Great Zimbabwe was a city in the south-eastern hills of the modern country ofZimbabwe, nearMasvingo. It was settled from 1000 AD, and served as the capital of theKingdom of Zimbabwe from the 13th century. It is the largest stone structure in precolonialSouthern Africa. Major construction on the city began in the 11th century until the 15th century, and it was abandoned in the 16th or 17th century.[1][2][3] The edifices were erected by ancestors of theShona people, currently located in Zimbabwe and nearby countries.[4] The stone city spans an area of 7.22 square kilometres (2.79 sq mi) and could have housed up to 18,000 people at its peak, giving it a population density of approximately 2,500 inhabitants per square kilometre (6,500/sq mi). The Zimbabwe state centred on it likely covered 50,000 km² (19,000 sq mi).[5] It is recognised as aWorld Heritage Site byUNESCO.
The site of Great Zimbabwe is composed of the Hill Complex, the Valley Complex, and the Great Enclosure (constructed at different times), and contained area for commoner housing within the perimeter walls. There is disagreement on the functions of the complexes among scholars. Some consider them to have been residences for the royals and elites at different periods of the site, while others infer them to have had separate functions. The Great Enclosure, with its 11m (36 ft) highdry stone walls (that is, constructed withoutmortar), was built during the 13th and 14th centuries, and likely served as the royal residence, with demarcated public spaces forrituals.[6]
The earliest document mentioning the Great Zimbabwe ruins was in 1531 byVicente Pegado, captain of the Portuguese garrison ofSofala on the coast of modern-day Mozambique, who recorded it asSymbaoe. The first confirmed visits by Europeans were in the late 19th century, with investigations of the site starting in 1871.[7] Great Zimbabwe and surrounding sites were looted by Europeanantiquarians between the 1890s and 1920s. Some later studies of the monument were controversial, as thewhite government ofRhodesia pressured archaeologists to deny its construction by black Africans. Its African origin only became consensus by the 1950s. Great Zimbabwe has since been adopted as anational monument by the Zimbabwean government, and the modern independent state was named after it.
The wordgreat distinguishes the site from the many smaller ruins, known as "zimbabwes", spread across the ZimbabweHighveld.[8] There are around 200 such sites in Southern Africa, such asBumbusi in Zimbabwe andManyikeni in Mozambique, with monumental, mortarless walls.[9]
The conical tower inside the Great Enclosure at Great Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is theShona name of the ruins, first recorded in 1531 by Vicente Pegado, captain of the Portuguese garrison ofSofala. Pegado noted that "The natives of the country call these edificesSymbaoe, which according to their language signifies 'court'".[10]
The name containsdzimba, the Shona term for 'houses'. There are two theories for the etymology of the name. The first proposes that the word is derived fromDzimba-dze-mabwe, translated from Shona as 'large houses of stone' (dzimba = plural ofimba, 'house';mabwe = plural ofbwe, 'stone').[11] A second suggests thatZimbabwe is a contracted form ofdzimba-hwe, which means 'venerated houses' in theZezuru dialect of Shona, as usually applied to the houses or graves of chiefs.[12]
Overview of Great Zimbabwe. The large walled construction is the GreatEnclosure. Some remains of the valley complex can be seen in front of it.Plan of the complex
The Great Zimbabwe area was previously settled by theSan dating back 100,000 years,[a] and, starting around 150 BC, byBantu-speaking peoples who formed agriculturalchiefdoms starting in the 4th century AD.[14]: 11–12 Between the 4th and the 7th centuries, communities of theGokomere orZiwa cultures farmed the valley, and mined and worked iron, but built no stone structures.[9][15] These are the earliestIron Age settlements in the area identified from archaeological diggings, and the laterGumanye people are considered the ancestors of theKaranga (south-centralShona),[b] who would construct Great Zimbabwe.[17][18]
Construction of the stone buildings started in the 11th century and continued for over 300 years.[19] The ruins at Great Zimbabwe are some of the oldest and largest structures located in Southern Africa. Its most formidable edifice, commonly referred to as the Great Enclosure, has walls as high as 11 m (36 ft) extending approximately 250 m (820 ft). Its growth has been linked to the decline of Mapungubwe from around 1300, or the greater availability of gold in the hinterland of Great Zimbabwe.[20]
Aerial view of the Great Enclosure and Valley Complex, looking west
Traditional estimates are that Great Zimbabwe had as many as 18,000 inhabitants at its peak.[21] However, a more recent survey concluded that the population likely never exceeded 10,000.[22] The ruins that survive are built entirely of stone; they span 730 ha (1,800 acres). Great Zimbabwe covered a similar area tomedieval London; while the density of buildings within the stone enclosures was high, in areas outside them it was much lower.[23] The institutionalisation of Great Zimbabwe's politico-religious ideology served to legitimise the position of the king (mambo), with a link between leaders, their ancestors, andGod.[24][25]Ken Mufuka writes that the shrine in the Hill Complex was the home ofspirit mediums (svikiro) who were tasked with acting as the conscience of the state, and preserving the traditions of the founders, reported to beChigwagu Rusvingo (the firstmambo),Chaminuka,Chimurenga,Tovera, andSoro-rezhou among others.[26]
The majority of the population lived in houses made out of mud on wooden frame structures,[27] however the number of these can only be estimated. It is equally assumed that the stone structures were royal or official buildings, and elite dwellings. No burials have been found at the site to give another basis for estimating population.[28][29]
In 1531, Vicente Pegado, Captain of the Portuguese Garrison ofSofala, described Zimbabwe thus:[10]
Among the gold mines of the inland plains between theLimpopo andZambezi rivers there is a fortress built of stones of marvelous size, and there appears to be no mortar joining them ... This edifice is almost surrounded by hills, upon which are others resembling it in the fashioning of stone and the absence of mortar, and one of them is a tower more than 12fathoms [22 m] high. The natives of the country call these edifices Symbaoe, which according to their language signifies court.
— Vicente Pegado
View west from the Eastern Enclosure of the Hill Complex, showing thegranite boulder that resembles theZimbabwe Bird and the balcony.
The ruins form three distinct architectural groups. They are known as the Hill Complex, the Valley Complex and the Great Enclosure. The Hill Complex is the oldest, and was occupied from the 11th to 13th centuries. The Great Enclosure was occupied from the 13th to 15th centuries, and the Valley Complex from the 14th to 16th centuries.[9] Notable features of the Hill Complex include the Eastern Enclosure, in which it is thought theZimbabwe Birds stood, a high balcony enclosure overlooking the Eastern Enclosure, and a huge boulder in a shape similar to that of the Zimbabwe Bird.[30] The Great Enclosure is composed of an inner wall, encircling a series of structures and a younger outer wall. The Conical Tower, 5.5 m (18 ft) in diameter and 9 m (30 ft) high, was constructed between the two walls.[31] The Valley Complex is divided into the Upper and Lower Valley Ruins, with different periods of occupation.[9]
Aerial view looking southeast, Hill Complex in foregroundDetail of the wall with lichen, 1975.
There are different archaeological interpretations of these groupings. It has been suggested that the complexes represent the work of successive kings: some of the new rulers founded a new residence.[32] The focus of power moved from the Hill Complex in the 12th century, to the Great Enclosure, the Upper Valley and finally the Lower Valley in the early 16th century.[9] The alternative "structuralist" interpretation holds that the different complexes had different functions: the Hill Complex as an area forrituals, perhaps related to rain making, the Valley complex was for the citizens, and the Great Enclosure was used by the king. Structures that were more elaborate were probably built for the kings, although it has been argued that the dating of finds in the complexes does not support this interpretation.[33]
Dhaka pits wereclosed depressions utilized by inhabitants of Great Zimbabwe as sources of water management in the form ofreservoirs,wells and springs. Dhaka pits may have been in use since the mid-2nd millennium CE and the system could hold more than 18,000 m3 of water storage.[34]
The most important artefacts recovered from the Monument are the eightZimbabwe Birds. These were carved from a micaceousschist (soapstone) on the tops ofmonoliths the height of a person.[35] Slots in a platform in the Eastern Enclosure of the Hill Complex appear designed to hold the monoliths with the Zimbabwe birds, but as they were not found in situ, the original location of each monolith and bird within the enclosure cannot be determined .[36] Other artefacts include soapstone figurines (one of which is in theBritish Museum[37]), pottery, iron gongs, elaborately workedivory, iron and copper wire, iron hoes, bronze spearheads, copper ingots and crucibles, and gold beads, bracelets, pendants and sheaths.[38][39] Glass beads and porcelain from China and Persia[40] among other foreign artefacts were also found, attesting the international trade linkages of the Kingdom. In the extensive stone ruins of the great city, which still remain today, include eight, monolithic birds carved in soapstone. It is thought that they represent thebateleur eagle – a good omen, protective spirit and messenger of the gods in Shona culture.[41]
Map of trade centres and routes in precolonial Zimbabwe.
Great Zimbabwe became a centre for trading, having replacedMapungubwe around 1300.[42] Regional networks were expansive, and salt, cattle, grain, and copper were traded as far north as theKundelungu Plateau in present-dayDR Congo. A significant portion of Great Zimbabwe's wealth came from the domination of trade routes from the goldfields of the Zimbabwean Plateau to theSwahili coast.[43]: 17 ThroughSwahili city-states such asSofala, they exported gold andivory into theIndian Ocean trade.[44] That international commerce was in addition to the local agricultural trade, in which cattle were especially important.[20] The large cattle herd that supplied the city moved seasonally and was managed by the court.[35] Chinese pottery shards, coins from Arabia, glass beads and other non-local items have been excavated at Zimbabwe. Despite these strong international trade links, there is no evidence to suggest exchange of architectural concepts between Great Zimbabwe and centres such as Kilwa.[45]
It is unknown what caused Great Zimbabwe's demise and its eventual abandonment.[c] It is unclear to what extentclimate change played a role, however Great Zimbabwe's location in a favourable rainfall zone makes this unlikely to have been a primary cause. Great Zimbabwe's dominance over the region depended on its continual extension and projection of influence, as its growing population needed more farming land and traders more gold.[46]Shonaoral tradition attributes Great Zimbabwe's demise to a salt shortage, which may be a figurative way of speaking of land depletion for agriculturalists or of the depletion of critical resources for the community.[47][48]: 10 It is plausible theaquifer Great Zimbabwe sat on top of ran out of water, or the growing population contaminated the water.[49]
From the early 15th century, international trade began to decline amid a global economic downturn, reducing demand for gold, which adversely affected Great Zimbabwe. In response to this, elites possibly expanded regional trading networks, resulting in greater prosperity for other settlements in the region. By the late 15th century, the consequences of this decision would have begun to manifest, as offshoots from Great Zimbabwe's royal family formed new dynasties, possibly as a result of losing succession disputes.[50] According to oral tradition,Nyatsimba Mutota, a member of Great Zimbabwe's royal family, led part of the population north in search for salt to found theMutapa Empire.[d][52] It was believed that only their most recent ancestors would follow them, with older ancestors staying at Great Zimbabwe and providing protection there.[53]Angoche traders opened a new route along theZambezi via Mutapa andIngombe Ilede to reach the goldfields west of Great Zimbabwe, precipitating its decline and the rise ofKhami, the capital of theKingdom of Butua.[54]: 50 By the 16th century, political and economic power had shifted away from Great Zimbabwe to the north and west. The site likely continued to be inhabited into the 17th century, before it was eventually abandoned.[52]
There has historically been much debate around the origins of Great Zimbabwe, termed the "Zimbabwe controversy".[55] Mired in racial prejudice, Rhodesians found it inconceivable that the structures could have been built by indigenous Africans, stipulating that archaeological discoveries of Persian bowls and Chinese celadon were the result of pre-Bantu settlement. The colonial government pressured archaeologists to deny that the structure was built by indigenous Africans, because acknowledging it would have dismantled their "civilising mission" rationale.[56] The refutation of various fantastical and dehumanising theories ascribing the construction to Jews, Arabs, Phoenicians, and anyone but the Shona, along with other activities of the antiquarians, dominated the historiography of Great Zimbabwe throughout the 20th century.[57][58] Its African origin only became consensus by the 1950s.[59]
The first European visit may have been made by the Portuguese traveler António Fernandes in 1513–1515, who crossed twice and reported in detail the region of present-day Zimbabwe (including the Shona kingdoms) and also fortified centers in stone without mortar. However, passing en route a few kilometres north and about 56 km (35 mi) south of the site, he did not make a reference to Great Zimbabwe.[60][61] Portuguese traders heard about the remains of the medieval city in the early 16th century, and records survive of interviews and notes made by some of them, linking Great Zimbabwe to gold production and long-distance trade.[62] Two of those accounts mention an inscription above the entrance to Great Zimbabwe, written in characters not known to the Arab merchants who had seen it.[63][64]
In 1506, the explorer Diogo de Alcáçova described the edifices in a letter toManuel I of Portugal, writing that they were part of the larger kingdom of Ucalanga (presumably Karanga, a dialect of theShona people spoken mainly in Masvingo and Midlands provinces of Zimbabwe).[65]João de Barros left another such description of Great Zimbabwe in 1538, as recounted to him byMoorish traders who had visited the area and possessed knowledge of the hinterland. He indicates that the edifices were locally known asSymbaoe, which meant "royal court" in the vernacular.[66] As to the actual identity of the builders of Great Zimbabwe, de Barros writes:[67]
When and by whom, these edifices were raised, as the people of the land are ignorant of the art of writing, there is no record, but they say they are the work of the devil,[68] for in comparison with their power and knowledge it does not seem possible to them that they should be the work of man.
— João de Barros
Additionally, with regard to the purpose of the Great Zimbabwe ruins, de Barros asserted that: "in the opinion of the Moors who saw it [Great Zimbabwe] it is very ancient and was built to keep possessions of the mines, which are very old, and no gold has been extracted from them for years, because of the wars ... it would seem that some prince who has possession of these mines ordered it to be built as a sign thereof, which he afterwards lost in the course of time and through their being so remote from his kingdom".[66]
De Barros further remarked thatSymbaoe "is guarded by a nobleman, who has charge of it, after the manner of a chief alcaide, and they call this officer Symbacayo ... and there are always some of Benomotapa's wives therein of whom Symbacayo takes care." Thus, Great Zimbabwe appears to have still been inhabited as recently as the early 16th century.[66]
The ruins were rediscovered by Europeans during a hunting trip in 1867 byAdam Render, a German-American hunter, prospector and trader in southern Africa,[69] who in 1871 showed the ruins toKarl Mauch, a German explorer and geographer of Africa. Karl Mauch recorded the ruins and immediately speculated about a possible Biblical association with KingSolomon and theQueen of Sheba, an explanation which had been suggested by earlier writers such as the Portuguese João dos Santos. Mauch went so far as to favour a legend that the structures were built to replicate the palace of the Queen of Sheba in Jerusalem,[70] and claimed a wooden lintel at the site must beLebanese cedar, brought byPhoenicians.[71] The Sheba legend, as promoted by Mauch, became so pervasive in the white settler community as to cause the later scholarJames Theodore Bent to say,
The names of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba were on everybody's lips, and have become so distasteful to us that we never expect to hear them again without an involuntary shudder.[72]
Carl Peters collected a ceramicushabti in 1905.Flinders Petrie examined it and identified acartouche on its chest as belonging to the18th Dynasty Egyptian PharaohThutmose III and suggested that it was a statuette of the king and cited it as proof of commercial ties between rulers in the area and the ancient Egyptians during theNew Kingdom (c. 1550–1077 BC), if not a relic of an old Egyptian station near the local gold mines.[73] Johann Heinrich Schäfer later appraised the statuette, and argued that it belonged to a well-known group of forgeries. After having received the ushabti,Felix von Luschan suggested that it was of more recent origin than the New Kingdom. He asserted that the figurine instead appeared to date to the subsequentPtolemaic era (c. 323–30 BC), whenAlexandria-based Greek merchants would export Egyptian antiquities and pseudo-antiquities to southern Africa.[74]
J. Theodore Bent undertook a season at Zimbabwe withCecil Rhodes's patronage and funding from the Royal Geographical Society and the British Association for the Advancement of Science. This, and other excavations undertaken for Rhodes, resulted in a book publication that introduced the ruins to English readers. Bent had no formal archaeological training, but had travelled very widely inArabia,Greece andAsia Minor. He was aided by the expert cartographer and surveyorRobert M. W. Swan (1858–1904), who also visited and surveyed a host of related stone ruins nearby. Bent stated in the first edition of his bookThe Ruined Cities of Mashonaland (1892) that the ruins revealed either thePhoenicians or theArabs as builders, and he favoured the possibility of great antiquity for the fortress. By the third edition of his book (1902) he was more specific, with his primary theory being "a Semitic race and of Arabian origin" of "strongly commercial" traders living within a client African city.
Exterior wall of the Great Enclosure. Picture taken by David Randall-MacIver in 1906.
The construction of Great Zimbabwe is also claimed by theLemba, as documented by William Bolts in 1777 (to the Austrian Habsburg authorities), and by an A.A. Anderson (writing about his travels north of theLimpopo River in the 19th century).[citation needed] Lemba speak theBantu languages spoken by their geographic neighbours, but they have some religious practices and beliefs similar to those inJudaism andIslam, which they claim were transmitted by oral tradition.[75]
The first scientificarchaeological excavations at the site were undertaken byDavid Randall-MacIver for the British Association in 1905–1906. InMedieval Rhodesia, he rejected the claims made byAdam Render,Carl Peters andKarl Mauch, and instead wrote of the existence in the site of objects that were of Bantu origin. Randall-MacIver concluded that all available evidence led him to believe that the Zimbabwe structures were constructed by the ancestors of the Shona people.[76][77][78] More importantly he suggested a wholly medieval date for the walled fortifications and temple. This claim was not immediately accepted, partly due to the relatively short and undermanned period of excavation he was able to undertake.
In mid-1929,Gertrude Caton Thompson concluded, after a twelve-day visit of a three-person team and the digging of several trenches, that the site was indeed created by Bantu. She had first sunk three test pits into what had been refuse heaps on the upper terraces of the hill complex, producing a mix of unremarkable pottery and ironwork. She then moved to the Conical Tower and tried to dig under the tower, arguing that the ground there would be undisturbed, but nothing was revealed. Some further test trenches were then put down outside the lower Great Enclosure and in the Valley Ruins, which unearthed domestic ironwork, glass beads, and a gold bracelet. Caton Thompson immediately announced her Bantu origin theory to a meeting of the British Association in Johannesburg.[79]
Examination of all the existing evidence, gathered from every quarter, still can produce not one single item that is not in accordance with the claim of Bantu origin and medieval date[72]
Caton Thompson's claim was not immediately favoured, although it had strong support among some scientific archaeologists due to her modern methods. Her most important contribution was in helping to confirm the theory of a medieval origin for the masonry work of the 14th and 15th centuries. By 1931, she had modified her Bantu theory somewhat, allowing for a possible Arabian influence for the towers through the imitation of buildings or art seen at coastal Arabian trading cities.
Since the 1950s, there has been consensus among archaeologists as to the African origins of Great Zimbabwe.[80][81] Artefacts andradiocarbon dating indicate settlement in at least the 5th century, with continuous settlement of Great Zimbabwe between the 12th and 15th centuries[82] and the bulk of the finds from the 15th century.[83] The radiocarbon evidence is a suite of 28 measurements, for which all but the first four, from the early days of the use of that method and now viewed as inaccurate, support the 12th-to-15th-centuries chronology.[82][84] In the 1970s, a beam that produced some of the anomalous dates in 1952 was reanalysed and gave a 14th-century date.[85] Dated finds such as Chinese, Persian and Syrian artefacts also support the 12th- and 15th-century dates.[86]
Archaeologists generally agree that the builders spoke one of theShona languages,[87][88] based upon evidence of pottery,[89][90] oral traditions[83][91] and anthropology[32] and DNA evidence[92]and recent scholarship supports the construction of Great Zimbabwe (and the origin of its culture) by Shona and Venda peoples,[93][94][95][96] who were probably descended from theGokomere culture.[84] The Gokomere culture, an eastern Bantu subgroup, existed in the area from around 200 AD and flourished from 500 AD to about 800 AD. Archaeological evidence indicates that it constitutes an early phase of the Great Zimbabwe culture.[9][83][97][98] The Gokomere culture likely gave rise to both the modernMashona people,[99] an ethnic cluster comprising distinct sub-ethnic groups such as the local Karanga clan[citation needed] and theRozwi culture, which originated as severalShona states.[100] Gokomere peoples were probably also related to certain nearby early Bantu groups like theMapungubwe civilisation of neighbouring North eastern South Africa, which is believed to have been an early Venda-speaking culture, and to the nearby Sotho.
More recent archaeological work has been carried out byPeter Garlake, who has produced the comprehensive descriptions of the site,[101][102][103]David Beach[32][104][105] andThomas Huffman,[83][106] who have worked on the chronology and development of Great Zimbabwe andGilbert Pwiti, who has published extensively on trade links.[20][107][108] Today, the most recent consensus attributes the construction of Great Zimbabwe to the Shona people (aBantu group).[109][110] Some evidence also suggests an early influence from the probablyVenda-speaking peoples of theMapungubwe civilization.[84]
Damage to the ruins has taken place throughout the last century. Europeanantiquarians looted and pillaged Great Zimbabwe and similar structures from the 1890s to 1920s, greatly inhibiting the work of future archaeologists by destroying itsstratigraphy. The removal of gold and artefacts in amateurist diggings by early colonial antiquarians caused widespread damage,[62] notably diggings byRichard Nicklin Hall.[72] More extensive damage was caused by the mining of some of the ruins for gold.[62] Reconstruction attempts since 1980 caused further damage, leading to alienation of the local communities from the site.[111][112] Another source of damage to the ruins has been due to the site being open to visitors with many cases of people climbing the walls, walking over archaeological deposits, and the over-use of certain paths all have had major impacts on the structures at the site.[111] These are in conjunction with damages due to the natural weathering that occurs over time due to vegetation growth, the foundations settling, and erosion from the weather.[111]
Martin Hall writes that the history ofIron Age research south of theZambezi shows the prevalent influence of colonial ideologies, both in the earliest speculations about the nature of the African past and in the adaptations that have been made to contemporary archaeological methodologies.[113] Preben Kaarsholm writes that both colonial and black nationalist groups invoked Great Zimbabwe's past to support their vision of the country's present, through the media of popular history and of fiction. Examples of such popular history includeAlexander Wilmot'sMonomotapa (Rhodesia) andKen Mufuka'sDzimbahwe: Life and Politics in the Golden Age; examples from fiction includeWilbur Smith'sThe Sunbird andStanlake Samkange'sYear of the Uprising.[62]
When white colonialists like Cecil Rhodes first saw the ruins, they saw them as a sign of the great riches that the area would yield to its new masters.[62]Pikirayi and Kaarsholm suggest that this presentation of Great Zimbabwe was partly intended to encourage settlement and investment in the area.[62][114]Gertrude Caton-Thompson recognised that the builders were indigenous Africans, but she characterised the site as the "product of an infantile mind" built by a subjugated society.[115][116][117] The official line inRhodesia during the 1960s and 1970s was that the structures were built by non-blacks. Archaeologists who disputed the official statement were censored by the government.[118] According to Paul Sinclair, interviewed forNone But Ourselves:[59]
I was the archaeologist stationed at Great Zimbabwe. I was told by the then-director of the Museums and Monuments organisation to be extremely careful about talking to the press about the origins of the [Great] Zimbabwe state. I was told that the museum service was in a difficult situation, that the government was pressurising them to withhold the correct information. Censorship of guidebooks, museum displays, school textbooks, radio programmes, newspapers and films was a daily occurrence. Once a member of the Museum Board of Trustees threatened me with losing my job if I said publicly that blacks had built Zimbabwe. He said it was okay to say the yellow people had built it, but I wasn't allowed to mention radio carbon dates ... It was the first time since Germany in the thirties that archaeology has been so directly censored.
This suppression of archaeology culminated in the departure from the country of prominent archaeologists of Great Zimbabwe, includingPeter Garlake, Senior Inspector of Monuments for Rhodesia, andRoger Summers of the National Museum.[119]
The Zimbabwe Bird, depicted on Zimbabwe's flagThe Zimbabwe Bird, depicted on Rhodesia's coat of arms
To black nationalist groups, Great Zimbabwe became an important symbol of achievement by Africans: reclaiming its history was a major aim for those seeking majority rule. In 1980 the new internationally recognisedindependent country was renamed for the site, and its famoussoapstone bird carvings were retained from theRhodesian flag andCoat of Arms as a national symbol and depicted in the newZimbabwean flag. After the creation of the modern state ofZimbabwe in 1980, Great Zimbabwe has been employed to mirror and legitimise shifting policies of the ruling regime. At first it was argued that it represented a form of pre-colonial "African socialism" and later the focus shifted to stressing the natural evolution of an accumulation of wealth and power within a ruling elite.[120] An example of the former is Ken Mufuka's booklet,[121] although the work has been heavily criticised.[62][122] A tower of the Great Zimbabwe is also depicted on the coat of arms of Zimbabwe.
Some of the carvings had been taken from Great Zimbabwe around 1890 and sold toCecil Rhodes, who was intrigued and had copies made which he gave to friends. Most of the carvings have now been returned to Zimbabwe, but one remains at Rhodes' old home,Groote Schuur, inCape Town.
Local narratives, despite each clan claiming the site of Great Zimbabwe, are very similar in lamenting both the Europeanantiquarians and the professional archaeologists for desecrating and appropriating a sacred site. They hold the government responsible for the "silence" and "closure" of Great Zimbabwe due to their refusal to "acknowledge the ownership and control of the site by the ancestors andMwari".[123]
In the early 21st century, the government of Zimbabwe endorsed the creation of a university in the vicinity of the ruins. This university is an arts and culture based university which draws from the rich history of the monuments. The university main site is near the monuments with other campuses in the City centre and Mashava. The campuses include Herbet Chitepo Law School, Robert Mugabe School of Education, Gary Magadzire School of Agriculture and Natural Science, Simon Muzenda School of Arts, and Munhumutapa School of Commerce.
^Some scholars contest that cultures and identities can't be considered fixed or invariable, especially over such a long time period.[13]
^The termKaranga began as an exonym of the Shona used by outsiders, however in the modern day it refers to a dialect of Shona in south-central Zimbabwe.[16]: 4
^A major factor involves the actions of Europeanantiquarians and prospectors during the colonial period in the looting of the site, destroying itsstratigraphy.
^According to tradition, the move came about because the king was tired of eating salt made from goat's dung.[51]
^Kuklick, Henrika (1991). "Contested monuments: the politics of archaeology in southern Africa". In George W. Stocking (ed.).Colonial situations: essays on the contextualization of ethnographic knowledge. Univ of Wisconsin Press. pp. 135–170.ISBN978-0-299-13124-1.
^Collett, D. P.; A. E. Vines; E. G. Hughes (1992). "The chronology of the Valley Enclosures: implications for the interpretation of Great Zimbabwe".African Archaeological Review.10:139–161.doi:10.1007/BF01117699.S2CID162352596.
^Innocent, Pikirayi; Federica Sulas; Bongumenzi Nxumalo; Munyaradzi Elton Sagiya; David Stott; Søren M. Kristiansen; Shadreck Chirikure & Tendai Musindo (2022). "Climate-smart harvesting and storing of water: The legacy of dhaka pits at Great Zimbabwe".Anthropocene.40.Bibcode:2022Anthr..4000357P.doi:10.1016/j.ancene.2022.100357.hdl:2263/90394.S2CID254533491.
^abFrederikse, Julie (1990) [1982]. "(1) Before the war".None But Ourselves. Biddy Partridge (photographer). Harare: Oral Traditions Association of Zimbabwe with Anvil Press. pp. 10–11.ISBN0-7974-0961-0.
^Griffith, Francis Llewellyn (1903).Archæological Report. Egypt Exploration Fund. p. 42. Retrieved3 May 2016.
^van Warmelo, N.J. (1966). "Zur Sprache und Herkunft der Lemba".Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde.5. Deutsches Institut für Afrika-Forschung: 273, 278,281–282.
^David Randall-MacIver 1873-1945 by David Ridgway, 1984
^abcHuffman, Thomas N. (2009). "Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe: The origin and spread of social complexity in southern Africa".Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.28:37–54.doi:10.1016/j.jaa.2008.10.004.
^Ndoro, W., and Pwiti, G. (1997). Marketing the past: The Shona village at Great Zimbabwe. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 2(3): 3–8.
^Beach, D. N. (1994). A Zimbabwean past: Shona dynastic histories and oral traditions.
^Huffman, Thomas N. (2009). "Mapungubwe and Great Zimbabwe: The origin and spread of social complexity in southern Africa".Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.28:37–54.doi:10.1016/j.jaa.2008.10.004.
^Nelson, Jo (2019).Historium. Big Picture Press. p. 10.
^Gilbert Pwiti (2004). "Economic change, ideology and the development of cultural complexity in northern Zimbabwe".Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa.39:265–282.doi:10.1080/00672700409480403.S2CID161890031.
^Pwiti, Gilbert (1996). Continuity and change: an archaeological study of farming communities in northern Zimbabwe AD 500–1700. Studies in African Archaeology, No.13, Department of Archaeology, Uppsala University, Uppsala:.
^Ndoro, W., and Pwiti, G. (1997). Marketing the past: The Shona village at Great Zimbabwe. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 2(3): 3–8.
^Beach, D. N. (1994). A Zimbabwean past: Shona dynastic histories and oral traditions.
^Joost Fontein (2006). "Closure at Great Zimbabwe: Local Narratives of Desecration and Alienation".Journal of Southern African Studies.32 (4):771–794.doi:10.1080/03057070600995723.S2CID143105508.