Some researchers translate the name of the village of Galashki from theIngush language as "to the Galais", based on the assertion that the representatives of theGalai [ru] clan (teip) are the founders of the village.[13][14]
Galashki is situated on the left bank of the Assa River, approximately 30 kilometers southwest of the regional center,Sunzha, and 32 kilometers southeast of the city ofMagas (by road). The nearest settlements to Galashki are the village ofAlkhasty to the north, the village ofDattykh to the northeast, the village ofMuzhichi to the south, and the village ofKomgaron to the southwest.
The village was founded by the clan (teip) ofGalai [ru] who migrated fromGalanchozh.[15][16] In the second half of the 18th century (1770s), the German researcherJ. A. Güldenstädt indicated Galashki among the total number ofIngush villages and districts.[17] Galashki as Ingush village was mentioned byS. M. Bronevsky [ru] in 1823.[18] Ten years later,I. F. Blaramberg [ru] indicated Galashki as Ingush village too in his fundamental work “Historical, topographical, statistical, ethnographic and military description of the Caucasus”, written in 1834 as a result of his business trip and expedition in the Caucasus.[19] Gradually by the name of the village in the 19th century, in official and literary sources, the terms "Galashian society" and "Galashians"[16] are fixed, as one of the territorial societies of the Ingush.[20]
^ab • Commonly mentioned as 'Galashke' (Ingush:Галашке),[1][2][3][4] however the village was sometimes mentioned as 'Galashka' (Ingush:Gælaškæ)[5] or 'Galashkie' (Ingush:Gælaškie).[6]
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