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Gallo-Italic languages

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Family of Romance languages
Italy,San Marino,Switzerland,Monaco,France
Linguistic classificationIndo-European
Language codes
ISO 639-3
Geographic distribution of undisputed Gallo-Italic varieties

TheGallo-Italic,Gallo-Italian,Gallo-Cisalpine or simplyCisalpine languages constitute the majority of theRomance languagesof northern Italy:Piedmontese,Lombard,Emilian,Ligurian, andRomagnol.[3] In central Italy they are spoken in the northernMarches (Gallo-Italic of the Marches);[4] in southern Italy in somelanguage islands inBasilicata (Gallo-Italic of Basilicata) andSicily (Gallo-Italic of Sicily).[5]

Although most publications defineVenetian as part of theItalo-Dalmatian branch, bothEthnologue andGlottolog group it into the Gallo-Italic languages.[6][7]

The languages are spoken also in thedepartement of Alpes-Maritimes inFrance and inTicino and southernGrisons, both inSwitzerland, and themicrostates ofMonaco andSan Marino. They are still spoken to some extent by theItalian diaspora in countries with Italian immigrant communities.

Having aCelticsubstratum and aGermanic, mostlyLombardic,superstrate, Gallo-Italian descends from theLatin spoken innorthern part of Italia (formerCisalpine Gaul). The group had for part oflate antiquity and theearly Middle Ages a close linguistic link withGaul andRaetia, west and north to theAlps. From thelate Middle Ages, the group adopted various characteristics of theItalo-Dalmatian languages of the south.

As a result, the Gallo-Italic languages have characteristics of theGallo-Romance languages to the northwest (includingFrench andFranco-Provençal), theOccitano-Romance languages to the west (includingCatalan andOccitan) and the Italo-Dalmatian languages to thenorth-east,central andsouth Italy (Venetian,Dalmatian,Tuscan,Central Italian,Neapolitan,Sicilian). For this there is some debate over the proper grouping of the Gallo-Italic languages. They are sometimes grouped with Gallo-Romance,[8][9][10][11] but other linguists group them in Italo-Dalmatian.[12][13][14][15][16]

Most Gallo-Italic languages have to varying degrees given way in everyday use toregional varieties of Italian.[citation needed] The vast majority of current speakers arediglossic with Italian.

Among the regional languages of Italy, they are the most endangered, since in the main cities of their area (Milan,Turin,Genoa,Bologna) they are mainly used by the elderly.


See also:Cisalpine Gaul andRoman Italy

Geographical distribution


Within this sub-family, the language with the largest geographic spread isLombard, spoken in the Italian region ofLombardy, in easternPiedmont and westernTrentino. Outside Italy it is widespread in Switzerland in the canton ofTicino, and some southern valleys of the canton of theGrisons.

Piedmontese refers to the languages spoken in the region of Piedmont and the north west corner ofLiguria. Historically, the Piedmontese-speaking area is the plain at the foot of theWestern Alps, and ends at the entrance to thevalleys where Occitan and Franco-Provençal are spoken. In recent centuries, the language has also spread into these valleys, where it is also more widely spoken than these two languages, thus the borders of Piedmontese have reached the western alpswatershed that is the border with France.

The speaking area ofLigurian orGenoese cover the territory of the formerRepublic of Genoa, which included much of nowadays Liguria, and some mountain areas of bordering regions near the Ligurian border, the upper valley ofRoya river nearNice, inCarloforte andCalasetta in SouthernSardinia, andBonifacio inCorsica.

Emilian is spoken in the historical-cultural region ofEmilia, which forms part ofEmilia-Romagna, but also in many areas of the bordering regions, including southern Lombardy, south-eastern Piedmont, around the town ofTortona,province of Massa and Carrara inTuscany andPolesine in Veneto, near thePo delta.WithRomagnol, spoken in the historical region ofRomagna, forms theEmilian-Romagnol linguistic continuum.

Gallo-Piceno (gallo-italic of the Marches orgallico-marchigiano) is spoken in theprovince of Pesaro and Urbino and in the northern part of theprovince of Ancona (the Marches).[4] Once classified as a dialect of Romagnol, now there is a debate about considering it a separated Gallo-Italic language.[17][18]

Isolated varieties in Sicily and in Basilicata (Southern Gallo-Italic variants)

Further information:Gallo-Italic of Sicily andGallo-Italic of Basilicata

Varieties of Gallo-Italic languages are also found inSicily,[5] corresponding with the central-eastern parts of the island that received large numbers of immigrants from Northern Italy, calledLombards, during the decades following theNorman conquest of Sicily (around 1080 to 1120). Given the time that has lapsed and the influence from theSicilian language itself, these dialects are best generically described asSouthern Gallo-Italic. The major centres where these dialects can still be heard today includePiazza Armerina,Aidone,Sperlinga,San Fratello,Nicosia, andNovara di Sicilia. Northern Italian dialects did not survive in some towns in theprovince of Catania that developed largeLombard communities during this period, namelyRandazzo,Paternò andBronte. However, the Northern Italian influence in the local varieties of Sicilian are marked. In the case of San Fratello, some linguists suggested that the nowadays dialect hasProvençal as its basis, having been a fort manned by Provençal mercenaries in the early decades of the Norman conquest (bearing in mind that it took the Normans 30 years to conquer the whole of the island).

Other dialects, attested from 13th and 14th century, are also found inBasilicata,[5] more precisely in the province ofPotenza (Tito,Picerno,Pignola andVaglio Basilicata),Trecchina,Rivello,Nemoli andSan Costantino.[19]

General classification

Chart of Romance languages based on structural and comparative criteria, not on socio-functional ones



Gallo-Italic languages are often said to resemble Western Romance languages like French, Spanish, or Portuguese, and in large part it is due to their phonology.The Gallo-Italic languages differ somewhat in their phonology from one language to another, but the following are the most important characteristics, as contrasted withItalian:[21]


  • Most Gallo-Italic languages have lost all unstressed final vowels except/a/, e.g. Lombardòm "man",füm "smoke",nef "snow",fil "wire",röda "wheel" (Italianuomo, fumo, neve, filo, ruota). They remain, however, in Ligurian, with passage of-o to-u, except aftern; e.g.ramu, rami, lüme, lümi "branch, branches, light, lights" (Italianramo, rami, lume, lumi), butcan, chen/kaŋ,keŋ/ "dog, dogs" (Italiancane, cani).
  • u/u/ tends to evolve asü/y/, as in French and Occitan, as in Lombardfüm (Italianfumo "smoke") and Ligurianlüme, Piedmontlüm (Italianlume "light"). In some parts, e.g. southern Piedmont, this has further developed into/i/, e.g.fis (Italianfuso),lim (Italianlume "light"). In some mountainous parts of Piedmont, however (e.g. Biellese, Ossolano), this development was blocked before final/a/, leading to masculinecrü (Italiancrudo "raw") but femininecru(v)a (Italiancruda).
  • Metaphony is very common, affecting original open stressedè/ɛ/ andò/ɔ/ when followed by/i/ or sometimes/o/ (operating before final vowels were dropped). This leads at first to diphthongsie anduo, but in many dialects these progress further, typically to monophthongsi andö/ø/. Unlike standard Italian diphthongization, this typically operates both in open and closed syllables, hence in Lombardy (where typically/i/ but not/o/ triggers metaphony)quest (Italianquesto "this") vs.quist (Italianquesti "these").
  • Stressed closedé/e/ and sometimesó/o/, when occurring in an open syllable (followed by at most one consonant) often diphthongized to/ei/ and/ou/, as inOld French; e.g. Piedmontbeive (Italianbere < *bévere "to drink"),teila (Italiantela "cloth"),meis (Italianmese "month"). In some dialects,/ei/ developed further into either/ɛ/ or/i/, e.g.tèla/tɛla/ <*teila (Italiantela "cloth"),sira (Italiansera "evening"),mis (Italianmese "month").
  • Stressed/a/ in an open syllable often fronts toä/æ/ orè/ɛ/.


  • Lenition affects single consonants between vowels./d/ and/ɡ/ drop;/b/ becomes/v/ or drops;/t/ and/k/ become/d/ and/ɡ/, or drop;/p/ becomes/b/,/v/, or drops./s/ between vowels voices to/z/./l/ between vowels sometimes becomes/r/, and this/r/ sometimes drops. Double consonants are reduced to single consonants, but not otherwise lenited./n/ becomes velarized to/ŋ/. These changes occur before a final vowel drops. After loss of final vowels, however, further changes sometimes affect the newly final consonants, with voiced obstruents often becoming voiceless, and final/ŋ/ sometimes dropping. Liguria, especially in former times, showed particularly severe lenition, with total loss of intervocalic/t/,/d/,/ɡ/,/b/,/v/,/l/,/r/ (probably also/p/, but not/k/) in Old Genoese, hencemüa (Latinmatura "early"),a éia e âe? (Italianaveva le ali? "did it have wings?"; moderna l'aveiva e ae? with restoration of various consonants due to Italian influence). In Liguria and often elsewhere, collapse of adjacent vowels due to loss of an intervocalic consonant produced new long vowels, notated with a circumflex.
  • /k/ and/ɡ/ preceding/i/,/e/ or/ɛ/ often assibilitated historically to/s/ and/z/, respectively. This typically does not occur in Lombardy, however, and parts of Liguria have intermediate/ts/ and/dz/, while Piemontese varieties typically have differential developments, with/k/ assibilating (sent/sɛŋt/ '100'), but/ɡ/ retaining palatalization (gent/dʒɛŋt/ 'people').
  • Latin/kl/ palatalized to/tʃ/ (Piemonteseciav, Romagnolceva 'key'); similarly/ɡj/ from Latin/ɡl/ develops as/dʒ/. In Liguria,/pj/ and/bj/ from Latin/pl/ and/bl/ are affected in the same way, e.g. Liguriancian (Italianpiano "soft") andgiancu (Italianbianco "white").
  • Latin/kt/ develops into/jt/,/tʃ/ or/t/, varying by locale (contrast Italian/tt/).

Lexical comparison

1vyŋ / vœnauŋ / unaoŋ / onayŋ / 'yŋauŋ / unayŋ / yna
2dyduidu / dʌudʊi̯/ 'dʊe̯due / dɔdui / duɛ
3tri/tretritri / traitrɛi̯ / trɛtri / trɛtrei / trɛ

Comparisons of the sentence: "She always closes the window before dining."

Italian (reference)(Lei) chiude sempre la finestra prima di cenare.
  • (Gallo-Italic)
Bergamasque (Eastern Lombard)(Lé) La sèra sèmper sö ol balcù prima de senà.
Brescian (Eastern Lombard)(Lé) La sèra semper sö la finèstra enacc de senà.
Milanese (Western Lombard)(Lee) la sara semper sü la fenestra inans de zena.
Ludesan (Western Lombard)lé la sarà semper sü la finèstra inans da disnà.
Piacentine (Emilian)Le la sära sëimpar sö/sü la finestra (fnestra) prima da diśnä
Bolognese (Emilian)(Lî) la sèra sänper la fnèstra prémma ed dṡnèr.
Cesenate (Romagnol)(Lî) la ciöd sèmpar la fnèstra prèmma d' z'nèr.
Riminese (Romagnol)(Léa) la ciùd sémpre la fnèstra prèima ad z'né.
Pesarese (Gallo-Piceno)Lìa la chiód sénpre la fnèstra préma d' ć'nè.
Fanese (Gallo-Piceno)Lìa chìud sèmper la fnestra prima d' c'né.
Piedmontese(Chila) a sara sempe la fnestra dnans ëd fé sin-a.
Canavese (Piedmontese)(Chilà) a sera sémper la fnestra doant ëd far sèina.
LigurianLê a særa sénpre o barcón primma de çenâ.
Tabarchin (Ligurian dialect ofSardinia)Lé a sère fissu u barcun primma de çenò.
Carrarese (transition dialect among Ligurian, Emilian and Tuscan)Lê al sèr(e)/chiode sènpre la fnestra(paravento) prima de cena.
RomanshElla clauda/serra adina la fanestra avant ch'ella tschainia.
FriulianJê e siere simpri il barcon prin di cenâ.
Gherdëina LadinËila stluj for l vier dan cené.
Nones (Ladin)(Ela) la sera semper la fenestra inant zenar. ()
Solander (Ladin)La sèra sempro (sèmper) la fenèstra prima (danànt) da cenàr.
  • (other, for reference)
VenetianŁa sàra/sèra senpre el balcón vanti senàr/dixnàr.
TrentineÈla la sèra sèmper giò/zo la fenèstra prima de zenà.
Istriot (Rovignese)Gila insiera senpro el balcon preîma da senà.
Florentine (Tuscan)Lei la 'hiude sempre la finestra prima di cenà.
CorsicanElla chjudi sempri a finestra primma di cenà.
SardinianIssa tancat semper sa ventana in antis de si esser chenada.
NeapolitanEssa abbarrechée sempe 'a fenesta primma ca cene.
SalentinoQuiddhra chiude sèmpre a fenéscia prìma cu mancia te sira.
SicilianIdda chiudi sèmpri la finéstra prìma di manciari a la sira.
PerugianLia chiud sempre la fnestra prima d' cenè.
FrenchElle ferme toujours la fenêtre avant de dîner.
Romanian(Ea) închide totdeauna fereastra înainte de a cina.
SpanishElla siempre cierra la ventana antes de cenar.
Latin(Illa) Claudit semper fenestram antequam cenet.

See also



  1. ^"Glottolog 4.8 – Venetian"
  2. ^"Venetian".Ethnologue.
  3. ^Loporcaro, Michele. 2009. 'Profilo linguistico dei dialetti d'Italia. Bari: Laterza. Pg. 3.'
  4. ^abFrancesco Avolio,Dialetti, inTreccani Encyclopaedia, 2010.
  5. ^abcFiorenzo Toso,Le minoranze linguistiche in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna 2008, p. 137.
  6. ^ab"Venetian".Ethnologue. Retrieved2020-03-01.
  7. ^"Glottolog 4.8 – Venetian"
  8. ^Ethnologue,[1]
  9. ^Hull, Geoffrey (1982): «The linguistic unity of northern Italy and Rhaetia.» Ph.D. diss., University of Sydney West.
  10. ^Longobardi, Giuseppe. (2014). Theory and experiment in parametric minimalism. Language description informed by theory. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 217–262.
  11. ^Tamburelli, M., & Brasca, L. (2018). Revisiting the classification of Gallo-Italic: a dialectometric approach. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 33, 442–455.[2]
  12. ^For example, Giovan Battista Pellegrini,Tullio De Mauro, Maurizio Dardano, Tullio Telmon (see Enrico Allasino et al.Le lingue del PiemonteArchived 2011-08-10 at theWayback Machine, IRES – Istituto di Ricerche Economico Sociali del Piemonte, Torino, 2007, p. 9) and Vincenzo Orioles (seeClassificazione dei dialetti parlati in Italia).
  13. ^Walter De Gruyter,Italienisch, Korsisch, Sardisch, 1988, p. 452.
  14. ^Michele Loporcaro,Profilo linguistico dei dialetti italiani, 2013, p. 70.
  15. ^Martin Maiden, Mair Parry,Dialects of Italy, 1997, Introduction p. 3.
  16. ^Anna Laura Lepschy,Giulio Lepschy,The Italian Language Today, 1998, p. 41.
  17. ^AA. VV. Conoscere l'Italia vol. Marche (Pag. 64), Istituto Geografico De Agostini – Novara – 1982
  18. ^Dialetti romagnoli. Seconda edizione aggiornata, Daniele Vitali, Davide Pioggia, Pazzini Editore, Verucchio (RN), 2016
  19. ^Michele Loporcaro, "Phonological Processes", in Maiden et al., 2011,The Cambridge History of the Romance Languages: Volume 1, Structures
  20. ^"Glottolog 4.8 – Venetian"
  21. ^ Bernard Comrie, Stephen Matthews, Maria Polinsky (eds.), The Atlas of languages : the origin and development of languages throughout the world. New York 2003, Facts On File. p. 40. Stephen A. Wurm, Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger of Disappearing. Paris 2001, UNESCO Publishing, p. 29. Glauco Sanga: La lingua Lombarda, in Koiné in Italia, dalle origini al 500 (Koinés in Italy, from the origin to 1500), Lubrina publisher, Bèrghem Studi di lingua e letteratura lombarda offerti a Maurizio Vitale, (Studies in Lombard language and literature) Pisa : Giardini, 1983 Brevini, Franco – Lo stile lombardo : la tradizione letteraria da Bonvesin da la Riva a Franco Loi / Franco Brevini – Pantarei, Lugan – 1984 (Lombard style: literary tradition from Bonvesin da la Riva to Franco Loi ) Mussafia Adolfo, Beitrag zur kunde der Norditalienischen Mundarten im XV. Jahrhunderte (Wien, 1873) Pellegrini, G.B. "I cinque sistemi dell'italoromanzo", in Saggi di linguistica italiana (Turin: Boringhieri, 1975), pp. 55–87. Rohlfs, Gerhard, Rätoromanisch. Die Sonderstellung des Rätoromanischen zwischen Italienisch und Französisch. Eine kulturgeschichtliche und linguistische Einführung (Munich: C.H. Beek'sche, 1975), pp. 1–20. Canzoniere Lombardo – by Pierluigi Beltrami, Bruno Ferrari, Luciano Tibiletti, Giorgio D'Ilario – Varesina Grafica Editrice, 1970.


  • Bernard Comrie, Stephen Matthews, Maria Polinsky (eds.), The Atlas of languages: the origin and development of languages throughout the world. New York 2003, Facts On File. p. 40.
  • Stephen A. Wurm, Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger of Disappearing. Paris 2001, UNESCO Publishing, p. 29.
  • Glauco Sanga: La lingua Lombarda, in Koiné in Italia, dalle origini al 500 (Koinés in Italy, from the origin to 1500), Lubrina publisher, Bèrghem
  • Studi di lingua e letteratura lombarda offerti a Maurizio Vitale, (Studies in Lombard language and literature) Pisa : Giardini, 1983
  • Brevini, Franco – Lo stile lombardo : la tradizione letteraria da Bonvesin da la Riva a Franco Loi / Franco Brevini – Pantarei, Lugan – 1984 (Lombard style: literary tradition from Bonvesin da la Riva to Franco Loi )
  • Hull, GeoffreyThe Linguistic Unity of Northern Italy and Rhaetia: Historical Grammar of the Padanian Language 2 vols. Sydney: Beta Crucis Editions, 2017.
  • Mussafia Adolfo, Beitrag zur kunde der Norditalienischen Mundarten im XV. Jahrhunderte (Wien, 1873)
  • Pellegrini, G.B. "I cinque sistemi dell'italoromanzo", inSaggi di linguistica italiana (Turin: Boringhieri, 1975), pp. 55–87.
  • Rohlfs, Gerhard,Rätoromanisch. Die Sonderstellung des Rätoromanischen zwischen Italienisch und Französisch. Eine kulturgeschichtliche und linguistische Einführung (Munich: C.H. Beek'sche, 1975), pp. 1–20.
  • Canzoniere Lombardo – by Pierluigi Beltrami, Bruno Ferrari, Luciano Tibiletti, Giorgio D'Ilario – Varesina Grafica Editrice, 1970.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related toGallo-Italic languages.
Major branches

  • Barranquenho (mixed Portuguese–Spanish)
  • Caló (mixed Romani–Ibero- and Occitano-Romance)
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