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A trade fair for the travel industryA boy at the fish pond, the Rockton World's Fair, harvest festival, Canada, 2010
Afair (archaic:faire orfayre) is a gathering of people for a variety of entertainment or commercial activities. Fairs are typically temporary with scheduled times lasting from an afternoon to several weeks. Fairs showcase a wide range of goods, products, and services, and often include competitions, exhibitions, and educational activities. Fairs can be thematic, focusing on specific industries or interests.[1]
Book Fairs in communities and schools provide an opportunity for readers, writers, publishers to come together and celebrate literature.
County fair (USA) orcounty show (UK), a publicagricultural show exhibiting the equipment, animals, sports and recreation associated with agriculture and animal husbandry.
Festival, an event ordinarily coordinated with a theme e.g. music, art, season, tradition, history, ethnicity, religion, or a national holiday.
Health fair, an event designed for outreach to provide basic preventive medicine and medical screening
Horse fair, an event where people buy and sell horses.
Job fair, event in which employers, recruiters, and schools give information to potential employees.
Regional orstate fair, an annual competitive and recreational gathering. Including exhibits or competitors that have won in their categories at the local fairs.
Science fair, a competitive event for entries employ the scientific method to test a hypothesis.
Temple fair ormiaohui, yearly fair held in temples of various religions
Trade fair, an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products and services, study activities of rivals, and examine recent market trends and opportunities.
Traveling funfair orcarnival, an amusement show made up of amusement rides, food vending stalls, merchandise vending stalls, games of "chance and skill", thrill acts and (now less commonly) animal acts.
Village fair orfête, an elaborate periodic festival, party or celebration. Held by the locals to original to celebrate a good harvests or religious gatherings.
World's fair, an international exhibition designed to showcase achievements of nations
Village fair by Flemish artistGillis Mostaert 1590Fairs can include exhibitions of animals, and before competitions, the animals will be groomed by their owners.The Horse Fair, painting byRosa Bonheur (1852–1855)
TheRoman fairs wereholidays on which work and business such as law courts were suspended. In the Roman provinces ofJudea andSyria Palaestina, Jewishrabbis prohibitedJews from participating in fairs in certain towns because the religious nature of the fairs contravened the prescribed practice ofJudaism.[2]
In theMiddle Ages, many fairs developed as temporary markets and were especially important for long-distance andinternational trade, as wholesale traders travelled, sometimes for many days, to fairs where they could be sure to meet those they needed to buy from or sell to. The most famous were theChampagne fairs in northern France, which were spread over six towns for a total period of about six weeks, drawing goods and customers from much of Europe. TheFrankfurt Book Fair in Germany, still the largesttrade fair for thepublishing industry, began in the 12th century as a fair for manuscript books.
Fairs were usually tied to specialChristianfeast days, such as the day of the saint of the local church. Stagshaw in England, is documented to have held annual fairs as early as 1293 consisting of the sales of animals. Along with the main fair held on 4 July, the city also hosted smaller fairs throughout the year where specific types of animals were sold, such as one for horses, one for lambs, and one for ewes.[3]
TheKumbh Mela, held every twelve years, atAllahabad,Haridwar,Nashik, andUjjain is one of the largest fairs in India, where more than 60 million people gathered in January 2001, making it thelargest gathering anywhere in the world.[4][5][6]Kumbha means a pitcher andMela meansfair in Sanskrit.
In the United States, fairs draw in as many as 150 million people each summer.[7] Children's competitions at an American fair range from breeding small animals to robotics, whilst the organizationsNational FFA Organization &4-H have become the traditional associations.[7]
TheSirsi Marikamba Devi Fair of the deity is held every alternate year in the month of March and taken through the citySirsi, Karnataka. It is attended by a very large number of devotees. It is also most famous and biggest fair (Jaatre) of the India. Devotees from all around the state participate in this enormous event indulging themselves in the procession. Amusements for children, circuses, variety of shops, dramas and plays and many such things are set up for the people. It depicts the story of the goddess killingMahishasura.
Fairs attracted great numbers of people and they often resulted in public order issues and sometimes riots. The holding of fairs was, therefore, granted byroyal charter. Initially they were only allowed in towns and places where order could be maintained due to the presence of a bishop, sheriff or governor. Later various benefits were granted to specific fairs, such as the granting of a holiday status to a fair or protections against arrest for specific laws for the duration of the fair. Officials were authorised to mete out justice to those who attended their fair; this led to even the smallest fair having a court to adjudicate on offences and disputes arising within the fairground. These courts were called apye powder court (fromOld Frenchpieds pouldres, literally "dusty feet", meaning an itinerant trader, fromMedieval Latinpedes pulverosi).
The chaotic nature of the Stagshaw Bank Fair with masses of people and animals and stalls inspired the Newcastle colloquialism "like a Stagey Bank Fair" to describe a general mess.[3]