Among earlyChristians, it was known as themanus obscena, or 'obscene hand'.[1]
Inancient Rome, the fig sign, ormanu fica, was made by thepater familias to ward off theevil spirits of the dead as a part of theLemuria ritual.[2][3] It is contextually interesting and worth noting that the fig was a sacred plant for the Romans, especially through theFicus Ruminalis (Fig of Rumina), a wild fig tree whose life was believed to be critical to the luck of Rome (e.g. its rot and then alleged regrowth duringNero's early reign.)[4]
The ancient Greeks wore amulets of the gesture around the neck to protect from the evil eye, and also used the gesture in artwork. What they considered an overtly sexual gesture was expected to distract evil spirits from causing harm.[5]
The wordsycophant comes from theAncient Greek wordσυκοφάντης (sykophántēs), meaning "one who shows or reveals figs"; though there is no unequivocal explanation as to the reason why sycophants in Ancient Greece were so called, one explanation is that the sycophant, by making false accusations, insulted the defendant in a manner analogous to making the fig sign.[6]
InItaly, this sign, known asfica in mano ('fig-hand'), orfar le fiche ('to make the fig'), was a common and very rude gesture in past centuries, similar tothe finger, but has long since fallen out of use.[1] Notably, a remnant of its usage is found inDante'sDivine Comedy (Inferno, Canto XXV), and it is commonly represented in medieval paintings of theMan of Sorrow.
The same hand shape is now frequently used, as a joke, with children, but represents thestealing of the nose and in this context bears no offensive or sexual meaning.
InGreece and particularly in theIonian Islands, this gesture is still used as an alternative to themoutza. It is known as a "fist-phallus", and can be accompanied by extending the right hand while clasping the left hand under one's armpit in a derogatory manner.[1]
InCarinthia, it is used to derisively dismiss the size of a man's genitalia.
InSouth Africa, it was once known as "the zap sign" and was the equivalent of givingthe finger. The sign is nowadays known as the "toffee sign", particularly in Afrikaans culture.[citation needed]
InRomania andMoldova, the gesture is an insult often referring to "Hai sictir" which means "shut up" or "fuck off."
InMongolia, the gesture is called "salaavch" (Mongolian: Салаавч) and means "between the gap". Oftentimes one would say "mai!" (Mongolian: май!) meaning something along the line of "get this" or "here you go." Sometimes one could spit at the fig shape before showing it. It is to imitate the shape of female genital to insult others.
InIndonesia and, it is a gesture symbol for sexual intercourse. Where the thumb represent the male genitalia, the middle and index finger act as the female genitalia, this is to replicate the penetration of the male genitalia into the female genitalia. This hand gesture is still popular especially among men.[citation needed]
InJapan, this sign is calledセックス (sekkusu) and meanssex.[7]
InArmenia, annoyance or disobedience to fulfill a request can be show with the fig sign. It can also have a sexual meaning, and can even be used as a way to say "Fuck you!".
InAzerbaijan, it is considered as a rude gesture indicating disagreement and sometimes showing sexual undertones. This gesture is accompanied by the expressionZırt![8]
InRussia,Belarus andUkraine, the sign is also calledshish,kukish ordulya (Russian:шиш,Ukrainian:дуля). It is considered rude and conveys refusal with a sense of absoluteness and finality. The expressionfig tebe! ("fig to you!") is also used in place of the gesture.[9]
InPoland, it is used to express refusal to a request.[10] The use of the gesture is referred to asshowing someone a fig and may be accompanied with the rhyming phrasefiga z makiem, z pasternakiem (lit. "fig with poppyseed, with parsnips"), sometimes in the form of a defiant statement "you'll get a fig (with poppyseed, with parsnips)" in full or in an abbreviated form.
InLithuania, it is calledšpyga and usually when using it some would sayšpyga taukuota. As in Russia and Poland it means denying a request and refusing to do it. It is not as commonly used now, but more by the generation born around 1950s–60s as well as their parents' generation.[citation needed]
InCroatia,Serbia andSlovenia, it is used when denying a request or when swearing a false oath. In the request denial case it is called a fig (figa) but also a "rose hip" (Šipak /Шипак).Evo ti figa/Šipak! (here is a fig/rose hip for you!) is a slightly rude but also a humorous way of rejecting someone's request. In addition it is also used when swearing a false oath or falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth. In this case, it is said that a person is taking a false oath by hiding a fig sign in a pocket (figa u džepu).[11]
InTurkey, it is an obscene gesture equivalent to showing the middle finger, and is also used to show disagreement at a statement or to deny a request. In the latter sense, it is often accompanied by the (rude)nah! conveying negation or disagreement (seewiktionary:nah), or by the imperativeal! meaning 'take that!', or the combination of the two:nah alırsın! meaning 'you will get nothing!' Thus, the gesture is often referred to asnah çekmek, meaning to 'draw (show) a nah'. It is used in a similar context inBulgaria.[citation needed]
InKorea, it has a likewise meaning as in Turkey as to mean, "Here, have it!", often accompanied by a gesture in which one looks through their pockets as if searching for something, later to reveal the fig sign. It is an old sign and has mostly fallen into disuse.[citation needed]
In many countries, such as theUnited Kingdom,Ireland,Canada,France,Germany,Spain,Czech Republic,Argentina,Uruguay,[citation needed] and theUnited States, this sign has no obscene meaning and is instead used in a game where a player "steals" someone else's nose. This is usually done with small children where the player pretends to take their nose and then say "I've got your nose". The thumb represents the "stolen" nose held between the player's index and middle finger. This innocent meaning may exist alongside the obscene one.[5]
InPortugal, Brazil, and some places inSpain, such asGalicia andAsturias, it is a gesture of good luck, or even wishing good luck. It is also believed to ward off evil eye and protect oneself from evil.[citation needed] In these countries, an amulet of a hand performing the fig sign is worn as a good luck or protective charm.[5] InAsturias, these amulets are made fromJet, and it is usual to give them to young kids to protect them from evil eye. InSpanish language these amulets are called "Higas". InGalician language and inPortuguese language they are called "Figas", and inAsturleonese language are called "Ciguas" .[12][13]
^Hugh, Chisolm, ed. (1911). "Sycophant".Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 26 (11th ed.). pp. 276–277.According to C. Sittl (Die Gebdrden der Griechen und Romer, Leipzig, 1890) the word refers to an obscene gesture of phallic significance (see also A. B. Cook inClassical Review, August 1907), called "showing the fig" (faire la figue,far la fica orle fiche), originally prophylactic in character. Such gesture, directed towards an inoffensive person, became an insult, and the word sycophant might imply one who insulted another by bringing a frivolous or malicious accusation against him.