A crescent-shaped stalks of fully ripened rice at sides in between the tips of the Pagoda and the red ribbon wrapped around it on sides with the National Motto and the Name of the State.
TheNational Emblem of the Lao People's Democratic Republic shows the national shrinePha That Luang. A dam is pictured, which is a symbol of power generation at thereservoirNam Ngum. Anasphalt street and a stylized watered field is pictured. In the lower part is a section of agear wheel. The inscription on the left reads "Peace, Independence, Democracy" (Lao script:ສັນຕິພາບ ເອກະລາດ ປະຊາທິປະໄຕ) and on the right, "Unity and Prosperity" (Lao script:ເອກະພາບ ວັດຖະນາຖາວອນ).
The National Emblem of theLao People's Democratic Republic is a circle depicting in the bottom part one-half of a cog wheel and red ribbon with inscriptions [of the words] "Lao People's Democratic Republic", and [flanked by] crescent-shaped stalks of fully ripenedrice at both sides and red ribbons bearing the inscription "Peace, Independence, Democracy, Unity, Prosperity". A picture ofPha That Luang Pagoda is located between the tips of the stalks of rice. A road, apaddy field, aforest and ahydroelectric dam are depicted in the middle of the circle.
— Constitution of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, § 90[1]