FILE_ID.DIZ is aplain-text file containing a brief description of the content of thearchive to which it belongs.[1]Such files were originally used in archives distributed throughbulletin board systems (BBSes) and is still used in thewarez scene.FILE_ID stands for "file identification".DIZ stands for "description inzipfile".[2]
Traditionally, a FILE_ID.DIZ should be "up to 10 lines of text, each line being no more than 45 characters long", according to v.1.9 of the specification.[3] The concept of .DIZ files was to allow for a concise description of uploaded files to be automatically applied.
Bulletin boards commonly accept uploaded files from their users. The BBS software would prompt the user to supply a description for the uploaded file, but these descriptions were often less than useful. BBS system operators spent many hours going over the upload descriptions correcting and editing the descriptions. TheFILE_ID.DIZ inclusion in archives was designed to address this problem.
Clark Development and theAssociation of Shareware Professionals (ASP) supported the idea of this becoming a standard for file descriptions. Clark rewrote the PCBDescribe program and included it with theirPCBoard BBS software. The ASP urged their members to use this description file format in their distributions. Michael Leavitt, an employee of Clark Development, released the file specification and his PCBDescribe program source code to the public domain and urged other BBS software companies to support the DIZ file.
SysOps could add a common third-party script written in PPL, called "DIZ/2-PCB"[4] that would process, rewrite, verify, and format DIZ files from archives as they were uploaded to a BBS. The software would extract the archive, examine the contents, compile a report, import the DIZ description file and then format it according to your liking. During this time, it was usual practice to add additional lines to the description, such as ads exclaiming the source of the uploaded BBS.
Even since the decline of thedial-upbulletin board system, FILE_ID.DIZ files are still utilized by thewarez scene in their releases ofunlicensed software. They are commonly bundled as part of the complete packaging by pirate groups, and indicate the number of disks, and other basic information. Along with theNFO file, it is essential to the release.[5]
While real-world use among BBSs varied, with theNPD world and even different BBS brands coming up with expanded versions, the official format is:
Plain, 7-bit ASCII text, each line no more than 45 characters wide.
Many archives would stick strictly to the 45-character plain ASCII format for the first 8 lines, then contain an appended 80-character wide 8-bit ASCII orANSI graphic page with better-formatted documentation after that.[6]
DIZ stands for Description in Zip.
for general metadata inXMP format,0x23
('#') as used by various utilities written by Matthias R. Paul for space-separated lists of textkey=value pairs holding file properties asextended attributes like CP (codepages), PC (language codes), CW (bit-width), XS (page width), YS (page length), XO (print x-offset), YO (print y-offset), CR (copyright), URL (source link), etc.,0x25
('%') being used by programs using CUI_LIB to storepseudo-environment variables,0xED
being reserved forDigital Research/Novell/Caldera,0xC2
used byTotal Commander for multiline file descriptions, and0xFD
reserved forFreeDOS.)