Battle of the Falaise pocket | |||||||
Part of theNormandy Campaign | |||||||
![]() Map showing the course of the battle from 8–17 August 1944 | |||||||
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United States: Unknown United Kingdom: Unknown Free French: Unknown Canada: 5,679 casualties[nb 1] Poland: est. 5,150 casualties in total[3] of which 2,300 for the 1st Armoured Division.[4] | 500 tanks/assault guns |
TheFalaise pocket orbattle of the Falaise pocket (German:Kessel von Falaise; 12–21 August 1944) was the decisive engagement of theBattle of Normandy in theSecond World War. Allied forces formed apocket aroundFalaise, Calvados, in which GermanArmy Group B, consisting of the7th Army and theFifth Panzer Army (formerlyPanzergruppe West), were encircled by theWestern Allies. The battle resulted in the destruction of most of Army Group B west of theSeine, which opened the way to Paris and theFranco-German border.
Six weeks after the 6 June 1944 Alliedinvasion of Normandy, German forces were in turmoil, having expended irreplaceable resources defending the frontline and with Allied air superiority threatening the availability of food and ammunition. However, on the Allied side, British forces had expected to liberateCaen immediately after the invasion, an operation which ended up taking nearly two months, and US forces had expected to controlSaint-Lô by the 7 June, yet German resistance delayed this until after Caen's liberation.
The Allied armies developed a multi-stage operation, beginning withOperation Goodwood on 18 July, and continuing withOperation Cobra on 25 July, which saw American forces pushing into a gap around Saint-Lô and overwhelming the defending German forces. On 1 August, Lieutenant GeneralGeorge S. Patton was named the commanding officer of the newly recommissionedUS Third Army, which included large segments of the force that had broken through the German lines. The Third Army quickly pushed south and then east, meeting little resistance. Concurrently, the British/Canadian troops pushed south inOperation Bluecoat, attempting to keep the German armour engaged. Four depletedpanzer divisions were insufficient to defeat theFirst US Army, driving the Germans deeper into the Allied envelopment.
On 8 August, Allied ground forces commander GeneralBernard Montgomery ordered the Allied armies to converge on the Falaise–Chambois area to envelop Army Group B, with the First US Army forming the southern arm, the British the base, and the Canadians the northern arm of the encirclement. The Germans began to withdraw on 17 August, and on 19 August the Allies linked up in Chambois. German counter-attacks forced gaps in the Allied lines, the most significant of which was a corridor forced past the1st Polish Armoured Division onHill 262, a commanding position at the pocket mouth. By the evening of 21 August, the pocket had been sealed, with an estimated 50,000 Germans trapped inside. Approximately 20–50,000 German troops managed to escape the pocket before it was closed. The AlliedLiberation of Paris came a few days later, and on 30 August the remnants of Army Group B retreated across the Seine, completing Operation Overlord.
Early Allied objectives in the wake of the D-Day invasion ofGerman-occupied France included thedeep water port ofCherbourg and the area surrounding the town ofCaen.[5] Allied attacks to expand the bridgehead had rapidly defeated the initial German attempts to destroy the invasion force, but bad weather[nb 2] in theEnglish Channel delayed the Allied build-up of supplies and reinforcements, while enabling the Germans to move troops and supplies with less interference from the Allied air forces.[6][7] Cherbourg was not captured by theVII US Corps until 27 June, and the German defence of Caen lasted until 20 July, when the southern districts were taken by the British/Canadians inOperation Goodwood andOperation Atlantic.[8][9]
GeneralBernard Montgomery, the Allied ground forces commander, had planned a strategy of attracting German forces to the east end of the bridgehead against the British/Canadians, while theUS First Army advanced down the west side of theCotentin Peninsula toAvranches.[10] On 25 July the US First Army commander, Lieutenant-GeneralOmar Bradley, beganOperation Cobra.[11] The US First Army broke through the German defences nearSaint-Lô and by the end of the third day had advanced 15 mi (24 km) south of its start line at several points.[12][13] Avranches was captured on 30 July and within 24 hours theUS VIII Corps of the US Third Army crossed the bridge atPontaubault into Brittany and continued south and west through open country, almost without opposition.[14][15][16]
The US advance was swift and by 8 August,Le Mans, the former headquarters of the German7th Army, had been captured.[17] After Operation Cobra,Operation Bluecoat andOperation Spring, the German army in Normandy was so reduced that "only a fewSS fanatics still entertained hopes of avoiding defeat".[18] On the Eastern Front, Operation Bagration had begun againstArmy Group Centre which left no possibility of reinforcement of the Western Front.[18]Adolf Hitler sent a directive to Field MarshalGünther von Kluge, the replacement commander ofArmy Group B after the sacking ofGerd von Rundstedt, ordering "an immediate counter-attack between Mortain and Avranches" to "annihilate" the enemy and make contact with the west coast of the Cotentin peninsula.[19][20]
Eight of the ninePanzer divisions in Normandy were to be used in the attack, but only four could be made ready in time.[21] The German commanders protested that their forces were incapable of an offensive, but the warnings were ignored andOperation Lüttich commenced on 7 August around Mortain.[20][22] The first attacks were made by the2nd Panzer Division,SS Division Leibstandarte and theSS Division Das Reich, but they had only 75Panzer IVs, 70Panthers and 32self-propelled guns.[23] The Allies were forewarned byUltra signals intercepts, and although the offensive continued until 13 August, the threat of Operation Lüttich had been ended within 24 hours.[24][25][26] Operation Lüttich had led to the most powerful remaining German units being defeated at the west side of the Cotentin Peninsula by the US First Army, and the Normandy front on the verge of collapse.[27][28] Bradley said,
This is an opportunity that comes to a commander not more than once in a century. We're about to destroy an entire hostile army and go all the way from here to the German border.[28]
TheFirst Canadian Army was ordered to capture high ground north of Falaise to trap Army Group B.[29] The Canadians plannedOperation Totalize, with attacks by strategic bombers and a novel night attack usingKangaroo armoured personnel carriers.[30][31] Operation Totalize began on the night of 7/8 August; the leading infantry rode on the Kangaroos, guided by electronic aids and illuminants, against the12th SS Panzer Division Hitlerjugend, which held a 14 km (8.7 mi) front, supported by the101st SS Heavy Panzer Battalion and remnants of the89th Infantry Division.[30][32]Verrières Ridge andCintheaux were captured on 9 August, but the speed of the advance was slowed by German resistance and some poor Canadian unit leadership, which led to many casualties in the4th Canadian (Armoured) Division and1st Polish Armoured Division.[33][34][35] By 10 August, Anglo-Canadian forces had reached Hill 195, north of Falaise.[35] The following day, Canadian commanderGuy Simonds relieved the armoured divisions with infantry divisions, ending the offensive.[36]
Still expecting Kluge to withdraw his forces from the tightening Allied noose, Montgomery had for some time been planning a "longenvelopment", by which the British/Canadians would pivot left from Falaise toward the River Seine while the US Third Army blocked the escape route between the Seine and theLoire, trapping all surviving German forces in western France.[37][nb 3] In a telephone conversation on 8 August, theSupreme Allied Commander,GeneralDwight D. Eisenhower, recommended an American proposal for a shorter envelopment atArgentan. Montgomery and Patton had misgivings; if the Allies did not take Argentan,Alençon and Falaise quickly, many Germans might escape. Believing he could always fall back on the original plan if necessary, Montgomery accepted the wishes of Bradley as the man on the spot, and the proposal was adopted.[37]
It is also referred to as the battle of theFalaise gap (after the corridor which the Germans sought to maintain to allow their escape).[nb 4]
The Third Army advance from the south made good progress on 12 August; Alençon was captured and Kluge was forced to commit troops he had been gathering for a counter-attack. The next day, theUS 5th Armored Division of theUS XV Corps advanced 35 mi (56 km) and reached positions overlooking Argentan.[41] On 13 August, Bradley over-ruled orders by Patton for a further push northwards towards Falaise by the 5th Armored Division.[41] Bradley instead ordered the XV Corps to "concentrate for operations in another direction".[42] The US troops near Argentan were ordered to withdraw, which ended the pincer movement by the XV Corps.[43] Patton objected but complied, which left an exit for the German forces in the Falaise pocket.[43][nb 5]
With the Americans on the southern flank halted and then engaged withPanzer Group Eberbach, and with the British pressing in from the north-west, the First Canadian Army, which included thePolish 1st Armoured Division, was ordered to close the trap.[45] After a limited attack by the2nd Canadian Infantry Division down theLaize valley on 12–13 August, most of the time since Totalize had been spent preparing forOperation Tractable, a set-piece attack on Falaise.[34] The operation commenced on 14 August at 11:42, covered by an artillerysmokescreen that mimicked the night attack of Operation Totalize.[34][46] The 4th Canadian Armoured Division and the 1st Polish Armoured Division crossed the Laison, but delays at the RiverDives gave time for the Tiger tanks of theschwere SS-Panzer Abteilung 102 to counter-attack.[46]
Navigating through the smoke slowed progress, and the mistaken use by the First Canadian Army of yellow smoke to identify their positions—the same colour strategic bombers used to mark targets—led to some bombing of the Canadians and slower progress than planned.[47][48] On 15 August, the 2nd and3rd Canadian Infantry Divisions and the2nd Canadian (Armoured) Brigade continued the offensive, but progress remained slow.[48][49] The 4th Armoured Division capturedSoulangy against determined German resistance and several German counter-attacks, which prevented a breakthrough toTrun.[50] The next day, the 2nd Canadian Infantry Division entered Falaise against minor opposition fromWaffen SS units and scattered pockets of German infantry, and by 17 August had secured the town.[51]
At midday on 16 August, Kluge had refused an order from Hitler for another counter-attack, and in the afternoon Hitler agreed to a withdrawal but became suspicious that Kluge intended to surrender to the Allies.[48][52] Late on 17 August, Hitler sacked Kluge and recalled him to Germany; Kluge then killed himself with potassium cyanide, fearing his involvement in the20 July plot.[53][54] Kluge was succeeded by Field MarshalWalter Model, whose first act was to order the immediate retreat of the 7th Army and Fifth Panzer Army, while theII SS Panzer Corps—with the remnants of four Panzer divisions—held the north face of the escape route against the British/Canadians, and theXLVII Panzer Corps—with what was left of two Panzer divisions—held the southern face against the Third US Army.[53]
Throughout the retreat, German columns were constantly harried by Alliedfighter bombers of the USNinth Air Force and theRAF Second Tactical Air Force, using bombs, rockets and guns, turning the escape routes into killing grounds.[55] Despite claims of large numbers of tanks and other vehicles destroyed from the air, a post-battle investigation showed that only eleven armoured vehicles could be proved to have had been destroyed by aircraft, although about one third of wrecked trucks were lost to air attack and many others had been destroyed or abandoned by their crews, probably due to the air threat.[56]
On 17 August the encirclement was still incomplete.[53] The 1st Polish Armoured Division, part of the First Canadian Army, was divided into three battlegroups and ordered to make a wide sweep to the south-east to meet American troops at Chambois.[53] Trun fell to the 4th Canadian Armoured Division on 18 August.[57] Having capturedChampeaux on 19 August, the Polish battlegroups converged on Chambois, and with reinforcements from the 4th Canadian Armoured Division, the Poles secured the town and linked up with the US 90th and French2nd Armoured divisions by evening.[58][59][60] The Allies were not yet astride the 7th Army escape route in any great strength, and their positions were attacked by German troops inside the pocket.[60] An armoured column of the 2nd Panzer Division broke through the Canadians inSt. Lambert, took half the village and kept a road open for six hours until nightfall.[58] Many Germans escaped, and small parties made their way through to the Dives during the night.[61]
Having taken Chambois, two of the Polish battlegroups drove north-east and established themselves on part ofHill 262 (Mont Ormel ridge), spending the night of 19 August digging in.[62] The following morning, Model ordered elements of the 2nd SS Panzer Division and9th SS Panzer Division to attack from outside the pocket towards the Polish positions.[63] Around midday, several units of the10th SS Panzer Division, 12th SS Panzer Division and116th Panzer Division managed to break through the Polish lines and open a corridor, while the 9th SS Panzer Division prevented the Canadians from intervening.[64] By mid-afternoon, about 10,000 German troops had passed out of the pocket.[65]
The Poles held on to Hill 262 (The Mace), and were able from their vantage point to direct artillery fire onto the retreating Germans.[66]Paul Hausser, the 7th Army commander, ordered that the Polish positions be "eliminated".[65] The remnants of the352nd Infantry Division and several battle groups from the 2nd SS Panzer Division inflicted many casualties on the 8th and 9th battalions of the Polish Division, but the assault was eventually repulsed at the cost of nearly all of their ammunition, and the Poles watched as the remnants of the XLVII Panzer Corps escaped. During the night there was sporadic fighting, and the Poles called for frequent artillery bombardments to disrupt the German retreat from the sector.[66]
German attacks resumed the next morning, but the Poles retained their foothold on the ridge. At about 11:00, a final attempt on the positions of the 9th Battalion was launched by nearby SS troops, which was defeated at close quarters.[67] Soon after midday, theCanadian Grenadier Guards reached Mont Ormel, and by late afternoon the remainder of the 2nd and 9th SS Panzer Divisions had begun their retreat to the Seine.[50][68] For the Falaise pocket operation, the 1st Polish Armoured Division listed 1,441 casualties including 466 killed,[69] while Polish casualties at Mont Ormel were 351 killed and wounded, with eleven tanks lost.[67] German losses in their assaults on the ridge were estimated at 500 killed and 1,000 men taken prisoner, most from the 12th SS-Panzer Division. Scores ofTiger, Panther and Panzer IV tanks were destroyed, along with many artillery pieces.[67]
By the evening of 21 August, tanks of the 4th Canadian Armoured Division had linked with Polish forces atCoudehard, and the 2nd and 3rd Canadian Infantry divisions had secured St. Lambert and the northern passage to Chambois; the Falaise pocket had been sealed.[70] Approximately 20–50,000 German troops, minus heavy equipment, escaped through the gap and were reorganized and rearmed, in time to slow the Allied advance into Eastern France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany.[43]
The battle of the Falaise pocket ended the Battle of Normandy with a decisive German defeat.[1] Hitler's involvement had been damaging from the first day, with his insistence on unrealistic counter-offensives,micro-management of generals, and refusal to withdraw when his armies were threatened with annihilation.[71] More than forty German divisions were destroyed during the Battle of Normandy. No exact figures are available, but historians estimate the battle cost the Germans 450,000 men, including 240,000 who were killed or wounded.[71] The Allies had209,672 casualties among their ground forces, including36,976 killed and19,221 missing.[70] The Allied air forces lost16,714 airmen killed or missing in connection with Operation Overlord.[72] The final battle of Operation Overlord, theLiberation of Paris, followed on 25 August, and Overlord ended by 30 August with the retreat of the last German unit across the Seine.[73]
The pocket area was full of the remains of battle.[74] Villages had been destroyed, and derelict equipment made some roads impassable. Corpses of soldiers and civilians littered the area, along with thousands of dead cattle and horses.[75] In the hot August weather, maggots crawled over the bodies, and swarms of flies descended on the area.[75][76] Pilots reported the smell from hundreds of feet (metres) in the air.[75] General Eisenhower recorded that:
The battlefield at Falaise was unquestionably one of the greatest "killing fields" of any of the war areas. Forty-eight hours after the closing of the gap I was conducted through it on foot, to encounter scenes that could be described only byDante. It was literally possible to walk for hundreds of yards at a time, stepping on nothing but dead and decaying flesh.[77]
— Dwight Eisenhower
Fear of infection from the rancid conditions led the Allies to declare the area an "unhealthy zone".[78] Clearing the area was a low priority though, and went on until well into November. Many swollen bodies had to be shot to expunge gases within them before they could be burnt, and bulldozers were used to clear the area of dead animals.[75][76]
Disappointed that a significant portion of the German army had escaped from the pocket, many Allied commanders, particularly among the Americans, were critical of what they perceived as Montgomery's lack of urgency in closing the pocket.[79] Writing shortly after the war,Ralph Ingersoll—a prominent peacetime journalist, who had served as a planner on Eisenhower's staff—expressed the prevailing American view at the time:
The international army boundary arbitrarily divided the British and American battlefields just beyond Argentan, on the Falaise side of it. Patton's troops, who thought they had the mission of closing the gap, took Argentan in their stride and crossed the international boundary without stopping. Montgomery, who was still nominally in charge of all ground forces, now chose to exercise his authority and ordered Patton back to his side of the international boundary line. For ten days, however, the beaten but still coherently organized German Army retreated through the Falaise gap.[80]
— Ralph Ingersoll
Some historians have thought that the gap could have been closed earlier;Wilmot wrote that, despite having British divisions in reserve, Montgomery did not reinforce Guy Simonds, and that the Canadian drive on Trun and Chambois was not as "vigorous and venturesome" as the situation demanded.[79] The British author and historianMax Hastings wrote that Montgomery, having witnessed what he called a poor Canadian performance during Totalize, should have brought up veteran British divisions to take the lead.[37]D'Este andBlumenson wrote that Montgomery andHarry Crerar might have done more to impart momentum to the British/Canadians. Patton's post-battle claim that the Americans could have prevented the German escape, had Bradley not ordered him to stop at Argentan, was "absurd over-simplification".[81]
Wilmot wrote that "contrary to contemporary reports, the Americans did not capture Argentan until 20 August, the day after the link up at Chambois".[82] The American unit that closed the gap between Argentan and Chambois, the90th Division, was according to Hastings one of the least effective of any Allied army in Normandy. He speculated that the real reason Bradley halted Patton was not fear of accidental clashes with the British, but knowledge that, with powerful German formations still operational, the Americans lacked the means to defend an early blocking position and would have suffered an "embarrassing and gratuitous setback" at the hands of the retreatingFallschirmjäger and the 2nd and 12thSS-Panzer divisions.[81] Bradley wrote after the war that:
Although Patton might have spun a line across the narrow neck, I doubted his ability to hold it. Nineteen German divisions were now stampeding to escape the trap. Meanwhile, with four divisions George was already blocking three principal escape routes through Alencon, Sees and Argentan. Had he stretched that line to include Falaise, he would have extended his roadblock a distance of 40 miles (64 km). The enemy could not only have broken through, but he might have trampled Patton's position in the onrush. I much preferred a solid shoulder at Argentan to the possibility of a broken neck at Falaise.[83]
— Omar Bradley
By 22 August, all German soldiers west of the Allied lines were dead or in captivity.[84] Historians differ in their estimates of German losses in the pocket. The majority state that from 80,000 to 100,000 troops were caught in the encirclement, of whom10,000–15,000 were killed,40,000–50,000 were taken prisoner, and20,000–50,000 escaped.Shulman, Wilmot andEllis estimated that the remnants of14–15 divisions were in the pocket. D'Este gave a figure of80,000 troops trapped, of whom10,000 were killed,50,000 captured and20,000 escaped.[85] Shulman givesest. 80,000 trapped,10–15,000 killed and45,000 captured.[86] Wilmot recorded100,000 trapped,10,000 killed and50,000 captured.[87]Williams wrote thatest. 100,000 German troops escaped.[1] Tamelander estimated that50,000 German troops were caught, of whom10,000 were killed and40,000 taken prisoner, while perhaps another50,000 escaped.[88] In the northern sector, German losses included344 tanks, self-propelled guns and other light armoured vehicles, as wellas 2,447soft-skinned vehicles and252 guns abandoned or destroyed.[70][89] In the fighting around Hill 262, German losses totalled2,000 men killed,5,000 taken prisoner and55 tanks,44 guns and152 other armoured vehicles destroyed.[90] By 22 August 1944, the 12th SS-Panzer Division "Hitlerjugend" had lost around 8,000 soldiers,[91] out of its initial strength of 20,540,[92] along with most of its tanks and vehicles, which had been redistributed among several Kampfgruppe in the previous weeks. Elements of several German formations had managed to escape to the east, but they left behind most of their equipment.[93] After the battle, Allied investigators estimated that the Germans lost around500 tanks and assault guns in the pocket, and that little equipment was taken across the Seine.[79]