Serbian folklore is the folk traditions among ethnicSerbs. The earliest examples of Serbian folklore are seen in the pre-ChristianSlavic customs transformed intoChristianity.
TheApostles of theSlavs,Cyril and Methodius, have been venerated by SerbianOrthodox Christians since theirChristianization in 867.[1]
InKrajište andVlasina there are epic stories of the extermination ofRomans in a battle, and of the settling ofSerbs (Antes)[2][3]
UnlikeEast Slavic mythology, south slavic mythology distinguishes between two differentkinds of dragons: the benevolent zmej and the malevolentala.[4]
Serbian epic poetry is a form ofepic poetry written bySerbs originating in today'sSerbia,Bosnia and Herzegovina andMontenegro. The main cycles were composed by unknown Serb authors between the 14th and 19th centuries. They are largely concerned with historical events and personages.
The corpus of Serbian epic poetry is divided into cycles: