Italian cyclist
Giuseppe Saronni (born 22 September 1957), also known asBeppe Saronni , is an Italian formerracing cyclist . He had remarkable success riding in theGiro d'Italia . In1980 he won 7 stages and finished 7th overall; in1981 he won 3 stages and finished 3rd overall. In1979 and1983 he won the Giro d'Italia and all total for his career win 24 stages in this race.
Saronni currently works an advisor forUCI WorldTeam UAE Team Emirates XRG .
Born inNovara , Piedmont, Saronni turned professional in 1977. During his career, that lasted until 1989, he won 193 races. In Italy he gave birth to a famous rivalry withFrancesco Moser , like those ofAlfredo Binda withLearco Guerra , andFausto Coppi withGino Bartali . He competed in theteam pursuit event at the1976 Summer Olympics .[ 3]
In 1982 he won theWorld Cycling Championship atGoodwood , England, beating AmericanGreg LeMond and IrishmanSean Kelly . His final sprint was so impressive that it gained him the nickname ofLa fucilata di Goodwood - "the gunshot of Goodwood".[ 4] The previous year he had won a silver medal, as he had been overcome in the final byFreddy Maertens ofBelgium . In 1982 Saronni also won theGiro di Lombardia .
At the beginning of 1983 another a striking attack on the Poggio climb gave him theMilan–San Remo classic, after three consecutive second places in that race. This was Saronni's last great classics victory.
Career achievements [ edit ] 1977 1stGiro del Veneto 1stTre Valli Varesine 1stGiro del Friuli 1stTrofeo Pantalica 2ndLa Flèche Wallonne 2ndGiro del Piemonte 2ndCoppa Placci 2ndTrofeo Laigueglia 3rd OverallTirreno–Adriatico 3rd OverallGiro di Puglia 3rdGiro del Lazio 3rdGiro della Provincia di Reggio Calabria 4thGran Premio Città di Camaiore 5thGiro dell'Emilia 7thCoppa Bernocchi 8th OverallGrand Prix du Midi Libre 8th OverallGiro di Sardegna 8thTrofeo Matteotti 9thRoad race ,UCI Road World Championships 9thGran Premio Industria e Commercio di Prato 10thMilano–Torino 1978 1st OverallTirreno–Adriatico 1st Prologue 1st OverallGiro di Puglia 1st Stages 1 & 3b (ITT ) 1st OverallRuota d'Oro 1st Stage 2 1stCoppa Agostoni 1stTrofeo Pantalica 1stGiro di Campania 1st Stage 4Giro di Sardegna 2ndMilan–San Remo 2ndCoppa Sabatini 2ndGiro del Friuli 3rdRoad race , National Road Championships 3rdGiro dell'Appennino 4th OverallEscalada a Montjuïc 1st Stage 1a (ITT ) 4thRoad race ,UCI Road World Championships 4thGiro dell'Emilia 4thTrofeo Laigueglia 5th OverallGiro d'Italia 1st Stages 2, 7 & 8 6thGiro di Toscana 7thEschborn–Frankfurt 1979 1st OverallGiro d'Italia 1stPoints classification 1st Stages 5, 8 (ITT ) & 19 (ITT ) 1st OverallTour de Romandie 1st Stages 1 & 4 1st OverallGrand Prix du Midi Libre 1st Prologue & Stage 1 1stZüri–Metzgete 1stGrand Prix of Aargau Canton 1stTre Valli Varesine 1stTrofeo Baracchi (withFrancesco Moser ) 1stGran Premio Città di Camaiore 1st PrologueVolta a Catalunya 2ndTirreno–Adriatico 1st Stage 4 2nd OverallRuota d'Oro 1st Stage 1 2ndMilan–San Remo 2ndLa Flèche Wallonne 2ndParis–Tours 2ndGiro di Campania 2ndTrofeo Laigueglia 4thCoppa Agostoni 4thCoppa Placci 5thVuelta a Andalucía 1st Stage 5 5thGP Industria & Artigianato di Larciano 5thTrofeo Pantalica 8thMilano–Torino 8thRoad race ,UCI Road World Championships 10thGiro dell'Emilia 1980 1stRoad race , National Road Championships 1st OverallGiro di Puglia 1st Stages 1, 4 & 5 1stLa Flèche Wallonne 1stTre Valli Varesine 1stCoppa Bernocchi 1stTrittico Lombardo 1stTrofeo Pantalica 1stGiro di Campania 1stGP Industria & Artigianato di Larciano 1st Stage 1Ruota d'Oro 2ndMilan–San Remo 2ndCoppa Sabatini 3rd OverallTour de Romandie 1st Prologue 3rdGiro del Lazio 4thZüri–Metzgete 5thMilano–Vignola 6th OverallTirreno–Adriatico 1st Stage 3 6th OverallGiro di Sardegna 7th OverallGiro d'Italia 1stPoints classification 1st Stages 1, 2, 3, 13, 17, 19 & 21 (ITT ) 7thTrofeo Matteotti 1981 1stGiro di Romagna 1stTrofeo Laigueglia 1stCoppa Bernocchi 1stGran Premio Città di Camaiore 1stGiro dell'Etna 1st Stage 1aEscalada a Montjuïc 1st Stage 3Deutschland Tour 1st Stage 2Ruota d'Oro 1st Stage 5La Méditerranéenne Tirreno–Adriatico 1st Stages 2 & 3 Giro di Puglia 1st Stages 1 & 2 2nd OverallTour de Romandie 1st Stages 2 & 3 2ndRoad race ,UCI Road World Championships 2ndGran Premio Industria e Commercio di Prato 3rd OverallGiro d'Italia 1stPoints classification 1st Stages 3, 5 & 6 3rdGiro del Friuli 9thGent–Wevelgem 1982 1stRoad race ,UCI Road World Championships 1st OverallTour de Suisse 1st Stage 1 1st OverallTirreno–Adriatico 1st Stages 1 & 2 1st OverallGiro del Trentino 1st Stage 3 1st OverallGiro di Sardegna 1st Stages 1, 2 & 4 1stGiro di Lombardia 1stMilano–Torino 1stCoppa Agostoni 1stCoppa Sabatini 1stTrofeo Pantalica 1st Stage 1Deutschland Tour 1st Stage 1Ruota d'Oro Vuelta a Andalucía 1st Stages 1, 2, 4a & 5 2ndGiro del Friuli 6th OverallGiro d'Italia 1st Stages 2, 9 & 21 6thParis–Brussels 7thLa Flèche Wallonne 1983 1st OverallGiro d'Italia 1stPoints classification 1st Stages 4, 13 (ITT ) & 16b 1stMilan–San Remo Vuelta a España 1st Stages 9 & 10 2ndLiège–Bastogne–Liège 5thTrofeo Pantalica 1984 Tour of Norway 1st Stages 3 & 5 1985 1stTrofeo Pantalica 1st Stage 3Giro di Puglia 1st Stage 1Vuelta a Andalucía Giro d'Italia 1st Stages 2 (TTT ), 3 & 16 2ndTre Valli Varesine 3rd OverallSettimana Internazionale di Coppi e Bartali 1st Stage 3 1986 1st OverallSettimana Internazionale di Coppi e Bartali 1st Stage 3 1stTrofeo Baracchi (withLech Piasecki ) 2nd OverallGiro d'Italia 1st Stage 3 (TTT ) 2nd OverallGiro di Puglia 1st Stages 2 & 4 3rdRoad race ,UCI Road World Championships 4thMilan–San Remo 1987 1stMilano–Vignola 1st Stage 4Tirreno–Adriatico 2ndTrofeo Baracchi 1988 1st OverallGiro di Puglia 1st Stage 1 1stTre Valli Varesine 1st Stage 4b (TTT )Giro d'Italia 2nd OverallSettimana Internazionale di Coppi e Bartali 2ndRoad race , National Road Championships 2ndCoppa Placci 10th OverallVuelta a Andalucía 1st Stage 2 1989 1st PrologueVuelta a Andalucía 2ndGiro di Romagna 1990 1stGiro della Provincia di Reggio Calabria Grand Tour general classification results timeline [ edit ] Monuments results timeline [ edit ] Major championships results timeline [ edit ] Legend — Did not compete DNF Did not finish
1927–1938 1946–1959 1960–1979 1980–1999 2000–2019 2020–2039
* In 1912, Giro was contested solely by teams, with no individual classification
1880–1899 1900–1919 1920–1939 1940–1959 1960–1979 1980–1999 2000–2019 2020–2039
Mountain bike