Harry & Bunnie is aMalaysian animated television series created by the Malaysian-based company, Animasia Studio. It follows young wannabe magician Harry who invents magical tricks to impress his friends, but always in vain. Meanwhile, his mischievous stage rabbit Bunnie always ends up stealing the limelight with his ongoing mission to steal Harry's magic wand. Harry always creates elaborate plans to take back his wand but always fails in the end.[1]
The show is a non-dialogue slapstick comedy with 78 episodes with all of them 7 minutes each. This show is no longer running onNetflix,CITV, and other channels.
Harry — A young wannabe magician who auditions his way into a magical school in the first episode. Harry wants very much to impress others with his magical skills; unfortunately, though inventive, he is far less talented and lucky in pulling off magic than his mischievous former stage rabbit, Bunnie, who steals hismagic wand in the first episode, becoming the school's star pupil. Thereafter Bunny seems always to steal Harry's limelight. Harry is largely motivated by his desire to regain the magic wand and to humiliate Bunnie, and is very unscrupulous in how he attempts to do so. Nevertheless, Harry will occasionally team up with Bunnie if they are threatened by a common danger (such as the school's security guard); sometimes Harry will even display a soft side and go so far as to cooperate with Bunnie to do some charitable act, such as rescuing a baby Yeti or delivering toys to children. He hasdark blue eyes and hair (arunning gag in the show is for hisquiff to become mussed and for Harry to tease it desperately back into place) and wears a magician's blacktailcoat with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows, a blackbowtie, a redcummerbund, dark gray trousers, and redsneakers.
Bunnie — A naughty rabbit that used to be Harry's magic prop in his performance. Having stolen Harry's magic wand after considerable provocation, he thereafter becomes the magical school's best student, and the favorite of the Headmistress, Penny. Bunnie has a ravenous appetite for carrots (indeed, Harry's having deprived Bunnie of his carrot was the original cause of their quarrel), though he quickly appears to develop almost as great an appetite for humiliating Harry, whom he will frequently taunt by waggling his tongue at the boy while pointing at it with one of his ears. Bunnie appears to be very popular with his fellow students; later in the series, he develops a romance with apink kitten named Katty. Bunnie is a white rabbit with a brace on his front teeth, dark blue eyes, asky blue shirt with apale yellow stripe, a black bow tie, and black shorts.
Penny — Headmistress of the magical school. She appears to be a skillful magician, a strict disciplinarian (she has a tendency to restore order by blowing anairhorn), and a good teacher, who takes her pupils on numerous field trips and outings. She is particularly fond of Bunnie, whereas she appears to have a grudge against Harry—most likely because of his continual destruction of property, both the school's and her own—though she shows an unexpected tenderness for him when he is turned into a baby. Penny has scanty gray hair, glasses,dentures (several episodes revolve around her desire for new and better ones), and a rather hunched figure; she wears a bejeweledturban, gold earrings and bracelets, and awisteria violet andmagenta robe; her wand isgold-colored with anemerald green crystal on the end.
The Security Guard — He ruthlessly enforces discipline for the school. The guard shows absolutely no favoritism and is just as likely to thwart Bunnie as he is Harry or any other student, though Harry does have a particular tendency to provoke him, particularly when he is off duty. The Guard is a husky, muscular man with a thick black mustache and frizzy black hair; he usually wears a blue uniform.
Bob — A male student; he is strong and continually hungry, often shown consuming over-sizedhero sandwiches. He is stout, with red hair, center-parted and combed into "wings"; he wears a black top hat with a red hat-ribbon, a magician's black tailcoat (which also resembles a blackmotorcycle jacket, a whiteT-shirt with a lightning bolt logo,bluejeans, and light red sneakers. When the students engage in team sports, Bob will often be on Harry's side. In "The Pet Competition" we see that Bob has a pet cat.
Fiona — A female student. She is tall and thin, with amulberryponytail andmint greenstars on her cheeks. She wears a bluepointed hat withgreen stars, a green hair ribbon, mint green star-shaped earrings, a jeans jacket rolled up at the elbows, a mint green top and short mulberry skirt with a broad black belt, mint green and white stripedknee socks, and mulberry sneakers.
Samy — A male student. He is very often seen playing thepungi,charming his petIndian cobra (to mixed results), or enchanting ropesà la theIndian rope trick. Samy is tall and thin, with black hair; he wears a red turban with a gold stripe and anaigrette with aroyal purple jewel and a white plume, apurple earring, a long blueNehru jacket with gold collar, cuffs, hem, and buttons, light gray trousers, and black sneakers.
Susan — A female student. She is very short, slant-eyed, andbuck-toothed, with bowl-cut hair,electric blue behind andhot pink in front. She wears a violet top hat withsea green andhot pinkpolka-dots and a black hat-ribbon, large round sea-green spectacles, a violethaori over a short hot pinkkimono, a light blueobi, and purple sneakers. She nearly always carries a hot pinkfolding hand fan.