In the context ofcombinatorial game theory, agame tree is a graph representing all possible game states within asequential game that hasperfect information. Such games includechess,checkers,Go, andtic-tac-toe.
A game tree can be used to measure thecomplexity of a game, as it represents all the possible ways that the game can pan out. Due to the large game trees ofcomplex games such as chess, algorithms that are designed to play this class of games will use partial game trees, which makes computation feasible on modern computers. Various methods exist to solve game trees. If a complete game tree can be generated, adeterministic algorithm, such asbackward induction orretrograde analysis can be used.Randomized algorithms andminmax algorithms such asMCTS can be used in cases where a complete game tree is not feasible.
To better understand the game tree, it can be thought of as a technique for analyzing adversarial games, which determine the actions that player takes to win the game. In game theory, a game tree is a directed graph whose nodes are positions in a game (e.g., the arrangement of the pieces in a board game) and whose edges are moves (e.g., to move pieces from one position on a board to another).[1]
Thecomplete game tree for a game is the game tree starting at the initial position and containing all possible moves from each position; the complete tree is the same tree as that obtained from theextensive-form game representation. To be more specific, the complete game is a norm for the game in game theory. Which can clearly express many important aspects. For example, the sequence of actions that stakeholders may take, their choices at each decision point, information about actions taken by other stakeholders when each stakeholder makes a decision, and the benefits of all possible game results.[2]
The number ofleaf nodes in the complete game tree is the number of possible different ways the game can be played. For example, the game tree for tic-tac-toe has 255,168 leaf nodes.
Game trees are important inartificial intelligence because one way to pick the best move in a game is to search the game tree using any of numeroustree search algorithms, combined withminimax-like rules toprune the tree. The game tree for tic-tac-toe is easily searchable, but the complete game trees for larger games likechess are much too large to search. Instead, achess-playing program searches apartial game tree: typically as many plies from the current position as it can search in the time available. Except for the case of "pathological" game trees[3] (which seem to be quite rare in practice), increasing the search depth (i.e., the number of plies searched) generally improves the chance of picking the best move.
Two-person games can also be represented asand-or trees. For the first player to win a game, there must exist a winning move for all moves of the second player. This is represented in the and-or tree by using disjunction to represent the first player's alternative moves and using conjunction to represent all of the second player's moves.
With a complete game tree, it is possible to "solve" the game – that is to say, find a sequence of moves that either the first or second player can follow that will guarantee the best possible outcome for that player (usually a win or a tie). Thedeterministic algorithm (which is generally calledbackward induction orretrograde analysis) can be described recursively as follows.
The diagram shows a game tree for an arbitrary game, colored using the above algorithm.
It is usually possible to solve a game (in this technical sense of "solve") using only a subset of the game tree, since in many games a move need not be analyzed if there is another move that is better for the same player (for examplealpha-beta pruning can be used in many deterministic games).
Any subtree that can be used to solve the game is known as adecision tree, and the sizes of decision trees of various shapes are used as measures ofgame complexity.[4]
Randomized algorithms can be used in solving game trees. There are two main advantages in this type of implementation: speed and practicality. Whereas a deterministic version of solving game trees can be done inΟ(n), the following randomized algorithm has an expected run time ofθ(n0.792) if every node in the game tree has degree 2. Moreover, it is practical because randomized algorithms are capable of "foiling an enemy", meaning an opponent cannot beat the system of game trees by knowing the algorithm used to solve the game tree because the order of solving is random.
The following is an implementation of randomized game tree solution algorithm:[5]
defgt_eval_rand(u)->bool:"""Returns True if this node evaluates to a win, otherwise False"""ifu.leaf:returnu.winelse:random_children=(gt_eval_rand(child)forchildinrandom_order(u.children))ifu.op=="OR":returnany(random_children)ifu.op=="AND":returnall(random_children)
The algorithm makes use of the idea of "short-circuiting": if the root node is considered an "OR" operator, then once oneTrue is found, the root is classified asTrue; conversely, if the root node is considered an "AND" operator then once oneFalse is found, the root is classified asFalse.