Consider the following expressions infirst order logic over asignature containing the constant symbols and for the numbers 0 and 1, respectively, a unary function symbol for the successor function and a binary function symbol for addition.
What follows is a formal definition forfirst-order languages. Let a first-order language be given, with the set of constant symbols, the set of functional operators, and the set ofpredicate symbols.
Aground term is aterm that contains no variables. Ground terms may be defined by logical recursion (formula-recursion):
Elements of are ground terms;
If is an-ary function symbol and are ground terms, then is a ground term.
Every ground term can be given by a finite application of the above two rules (there are no other ground terms; in particular, predicates cannot be ground terms).
Roughly speaking, theHerbrand universe is the set of all ground terms.
Dalal, M. (2000), "Logic-based computer programming paradigms", in Rosen, K.H.; Michaels, J.G. (eds.),Handbook of discrete and combinatorial mathematics, p. 68