengthens and remains over a region for several days and up to several weeks.[5] This is common in summer in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. This is because thejet stream 'follows the sun'. The high pressure area is on the equator side of the jet stream in the upper layers of the atmosphere.
Weather patterns are generally slower to change in summer than in winter. So, this upper level high pressure also moves slowly. Under high pressure, the air sinks toward the surface. It warms and driesadiabatically. This inhibitsconvection and prevents the formation of clouds. A reduction of clouds increases theshortwave radiation reaching the surface. Alow pressure area at the surface leads to surface wind from lower latitudes that brings warm air, enhancing the warming. The surface winds could also blow from the hot continental interior towards the coastal zone. This would lead to heat waves on the coast. They could also blow from high towards low elevations. This enhances the subsidence or sinking of the air and therefore the adiabatic warming.[32][33]
In the eastern regions of the United States a heat wave can occur when ahigh pressure system originating in the Gulf of Mexico becomes stationary just off the Atlantic Seaboard. Hot humid air masses form over the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. At the same time hot dry air masses form over the desert Southwest and northern Mexico. The southwest winds on the back side of the high continue to pump hot, humid Gulf air northeastwards. This results in a spell of hot and humid weather for much of the eastern United States and into southeastern Canada.[34]
In theWestern Cape Province of South Africa, a heat wave can occur when thelow-pressure area offshore and thehigh-pressure area inland combine to form abergwind. The air warms as it descends from the Karoo interior. The temperature will rise about 10 Celsius from the interior to the coast. Humidity is usually very low. The temperature can be over 40 Celsius in summer. The highest temperature recorded in South Africa (51.5 Celsius) occurred one summer during a berg wind along the Eastern Cape coastline.[35][36]
The level ofsoil moisture can intensify heat waves in Europe.[37][38] Low soil moisture leads to a number of complex feedback mechanisms. These in turn can result in increased surface temperatures. One of the main mechanisms is reduced evaporative cooling of the atmosphere.[37] When water evaporates, it consumes energy. So, it will lower the surrounding temperature. If the soil is very dry, then incoming radiation from the sun will warm the air. But there will be little or no cooling effect from moisture evaporating from the soil.
Heatwaves over land have become more frequent and more intense in almost all world regions since the 1950s, due toclimate change. Heat waves are more likely to occur simultaneously with droughts.Marine heatwaves are twice as likely as they were in 1980.[39] Climate change will lead to more very hot days and fewer very cold days.[40]: 7 There are fewercold waves.[41]: 8
Experts can often attribute the intensity of individual heat waves to global warming. Some extreme events would have been nearly impossible without human influence on the climate system. A heatwave that would occur once every ten years before global warming started now occurs 2.8 times as often. Under further warming, heatwaves are set to become more frequent. An event that would occur every ten years would occur every other year if global warming reaches 2 °C (3.6 °F).[42]
Heat illness is a spectrum of disorders due to increased body temperature. It can be caused by either environmental conditions or byexertion. It includes minor conditions such as heat cramps, heat syncope, and heat exhaustion as well as the more severe condition known as heat stroke.[43] It can affect any or all anatomical systems.[44] Heat illnesses include:[45][46]heat stroke,heat exhaustion,heat syncope,heat edema,heat cramps,heat rash, heattetany.
Prevention includes avoiding medications that can increase the risk of heat illness, gradual adjustment to heat, and sufficient fluids and electrolytes.[47][48]
Exposure to extreme heat poses an acute health hazard, especially for people deemed as vulnerable.[49][50] Vulnerable people with regard toheat illnesses include people with low incomes, minority groups, women (in particular pregnant women), children, older adults (over 65 years old), people with chronic diseases, disabilities andmultiple long-term health conditions.[49]: 13 Other people at risk include those living in urban environments (due to theurban heat island effect), outdoor workers and people who take certainprescription drugs.[49]
Health experts warn that "exposure to extreme heat increases the risk of death fromcardiovascular,cerebrovascular, andrespiratory conditions and all-cause mortality. Heat-related deaths in people older than 65 years reached a record high of an estimated 345 000 deaths in 2019".[49]: 9 More than 70,000 Europeans died as a result of the2003 European heat wave.[56] Also more than 2,000 people died inKarachi, Pakistan in June 2015 due to a severe heat wave with temperatures as high as 49 °C (120 °F).[57][58]
Due to climate change temperatures rose in Europe and heat mortality increased. From 2003–12 to 2013–22 alone, it increased by 17 deaths per 100,000 people, while women are more vulnerable than men.[59]
The number of heat fatalities is probably highly underreported. This is due to a lack of reports and to misreporting.[60] When considering heat-related illnesses as well, actual death tolls from extreme heat may be six times higher than official figures. This is based on studies of California[61] and Japan.[62]
Part of the mortality during a heat wave may be due to short-term forwardmortality displacement. In some heat waves there is a decrease in overall mortality in the weeks after a heat wave. These compensatory reductions in mortality suggest that heat affects people who would have died anyway, and brings their deaths forward.[63]
Social institutions and structures influence the effects of risks. This factor can also help explain the underreporting of heat waves as a health risk. The deadlyFrench heat wave in 2003 showed that heat wave dangers result from a combination of natural and social factors.[64] Social invisibility is one such factor. Heat-related deaths can occur indoors, for instance among elderly people living alone. In these cases it can be challenging to assign heat as a contributing factor.[65]
Excessive heat causes psychological stress as well as physicalstress. This can affect performance. It may also lead to an increase in violent crime.[66] High temperatures are associated with increased conflict between individuals and at the social level. In every society,crime rates go up when temperatures go up. This is particularly the case with violent crimes such as assault, murder and rape. In politically unstable countries, high temperatures can exacerbate factors that lead to civil war.[67]
High temperatures also have a significant effect on income. A study of countries in the United States found that the economic productivity of individual days declines by about 1.7 percent for each degree Celsius above 15 °C (59 °F).[68]
High temperatures also make the effects ofozone pollution in urban areas worse. This raises heat-related mortality during heat waves.[69] During heat waves in urban areas, ground level ozone pollution can be 20 percent higher than usual.[70]
One study looked at fine particle concentrations and ozone concentrations from 1860 to 2000. It found that the global population-weighted fine particle concentrations increased by 5 percent due to climate change. Near-surface ozone concentrations rose by 2 percent.[71]
An investigation to assess the joint mortality effects of ozone and heat during the European heat waves in 2003 concluded that these appear to be additive.[72]
2009 southeastern Australia heat wave, thermal map approximate affected area shown in red
Calculations from 2022 suggest that heat waves will shrink the global economy by about 1 percent decrease by the middle of the 21st century.[73][74][7]
Heat waves often have complex effects on economies. They reduce labour productivity, disrupt agricultural and industrial processes and damage infrastructure that is not suitable for extreme heat.[6][7] In 2016, a marine heatwave in Chile and its subsequentharmful algal bloom caused $800 million (USD) in export losses for the aquaculture industry as salmon and shellfish died off.[75]
Heat waves are a big threat to agricultural production. In 2019 heat waves in theMulanje region ofMalawi involved temperatures as high as 40 °C (104 °F). This and a late rain season scorched tea leaves and reduced yields.[76]
Once the body temperature of livestock animals is 3–4 °C (5.4–7.2 °F) above normal, this soon leads to "heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heatsyncope,heat cramps, and ultimatelyorgan dysfunction". Livestock mortality rates are already known to be higher during the hottest months of the year, as well as duringheatwaves. During the2003 European heat wave, for instance, thousands of pigs, poultry, and rabbits died in the French regions ofBrittany andPays-de-la-Loire alone.[77]
Livestock can also suffer multiple sublethal impacts from heat stress, such as reduced milk production. Once the temperatures exceed 30 °C (86 °F), cattle, sheep, goats, pigs and chickens all begin to consume 3–5% less feed for each subsequent degree of temperature increase.[78] At the same time, they increaserespiratory andsweating rates, and the combination of these responses can lead tometabolic disorders. One examples isketosis, or the rapid accumulation ofketone bodies, caused by the animal's body rapidlycatabolizing its fat stores to sustain itself.[77] Heat stress also causes an increase inantioxidantenzyme activities, which can result in an imbalance of oxidant and antioxidant molecules, otherwise known asoxidative stress. Feed supplementation withantioxidants likechromium can help address oxidative stress and prevent it from leading to other pathological conditions, but only in a limited way.[79]
Theimmune system is also known to be impaired in heat-stressed animals, rendering them more susceptible to various infections.[77] Similarly,vaccination of livestock is less effective when they suffer from heat stress.[80] So far, heat stress had been estimated by researchers using inconsistent definitions, and current livestock models have limited correlation with experimental data.[81] Notably, since livestock like cows spend much of their day laying down, comprehensive heat stress estimation needs to take account of ground temperature as well,[82] but the first model to do so was only published in 2021, and it still tends to systematically overestimate body temperature while underestimating breathing rate.[83]
Heat waves cause roads and highways to buckle and melt,[84] water lines to burst, and power transformers to detonate, causing fires. A heat wave can also damage railways, by buckling and kinking rails. This can slow down or delay traffic. It can even lead to cancellations of service when rails are too dangerous to traverse by trains.
Heat waves often lead to spikes in electricity demand because there is more use of air conditioning. This can create power outages, making the problem worse. During the2006 North American heat wave, thousands of homes and businesses went without power, especially in California. In Los Angeles, electrical transformers failed, leaving thousands without power for as long as five days.[85]Theearly 2009 southeastern Australia heat wave caused major power disruptions in the city of Melbourne. They left over half a million people without power as the heat wave blew transformers and overloaded a power grid.
A heat wave occurring during a drought can contribute to bushfires and wildfires. This is because a drought dries out vegetation, so it is more likely to catch fire. During the disastrous heat wave thatstruck Europe in 2003, fires raged through Portugal. They destroyed over 3,010 square kilometres (1,160 sq mi) of forest and 440 square kilometres (170 sq mi) of agricultural land. They caused about €1 billion worth of damage.[86] High endfarmlands have irrigation systems to back upcrops.
Heat waves can also contribute to flooding. Because hot air is able to carry more moisture, heatwaves may be followed by extreme rainfall especially inmid-latitude regions.[87] For example, the record-breaking heat wave that afflicted Pakistan beginning in May 2022 led to glacier melt and moisture flow. These were factors in thedevastating floods that began in June and claimed over 1,100 lives.[88]
Researchers have predicted that roughly 10-40% of all land vertebrate species will be affected by heat waves by 2099, depending on the amount of future greenhouse gas emissions.[89] Heatwaves present an additional form of stress andevolutionary pressure for species that already deal with habitat loss and climate change.
Species have a thermalrange of tolerance that describes the temperatures where they perform best. Temperature conditions that are outside of this range may experience decreased fitness and the inability to reproduce.[90][91] The species with sufficient genetic variation will be able to ensure some individuals can survive frequent days of high temperatures in the future.[92]
Marine heatwaves may cause mass mortality in fish populations, especially for species that are better adapted to cooler temperatures.[93] Species that have adapted to warmer temperatures may expand their range during a heatwave. These invasive species may outcompete the native species that experience higher mortality during a heatwave, which disrupts ecosystem functioning.[93] Marine heatwaves have also been correlated with negative impacts onfoundation species such as coral and kelp.[94]
A possible public health measure during heat waves is to set up air-conditioned public cooling centres. Adding air conditioning in schools provides a cooler work place.[95] But it can result in additionalgreenhouse gas emissions unlesssolar energy is used.
Policymakers, funders and researchers have created theExtreme Heat Resilience Alliance coalition under theAtlantic Council. This advocates for naming heat waves, measuring them, and ranking them to build better awareness of their impacts.[96][97]
Since April 2024 Southeast Asia has faced asevere heatwave, resulting in unprecedented high temperatures of up to 38.8 °C (101.8 °F) that have caused school closures and prompted urgent health advisories throughout the region.[102][103][104]
2024 Indian heat wave - Since May 2024, the longest heat wave has occurred in India and Pakistan with a new record temperature for India's capital New Delhi of 49 °C (120 °F) (an even higher record of 53 °C (127 °F) had initially been reported in New Delhi on May 29 but was later found to be attributable to a faulty sensor), and temperatures in Pakistan getting as high as 52.2 °C (126.0 °F).[105][106][107]
2024 European heatwaves - Since mid-June 2024, Greece has been experiencing a heatwave, Europe's first heatwave of the year. Temperatures in Greece are forecast to reach to 43 °C (109 °F).[108] Turkey has also been affected with temperatures hitting 44 °C (111 °F).
In mid-June, high temperatures inMecca, characterized as a heat wave,resulted in the deaths of pilgrims in the city for Hajj from countries including Indonesia, Jordan, Tunisia, and India.[109][110][111] It is reported that as many as 1300 people may have died.[112] Saudi authorities have said most who died were not officially authorized to perform Hajj.[113] Forecasts predicted temperatures as high as 113 °F (45 °C) on 19 June 2024.[111] The heat also impactedKuwait, where heightened demand caused officials at theMinistry of Electricity, Water and Renewable Energy to temporarily stop distribution of electricity to portions of the nation.[114]
2024 Pakistan heat wave - In June 2024, Pakistan experienced a heat wave.[115] TheEdhi Foundation inKarachi said it transported a higher-than-normal number of bodies to the morgue during the period of 20 to 25 June.[116]
2024 Japan heatwaves - At least 59 heat-related deaths were recorded in Japan, with at least 62 temperature observation posts across Japan breaking temperature records in July 2024. According to theJapan Meteorological Agency (JMA), the average temperatures reached during the heatwaves represented the hottest for Japan in April and July since its record-keeping began in 1898.[119][120]
Since May 2024, a severe and long heat wave has impactedIndia.[121] The heat wave occurred during the Indiandry season, which typically lasts from March to July with peak temperatures in April and May.Rajasthan'sChuru recorded 50.5 °C (122.9 °F), which was the highest temperature in India in eight years.[122]
A temperature of 52.9°C recorded in Mungeshpur, Delhi, originally thought to be record-breaking, turned out to be roughly 3°C too high due to a faulty sensor.[123][124]
Since April 2024, severalSoutheast Asian countries have experienced record-breaking temperatures which have left several people dead.[125][126]Heat indices peaked at 53 °C (127 °F) inIba in thePhilippines on 28 April 2024. The heat wave has been attributed to a combination of causes, includingclimate change andEl Niño.[125]
In some countries, the high heat has caused excessive energy demand. Drought conditions have worsened across the region. In Indonesia,dengue infections increased. InMyanmar, the heat wave exacerbated the humanitarian crisis caused by theongoing civil war. Many government agencies have declared local emergencies and advised safety measures to protect residents from the heat, and some countries have closed schools or shortened their hours.
A study found the average resident in China was exposed to 16 days of heat waves in 2023, with more than 37,000 heat wave-related deaths. Besides, the number of work hours lost due to heat stress in China was 36.9 billion in 2023, and China’s citizens experienced a 60% surge in lost safe outdoor activity hours, with each person losing 2.2 hours on average each day. The study predicted that by the 2060s, annual heat wave-related mortality is expected to reach 29,000 to 38,000 in China, with a 28% to 37% increase in work hours lost.[127]
Over decades, the average number of days spent in heat waves in the U.S. annually has increased, based on increases in both the average annual number of heat waves and on their average durations.[128]
In July 2019, there were over 50 million people in the United States in jurisdictions with heat advisories. Scientists predicted that many records for highest low temperatures would be broken in the days following these warnings. This means the lowest temperature in a 24-hour period will be higher than any low temperature measured before.[129]
According to a 2022 study, 107 million people in the US will experience extremely dangerous heat in the year 2053.[130]
Heat waves are the most lethal type of weather phenomenon in the United States. Between 1992 and 2001, deaths from excessive heat in the United States numbered 2,190, compared with 880 deaths from floods and 150 fromtropical cyclones.[131] About 400 deaths a year on average are directly due to heat in the United States.[60] The1995 Chicago heat wave, one of the worst in US history, led to approximately 739 heat-related deaths over 5 days.[132] In the United States, the loss of human life in hot spells in summer exceeds that caused by all other weather events. These includelightning,rain,floods,hurricanes, andtornadoes.[133][134]
About 6,200 Americans need hospital treatment each summer, according to data from 2008. This is due to excessive heat, and those at highest risk are poor, uninsured or elderly.[135]
The relationship between extreme temperature and mortality in the United States varies by location. Heat is more likely to increase the risk of death in cities in the northern part of the country than in southern regions. As a whole, people in the United States appear to be adapting to hotter temperatures further north each decade. This might be due to better infrastructure, more modern building design and better public awareness.[136]
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