Informally, a Fock space is the sum of a set of Hilbert spaces representing zero particle states, one particle states, two particle states, and so on. If the identical particles arebosons, then-particle states are vectors in asymmetrizedtensor product ofn single-particle Hilbert spacesH. If the identical particles arefermions, then-particle states are vectors in anantisymmetrized tensor product ofn single-particle Hilbert spacesH (seesymmetric algebra andexterior algebra respectively). A general state in Fock space is alinear combination ofn-particle states, one for eachn.
Here is theoperator that symmetrizes orantisymmetrizes a tensor, depending on whether the Hilbert space describes particles obeyingbosonic orfermionic statistics, and the overline represents the completion of the space. The bosonic (resp. fermionic) Fock space can alternatively be constructed as (the Hilbert space completion of) thesymmetric tensors (resp.alternating tensors). For every basis forH there is a natural basis of the Fock space, theFock states.
The Fock space is the (Hilbert)direct sum oftensor products of copies of a single-particle Hilbert space
Here, thecomplex scalars, consists of the states corresponding to no particles, the states of one particle, the states of two identical particles etc.
A general state in is given by
is a vector of length 1 called the vacuum state and is a complex coefficient,
is a state in the single particle Hilbert space and is a complex coefficient,
, and is a complex coefficient, etc.
The convergence of this infinite sum is important if is to be a Hilbert space. Technically we require to be the Hilbert space completion of the algebraic direct sum. It consists of all infinitetuples such that thenorm, defined by the inner product is finitewhere the particle norm is defined byi.e., the restriction of thenorm on the tensor product
For two general states andtheinner product on is then defined aswhere we use the inner products on each of the-particle Hilbert spaces. Note that, in particular the particle subspaces are orthogonal for different.
Product states, indistinguishable particles, and a useful basis for Fock space
Aproduct state of the Fock space is a state of the form
which describes a collection of particles, one of which has quantum state, another and so on up to theth particle, where each isany state from the single particle Hilbert space. Here juxtaposition (writing the single particle kets side by side, without the) is symmetric (resp. antisymmetric) multiplication in the symmetric (antisymmetric)tensor algebra. The general state in a Fock space is a linear combination of product states. A state that cannot be written as a convex sum of product states is called anentangled state.
When we speak ofone particle in state, we must bear in mind that in quantum mechanics identical particles areindistinguishable. In the same Fock space, all particles are identical. (To describe many species of particles, we take the tensor product of as many different Fock spaces as there are species of particles under consideration). It is one of the most powerful features of this formalism that states are implicitly properly symmetrized. For instance, if the above state is fermionic, it will be 0 if two (or more) of the are equal because the antisymmetric(exterior) product. This is a mathematical formulation of thePauli exclusion principle that no two (or more) fermions can be in the same quantum state. In fact, whenever the terms in a formal product are linearly dependent; the product will be zero for antisymmetric tensors. Also, the product of orthonormal states is properly orthonormal by construction (although possibly 0 in the Fermi case when two states are equal).
A useful and convenient basis for a Fock space is theoccupancy number basis. Given a basis of, we can denote the state with particles in state, particles in state, ..., particles in state, and no particles in the remaining states, by defining
where each takes the value 0 or 1 for fermionic particles and 0, 1, 2, ... for bosonic particles. Note that trailing zeroes may be dropped without changing the state. Such a state is called aFock state. When the are understood as the steady states of a free field, the Fock states describe an assembly of non-interacting particles in definite numbers. The most general Fock state is a linear superposition of pure states.
Two operators of great importance are thecreation and annihilation operators, which upon acting on a Fock state add or respectively remove a particle in the ascribed quantum state. They are denoted for creation andfor annihilation respectively. To create ("add") a particle, the quantum state is symmetric or exterior- multiplied with; and respectively to annihilate ("remove") a particle, an (even or odd)interior product is taken with, which is the adjoint of. It is often convenient to work with states of the basis of so that these operators remove and add exactly one particle in the given basis state. These operators also serve as generators for more general operators acting on the Fock space, for instance thenumber operator giving the number of particles in a specific state is.
Often the one particle space is given as, the space ofsquare-integrable functions on a space withmeasure (strictly speaking, theequivalence classes of square integrable functions where functions are equivalent if they differ on aset of measure zero). The typical example is thefree particle with the space of square integrable functions on three-dimensional space. The Fock spaces then have a natural interpretation as symmetric or anti-symmetric square integrable functions as follows.
Let and,,, etc.Consider the space of tuples of points which is thedisjoint union
It has a natural measure such that and the restriction of to is.The even Fock space can then be identified with the space of symmetric functions in whereas the odd Fock space can be identified with the space of anti-symmetric functions. The identification follows directly from theisometric mapping.
is an antisymmetric function on. It can thus be naturally interpreted as an element of the-particle sector of the odd Fock space. The normalization is chosen such that if the functions are orthonormal. There is a similar "Slater permanent" with the determinant replaced with thepermanent which gives elements of-sector of the even Fock space.
whereThen defining a space as the nested union of the spaces over the integers, Segal[4] and Bargmann showed[5][6] that is isomorphic to a bosonic Fock space. The monomialcorresponds to the Fock state
^M.C. Reed,B. Simon, "Methods of Modern Mathematical Physics, Volume II", Academic Press 1975. Page 328.
^Bargmann, V. (1961). "On a Hilbert space of analytic functions and associated integral transform I".Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics.14:187–214.doi:10.1002/cpa.3160140303.hdl:10338.dmlcz/143587.
^Segal, I. E. (1963). "Mathematical problems of relativistic physics".Proceedings of the Summer Seminar, Boulder, Colorado, 1960, Vol. II. Chap. VI.