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Thibault Capdeville head of corps and director of human and military training
Military unit
Emblem of the schoolA statue in the courtyard of the school commemorates the cadets ofPolytechnique rushing to thedefence of Paris in 1814. A copy was installed inWest Point.
French engineering students undergo initial military training and have the status of paidofficer cadets.[6] The school has also been awarding doctorates since 1985, masters since 2005 and bachelors since 2017.[7] Most Polytechnique engineering graduates go on to become top executives in companies, senior civil servants, military officers, or researchers.[8]
Founded in 1794 as theÉcole centrale des travaux publics (Central School of Public Works), the school initially provided teaching limited to technical knowledge. In 1795, the school was renamed the "École polytechnique" (Polytechnic School). The neologismpolytechnique, appearing for the first time in a document published by Claude Prieur at the beginning of 1795,[13] means "many arts", referring to the plurality of applied arts, sciences, technology, engineering and other academic subjects taught at the school.[14]
Under the Restoration and theJuly Monarchy, the school was officially renamed the "École royale polytechnique".[15] Under the First and the Second Empire, it was renamed the "École impériale polytechnique".[14] The students, alumni, and graduates were called "Polytechnicians". The school was often simply called "Polytechnique".
The school has been nicknamed "l'X" or the "X" since the middle of the 19th century.[16] Two explanations have been put forward. One points to the two crossed cannons on the school's badge. The other attributes it to the preeminence of mathematics in the training of Polytechnicians.[17] According toL'Argot de l'X, published in 1894: "It is from the very importance given to the teaching ofana [analysis], the whole language of which is made up of x and y, that the nickname X came, universally accepted to designate Polytechnicians. Not all of them are mathematicians, but all have sufficient knowledge of differential and integral calculus for public service applications. Let us further say that in troubled times, such as 1830 and 1848, this knowledge particularly helped them to avoid being confused with all the individuals who disguised themselves as Polytechnicians to give themselves the appearance of defenders of order. When they were encountered, they were asked the differential of sin x or log x, and if they did not answer, they were immediately locked up."[18] However, in the 1994 edition, the origin of the nickname was again reported to be the crossing of the canons on the coat of arms.[19] The nickname "X" also applies to Polytechnicians. Female Polytechnicians are sometimes nicknamed "Xettes" or "X7",[20] which is pronounced[iksɛt].
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the school and its students and alumni were nicknamed "pipo". In the early 20th century, the school was also nicknamed "Carva".[21]
The chemistry auditorium in the old building in theQuartier Latin, photographed byJules David in 1904Pediment of historical buildings, rue Descartes inParis
After the Revolution of 1789, the royal engineering schools were closed. The First Republic faced a shortage of engineers and military officers.[14][22]Jacques-Élie Lamblardie,Gaspard Monge andLazare Carnot, the founding fathers of the School, were charged with organizing a new "École centrale des travaux publics" (Central School of Public Works)[14] which was officially created on 7Vendémiaire, Year III (September 28, 1794) and opened to students on 1 Nivôse, Year III (December 21, 1794).[23],[24] The aim of the school was to train civil and military engineers. The school quickly welcomed 400 students of different levels. During the first three months, "revolutionary courses" were given inphysics,mathematics andchemistry, after which they took exams to see if they could enter the civil service directly, or if they should continue their studies.[25] The school was renamed the "École polytechnique" a year later. The change of name reflects the change of vocation of the school, which now prepares students for other specialized schools such as theÉcole du génie, theÉcole des mines and theÉcole des ponts et chaussées. The curriculum lasted 3 years, the "regular courses" replaced the "revolutionary courses" and there were only 120 new students each year. The school was placed under the supervision of the Ministries of War and the Interior.[26],[14] AJournal Polytechnique (former name of "Journal de l'École polytechnique" ) was created in 1795.[14][27] In 1799, the course was reduced from three to two years.
In 1805, EmperorNapoléon I transferred the school toMontagne Sainte-Geneviève in theQuartier Latin of central Paris to become amilitary academy and gave it its motto:Pour la Patrie, les Sciences et la Gloire (For the Nation, Science, and Glory).[28] In 1804, after the militarization of the school, its atmosphere changed significantly from a rather free spirit to a meticulous bureaucracy. Militarization was motivated by Napoleon's favorable opinion of Polytechnicians who had contributed to theEgyptian expedition and by his admiration forMonge andLaplace.[3] Militarization was accompanied by a specialization of teaching towards mathematics.[29]
In 1814, students participated in the fighting to defend Paris against theSixth Coalition. Afterthe restoration of 1816, the number of students was reduced to about seventy-five and the 'military arts' course was abolished.[14] In 1817, King Louis XVIII demilitarized theÉcole polytechnique and placed it under the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior. In 1830, fifty students participated in theJuly Revolution.[28] Various decrees were issued until 1832.[30] Above all, the school came under the administration of the Ministry of War,[14] thus regaining its military status. The republican ideal prevailed at the school, as shown by the active participation of students in the revolutions of 1830 and 1848.
Because of the tension between revolutionary ideas and the service of the state, the republican ideal gradually disappeared after 1851. Polytechnicians even found themselves on the side of the Versaillese when theParis Commune was crushed in 1871. During the years 1871–1872, the number of students admitted per year doubled from 140 to 280.[28] The Polytechnicians sought above all to strengthen their position in the spheres of power to compensate for their loss of influence in the technical field. While they could have turned to an engineering profession associated with industry, the Polytechnicians instead reinforced their sovereign vocation by joining the "state nobility" of theSecond French Empire, whose origins, interests and convictions they gradually shared. The years 1860–1870 marked an important evolution since the school became more of a "conservatory of sciences" than a center of research and innovation, while extending its hold on the management of the industrial apparatus.[29]
DuringWorld War I, the students were mobilized and the school building was transformed into a hospital. No national entrance exam was held in 1915. More than eight hundred students died during the war. In 1921, students of foreign nationalities were allowed to take the entrance exam for the first time. During theSecond World War, theÉcole polytechnique was transferred to Lyon in the free zone, lost its military status, and its Parisian buildings were given to the Red Cross. More than four hundred students died during the war (Free French,French Resistance,Nazi camps).
In 1944, the School was again placed under the administration of the Ministry of War.[31] In 1970, the School became a state-sponsored civilian institution under the auspices of the Ministry of Defence.[32] The first female students were admitted in 1972. One woman, Anne Chopinet, was classvaledictorian.[32] In 1976, the School moved from the center of Paris toPalaiseau, in the southern suburbs.[32] In 1985, it began awarding doctoral degrees.[32] In 1994, the bicentennial celebration was presided over by PresidentFrançois Mitterrand.[32] In 1995, a new entrance exam was set up for international students and in 2000, theIngénieur polytechnicien program was extended from 3 to 4 years.[32]
Historical entrance of theÉcole polytechnique Paris campus at the junction of the rue de la Montagne Saint-Genevieve and rue DescartesMap of theÉcole polytechnique campus in Palaiseau
In 1805, when he placed the School under military administration, Napoleon transferred it to theQuartier Latin, in the former premises of the colleges of Navarre, Tournai and Boncourt, now theMinistry of Higher Education and Research. The Paris campus was located near thePanthéon, at 5 rue Descartes,[33] and was nicknamed "Carva" by the students.
Located in the suburbs of Paris, about 14 km (9 miles) from the city center, École polytechnique is a campus-based institution. It offers teaching facilities, student housing, dining and hospitality services, and a range of sports facilities dedicated to the 4,600 people who live on campus.
École polytechnique is an institution of higher education[35] under the supervision of theFrench Ministry of Defence, through theGeneral Directorate for Armament[36] (administratively speaking, it is anational public establishment of an administrative character). It has a dual status, being an engineering school that trains civilian engineers and scientists, but also officers for the three French armies. The aim is to provide the French state with a scientific and technical elite. The number of graduates becoming civil servants and officers has weakened since 1950: today, only 10 to 20% of the school's students join the ranks of the administration or the army, while 20% go into research and the rest into engineering or management.[citation needed]
The school is headed by a general officer (since 2012, by aSenior General Engineer of Armament, whereas previous directors had all been generals of theFrench Armed Forces), and employs military personnel in leadership, administrative, and sports training positions.[37] French undergraduate Polytechnicians, both male and female, arecadets[38] and have to go through a period of military training before beginning their studies.[39][40] However, the military dimension of the school faded over time, with a reduced period of preliminary military training, and fewer students choosing a career as an officer.
Since the abolition of the 'internal uniform' in the mid-1980s, students no longer wear uniforms on campus. On special occasions, such as the military parade on theChamps-Élysées onBastille Day, conferences, ceremonies, and other events on campus, Polytechnicians wear the 19th-century-styleGrand Uniforme, including abicorne.
École polytechnique has a general engineering curriculum at the undergraduate and graduate levels, as well as a doctoral school. In addition to the faculty coming from its local laboratories, it employs many researchers and professors from other institutions, including laboratories such asCNRS,CEA, andINRIA, as well as from theÉcole Normale Supérieure and nearby institutions such as theInstitut d'Optique, and theUniversité Paris-Sud, thus creating a varied and high-level teaching environment.[41]
Contrary to French public universities, the teachers at École polytechnique are not civil servants (fonctionnaires)[42] but contract employees. In addition to full-time professors who conduct research and have full teaching duties, there are part-time professors who have only a partial teaching load.[43] Part-time teachers are often recruited from research organizations (CNRS, CEA, INRIA, etc.) that carry out their activities on the school's campus, in the Paris region, or sometimes even in the provinces.
Benoît Mandelbrot during his speech at the ceremony when he was made an officer of the Legion of Honour on 11 September 2006, at the École polytechnique
TheIngénieur polytechnicien ("Polytechnician Engineer") program awards the prestigiousdiplôme d'ingénieur degree, and is selective upon entry. The subjects covered often go beyond the student's specialty, and the course is focused on generalized education allowing cross-fertilization between different fields.
In addition to 2,000Ingénieur polytechnicien students (500 students per year), the institution has approximately 439 master's students and 572 doctoral students, for a total of 2,900 enrolled.[1]
There are two ways to enter theIngénieur polytechnicien program. The first way is through a very selective competitive examination that requires at least two years of intensive preparation after high school inclasses préparatoires. The second way is to do undergraduate studies at another university. There is a week of written exams in the spring, followed by oral exams in the summer.[44]
About 400 French students are admitted to the school each year.[45] Foreign students who have completed aclasse préparatoire can also enter through the same competitive examination. In total, there are about 100 foreign students admitted to this cycle each year. Foreign students from European or American universities can also be admitted as part of an exchange program for a semester or a year.[46]
Four years of study are required for the engineering degree:[47] one year ofmilitary service (for French nationals only) and a scientific "common curriculum" (eight months and four months, respectively), one year of multidisciplinary studies, and one year of specialized studies ("majors"). Since the reform of the curriculum in 2000, students complete a fourth year of study in a partner institution.
Students wearing the uniform of Polytechnique
First year
The curriculum begins with eight months of mandatory military service for students of French nationality. In the past, this service lasted 12 months and was compulsory for all French students; the abolition ofdraft in France made this requirement of Polytechnique somewhat anachronistic, and the service was reformulated as a period of "human and military training." All French students spend a month together atLa Courtine in a military training center. By the end of this month, they are assigned either to a civilian service or to theArmy,Navy,Air Force orGendarmerie. Students who are assigned to military service undergo two months of military training at French officer schools such asSaint-Cyr orÉcole Navale. Finally, they are assigned to a wide range of units for a five-month tour of duty in a French military unit (which may include, but is not limited to, infantry and artillery regiments, warships, and air bases).[48]
While French students remain under military status during their studies at Polytechnique, and participate in various ceremonies and other military events, such as national ceremonies like Bastille Day or the anniversaries of thearmistices of theWorld Wars, they do not undergo actual military training after completing their first-year service.[48] They receive at the end of the first year thefull dress uniform, which comprises black trousers with a red stripe (a skirt for females), a coat withbrass buttons and a belt, asmall sword and acocked hat (officially called abicorne). French-speaking foreign students perform civil service. Civil service can, for example, consist of being an assistant in a high school in a disadvantaged French suburb.
Then begins a four-month period during which all students take the same five courses: Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Economics.
Second year
The second year is a year of multidisciplinary studies. The set of disciplines covers most of the scientific fields (mathematics, applied mathematics, mechanics, computer science, biology, physics, chemistry, economics) and some areas of the humanities (foreign languages, general humanities...). Students must choose twelve courses in at least five different disciplines.
Third year
In the third year, students must choose a specialization (programme d'approfondissement), which often focuses on a discipline or sometimes an interdisciplinary subject. This year ends with a research internship (four to six months). Students also earn a Master's degree in engineering, science and technology in their third year.
Fourth year
The fourth year is the beginning of more specialized studies: students who do not enter a State Corps must enter either a Master's degree or a doctorate, a partner college or institute such as theÉcole des mines de Paris orENSAE, or a specialization institute such asSupaéro in Toulouse orENSPM in Rueil-Malmaison. The reason for this is that the generic education provided at Polytechnique is more focused on developing thinking skills than on preparing students for the transition to a real engineering career, which requires more advanced technical training.
The grades of the second year of the curriculum are used to rank the students. Traditionally, this individual exit ranking was very important for the French students of the École polytechnique, and certain peculiarities in the organization of studies and ranking can be attributed to the need for equity among students.
For French nationals, this ranking is part of a government recruitment program: a certain number of places in civil or military Corps, including elite civil servant such as theCorps des Mines orCorps of Bridges, Waters and Forests, are open to students each year. These specific corps of civil servants, which provide the senior executives of the public administration, are open only to students of the École polytechnique and to rare students of theEcole Normale Supérieure. At some point in their studies, students make a list of the corps they wish to enter in order of preference, and they are enrolled in the highest corps according to their ranking. The next step for French Polytechnicians is to join one of the four technical schools of the civil service:École des mines,École des ponts et chaussées,Télécom ParisTech,ENSTA Paris orENSAE, thus joining one of the civil service bodies known asgrands corps techniques de l'État. Those who follow this path are called asX-Mines,X-Ponts,X-Télécoms andX-INSEE respectively.
Since the X2000 reform, the importance of rank has diminished. With the exception of the corps curriculum, the universities and schools where Polytechnicians complete their training now base their acceptance decisions on the transcripts of all grades.
Of the 47% of graduates who decide to pursue a professional career in the private sector, the majority (58%) are based in theGreater Paris area, 8% in the rest of France, while 34% are based outside France. Only 12% of the cohort work under a non-French employment contract. École polytechnique students earn an average of €44,000 per year after graduation.[49]
French students admitted to the École polytechnique do not pay tuition fees and receive a salary as officer cadets. Through the student board, they redistribute part of this sum to foreign students.
There is no particular financial obligation for students who complete the program and then enter an application school or graduate program accredited by the École polytechnique.
The Bachelor is a three-year program fully taught in English which opened in 2017. Either French nationals or international students are eligible. Applications are opened to final year high school students. Selection is made through an online application file and an oral interview.[50] During the first year of the programme, students follow a pluridisciplinary curriculum based on mathematics.
École polytechnique offers various master's programs, alone or in association with other schools and universities, on a wide variety of subjects that are more specialized than theIngénieur polytechnicien program. The school offers programs in AI, computer vision, economics, finance, environmental science, energy, and data science. Some degrees in entrepreneurship are delivered in partnership withHEC Paris.[51]
The school also has a doctoral program open to students with a master's degree or equivalent.[52] Doctoral students generally work in the school's laboratories; they may also work in external institutes or institutions that cannot or will not award a doctorate.
About 40% of doctoral students come from abroad.[1]
École polytechnique has many research laboratories operating in various scientific fields (physics, mathematics,computer science, economics,chemistry,biology, etc.), most operated in association with national scientific institutions such asCNRS,CEA,Inserm, andInria.
Students are represented by a board of 16 students known as "la Kès", elected each November. La Kès manages the relationships with teachers, management, alumni and partners. It publishes a weekly students paper,InfoKès.
Sports are an important part of student life, as all students are required to play 6 hours of sports per week. There are competitive and club sports ranging from skydiving and judo to circus and hiking. There are two swimming pools, dojo and fencing rooms, and an equestrian center on campus. The "Jumping de l'X" is an international show jumping competition organized by the school.
Many École polytechnique graduates hold important positions in government, industry and research in France. Its alumni include three Nobel prizes winners, three presidents of the French Republic, and several business and industry leaders. Researchers at theFrench National Centre for Scientific Research have found that most business executives in France are traditionally alumni of École polytechnique.[53]
The Frenchgrandes écoles, including the École polytechnique, are criticized for their "elitism" and lack of diversity.INSEE has found that the children of executives and teachers are more likely to enter theécoles than children from lower-income families.[59] A more recent report found that children of employees are 50 times more likely to enter the Ecole polytechnique than the children of workers.[60]
^Programmes de l'enseignement polytechnique de l'École centrale des travaux publics [Polytechnic Education Programs of the Central School of Public Works]. Paris. 1795.
^Mattatia, Fabrice (2004).Dictionnaire d'argot de l'X: Tout sur le langage des polytechniciens [Dictionary of the Argot of X: Everything about the Language of Polytechnicians]. Illustrated by Laurent Di Cesare and Jérémie Wainstain (2nd ed.). Paris: Lavauzelle.ISBN2702512305..
^Organisation de l'Ecole Polytechnique. Ordonnance du 13 novembre 1830, Mon. univ. (15 November 1830) 1465–1466; also in Le globe (18 November 1830) 1085–1086 [with editorial remarks]; also in J. gén. civil 10 (1831) 87–97.
^Arrêté du 12 septembre 2005relatif à l'exercice de la tutelle du ministre de la défense sur divers organismes publics confiés à la délégation générale pour l'armement, article 1
^Arrêté du 14 août 2001relatif à la formation militaire et à la formation à l'exercice des responsabilités des élèves français de l'École polytechnique prévues à l'article 2 du décret n° 2000-900 du 14 septembre 2000 fixant certaines dispositions d'ordre statutaire applicables aux élèves français de l'École polytechnique
^Décret 87-16 du 14 janvier 1987: by exception to the general rule that staff in public establishments of an administrative character are civil servants, the teaching staff of Polytechnique is hired on contracts.
Gillispie, Charles C. (2004).Science and Polity in France, the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Years. Princeton Universitv Press.ISBN978-0-691-11541-2.
Jean-Pierre Callot; Michel Camus; Bernard Esambert; Jacques Bouttes (23 June 2004).Histoire et Prospective de l'École polytechnique [History and Prospects of the École Polytechnique] (21 cm × 23 cm, hardcover with dust jacket, ill.) (2nd ed.). Paris: Lavauzelle.ISBN978-2-702-50350-8.OCLC464063564.BnF35607251.