The worldwideanimal feed trade produced 1.245 billion tons ofcompound feed in 2022 according to an estimate by the International Feed Industry Federation,[1] with an annual growth rate of about 2%. The use of agricultural land to grow feed rather than human food can be controversial (seefood vs. feed); some types of feed, such as corn (maize), can also serve as human food; those that cannot, such asgrassland grass, may be grown on land that can be used for crops consumed by humans.
In the past,bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE, or "mad cow disease") spread through the inclusion of ruminantmeat and bone meal incattle feed due toprion contamination. This practice is now banned in most countries where it has occurred.[citation needed] Some animals have a lower tolerance for spoiled or moldy fodder than others, and certain types ofmolds,toxins, or poisonous weeds inadvertently mixed into a feed source may cause economic losses due to sickness or death of the animals. The US Department of Health and Human Services regulates drugs of theVeterinary Feed Directive type that can be present within commercial livestock feed.[citation needed]
Increasing intensities and frequencies of drought events put rangeland agriculture under pressure in semi-arid and arid geographic areas. Innovative emergency fodder production concepts have been reported, such as bush-based animal fodder production in Namibia. During extended dry periods, some farmers have used woody biomass fibre fromencroacher bush as their primary source of cattle feed, adding locally-available supplements for nutrients as well as to improve palatability.[8][9][10][11][12]
Fodder in the form ofSproutedcereal grains such asbarley, andlegumes can be grown in commercial quantities. Sprouted grains can significantly increase the nutritional value of the grain compared with feeding the ungerminated grain to stock.[13] They use less water than traditional forage, making them ideal for drought conditions. Sprouted barley and other cereal grains can be grownhydroponically in a carefully-controlled environment.[14] Hydroponically-grown sprouted fodder at150 mm tall with a50 mm root mat is at its peak for animal feed. Although barley is a grain, barley sprouts are approved by the American Grassfed Association as livestock feed.[citation needed]
^Daly 2019:Mr Pow said his innovative farming system could help livestock producers become more profitable while helping to address the impact of climate change.
^Mupangwa, Johnfisher; Lutaaya, Emmanuel; Shipandeni, Maria Ndakula Tautiko; Kahumba, Absalom; Charamba, Vonai; Shiningavamwe, Katrina Lugambo (2023), Fanadzo, Morris; Dunjana, Nothando; Mupambwa, Hupenyu Allan; Dube, Ernest (eds.),"Utilising Encroacher Bush in Animal Feeding",Towards Sustainable Food Production in Africa: Best Management Practices and Technologies, Sustainability Sciences in Asia and Africa, Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 239–265,doi:10.1007/978-981-99-2427-1_14,ISBN978-981-99-2427-1, retrieved2023-07-13
^Sneath, Roger; McIntosh, Felicity (October 2003).Review of Hydroponic Fodder Production for Beef Cattle. Meat & Livestock Australia. p. 15.ISBN1740365038.{{cite book}}:|access-date= requires|url= (help)
^Sneath, Roger; McIntosh, Felicity (October 2003).Review of Hydroponic Fodder Production for Beef Cattle. Meat & Livestock Australia.ISBN1740365038.Hydroponic sprouts may have profitable application in intensive, small-scale livestock situations with high value outputs, where land and alternative feed costs are high, and where the quality changes (eg less starch, more lysine, vitamins, etc) due to sprouting are advantageous to the particular livestock.{{cite book}}:|access-date= requires|url= (help)
Zhou, Yiqin.Compar[ison of] Fresh or Ensiled Fodders (e.g., Grass, Legume, Corn) on the Production of Greenhouse Gases Following Enteric Fermentation in Beef Cattle. Rouyn-Noranda, Qué.: Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, 2011.N.B.: Research report.