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It took its name from the studio it was filmed, Studio 1 atPrado del Rey. In its best times, one or two performances were broadcast daily (in the mid-afternoon and at evening), most of them live.
^A Companion to Spanish Cinema -Jo Labanyi, Tatjana Pavlovic - 2015 Page 509 1119170133 According to Manuel Palacio, the 1960s and the first half of the 1970s marked the "golden age" of Spanish television drama (as the 1950s did for the United States). ... the studio-bound drama of the 1970s (one distinguished and long-lasting slot was actually called Estudio 1) gave way to the classic prestige serials of the 1980s (often literary adaptations), which were shot on celluloid and used feature film ...
^Shakespeare in the Spanish Theatre: 1772 to the Present Keith Gregor - 2011 -1441129383 'Estudio 1', which would outlive the Franco regime by a decade, would go on to screen productions of The Taming of the Shrew (1979) and a new Merchant of Venice (1981)..
^Aprobé en septiembreFiorella Faltoyano - 2014 8490600597 - Era un programa similar al Estudio 1, pero se producía y emitía en la Segunda Cadena. Se trataba de una obra de Friedrich Schiller, titulada Intriga y amor.