The Falkland Islands have beenclaimed and occupied by several nations throughoutits history, who generally used theirnational flags on the islands. It was not until 1876 that the islands were given a flag of their own, which consisted of a Blue Ensign defaced with the seal of the islands - an image of HMSHebe (which brought many of the early British settlers to the islands, includingRichard Moody, in the 1840s) inFalkland Sound, overlooked by abullock (representing feralcattle which once roamed the islands).[1] A new coat-of-arms for the islands was introduced on 16 October 1925, consisting of theDesire (which was captained byJohn Davis who is reputed to have discovered the islands in 1592) and asea lion in a shield surrounded by themotto of the islands,Desire the Right. This coat-of-arms later replaced the image of the bullock and ship on the flag.[2]
On 29 September 1948, the flag was updated to include the new coat-of-arms (aram above theDesire on shield with the motto below) superimposed upon a white disc. The flag was banned by theArgentine military junta from 2 April – 14 June 1982, during theiroccupation of the islands, when it was replaced by theflag of Argentina.
In 1999 the size of the arms was increased and the white disc removed to create the current flag. The Falkland Islands Red Ensign was created by The Merchant Shipping (Falkland Islands Colours) Order 1998, No. 3147 of 1998, which came into force in 1999 and which contains a picture of the ensign containing the Falkland arms on a white disc.Red Ensign with the Falklands coat of arms superimposed is used as the islands'civil ensign. Previously the plain red ensign was used by ships in the territorial waters around the Falklands.
For most of the Falkland Islands' existence as a British territory, the civil ensign was the same as that of the United Kingdom, an undefaced red ensign. In 1998, the first warrant for the use of a defaced red ensign was issued, to be effective on 25 January 1999. This warrant prescribed the coat of arms of the Falkland Islands within a white disc. However, a revision of territorial flags issued later that year removed the white disc and enlarged the coat of arms.
The flag of theBritish Forces South Atlantic Islands (which is responsible for the security of the Falkland Islands) consists of a tricolour of dark blue (representing theRoyal Navy), red (representing theBritish Army), and light blue (representing theRoyal Air Force), which is defaced in the centre with a motif of the Islands in gold.