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Energy law

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Law governing the use and taxation of energy
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Gasoline is subject toregulation andtaxation around the world.

Energy laws govern the use and taxation ofenergy, bothrenewable andnon-renewable. Theselaws are theprimary authorities (such ascaselaw,statutes, rules,regulations andedicts) related to energy. In contrast,energy policy refers to thepolicy andpolitics of energy.

Energy law includes the legal provision for oil, gasoline, and "extraction taxes." The practice of energy law includes contracts for siting, extraction, licenses for the acquisition andownership rights inoil andgas both under the soil before discovery and after itscapture, andadjudication regarding those rights.

Renewable energy law

Main article:Renewable energy law
See also:Biodiesel

International law

A coal power plant in Germany. Due toemissions trading,coal may become less competitive as a fuel.
See also:International Atomic Energy Agency,Emissions trading, andNuclear Energy Agency

There is a growing academic interest ininternational energy law,[1] includingcontinuing legal education seminars,[2][3]treatises,[4][5]law reviews,[6] and graduate courses.[7] In the same line, there has been growing interest on energy-specific issues and their particular relation with international trade and connected organizations like theWorld Trade Organization.[8]

There are also periodic international meetings such as theWorld Forum on Energy Regulation.



TheRegional Association of Energy Regulators for Eastern and Southern Africa is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting cooperation between the various countries on energy law, policy, and development.



Egypt'sEnergy in Egypt is regulated byThe Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy of Egypt, which is thegovernment ministry in charge of managing and regulating the generation, transmission, and distribution ofelectricity inEgypt. Its headquarters are inCairo. The current minister as of 2020 isMohamed Shaker.[9] The ministry was established in 1964 with presidential decree No. 147.[citation needed] The famousAswan High Dam, which produces electricity, is government owned and regulated; its construction required the removal ofAbu Simbel temples and theTemple of Dendur. Egypt has established aseparate power authority to build and operate a nuclear power plant.



Ghana has a regulatory body over energy, theEnergy Commission.


Main article:Nigeria energy law

Nigeria's government owns theNigerian National Petroleum Corporation. TheLagos Business School has a number of academic offerings related to the legal, economic, and business management of energy, particularly oil and petroleum, which is a major sector in Nigeria's economic sector. Nigeria heavily subsidies petrol, which mainly benefits rich people.[10] On 1 January 2012, the Nigerian government headed by president Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, tried to cease the subsidy on petrol and deregulate the oil prices by announcing the new price for petrol as US$0.88/litre from the old subsidised price of US$0.406/litre (LAGOS), which in areas distant from Lagos petrol was priced at US$1.25/litre. This led to the longest general strike (eight days), riots, Arab spring like protests and on 16 January 2012 the government capitulated by announcing a new price of US$0.60/litre with an envisaged price of US$2.0/litre in distant areas.[11] In May 2016 the Buhari administration increased fuel prices again to NGN 145 per litre ($0.43 at black market rates for the currency).[12] In September 2020, the government had announced an increase in the pump price of petrol to NGN 151.56 per litre from NGN 148.[13]



Uganda has adopted a newnuclear power law, which it hopes "will boost technical cooperation between the country and theInternational Atomic Energy Agency," according to "asenior agency official" from thatAfrican country.[14]


The Energy Australia Building inSydney
Main articles:Energy policy of Australia andAustralian mining law
See also:Anti-nuclear movement in Australia,Nuclear power in Australia, andRenewable energy in Australia

Energy is big business in Australia.Australian Energy Producers represents 98% of the oil and gas producers in Australia.[15]


See also:Electricity policy of Alberta andElectricity policy of Ontario

Canada has an extensive energy law, both through thefederation and theprovinces, especiallyAlberta.[16][17][18] These include:

  • Alternative Fuels Act ( 1995, c. 20 )[19]
  • Cooperative Energy Act ( 1980-81-82-83, c. 108 )[20]
  • Energy Administration Act ( R.S., 1985, c. E-6 )[21]
  • Energy Monitoring Act ( R.S., 1985, c. E-8 )[22]
  • Nuclear Energy Act ( R.S., 1985, c. A-16 )[23]
  • Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act ( R.S., 1985, c. O-7 )[24]
  • Canada Petroleum Resources Act ( 1985, c. 36 (2nd Supp.) )[25]
  • National Energy Board Act ( R.S., 1985, c. N-7 )[26]
  • Electricity and Gas Inspection Act ( R.S., 1985, c. E-4 )[27]

There is some academic interest in the energy law of Canada, with looseleaf periodical services,[28]monographs,[29] and consultation with lawyers specializing in that practice,[30] available.

TheSupreme Court of Canada has had issued some Canadian energy case law.[31]

Canada's energy laws are so extensive and complicated in large part because of its government-owned energy resources:

Theoil sands are gold not only for the oil companies, but also for Alberta's provincial government,which owns the mineral rights to virtually all the land and has encouraged the industry for three-quarters of a century.

— Robert Kunzig,National Geographic, March 2009, p. 49 (emphasis in original)[32]

Canada and theQuebec province also own extensivehydroelectric dam facilities, which have generated not only power but controversy.[33]


Main article:Energy policy of China
See also:Renewable energy in China andLaw of the People's Republic of China

European Union

Main article:European Union energy policy

European energy law has been focused on the legal mechanisms for managing short-term disruptions to the continent'senergy supply, such as Germany's 1974 Law to Secure the Energy Supply.[34] TheEuropean integrated hydrogen project was aEuropean Union project to integrateUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) guidelines and create a basis of ECE regulation ofhydrogen vehicles and the necessaryinfrastructure replacing nationallegislation andregulations. The aim of this project was enhancing of the safety of hydrogen vehicles and harmonizing theirlicensing and approval process.[35]

Five nations have created theEurObserv'ER energyconsortium. The EU has also created anEnergy Community to extend their policies into Southeastern Europe. Austuraiu hosts the annualWorld Sustainable Energy Days.

The EU regulates motor vehicle emissions; seeDirective 80/1269/EEC.


Main articles:German Renewable Energy Sources Act,Energy_in_Germany § Government_energy_policy, andEnergiewende

Germany'srenewable energy law mandates the use ofrenewable energy through its taxes andtariffs. It promotes the development of renewable energy sources via a system of feed-in tariffs. It regulates the amount of energy generated by the producer and the type of renewable energy source. It also creates an incentive to encourage technological advancements and costs.[36] The results have been startling: on 6 June 2014, more than half of the nation's energy used on that date came from solar power.[37] Despite regulatory processes adding more renewable energy to its energy mix, Germany's electric grid has becomemore reliable, not less.[38]

The German government has proposed abandoning "its planned phase-out of nuclear energy to help rein in surging electricity prices and protect the environment, according to proposals drawn up by an energy task force under Economy Minister Michael Glos."[39] TheGerman Green Party has opposed nuclear energy, as well as themarket power of German utilities, claiming the "energy shortfall" has been artificially created.[40]

There is significant academic interest in German energy law.[41] A chart summarizing German energylegislation is available.[42]


Main articles:Energy in Italy,Wind power in Italy,Nuclear power in Italy, andEconomy of Italy § Energy and natural resources
Wind turbines inCampania

Italy has few natural resources. lacking substantial deposits of iron, coal, oroil. Proven natural gas reserves, mainly in the Po Valley and offshore Adriatic, constitute the country's most important mineral resource. More than 80% of the country's energy sources are imported. The energy sector is highly dependent on imports from abroad: in 2006 the country imported more than 86% of its total energy consumption.[43][44]

In the last decade, Italy has become one of the world's largest producers ofrenewable energy, ranking as the world's fifth largestsolar energy producer in 2009[45][46] and the sixth largest producer ofwind power in 2008.[47]

In 1987, after theChernobyl disaster, a large majority of Italians passed areferendum opting for phasing out nuclear power. The government responded by closing existing nuclear power plants and completely putting a halt to the national nuclear program. Italy also imports about 16% of its electricity need from France for 6.5GWe, which makes it the world's biggest importer of electricity. Due to its reliance on expensivefossil fuels and imports, Italians pay approximately 45% more than the EU average for electricity.[48]

In 2004, a new Energy Law brought the possibility of joint ventures with foreign companies to build nuclear power plants and import electricity. In 2005, Italy's power company,ENEL made an agreement with Electricite de France for 200MWe from a nuclear reactor in France and potentially an additional 1,000MWe from new construction.[48] As part of the agreement, ENEL received a 12.5% stake in the project and direct involvement in design, construction, and operation of the plants. In another move, ENEL also bought 66% of the Slovak Electric utility that operates six nuclear reactors. As part of this agreement, ENEL will pay the Slovak government EUR 1.6 billion to complete a nuclear power plant inMochovce, which has a gross output of 942MWe. With these agreements, Italy has managed to access nuclear power without placing reactors on Italian territory.[48]



The nation ofLithuania has an energy law, Energetikos teisė.[49]



InUkraine, renewable energy projects are supported by afeed-in tariff system. The law of Ukraine "On alternative sources of energy"[50] refers to alternative energy sources: solar, wind, geothermal, hydrothermal, marine and hydrokinetic energy, hydroelectricity, biomass, landfillbiogas and others. Ukrainian National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission[51] and State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine[52] are the main renewable energy regulation authorities.[53] Reforms have been made by Ukrainian government in alternative energy sphere. There is a need of energy savings services in Ukraine.[54] Its potential reaches about 5 billion EUR only in state-owned buildings.

Ukraine has a separateregulatory agency to manage the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.

Other European countries


Albania has an established the Albanian Institute of Oil and Gas.[55]

There is significantgeothermal power in Iceland; about 80% of the nation's energy needs are met by geothermal sources, all of which is owned by the government, or regulated by it.


Main article:Energy policy of India
Further information:U.S.–India Civil Nuclear Agreement
See also:Oil Industry Safety Directorate,Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas (India), andOil and Natural Gas Corporation
See also:Electricity sector in India,Nuclear power in India,Solar power in India,Wind power in India,Renewable energy in India, andBiofuel in India
See also:Petrol stations in India andElectric vehicle § India


Main article:Iraq oil law (2007)

Technically,Iraq has no energy law, but proposed legislation has been pending for almost five years as of early 2012.

TheIraqi Oil Ministry awardscontracts to only a few companies. As of July 2014, there are 23 established oil companies, but only 17 banking corporations in Iraq.



The Israel Energy Sources Law, 5750-1989 ("Energy Law"), defines what is considered as "energy" and "energy source" and its purpose is to regulate the exploitation of energy sources whilst ensuring the efficiently of its use.Under the Energy Law, certain regulation methods of measurement have been nominated by the Israel legislature in order to regulate the efficiency of the use of the energy source. In addition to which entity shall be entitled to the pursuit and use of such sources.

Furthermore, in Israel there are certain additional laws that deal with the use of energy sources, such as the Natural Gas Sector Law,[56] 5762-2002 which provides the conditions for the development of the natural gas sphere in Israel, and the Electricity Sector Law, 5756–1996, which established the "Public Utility Authority – Electricity" which publishes directives and regulations for the use of renewable electricity sources, including solar energy and hydro-energy.


See also:Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation;Nuclear power in Japan; andEnergy in Japan
The 2011Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, the world's worstnuclear accident since 1986, displaced 50,000 households afterradiation leaked into the air, soil and sea.[57] Radiation checks led to bans of some shipments of vegetables and fish.[58]

Prior to theearthquake and tsunami of March 2011, and the nuclear disasters that resulted from it,Japan generated 30% of its electrical power from nuclear reactors and planned to increase that share to 40%.[59]

Nuclear energy was a national strategic priority in Japan, but there had been concern about the ability of Japan's nuclear plants to withstand seismic activity. TheKashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant was completely shut down for 21 months following an earthquake in 2007.[60]

The 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused the failure of cooling systems at theFukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on March 11 and a nuclear emergency was declared. 140,000 residents were evacuated. The total amount of radioactive material released is unclear, as the crisis is ongoing.[61] On 6 May 2011, Prime MinisterNaoto Kan ordered theHamaoka Nuclear Power Plant be shut down as an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or higher is likely to hit the area within the next 30 years.[62][63][64][65][66]

Problems in stabilizing the Fukushima I nuclear plant had hardened attitudes to nuclear power. As of June 2011, "more than 80 percent of Japanese now say they areanti-nuclear and distrust government information onradiation".[67][68][69]

As of October 2011, there have been electricity shortages, but Japan survived the summer without the extensive blackouts that had been predicted.[70][71][72] An energy white paper, approved by the Japanese Cabinet in October 2011, says "public confidence in safety of nuclear power was greatly damaged" by the Fukushima disaster, and calls for a reduction in the nation's reliance on nuclear power.[73]

Many of Japan's nuclear plants have been closed, or their operation has been suspended for safety inspections. The last of Japan's 54 reactors (Tomari-3) went offline for maintenance on May 5, 2012.,[74] leaving Japan completely without nuclear-produced electrical power for the first time since 1970. Despite protests, on 1 July 2012 unit 3 of theŌi Nuclear Power Plant was restarted.[75] As of September 2012, Ōi units 3 and 4 are Japan's only operating nuclear power plants, although the city and prefecture of Osaka have requested they be shut down.[76]

TheUnited States-Japan Joint Nuclear Energy Action Plan is abilateral agreement aimed at putting in place a framework for the joint research and development ofnuclear energy technology, which was signed on April 18, 2007.[77] It is believed that the agreement is the first that the US has signed to develop nuclear power technologies with another country,[78] although Japan has agreements withAustralia,Canada,China,France, and theUnited Kingdom.[79] Under the plan, the United States and Japan would each conduct research intofast reactor technology, fuel cycle technology, advanced computer simulation and modeling, small and medium reactors, safeguards and physical protection; andnuclear waste management, which it to be coordinated by a joint steering committee.[80] The treaty's progress has been in limbo since the Fukushima I nuclear accidents.

TheJapan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) is agovernment-owned company involved in fossil-fuel energy exploration, amongst other activities. In 2013, its corporate workers first extractedMethane clathrate from seabed deposits.[81][82]


Main article:Energy policy of Malaysia
See also:Energy Commission (Malaysia),Sabah Electricity,Sarawak Electricity Supply Corporation,Biofuel policy of Malaysia, andTenaga Nasional Berhad

Malaysia heavily regulates its energy sector.

From 1982 to 1992, theGovernment of Sabah ownedSabah Gas Industries for thedownstream operations of Sabah natural gas resources, based inLabuan, Malaysia,[83][84][85] which was put up forprivatization.[85][86] Its methanol plant was sold toPetronas and operates today asPetronas Methanol (Labuan) Sdn Bhd.[83][87][88] The power station was sold toSabah Electricity.[83]


See also:PEMEX

Mexico had numerous laws that subsidize oil, until c. 2017. PEMEX, a government company in charge of selling oil in Mexico is subsidized by the Mexican government. This serves to quell inflationary pressures in Mexico. Mexico buys much of its gasoline and diesel from the United States and resells it at US$98 per barrel. Many residents of US border communities cross the border to buy fuel in Mexico,[89] thereby enjoying a cheaper fuel subsidy at the expense of Mexican taxpayers. This has caused frequent supply shortages at a number of filling stations along the border for Mexican drivers, especially truck and bus drivers who use diesel.[90]

In 2017, Mexico ended its oil industry subsidies, leading to increased prices andwidespread protests throughout the country.[91]


Main article:Philippine energy law

Philippines law has provisions concerning energy, fossil fuels, and renewable energy.[92] Energy law in thePhilippines is important because that nation is one of the fastest growing in Asia, and has over 80 million residents.

The earliest Philippine energy law dates from 1903, during theAmerican Commonwealth, Act No. 667, concerningfranchises forutilities,[92][93] and Act No. 1022, which allowed such to havemortgages.[94] Auniform law in 1929 allowed for new utilities.[92][95]

The firstcoal mining law, known as the Coal Land Act, dates to 1917.[92][96]Oil exploration was allowed in a 1920 law.[92][97] The Mining Act (1936)[98] has been amended several times by acts and decrees.[92][99]

The firsthydroelectric power law dates from 1933,[92][100] and have been updated since, including one that created the National Power Corporation,[101] and has been amended several times through 1967.[92][102] The Renewable Energy Law (2009) encourages the development and use of non-traditional energy sources.[103]


Main article:Energy policy of Russia

Saudi Arabia

Main article:Saudi Arabia energy law

Saudi Arabia has some laws concerningenergy, especially oil and gas law.Saudi Arabia is the largest oil producer in the world and therefore its energy law has great influence over the world's overall energy supply.Under theBasic Law of Saudi Arabia, all its oil and gas wealth belongs to the government: "All Allah's bestowed wealth, be it under the ground, on the surface or in national territorial waters, in the land or maritime domains under the state's control, are the property of the state as defined by law. The law defines means of exploiting, protecting, and developing such wealth in the interests of the state, its security, and economy."[104] Energy taxes are also specifically allowed; Article 20 of the basic law states, "Taxes and fees are to be imposed on a basis of justice and only when the need for them arises. Imposition, amendment, revocation, and exemption are only permitted by law."[105]

Two ministries of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia share the responsibility of the energy sector: the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Water and Electricity.[106][107] The country's laws have also established other agencies that have some legal powers, but are not strictly regulatory. These includeSaudi Aramco, originally ajoint venture between the Kingdom and the California-Arabian Standard Oil, but now wholly owned by the Kingdom, and Saudi Consolidated Electricity Companies (SCECOs).[citation needed]


See also:Energy Carta,Energy Market Authority,Energy Studies Institute, andEnergy in Singapore

Sri Lanka

Main article:Sri Lanka Electricity Act 2024

Sri Lanka’s energy law has undergone significant reforms to enhance efficiency, attract investment, and promote renewable energy. With a growing population and increasing energy demand, these reforms are critical for sustainable development.

The earliest laws governing energy in Sri Lanka include the Ceylon Electricity Board Act, No. 17 of 1969, which established the state-ownedCeylon Electricity Board (CEB) to manage electricity generation, transmission, and distribution. This act was a cornerstone in centralising the country’s electricity sector but faced criticism for inefficiencies and financial challenges.

Significant updates came with the Sri Lanka Electricity Act, No. 20 of 2009, which aimed to introduce more competition and regulatory oversight. However, it was theSri Lanka Electricity Act, No. 36 of 2024, that marked a major overhaul of the sector. This act established the National Electricity Advisory Council and designated thePublic Utilities Commission of Sri Lanka (PUCSL) as the main regulator. The 2024 Act promotes market competition, facilitates private sector investment, and encourages the use of renewable energy sources.[108]


Main article:Energy in Turkey § Policy and regulation
See also:Wind power in Turkey

Turkey's old Petroleum Law was in effect for 70 years until 2013, when it enacted a new Petroleum Law, number 6491. Amongst other provisions, it extends the permissible years for drilling permits, reduces a fee, and eliminates a state monopoly.[109]

United Kingdom

Main article:Energy policy of the United Kingdom
See also:Biodiesel in the United Kingdom,Energy in the United Kingdom,Energy use and conservation in the United Kingdom,Renewable energy in Scotland,British Energy, andOil Depletion Analysis Centre

The United Kingdom started the process of leaving theEuropean community as of January 2020.

United States

See also:United States energy law,Oil and gas law in the United States, andEnergy policy of the United States

This section concerns the law of the United States, as well as the states that are the most populous or largest producers of energy.

In theUnited States, energy is regulated extensively through theUnited States Department of Energy, as well as state regulatory agencies.

Every state, the Federal government, and theDistrict of Columbia collect somemotor vehicleexcise taxes.[110] Specifically, these are excise taxes ongasoline,diesel fuel, andgasohol.[110] While many states in the western U.S. rely to a great deal onseverance taxes (taxes on mineral extraction), most states get a relatively small amount of their revenue from such sources.[111]

See also


General energy topics


Specific laws and policies


Academic think-tanks and associations


Renewable and alternative energy sources

Part of a series on
Renewable energy

Awards and standards



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  109. ^Ersoy, Kerem; Akal, Oğuz (23 July 2013)."Turkey: The New Petroleum Law".Mondaq. Retrieved23 July 2013.
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  111. ^2007 State Tax Collection by Source from the Federation of Tax Administrators websiteArchived 2009-02-21 at theWayback Machine. Retrieved February 24, 2009.

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