Gijsberta Hendrika (Gijsje)Koenderink (born 1974)[1] is a Dutchbiophysicist whose research investigates thebiomechanics ofcells and their substructures, and the use oflipids innanobiotechnology. She is a professor in the Bionanoscience Department in theDelft University of Technology.[2]
Koenderink earned a master's degree inphysical chemistry atUtrecht University in 1998, and completed her Ph.D. there in 2003. After postdoctoral study atVrije Universiteit Amsterdam andHarvard University, she worked forAMOLF, a research institute in Amsterdam, from 2006 to 2019, heading the Biological Soft Matter group and (beginning in 2014) the Living Matter Department there. She took her present position at the Delft University of Technology in 2019.[2]
Koenderink was elected to the Young Academy of theRoyal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in 2008.[2][3] In 2021,TU Dresden and theMax Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems gave Koenderink their Dresden Physics Prize.[4]