TheEleusa (orEleousa;Greek:Ἐλεούσα –tenderness orshowing mercy) is a type of depiction of theVirgin Mary inicons in which theChrist Child is nestled against her cheek.[1] In the Western Church the type is often known as theVirgin of Tenderness.
Such icons have been venerated in theEastern Church for centuries.[2] Similar types of depiction are also found inMadonna paintings in theWestern Church where they are called theMadonna Eleusa,[3] or the Virgin of Tenderness. By the 19th century examples such as theLady of Refuge type (e.g. theRefugium Peccatorum Madonna byLuigi Crosio) were widespread and they were also used inretablos inMexican art.[4]
InEastern Orthodoxy the termPanagia Eleousa is often used. TheTheotokos of Vladimir andTheotokos of Pochayiv are well-known examples of this type of icon.Eleusa is also used as epithet for describing and praising theTheotokos (Virgin Mary) in the Eastern Orthodox tradition.
While the Eastern Church does not generally create three-dimensional religious art, Eleusa-stylereliefs and sculptures, as well as icons, have also been used in the Western Church.
ThePelagonitissa is a variant in which the infant Jesus makes an abrupt movement.[5]