Groundskeeping is the activity of tending an area of land for aesthetic or functional purposes, typically in an institutional setting. It includes mowing grass, trimming hedges, pulling weeds, planting flowers, etc. TheU.S. Department of Labor estimated that more than 900,000 workers are employed in thelandscape maintenance and groundskeeping services industry in the United States in 2006. Of these over 300,000 workers weregreenskeepers forgolf courses, schools, resorts, and public parks.[1]
Agroundskeeper is a person who maintains landscaping, gardens or sporting venues (and their vegetation where appropriate) for appearance and functionality. InBritain the wordgroundsman (occasionallygroundswoman if appropriate) orpark-keeper is used much more commonly.[2][3]The Football Association confers a Groundsman of the Year award.[4][5] InAustralia, the wordcurator is often used for a person undertaking this job, especially those involvingcricket pitches.[citation needed] At university campuses, groundskeepers are often calledhorticulturists. The equivalent on a golf course is agreenskeeper.[citation needed]
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) estimated in May 2015 that statistical group 37-3011 "Landscaping and Groundskeeping Workers" numbered 895,600 with a median annual wage of $25,030.[6] The BLS describes the functions of this group as "Workers typically perform a variety of tasks, which may include any combination of the following: sod laying, mowing, trimming, planting, watering, fertilizing, digging, raking, sprinkler installation, and installation of mortarless segmental concrete masonry wall units".
Groundskeeping equipment comprisetools andvehicles used in groundskeeping, including: