In the theory of functions of several complex variables he introduced the concept ofpseudoconvexity[b] during his investigations on the domain of existence of such functions: it turned out to be one of the key concepts of the theory.
Levi, Eugenio Elia (1911), "Sulle ipersuperficie dello spazio a 4 dimensioni che possono essere frontiera del campo di esistenza di una funzione analitica di due variabili complesse" [On the hypersurfaces of the 4-dimensional space that can be the boundary of the domain of existence of an analytic function of two complex variables],Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, s. III (in Italian),XVIII (1):69–79,doi:10.1007/BF02420535,JFM42.0449.02. Another important paper in thetheory of functions of several complex variables, investigating further the theory started in (Levi 1910).
Levi, Eugenio Elia (1959–1960),Opere [Collected works] (in Italian), Roma: Edizioni Cremonese (distributed byUnione Matematica Italiana), pp. XX + 418 (Volume I), 448 (Volume II),MR0123464,Zbl0091.00108. His "Collected works" in two volumes, collecting all the mathematical papers of Eugenio Elia Levi in a revised typographical form, both amendingtypographical errors and author's oversights. A collection of all his published papers (in their original typographical form), probably an unordered uncorrected collection of offprints, is available online at theInternet Archive:Levi, Eugenio Elia,Mathematical papers, Los Angeles:UCLA, p. 782, archived fromthe original on 9 August 2016.
^This section is mainly based on thesurvey article byPicone (1959) included in Levi's "Opere (Collected works)", describing his researches briefly but comprehensively; occasionally, also the comments ofGuido Fubini in (Fubini & Loria 1918) are taken into account.
^See the two well known papers (Levi 1910) and (Levi 1910): Levi deals with functions of twocomplexvariables, but his calculations can be extended to functions with any finite number of variables, as he explicitly states. Levi, following a then well established practice, does not useWirtinger derivatives.
Celli, Andrea; Mattaliano, Maurizio, eds. (2015),Eugenio Elia Levi, le speranze perdute della Matematica italiana (in Italian), Milano: EGEA, pp. LIV+326,ISBN978-88-2384-461-2. Wide source of unpublished manuscript documents of and about E.E. Levi. A short presentation could be found onEGEA website
Coen, Salvatore (1999), "Beppo Levi: una biografia", inLevi, Beppo (ed.),Opere. Volume I: 1897–1926 [Collected works. Volume I:1897–1926] (in Italian), Bologna: Edizioni Cremonese (distributed byUnione Matematica Italiana), pp. XIII–LIV,Zbl1054.01520. An ample biographical paper (nearly 40 pages) on Beppo Levi: an earlier version of it was published asCoen, Salvatore (1994), "Beppo Levi: la vita", in Coen, Salvatore (ed.),Seminari di geometria, Università di Bologna, Italia, 1991–1993 (in Italian), Bologna: Università degli Studi di Bologna, Dipartimento di Matematica, pp. 193–232,MR1265762,Zbl0795.01022. It gives many useful information on the family and on the relationship between the two Levi brothers.
Loria, Gino (1918),Panegirico di un Eroe. Commemorazione del Prof. Eugenio Elia Levi pronunziata nell'aula magna dell'Università di Genova addì XXIX maggio MCMXVIII [Panegyric of aHero. Commemoration of Prof. Eugenio Elia Levi pronounced in the auditorium of the University of Genoa on 29 May 1918] (in Italian),Sestri Ponente: S. L. A. G. / Bruzzone e C., p. 31. Apamphlet containing thecommemoration of Eugenio Elia Levi pronounced byGino Loria at theUniversity of Genova on May 29, 1918.
Padoa, Alessandro (December 1917), "Eugenio Elia Levi",Bollettino della Mathesis (in Italian),9:89–92.
Picone, Mauro (1959), "Sulla Vita e sulle Opere di Eugenio Elia Levi", in Levi, Eugenio Elia (ed.),Opere. Volume I [Collected Works] (in Italian), Roma: Edizioni Cremonese (distributed byUnione Matematica Italiana), pp. V–XV,MR0123464,Zbl0091.00108. A commemorative paper on Eugenio Elia Levi written byMauro Picone and included in the first volume of hisOpere (Levi 1959–1960).
Tricomi, G. F. (1962),"Eugenio Elia Levi",Matematici italiani del primo secolo dello stato unitario [Italian mathematicians of the first century of the unitary state], Memorie dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino. Classe di Scienze fisiche matematiche e naturali, series IV (in Italian), vol. I, p. 120,Zbl0132.24405, archived fromthe original on 29 December 2016, retrieved28 December 2016. Available from the website of theSocietà Italiana di Storia delle Matematiche. An ample historical paper written by Francesco Tricomi to commemorate all Italian mathematicians who worked during the first century of theItalian State.
Vitali, Giuseppe (December 1917), "Eugenio Elia Levi",Bollettino della Mathesis (in Italian),9:86–89.
Dell'Aglio, L. (2005),"LEVI, Eugenio Elia",Enciclopedia Treccani, Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (in Italian), vol. LXIV, retrieved15 September 2011. The biographical entry about Eugenio Elia Levi in the "Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (Biographical Dictionary of Italians)" section of theEnciclopedia Treccani.