Gush Etzion (Hebrew:גּוּשׁ עֶצְיוֹן,lit. Etzion Bloc) is a cluster ofIsraeli settlements located in theJudaean Mountains, directly south ofJerusalem andBethlehem in theWest Bank. The core group includes four Jewish agricultural villages that were founded in 1943–1947, and destroyed by theArab Legion before the outbreak of the1948 Arab–Israeli War, in theKfar Etzion massacre.[1] The area was left outside of Israel with the1949 armistice lines. These settlements were rebuilt after the 1967Six-Day War, along with new communities that have expanded the area of the Etzion Bloc.[2] As of 2011[update], Gush Etzion consisted of 22 settlements with a population of 70,000.[3]
The international community considers Israeli settlements in the West Bankillegal under international law,[4] but the Israeli[5] dispute this.
The four core original settlements of Gush Etzion wereKfar Etzion (founded in 1943),Massu'ot Yitzhak (1945),Ein Tzurim (1946) andRevadim (1947); the land area of all four were located within the village boundaries ofKhirbet Beit Zakariyyah.[6] From November 29, 1947, Kfar Etzion was under siege and cut off from Jerusalem. On May 13, 1948, when the village surrendered, 127 Jewish inhabitantswere massacred by local village irregulars, with the possible involvement of theArab Legion.[7] The other villages surrendered the next day. The inhabitants were taken prisoner and the homes were plundered and burned.[8]
The establishment, defense and fall of Gush Etzion have been described as "one of the major episodes of the State of Israel-in-the-making", playing a significant role in Israeli collective memory.[9] The motivation for resettling the region is not so much ideological, political or security-related as symbolic, linked in the Israeli psyche to the massive loss of life (1% of its total population) in the1947–1949 Palestine war.[10]
In 1927, a group of religiousYemenite Jews founded an agricultural village they namedMigdal Eder (Hebrew:מִגְדַּל עֵדֶר), based on a biblical quotation (Genesis35:21).[11] The land had been purchased in 1925 by Zikhron David, a private Jewish land holding company[12] at a site betweenBethlehem andHebron that fell between the zones of influence of the localArab clans. This early community did not flourish, mainly due to economic hardships and escalating tension with neighboring Arab communities. Two years later, during the1929 Palestine riots and recurring hostilities, Migdal Eder was attacked and destroyed. Residents of the neighboringPalestinian village ofBeit Ummar sheltered the farmers, but they could not return to their land.[13]
In 1932, a Jewish businessman of German extraction, Shmuel Yosef Holtzmann, provided financial backing for another attempt at resettling the area, through a company named El HaHar ("To the Mountain").[14] The kibbutz established there in 1935 was namedKfar Etzion, in his honor (the German wordHolz means "wood", which isetz עץ in Hebrew).[15] The1936–1939 Arab revolt made life intolerable for the residents, who returned toJerusalem in 1937. TheJewish National Fund organized a third attempt at settlement in 1943 with the refounding of Kfar Etzion by members of a religious group calledKvutzat Avraham. Despite the rocky soil, shortage of potable water, harsh winters, and constant threat of attack, this group managed to succeed.
Their isolation was somewhat relieved by the establishment in 1945 ofMasu'ot Yitzhak andEin Tzurim, populated by members of the religiousBnei Akiva movement andReligious Kibbutz Movement. Against the backdrop of an impending struggle forIsraeli independence, the secularHashomer Hatzair movement founded a fourth kibbutz,Revadim. A religious center, Neve Ovadia, was also founded by the bloc's members. By the start of the1948 Arab–Israeli War, the Etzion bloc numbered 450 residents and stretched over an area of 20,000 dunams (20 km2).[15]
On November 29, 1947, the United Nations approved thePartition Plan. The bloc fell within the area allotted to a proposed Arab state. TheHaganah command decided not to leave the bloc. Arab hostilities began almost immediately, and travel to Jerusalem became exceedingly difficult. For five months the bloc was besieged, first by Arabirregulars, and then by theJordanianArab Legion. Throughout the winter hostilities intensified and several relief convoys from the Haganah in Jerusalemwere destroyed in ambushes. For 47 days the armed conflict was intense.[16] In January, the women and children were evacuated withBritish assistance. An emergencyreinforcement convoy put together by the Haganah and attempting to get to Gush Etzion under cover of darkness was discovered; all 35 members were massacred. Despite some resupply flights byPiper Cubs out ofTel Aviv landing onto an improvised airfield, adequate supplies were not getting in.[17]
On March 27, land communication with theYishuv was severed completely when theNabi Daniel Convoy was ambushed on its return journey to Jerusalem. In the following months, Arab irregular forces continued small-scale attacks against the bloc, which the Haganah was able to effectively withstand.[citation needed] At times, the Haganah forces, commanded byUzi Narkiss, ambushed Arab military convoys—and, according toMorris, also Arab civilian traffic and British military convoys[18]—on the road between Jerusalem and Hebron. The defenders of Gush Etzion and the central command in Jerusalem mulled evacuation, but, although they had very few arms, a decision was made to hold out due to their strategic location as the only Jewish-held position onJerusalem's southern approach from Hebron.[19]
On May 12, the commander of Kfar Etzion requested from the Central Command in Jerusalem permission to evacuate the kibbutz, but was told to stay. Later in the day, the Arabs captured theRussian Orthodoxmonastery, which the Haganah used as a perimeter fortress for the Kfar Etzion area, killing twenty-four of its thirty-two defenders. On May 13, a massive attack began, involving parts of two Arab Legioninfantrycompanies, lightartillery[18] and local irregular support, attacking from four directions. The kibbutz fell within a day; the Arab forces massacred 127 of the 133 surrendering defenders. The total number of dead during the final assault, including those killed in the massacre and those who committed suicide, was estimated to be between 75 and 250. Only three men and one woman survived.[19] The following day, the day Israel declared its independence, the three other kibbutzim surrendered. The Arab Legion took 320 persons as prisoners of war and held them in Jordan for a year before releasing them.[20][21]
In May 1948, the women and children evacuated from the bloc before the battle were taken to theRatisbonne Monastery in Jerusalem. In June 1948, when theroad to Jerusalem was opened, they were moved toPetah Tikva for two months. The refugees lived at the Netzah Yisrael school until the school year began,[22] later resettling in Giv'at Aliyah, a neighborhood inJaffa organized like akibbutz.[23]
Four years later, the returning prisoners of war of the bloc foundedNir Etzion in theMount Carmel area nearHaifa. Nir Etzion sought to accept the majority of the bloc's children into it, but despite wishing to unite in a new place of residence, the issue of joining Nir Etzion was a matter of debate among the children, many of whom joined theNahal military unit. The survivors ofMasu'ot Yitzhak,Ein Tzurim, andRevadim founded their communities anew in Israel proper.[24]
The interim period saw the rise of two movements designed to commemorate the fall of Gush Etzion, through songs, poetry, prose and cultural activities.[24] Both the land of the bloc, and the events that transpired there in the war of 1948, became sacred to the descendants of the original participants. Some compared the story of the yearning to return to the bloc to the story of the Jews yearning to return to theLand of Israel.[25] For 19 years, some survivors would gather on theIsrael–Jordan frontier and gaze at the giant oak tree there in remembrance of what was. This became an annual gathering following theIndependence Day ceremony (independence day was one day after the bloc had fallen). Poems and stories were written that humanized the lone tree. This was criticized by the novelistHaim Be'er, who called the bloc's settlement movements a "fervent cult" and compared them to theCanaanites.[25]
As a result of the 1967Six-Day War, Israel controlled the area of the former Etzion Bloc. A loose organisation ofBnei Akiva activists, who later coalesced intoGush Emunim, led byHanan Porat, whose parents had been evacuated, petitioned Israeliprime ministerLevi Eshkol to allow the reestablishment of Kfar Etzion.[26] Among the supporters were Ra'anan Weitz, head of the settlement department in theJewish Agency; minister of internal affairsHaim-Moshe Shapira; and Michael Hazani of the national religious movement. Supporters of theAllon Plan in the government were also in favor of settling the bloc. Eshkol was finally persuaded to give a green light to the plan. He was not decisive however, and the settlement movement did not immediately begin to build in the entire bloc, but only on the location ofKfar Etzion. Construction began in September, 1967. Since the government initially decided not to establish civilian settlements in thecaptured territories, the settlement was falsely portrayed as aNahal outpost.[27] According to Ra'anan Weitz's plan, Kfar Etzion was meant to be one of three settlements in the new bloc, which also includedAviezer. A new middle village would be established onJewish National Fund land purchased in the 1940s.[28]
Weitz's plan of creating a line of settlements based on territorial continuity, however, had a number of opponents: the descendants of the original residents of the bloc, the settlers on the ground, theReligious Kibbutz Movement, and theIsrael Defense Forces. The IDF surveyed the land and decided that, "Kfar Etzion B should be founded near the existing Kfar Etzion, and not near the former Green Line". This eventually was supported by defense ministerMoshe Dayan, who envisioned five settlement points in the West Bank, one of them being the Etzion bloc. On September 30, 1968, the government gave permission to create a regional center andHesder Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, a major demand of the settlers and the final departure from the continuity plan.[29]
In the same decision, the government appointed a committee for planning the settlement of the bloc. In accordance with the committee's recommendations, Revadim and thesettlement ofRosh Tzurim were founded on the former site of Ein Tzurim in July 1969, andAlon Shvut in June 1970.[29] Many other settlements and two municipalities (Efrat andBeitar Illit) have been founded in the area of the historic Etzion bloc, and its name was taken for the greaterGush Etzion Regional Council.
Today there is a museum about the history of Gush Etzion.[30]
Here is a list of communities in modern Gush Etzion.
Name | Founded | Population (EOY 2008)[31] | Type |
Alon Shvut | 1970 | 3,400 | Community settlement |
Bat Ayin | 1989 | 900 | Community settlement |
Beitar Illit | 1985 | 38,800 | Independent municipality[32] |
Efrat | 1983 | 8,300 | Independent municipality[32] |
Elazar | 1975 | 1,706 | Community settlement |
Karmei Tzur | 1984 | 700 | Community settlement |
Kedar | 1984 | 960 | Community settlement |
Kfar Eldad | 1994 | 120 | Community settlement |
Kfar Etzion | 1967 | 820 | Kibbutz |
Gevaot | 1984 | 75 | Community settlement |
Har Gilo | 1968 | 570 | Community settlement |
Ibei HaNahal | 1999 | 50 | Outpost |
Ma'ale Amos | 1982 | 270 | Community settlement |
Ma'ale Rehav'am | 2001 | 40 | Outpost |
Metzad | 1984 | 380 | Community settlement |
Migdal Oz | 1977 | 440 | Kibbutz |
Neve Daniel | 1982 | 1,883 | Community settlement |
Nokdim | 1982 | 1,300 | Community settlement |
Pnei Kedem | 2000 | 100 | Outpost |
Rosh Tzurim | 1969 | 560 | Kibbutz |
Sde Boaz | 2002 | 90 | Outpost |
Tekoa | 1975 | 1,600 | Community settlement |
The entrance to the Gush Etzion bloc is theGush Etzion Junction, which is located just west of the intersection ofRoute 60 and Route 367. The junction is located betweenEfrat andAlon Shvut and very close toMigdal Oz. It is the site of the Gush Etzion visitors' center,[33] a gas station,[33] an automotive repair shop, aRami Levy discount supermarket,[34] an electronics store, the Gush Etzion Winery (one minute towards Alon Shvut on the north side of the road),[35][36] a bakery, natural foods store, eyeglass shop, clothing store and pizza / felafel / shawarma stands. Across the street are a nursery and car dealership. The junction is a popular hitchhiking post, both south to Hebron / Be'er Sheva and north to Jerusalem, as well as west towards Bet Shemesh and the coast) which has frequently been the site of attacks by Palestinians against Israeli citizens.[37]
On 6 April and 25 August 2014, theIsraeli Civil Administration declared 1,000 and 3,799 dunums of land respectively in theBethlehem Governorate within the boundaries ofSurif,Nahalin,Husan,Jab'a andWadi Fukin villages as "state land".[38]According toPeace Now, it was the largest confiscation of Palestinian land in three decades.[39]
The United States responded to the announcement by rebuking Israel for taking measures that were 'counter-productive' to the two-state solution in peace talks.[40] The expropriation was also condemned by the United Nations, theUnited Kingdom,[41] Egypt, France,[42] Spain,[43]Russia,[44] the European Union, Turkey, Norway, Japan[45] andAmnesty International.[46]
As of September 2014, eight years after approving the 45 km stretch of barrier enclosing Gush Etzion, no progress had been made on it. The reclassified land would be on the Palestinian side of the barrier.[47] On 21 September 2014, the government voted to not reauthorize the barrier in the Gush Etzion area.[48]
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