Hang gliding is anair sport or recreational activity in which a pilot flies a light, non-motorised,fixed-wing heavier-than-airaircraft called ahang glider. Most modern hang gliders are made of analuminium alloy orcomposite frame covered with syntheticsailcloth[1] to form awing. Typically the pilot is in a harness suspended from theairframe, and controls the aircraft by shifting body weight in opposition to a control frame.
Early hang gliders had a lowlift-to-drag ratio, so pilots were restricted togliding down small hills. By the 1980s this ratio significantly improved, and since then pilots have been able tosoar for hours, gain thousands of feet of altitude inthermal updrafts, perform aerobatics, and glide cross-country for hundreds of kilometers. TheFederation Aeronautique Internationale and national airspace governing organisations control some regulatory aspects of hang gliding. Obtaining the safety benefits of being instructed is highly recommended and indeed a mandatory requirement in many countries.[2][3]
In 1853,George Cayley invented a slope-launched, piloted glider.Most early glider designs did not ensure safe flight; the problem was that early flight pioneers did not sufficiently understand the underlying principles that made a bird's wing work. Starting in the 1880s, technical and scientific advancements were made that led to the first truly practicalgliders, such as those developed in the United States byJohn Joseph Montgomery.Otto Lilienthal built controllable gliders in the 1890s, with which he couldridge soar. His rigorously documented work influenced later designers, making Lilienthal one of the most influential earlyaviation pioneers. His aircraft was controlled by weight shift and is similar to a modern hang glider.
Hang gliding saw a stiffened flexible wing hang glider in 1904, whenJan Lavezzari flew a double lateen sail hang glider offBerck Beach,France. In 1910 inBreslau, thetriangle control frame with hang glider pilot hung behind the triangle in a hang glider, was evident in a gliding club's activity.[4] The biplane hang glider was very widely publicized in public magazines with plans for building;[5] such biplane hang gliders were constructed and flown in several nations sinceOctave Chanute and his tailed biplane hang gliders were demonstrated. In April 1909, a how-to article by Carl S. Bates proved to be a seminal hang glider article that seemingly affected builders even of contemporary times. Many builders would have their firsthang glider made by following the plan in his article.[6] Volmer Jensen with a biplane hang glider in 1940 called VJ-11 allowed safe three-axis control of a foot-launched hang glider.[7]
On 23 November 1948,Francis Rogallo andGertrude Rogallo applied for akite patent[8] for a fully flexible kited wing with approved claims for its stiffenings and gliding uses; theflexible wing orRogallo wing, which in 1957 the American space agencyNASA began testing in various flexible and semi-rigid configurations in order to use it as a recovery system for the Geminispace capsules. The various stiffening formats and the wing's simplicity of design and ease of construction, along with its capability of slow flight and its gentle landing characteristics, did not go unnoticed by hang glider enthusiasts. In 1960–1962Barry Hill Palmer adapted the flexible wing concept to make foot-launched hang gliders with four different control arrangements.[9] In 1963 Mike Burns adapted the flexible wing to build a towable kite-hang glider he calledSkiplane. In 1963,John W. Dickenson adapted the flexible wingairfoil concept to make another water-ski kite glider; for this, theFédération Aéronautique Internationale vested Dickenson with the Hang Gliding Diploma (2006) for the invention of the "modern" hang glider.[10] Since then, the Rogallo wing has been the most usedairfoil of hang gliders.
Hang glider sailcloth is normally made from woven or laminated fiber, such asdacron ormylar, respectively.
Woven polyester sailcloth is a very tight weave of small diameter polyester fibers that has been stabilized by the hot-press impregnation of a polyester resin. The resin impregnation is required to provide resistance to distortion and stretch. This resistance is important in maintaining the aerodynamic shape of the sail. Woven polyester provides the best combination of light weight and durability in a sail, with the best overall handling qualities.
Laminated sail materials using polyester film achieve superior performance by using a lower stretch material that is better at maintaining sail shape, but is still relatively light in weight. The disadvantages of polyester film fabrics are that the reduced elasticity under load generally results in stiffer and less responsive handling, and polyester laminated fabrics are generally not as durable or long-lasting as the woven fabrics.
In most hang gliders, the pilot is ensconced in a harness suspended from theairframe, and exercises control by shifting body weight in opposition to a stationary control frame, also known as a triangle control frame, or an A-frame. The control frame normally consists of 2 "down-tubes" and a control bar/base bar/base-tube. Either end of the control bar is attached to an upright tube or a more aerodynamic strut (a "down-tube"), where both extend from the base-tube and are connected to the apex of the control frame/ the keel of the glider. This creates the shape of a triangle or 'A-frame'. In many of these configurations additional wheels or other equipment can be suspended from the bottom bar or rod ends.
Images showing a triangle control frame onOtto Lilienthal's 1892 hang glider shows that the technology of such frames has existed since the early design of gliders, but he did not mention it in his patents. A control frame for body weight shift was also shown inOctave Chanute's designs. It was a major part of the now common design of hang gliders byGeorge A. Spratt from 1929.[11] The most simple A-frame that is cable-stayed was demonstrated in a Breslau gliding club hang gliding meet in a battened wing foot-launchable hang glider in the year 1908 by W. Simon; hang glider historian Stephan Nitsch has collected instances also of the U control frame used in the first decade of the 1900s; the U is variant of the A-frame.
Due to the poor safety record of early hang gliding pioneers, the sport has traditionally been considered unsafe. Advances in pilot training and glider construction have led to a much improved safety record. Modern hang gliders are very sturdy when constructed to Hang Glider Manufacturers Association,BHPA, Deutscher Hängegleiterverband, or other certified standards using modern materials. Although lightweight, they can be easily damaged, either through misuse or by continued operation in unsafe wind and weather conditions. All modern gliders have built-in dive recovery mechanisms such as luff lines in kingposted gliders, or "sprogs" in topless gliders.
Pilots fly in harnesses that support their bodies. Several different types of harnesses exist. Pod harnesses are put on like a jacket and the leg portion is behind the pilot during launch. Once in the air the feet are tucked into the bottom of the harness. They are zipped up in the air with a rope and unzipped before landing with a separate rope. A cocoon harness is slipped over the head and lies in front of the legs during launch. After takeoff, the feet are tucked into it and the back is left open. A knee hanger harness is also slipped over the head but the knee part is wrapped around the knees before launch and just pick up the pilots leg automatically after launch. A supine or suprone harness is a seated harness. The shoulder straps are put on before launch and after takeoff the pilot slides back into the seat and flies in a seated position.
Pilots carry aparachute enclosed in the harness. In case of serious problems, the parachute is manually deployed (either by hand or with aballistic assist) and carries both pilot and glider down to earth. Pilots also wear helmets and generally carry other safety items such as knives (for cutting their parachute bridle after impact or cutting their harness lines and straps in case of a tree or water landing), light ropes (for lowering from trees to haul up tools or climbing ropes), radios (for communication with other pilots or ground crew), and first-aid equipment.
The accident rate from hang glider flying has been dramatically decreased by pilot training. Early hang glider pilots learned their sport through trial and error and gliders were sometimes home-built. Training programs have been developed for today's pilot with emphasis on flight within safe limits, as well as the discipline to cease flying when weather conditions are unfavorable, for example: excess wind or riskcloud suck.
In the UK, a 2011 study reported there is one death per 116,000 flights, a risk comparable to sudden cardiac death from running a marathon or playing tennis.[12] An estimate of worldwide mortality rate is one death per 1,000 active pilots per year.[13][14]
Most pilots learn at recognised courses which lead to the internationally recognised International Pilot Proficiency Information card issued by theFAI.
Launch techniques include launching from a hill/cliff/mountain/sand dune/any raised terrain on foot, tow-launching from a ground-based tow system, aerotowing (behind a powered aircraft),powered harnesses, and being towed up by a boat. Modern winch tows typically utilize hydraulic systems designed to regulate line tension, this reduces scenarios for lock out as strong aerodynamic forces will result in additional rope spooling out rather than direct tension on the tow line. Other more exotic launch techniques have also been used successfully, such ashot air balloon drops from very high altitude. When weather conditions are unsuitable to sustain a soaring flight, this results in a top-to-bottom flight and is referred to as a "sled run". In addition to typical launch configurations, a hang glider may be so constructed for alternative launching modes other than being foot launched; one practical avenue for this is for people who physically cannot foot-launch.[15]
In 1983 Denis Cummings re-introduced a safe tow system that was designed to tow through the centre of mass and had a gauge that displayed the towing tension, it also integrated a 'weak link' that broke when the safe tow tension was exceeded. After initial testing, in the Hunter Valley, Denis Cummings, pilot, John Clark, (Redtruck), driver and Bob Silver, officianado, began the Flatlands Hang gliding competition at Parkes, NSW. The competition quickly grew, from 16 pilots the first year to hosting a World Championship with 160 pilots towing from several wheat paddocks in western NSW.In 1986 Denis and 'Redtruck' took a group of international pilots to Alice Springs to take advantage of the massive thermals. Using the new system many world records were set. With the growing use of the system, other launch methods were incorporated, static winch and towing behind anultralight trike or anultralight airplane.
A glider in flight is continuously descending, so to achieve an extended flight, the pilot must seek air currents rising faster than the sink rate of the glider. Selecting the sources of rising air currents is the skill that has to be mastered if the pilot wants to achieve flying long distances, known ascross-country (XC). Rising air masses derive from the following sources:[16]
With each generation of materials and with the improvements in aerodynamics, the performance of hang gliders has increased. One measure of performance is theglide ratio. For example, a ratio of 12:1 means that in smooth air a glider can travel forward 12 metres while only losing 1 metre of altitude.
Some performance figures as of 2006:
Because hang gliders are most often used for recreational flying, a premium is placed on gentle behaviour, especially at thestall and naturalpitch stability. The wing loading must be very low in order to allow the pilot to run fast enough to get abovestall speed. Unlike a traditional aircraft with an extendedfuselage andempennage for maintaining stability, hang gliders rely on the natural stability of their flexible wings to return toequilibrium inyaw and pitch.Roll stability is generally set to be near neutral. In calm air, a properly designed wing will maintain balanced trimmed flight with little pilot input. The flex wing pilot is suspended beneath the wing by a strap attached to their harness. The pilot liesprone (sometimessupine) within a large, triangular, metal control frame. Controlled flight is achieved by the pilot pushing and pulling on this control frame, thus shifting their weight fore or aft, and right or left in coordinated maneuvers.
Furthermore, the fact that the wing is designed to bend and flex, provides favourable dynamics analogous to a spring suspension. This provides a gentler flying experience than a similarly sized rigid-winged hang glider.
To maximize a pilot's understanding of how the hang glider is flying, most pilots carryflight instruments. The most basic being a variometer and altimeter—often combined. Some more advanced pilots also carry airspeed indicators and radios. When flying in competition orcross country, pilots often also carry maps and/orGPS units. Hang gliders do not have instrument panels as such, so all the instruments are mounted to the control frame of the glider or occasionally strapped to the pilot's forearm.
Gliding pilots are able to sense theacceleration forces when they first hit a thermal, but have difficulty gauging constant motion. Thus it is difficult to detect the difference between constantly rising air and constantly sinking air. Avariometer is a very sensitive vertical speed indicator. The variometer indicates climb rate or sink rate with audio signals (beeps) and/or a visual display. These units are generally electronic, vary in sophistication, and often include analtimeter and an airspeed indicator. More advanced units often incorporate abarograph for recording flight data and/or a built-in GPS. The main purpose of a variometer is in helping a pilot find and stay in the 'core' of a thermal to maximize height gain, and conversely indicating when he or she is in sinking air and needs to find rising air. Variometers are sometimes capable of electronic calculations to indicate the optimalspeed to fly for given conditions. TheMacCready theory answers the question on how fast a pilot should cruise between thermals, given the average lift the pilot expects in the next thermal climb and the amount of lift or sink he encounters in cruise mode.[19] Some electronic variometers make the calculations automatically, allowing for factors such as the glider's theoretical performance (glide ratio), altitude, hook in weight, and wind direction.
Pilots sometimes use 2-way radios for training purposes, for communicating with other pilots in the air, and with their ground crew when traveling on cross-country flights.
One type of radio used are PTT (push-to-talk) handheldtransceivers, operating in VHF FM. Usually a microphone is worn on the head or incorporated in the helmet, and the PTT switch is either fixed to the outside of the helmet, or strapped to a finger. Operating a VHF band radio without an appropriate license is illegal in most countries that have regulated airwaves (including United States, Canada, Brazil, etc.), so additional information must be obtained with the national or local Hang Gliding association or with the competent radio regulatory authority.
As aircraft operating in airspace occupied by other aircraft, hang glider pilots may also use the appropriate type of radio (i.e. the aircrafttransceiver into Aero Mobile Service VHF band). It can, of course, be fitted with a PTT switch to a finger and speakers inside the helmet. The use of aircraft transceivers is subject to regulations specific to the use in the air such as frequencies restrictions, but has several advantages over FM (i.e. frequency modulated) radios used in other services. First is the great range it has (without repeaters) because of its amplitude modulation (i.e. AM). Second is the ability to contact, inform and be informed directly by other aircraft pilots of their intentions thereby improving collision avoidance and increasing safety. Third is to allow greater liberty regarding distance flights in regulated airspaces, in which the aircraft radio is normally a legal requirement. Fourth is the universal emergency frequency monitored by all other users and satellites and used in case of emergency or impending emergency.
GPS (global positioning system) can be used to aid in navigation. For competitions, it is used to verify the contestant reached the required check-points.
Records are sanctioned by theFAI. The world record for straight distance is held byDustin B. Martin, with a distance of 764 km (475 mi) in 2012, originating fromZapata, Texas.[20]
Judy Leden (GBR) holds the altitude record for a balloon-launched hang glider: 11,800 m (38,800 ft) at Wadi Rum, Jordan on 25 October 1994.[21] Leden also holds the gain of height record: 3,970 m (13,025 ft), set in 1992.[22]
The altitude records for balloon-launched hang gliders:
Altitude (ft) | Location | Pilot | Date | Reference |
38,800 | Wadi Rum, Jordan | Judy Leden | 25 October 1994 | [23] |
33,000 | Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | John Bird | 29 August 1982 | [24] |
32,720 | California City, California, USA | Stephan Dunoyer | 9 September 1978 | [25] |
31,600 | Mojave Desert, California, USA | Bob McCaffrey | 21 November 1976 | [26] |
17,100 | San Jose, California, USA | Dennis Kulberg | 25 December 1974 | [27] |
Competitions started with "flying as long as possible" and spot landings. With increasing performance, cross-country flying has largely replaced them. Usually two to four waypoints have to be passed with a landing at a goal. In the late 1990s low-powerGPS units were introduced and have completely replaced photographs of the goal. Every two years there is a world championship. The Rigid and Women's World Championship in 2006 was hosted byQuest Air in Florida[usurped].Big Spring,Texas hosted the 2007 World Championship. Hang gliding is also one of the competition categories inWorld Air Games organized byFédération Aéronautique Internationale (World Air Sports Federation - FAI), which maintains a chronology of the FAI World Hang Gliding Championships.[28]
Other forms of competition include Aerobatic competitions, and Speedgliding competitions, wherein the goal is to descend from a mountain as fast as possible while passing through various gates in a manner similar to down-hill skiing.
For competitive purposes, there are three classes of hang glider:[29]
There are four basic aerobatic maneuvers in a hang glider:
Paragliders and hang gliders are both foot-launched glider aircraft from which cases the pilot is suspended ("hangs") below the lift surface, but hang gliders include a rigid aluminum frame, while paragliders are entirely flexible and look more similar to a parachute.[31] Gliders and sailplanes are structured from composite materials and may have wheels, propellers, and engines.[32][33]
Paragliders | Hang gliders | Gliders/Sailplanes | |
Undercarriage | pilot's legs used for take-off and landing | pilot's legs used for take-off and landing | aircraft takes off and lands using a wheeled undercarriage or skids |
Wing structure | entirely flexible, with shape maintained purely by the pressure of air flowing into and over the wing in flight and the tension of the lines | generally flexible but supported on a rigid frame which determines its shape (note that rigid-wing hang gliders also exist) | rigid wing surface which totally encases wing structure |
Pilot position | sitting in a harness | usually lying prone in a cocoon-like harness suspended from the wing; seated andsupine are also possible | sitting in a seat with a harness, surrounded by a crash-resistant structure |
Speed range (stall speed – max speed) | slowest – typically 25 to 60 km/h for recreational gliders (over 50 km/h requires use of speed bar),[34] hence easier to launch and fly in light winds; least wind penetration; pitch variation can be achieved with the controls | faster than paragliders, slower than gliders/sailplaines | maximum speed up to about 280 km/h (170 mph);[35] stall speed typically 65 km/h (40 mph);[35] able to fly in windier turbulent conditions and can outrun bad weather; good penetration into a headwind |
Maximum glide ratio | about 10, relatively poor glide performance makes long distance flights more difficult; current (as of May 2017[update]) world record is 564 kilometres (350 mi)[36] | about 17, with up to 20 for rigid wings | open class sailplanes – typically around 60:1, but in more common 15–18 meter span aircraft, glide ratios are between 38:1 and 52:1;[37] high glide performance enabling long distance flight, with 3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) being current (as of November 2010[update]) record[38] |
Turn radius | tightest turn radius[citation needed] | somewhat larger turn radius than paragliders, tigher than gliders/sailplanes[citation needed] | widest turn radius but still able to circle tightly in thermals[39] |
Landing | smallest space needed to land, offering more landing options from cross-country flights; also easiest to pack up and carry like a bag to the nearest road | 15 m to 60 m length flat area required; can be derigged by one person and carried to the nearest road | landings can be performed in ~250 m length field. Aerial retrieve may be possible but if not, specialized trailer needed to retrieve by road. Some sailplanes have engines that remove the need for an out-landing, if successfully started on time |
Learning | simplest and quickest to learn | teaching is done in single and two-seat hang gliders | teaching is done in a two-seat glider with dual controls |
Convenience | packs smaller (easier to transport and store) | more awkward to transport and store; longer to rig and de-rig; often transported on the roof of a car | often stored and transported in purpose-built trailers about 9 metres long, from which they are rigged. Although rigging aids allow a single person to rig a glider, usually the rigging involves 2 or 3 people. Some frequently used sailplanes are stored already rigged in hangars. |
Cost | cost of new is €1500 and up,[40] cheapest but shortest lasting (around 500 hours flying time, depending on treatment), active second-hand market[41] | cost of new glider very high (top of the range 18 m turbo with instruments and trailer €250,000) but it is long lasting (up to several decades), so active second-hand market; typical cost is from €2,000 to €145,000[42] |