Theevolute of acurve (blue parabola) is the locus of all its centers of curvature (red).The evolute of a curve (in this case, an ellipse) is the envelope of its normals.
In thedifferential geometry of curves, theevolute of acurve is thelocus of all itscenters of curvature. That is to say that when the center of curvature of each point on a curve is drawn, the resultant shape will be the evolute of that curve. The evolute of a circle is therefore a single point at its center.[1] Equivalently, an evolute is theenvelope of thenormals to a curve.
The evolute of a curve, a surface, or more generally asubmanifold, is thecaustic of the normal map. LetM be a smooth, regular submanifold inRn. For each pointp inM and each vectorv, based atp and normal toM, we associate the pointp +v. This defines aLagrangian map, called the normal map. The caustic of the normal map is the evolute ofM.[2]
Evolutes are closely connected toinvolutes: A curve is the evolute of any of its involutes.
Apollonius (c. 200 BC) discussed evolutes in Book V of hisConics. However,Huygens is sometimes credited with being the first to study them (1673). Huygens formulated his theory of evolutes sometime around 1659 to help solve the problem of finding thetautochrone curve, which in turn helped him construct an isochronous pendulum. This was because the tautochrone curve is acycloid, and the cycloid has the unique property that its evolute is also a cycloid. The theory of evolutes, in fact, allowed Huygens to achieve many results that would later be found using calculus.[3]
If is the parametric representation of aregular curve in the plane with its curvature nowhere 0 and its curvature radius and the unit normal pointing to the curvature center, thendescribes theevolute of the given curve.
The normal at point P is the tangent at the curvature center C.
In order to derive properties of a regular curve it is advantageous to use thearc length of the given curve as its parameter, because of and (seeFrenet–Serret formulas). Hence the tangent vector of the evolute is:From this equation one gets the following properties of the evolute:
At points with the evolute isnot regular. That means: at points with maximal or minimal curvature (vertices of the given curve) the evolute hascusps. (See the diagrams of the evolutes of the parabola, the ellipse, the cycloid and the nephroid.)
For any arc of the evolute that does not include a cusp, the length of the arc equals the difference between the radii of curvature at its endpoints. This fact leads to an easy proof of theTait–Kneser theorem on nesting ofosculating circles.[4]
The normals of the given curve at points of nonzero curvature are tangents to the evolute, and the normals of the curve at points of zero curvature are asymptotes to the evolute. Hence: the evolute is theenvelope of the normals of the given curve.
At sections of the curve with or the curve is aninvolute of its evolute. (In the diagram: The blue parabola is an involute of the red semicubic parabola, which is actually the evolute of the blue parabola.)
Proof of the last property: Let be at the section of consideration. Aninvolute of the evolute can be described as follows:where is a fixed string extension (seeInvolute of a parameterized curve ). With and one getsThat means: For the string extension the given curve is reproduced.
Parallel curves have the same evolute.
Proof: A parallel curve with distance off the given curve has the parametric representation and the radius of curvature (seeparallel curve). Hence the evolute of the parallel curve is
For the ellipse with the parametric representation one gets:[5]These are the equations of a non symmetricastroid. Eliminating parameter leads to the implicit representation
Cycloid (blue), its osculating circle (red) and evolute (green).
A curve with a similar definition is theradial of a given curve. For each point on the curve take the vector from the point to the center of curvature and translate it so that it begins at the origin. Then the locus of points at the end of such vectors is called the radial of the curve. The equation for the radial is obtained by removing thex andy terms from the equation of the evolute. This produces
^Arnold, V. I.; Varchenko, A. N.; Gusein-Zade, S. M. (1985).The Classification of Critical Points, Caustics and Wave Fronts: Singularities of Differentiable Maps, Vol 1.Birkhäuser.ISBN0-8176-3187-9.
^Yoshida, N., & Saito, T. (2012). "The Evolutes of Log-Aesthetic Planar Curves and the Drawable Boundaries of the Curve Segments".Computer-Aided Design and Applications.9 (5):721–731.doi:10.3722/cadaps.2012.721-731.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)