East Java (Indonesian:Jawa Timur,Javanese:ꦙꦮꦶꦮꦺꦠꦤ꧀,romanized: Jawa Wétan,Madurese:Jhâbâ Tèmor,Pegon: جاوا وتان) is aprovince ofIndonesia located in the easternmost third ofJava island. It has a land border only with the province ofCentral Java to the west; theJava Sea and theIndian Ocean border its northern and southern coasts, respectively, while the narrowBali Strait to the east separates Java fromBali by around 2.29 kilometres (1.42 mi). Located in easternJava, the province also includes the island ofMadura (which is connected to Java by the longest bridge in Indonesia, theSuramadu Bridge), as well as theKangean islands and other smaller island groups located further east (in the northernBali Sea) and theMasalembu archipelago to the north. Its capital isSurabaya, thesecond largest city in Indonesia, a major industrial center and also a major business center.Banyuwangi is the largest regency in East Java and the largest on the island of Java.[7]
The province covers a land area of 48,036.84 square kilometres (18,547.13 sq mi), and according to the2010 Census, there were 37,476,757 people residing there,[8] making itIndonesia's second-most-populous province; the2020 Census showed an increase to 40,665,696 people,[9] while the official estimate for mid 2024 was 41,914,499 (comprising 20,848,660 males and 20,965,880 females).[1] Almost a quarter of the population lives inside theGreater Surabaya metropolitan area.[10] East Java is inhabited by many different ethnic groups, such as theJavanese,Madurese andChinese. Most of the people in East Java adhere toIslam, forming around 94% of the total population. Other religions are also practiced, such asChristianity,Buddhism andConfucianism which are mostly practised byTionghoa people and immigrants fromEastern Indonesia andNorth Sumatra, and alsoHinduism which are practised by theTenggerese people in theBromo Tengger Semeru National Park and theBalinese people inhabiting the easternmost part of the province borderingBali as well as the dominant minorityIndian Indonesians inSurabaya city.
TheIndonesian language is the official language of the province as well as thewhole nation, butJavanese andMadurese are most frequently used, especially the Surabaya dialect (Javanese:Suroboyoan orSurabayaan — the Javanese dialect ofSurabaya) used mainly in the capitalSurabaya.Indonesian is only used for inter-ethnic communication and official purposes.
The Dinoyo inscriptions found near the city ofMalang are the oldest written sources in East Java, dating from 760 CE. It tells of many political and cultural events in the Kingdom of Kanjuruhan. The name Malang is thought to come from the name of a sacred building called Malangkuseswara. This name is contained in theMantyasih inscription written in 907 CE.
In 1222,Ken Arok founded theKingdom of Singhasari, which he ruled until 1292. Before coming to power, Ken Arok seized power in Tumapel (Kediri) from Tungul Ametung. Ken Arok's descendants became kings ofSinghasari andMajapahit from the 13th until the 15th century.
In 1227,Anusapati killed Ken Arok, and later became king of Singhasari. Anusapati's power only lasted 20 years, before he was killed by Tohjaya. Three years later, Tohjaya was killed in an uprising led by Jaya Wisnuwardhana, son of Anusapati. In 1268, Wisnuwardhana died, and he was succeeded byKertanegara (1268–1292). In 1292 Kertanegara was defeated by a rebel named Jayakatwang, ending the Singhasari.
In 1293,Kublai Khan, founder of theYuan dynasty, sent a large invasion fleet to Java with 20,000 to 30,000 soldiers, beginning theMongol invasion of Java.[14] This was apunitive expedition against King Kertanegara of Singhasari, who had refused to pay tribute to the Yuan and maimed one of its ministers. However, it ended with failure for theMongols.
In 1294, theKingdom of Majapahit was founded byRaden Wijaya. The Majapahit reached its peak during the reign ofHayam Wuruk. He was accompanied by theMahapatihGajah Mada. Together they managed to unite the archipelago under the name Dwipantara. Majapahit developed to become one of the strongest empires in Southeast Asia.
In 1357, theBattle of Bubat occurred, starting a war between theSunda Kingdom and the Majapahit. The event stemmed from the desire of king Hayam Wuruk to take aSundanese princess. Dyah Pitaloka as queen. However, because of a misunderstanding about the procedure of marriage, leading to a battle in Bubat. Majapahit troops, under the command of Gajah Mada, captured and killed the present Members of the Royal Family ofPajajaran. In 1389, Hayam Wuruk died, and was succeeded byWikramawardhana. This resulted in the beginning of the decline of the Majapahit Empire. As the Majapahit Empire went into decline in the late 1300s, Islam moved to fill the vacuum.[15]
The precise date when Islam entered Java remains unclear. This is due to the absence of a definite source regarding the arrival of Islam in Java. However, according to some experts[like whom?], it is estimated that Islam entered Java around the 11th century, with the tomb of Fatimah Binti Maimun in the village of Leran inGresik Regency which dates from 475 AH (1085 AD). The tomb also shows that by the 11th century, the North coast of Java had been frequented byArab traders from the Middle East. In addition, several Islamic tombs were discovered inTrowulan, located in what is now part of theMojokerto Regency, near the site of the former Majapahit palace.[16]
In the 15th century, a ChineseHui voyager namedMa Huan visited East Java. He then wrote the bookYingya Shenglan, which tells the story of the countries he visited over the course of theMing treasure voyages. He mentioned that at that time, there were three different peoples inhabiting Eastern Java: Arabs from the Middle East, the ancestor of the modernArab Indonesians; Chinese Muslims originating from modern-dayGuangdong province, and the nativeJavanese people.[17]
By the 16th century, the Majapahit Empire was defeated by Islamic kingdoms in Java, resulting in the exile of many Majapahit aristocrats to the neighbouring island ofBali.[18] Those who remained in Java were forced to convert to Islam, while a small pocket of isolated people living in theBromo Tengger Semeru National Park spread aroundPasuruan,Probolinggo,Malang, andLumajangRegencies remains adhered toHinduism to this day. They are known as theTenggerese people. Their population of roughly 100,000 is centered in 30 villages in the isolated Tengger mountains.[19]
When Islamic sultanates started ruling Java, cities in the northern coast started developing, becoming thriving ports. One of them was the town ofTuban, which was a wealthy and important port with many Chinese settlers. Being a port of the Majapahit and the point of departure for theMoluccas, it exported an abundant supply of foodstuffs and imported a rich variety of products from the Moluccas.[20] At the end of the 16th century, Islam had surpassed Hinduism and Buddhism as the dominant religion in Java. At first, the spread of Islam was very rapid and was accepted by ordinary people, until theda'wah entered and it was carried out by the rulers of the island.
The relationship between the Javanese and European colonial powers began in 1522, with the signing of a treaty between the Sunda Kingdom and thePortuguese Empire inMalacca. After the failure of the treaty, the Portuguese presence was then limited to Malacca in theMalay Peninsula and theMaluku Islands. An expedition under the leadership of the Dutch explorerCornelis de Houtman consisting of four ships in 1596 became the beginning of Dutch presence in the island.[21] At the end of the 18th century, theDutch had succeeded in expanding their influence on the Islamic sultanates in the interior of the island of Java.
Two weeks after theproclamation of independence,Surabaya established its own government under,Raden Sudirman. The formation of government in Surabaya caused disputes between the republican forces and Japanese troops, resulting in various skirmishes across the city. This was because when the Japanese surrendered, they were obliged to remain in power until the allied forces arrived. The arrival of allied forces in Surabaya created tensions with the newly established government of Indonesia, reaching peak on 10 November 1945 where a majorbattle between the Surabayan residents led bySutomo and allied forces.
The battle forced the governor, Suryo, on the advice of People's Security Army (TKR), to move the seat of the government toMojokerto. A week later, the government retreated again to a more secure location in Kediri. However, security situation Kediri worsen until finally, in February 1947, the East Java provincial government fled to Malang. While the administration was based in Malang, GovernorSoerjo was replaced by R.P. Suroso, who was in turn replaced again by Dr. Moerdjani. On 21 July 1947, although still bound by theLinggadjati Agreement, a ceasefire agreement in effect since 14 October 1946, the Dutch commenced a military action,Operation Product, which led to deteriorating security conditions in Malang. The East Java provincial government moved again to Blitar.
This military action ended after theRenville Agreement. However, this agreement reduced the territory controlled by the East Java provincial government. The Netherlands then turned the areas under its control into new federal states, theState of Madura and theState of East Java. Amid the difficulties faced by the government of Indonesia, a left-wing opposition group,Front Demokrasi Rakyat (FDR, People's Democratic Front) launchedrebellion in Madiun on 18 September 1948. However, eventually this revolt was defeated by theIndonesian Army. On 19 December 1948, the Dutch launchedOperation Kraai. Blitar, the seat of the East Java provincial government was attacked by the Dutch. Governor Moerdjani and his staff were forced to flee and joined the guerrillas on the slopes ofMount Wilis. Operation Kraai ended after theRoem–Van Roijen Agreement on 7 May 1949.
Following theDutch–Indonesian Round Table Conference, at which the Netherlands agreed to transfer sovereignty to theUnited States of Indonesia, the Dutch withdrew its troops from East Java. East Java changed its status from a province into a state. However, on 25 February 1950, this was dissolved and became part of the territory of theRepublic of Indonesia. TheState of Madura also decided to join Indonesia.
Along with rapid growth of urbanization in East Java, the governments could not satisfy the population's needs for affordable housing, which led to the building ofshanty towns along the rivers and rail tracks. Today, the shanty towns still exist; although some have been transformed into "better" housing.[23]
East Java has twice hosted theIndonesian National Games (Indonesian:Pekan Olahraga Nasional) (PON), the 7th (1969) and 15th PONs (2000), and became the overall champions in 2000 and 2008.
East Java province borders theJava Sea in the north, theStrait of Bali in the east, and the Indian Ocean in the south, as well as theCentral Java province in the west. The length of the east–west stretch of about 400 km. The width of the stretch of the north–south in the west about 200 km, but in the eastern part of narrower by about 60 km.Madura is the largest island in East Java, separated from the mainland Java by theStrait of Madura.Bawean Island is located about 150 km north of Java. In the east of Madura there are clusters of islands, the easternmost are theKangean Islands and the northernmost are theMasalembu Islands. Off the south coast of Java there are two small islands namelyNusa Barong andSempu Island.
In physiographic of geology, East Java Province can be grouped into three zones: the southern zone (plato), the middle zone (volcanic), and the northern zone (folds). Lowlands and highlands in the middle (of Ngawi, Blitar, Malang, to Bondowoso) has a fairly fertile soil. In the northern part ( Bojonegoro, Tuban, Gresik, to Madura Island) lies the Kapur Utara mountains and the Kendeng mountains which are relatively barren.
In the middle of the province stretch mountain ranges and volcanoes: On the border with Central Java isMount Lawu (3,265 metres). Southeast from Madiun isMount Wilis (2,169 metres), and Mount Liman (2,563 metres). In the middle of the corridor lies the Anjasmoro mountains with peaksMount Arjuno (3,339 metres), Mount Welirang (3,156 metres), Mount Anjasmoro (2,277 metres), Mount Kawi (2,551 metres), andMount Kelud (1,731 metres); The mountains are located in most Kediri, Blitar, Malang, Pasuruan, Mojokerto and Jombang. The group has the peak of Mount Bromo Tengger (2,329 metres), and Mount Semeru (3,676 metres).Mount Semeru, which is also called Mahameru is the highest mountain in the island of Java. In the easternmost part if the province, there are two groups of mountains: the Iyang mountains with the peak Mount Argopuro (3,088 metres), the Ijen mountains with the peakMount Raung (3344 metres) In the south there is a series of hills, that of the south coast of Pacitan, Trenggalek, Tulungagung, Blitar, Malang. the Kapur Selatan mountains is a continuation of a series of the Sewu mountains in Yogyakarta.
Two of the most important rivers in East Java are theBrantas River (290 kilometres), and theSolo River (548 kilometers). The Brantas River has headwaters on the slopes Mount Arjuno near Batu, and flows through most areas in East Java, like Malang, Blitar, Tulungagung, Kediri, Jombang and Mojokerto. In Mojokerto, the Brantas River split into two:Kali Mas, and Porong; both empty into the Madura Strait. The Solo River has headwaters on the slopes of Mount Lawu which lies on the border between East Java and Central Java, and flows through a portion of the eastern part of Central Java and East Java, which eventually empties into the sea at Gresik. The Brantas River and Bengawan Solo are managed by Perum Jasa Tirta I. On the slopes of Mount Lawu near the border with Central Java are Sarangan, a natural lake. The main dam in East Java, among others Ir. Sutami and Selorejo Dam, which is used for irrigation, fish farming and tourism.
East Java has atropical monsoon andsavanna climate at lower elevation andsubtropical at higher elevation. Compared with the western part of Java Island, East Java in general has less rainfall. Average rainfall is 1,900 mm per year, with a rainy season during the 100 days. The average temperature ranges between 19–34 °C. Temperatures in the lower mountain areas, and even in areas Ranu Pani (slopes of Mount Semeru), temperatures can reach –4 °C, causing a frost and fall of light snow.[24]
Sub-region of East Java2nd-level Administrative map of East Java Province
East Java is divided into 29kabupaten (or regencies), and 9kotamadya (or cities). This division has remained unchanged since the creation of the province, except for the creation of the new city ofBatu on 21 June 2001 (by separation from Malang Regency). These regencies and cities with their areas and populations at the 2000, 2010[8] and 2020[9] Censuses, together with the official estimates as at mid 2024,[1] are listed below, grouped geographically into five (unofficial) sub-regions entirely for convenience of access. The sub-regions have no official status. These regencies and cities are divided as at 2023 into 666 districts (kecamatan) which are in turn composed of 8,494 administrative villages (ruraldesa and urbankelurahan):
Note: (a) the 2000 population of Batu City is included in the total for Malang Regency, from which it was separated on 21 June 2001.
The province comprises eleven of Indonesia's 84 national electoral districts to elect members to thePeople's Representative Council.[26] The province's 87 elected members are comprised as follows:
TheEast Java I Electoral District consists of the regency of Sidoarjo and the city of Surabaya, and elects 10 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java II Electoral District consists of the regencies of Probolinggo and Pasuruan, together with the cities of Probolinggo and Pasuruan, and elects 7 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java III Electoral District consists of the regencies of Banyuwangi, Bondowoso and Situbondo, and elects 7 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java IV Electoral District consists of the regencies of Lumajang and Jember, and elects 8 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java V Electoral District consists of the regency of Malang, together with the cities of Batu and Malang, and elects 8 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java VI Electoral District consists of the regencies of Blitar, Kediri and Tulungagung, together with the cities of Blitar and Kediri, and elects 9 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java VII Electoral District consists of the regencies of Pacitan, Ponorogo, Trenggalek, Magetan and Ngawi, and elects 8 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java VIII Electoral District consists of the regencies of Mojokerto, Jombang, Nganjuk and Madiun, together with the cities of Madiun and Mojokerto, and elects 10 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java IX Electoral District consists of the regencies of Bojonegoro and Tuban, and elects 6 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java X Electoral District consists of the regencies of Gresik and Lamongan, and elects 6 members to the People's Representative Council.
TheEast Java XI Electoral District consists of the regencies of Bangkalan, Pamekasan, Sampang and Sumenep (all on Madura Island), and elects 8 members to the People's Representative Council.
According to the 2000census, East Java had 34,765,993 people, which increased to 37,476,757 people at the 2010 Census,[28] and to 40,665,595 at the 2020 Census,[9] making it the second most populous Indonesian province afterWest Java. The official estimate as at mid 2023 was 41,527,930.[27]
Akin toCentral Java, the region's birth rates are not necessarily any lower than the rest of Java, however due to net population outflows, especially in times of calamity, not limited to volcanic eruptions or droughts, the region has varying rates of population growth that are generally lower than national average. EthnicJavanese dominate the Java mainland as well as the total population of the province overall, while ethnicMadurese inhabit Madura and the Kangean and Masalembu archipelagos, though centuries of migrations have led the Java mainland to have a larger proportion of Madurese people than Madura itself. Minorities include distinct Javanese ethnicities such as theTengger people in theMount Bromo region, and theSamin and theOsing people inBanyuwangi. East Java also hosts a significant population of foreign ethnic groups, such asChinese, Indians, and Arabs.
Besides the national language (Indonesian), the people of East Java predominantly use theJavanese in daily life. Javanese as spoken in the western part of East Java (Kulonan) is a similar dialect to the one spoken inCentral Java, with its hierarchy of high, medium, and low registers. In the eastern part, such as Surabaya, Malang, and others, a more egalitarian version of Javanese is spoken, with less regard of hierarchy and a richer vocabulary for vulgarity. The dialect is notable for its roughness compared to other dialects spoken elsewhere in Java (especially the Mataram dialect spoken aroundSurakarta andYogyakarta, which is renowned for its smoothness) and contributes to the stereotype among Javanese people of East Javanese being "blunt" and "loud".[30] Variants of Javanese are also used by Osing and Tengger minorities, the former utilizing aBalinese-influenced Javanese by virtue of its closeness with Bali island, and the latter speaking an archaic form of the language that retains many features now lost in other more-innovative Javanese dialects.[31]Other than Javanese, minority language includesMadurese, spoken by around 4 million ethnic Madurese people inhabiting theMadura Islands; though they live practically next door with the Javanese, the language is actually more closer genetically to Balinese, andSundanese.[32]
A long time ago, Hinduism and Buddhism dominated the island untilIslam graduallysupplanted Hinduism in the 14th and 15th century. The last nobles and people of the fallenMajapahit fled toBali. Islam spread from northern cities in Java where manyMuslim traders fromGujarat, India stopped by. The eastern part of East Java, from Surabaya to Pasuruan, and the cities along the coast, and back to Banyuwangi to Jember, are known as theeastern salient, or "Kawasan Tapal Kuda" (the Horseshoe Region).
A remnant of Hindu tradition and syncreticabangan exists because of Islamic and Hinduism acculturation in Java.
East Java has a number of large industries,[36] including the largest shipbuilding shipyard in Indonesia,PT PAL inSurabaya, military industrial byPindad inSouthern Malang, largest railway industry in Southeast Asia,Industri Kereta Api (INKA) inMadiun, PT Tjiwi Kimia, a paper mill company based inSidoarjo, Kertas Leces based inProbolinggo); cigarette factories (Wismilak in Surabaya,Gudang Garam inKediri,Sampoerna in Surabaya andBentoel in Malang). In Gresik there areSemen Gresik, andPetrokimia Gresik. InTuban there are the largest cement factories in Indonesia, namely Semen Indonesia (ex-Semen Gresik), and Semen Holcim and the Petrochemical Refinery Area. The government has established 12 industrial estate companies, including Surabaya Industrial Estate Rungkut (SIER) in Surabaya, Pasuruan Industrial Estate Rembang (PIER) in Pasuruan Regency, Madiun Industrial Estate Balerejo (MIEB) in Madiun, Ngoro Industrial Park (NIP) in the Mojokerto Regency, Jabon Industrial Zone in Sidoarjo Regency, and Lamongan Integrated Shorebase (LIS) inLamongan Regency. Small industrial centers are spread throughout the districts / cities, and some of them have penetrated exports; The leather craft industry in the form of bags and shoes at Tanggulangin, Sidoarjo is one of the very famoussmall industries.[36]
At present, the Surabaya Gubeng-Kertosono-Madiun line is being developed into adouble track and is planned to be completed by the end of 2018 or early 2019 and ready for use in mid-2019.[41]
Tanjung Perak International Port is Indonesia's main hub port in NorthernSurabaya.[42] Other international ports in East Java include Gresik Port andJava Integrated Industrial and Port Estate inGresik Regency, Tanjung TembagaProbolinggo Port andBanyuwangi Port.[43] National ports areBawean Port in Gresik Regency, Pasuruan Port inPasuruan City, Sapudi Port in Sumenep Regency, Kalbut Port and Anchor Port inSitubondo Regency, Sapeken Port in Sumenep Regency, Kangean Port in Sumenep Regency, and Muncar Port in Banyuwangi Regency. East Java has a number of ferry ports, including Ujung Port (Surabaya), Kamal (Bangkalan, Madura) Port, Ketapang Port (Banyuwangi), Kalianget Port (Sumenep), and Jangkar Port (Situbondo). Ujung-Kamal route connects Java island (Surabaya) with Madura island, Ketapang Ferry Port connectsJava Island withBali, Jangkar-Kalianget Route connects Java (Situbondo) with Madura Island, and Kalianget also connects Madura Island with small islands in the Java Sea (Kangean and Masalembu).[43]
East Java has a number of distinctive art. Ludruk is one of the East Javanese art is quite well known, namely the art of the stage that generally all the players are male. Unlike the Ketoprak which tells the life of the palace, ludruk tells the daily life of ordinary people, often spiced with humor and social criticism, and generally opened with Dance Remo, and parikan. Currently traditional ludruk groups can be found in the area of Surabaya, Mojokerto and Jombang; although its presence increasingly defeated by modernization.
Reog from Ponorogo is a typical art that has been patented since 2001, and has now also become the icon of East Javanese art. Staging reog accompanied by horse braid (kuda lumping) are accompanied by elements of the occult.[45] Famous arts of East Java include puppet purwa East Javanese style, mask mastermind in Madura, and made. In the area Mataraman Middle Javanese arts such as Ketoprak, and shadow puppets are quite popular. Famous legend of East Java, among othersDamarwulan, Angling Darma, and Sarip Tambak-Oso.
Traditional dance in East Java can be generally grouped into Middle Javanese style, East Javanese style, Osing style and Madurese styles. Classical dances includegandrung, gambyong dance, dancesrimpi, dance bondan, and wanderer. There is also a sort of lion dance culture in East Java. Art exists in two districts namely, Bondowoso, and Jember. Singo Wulung is a distinctive culture Bondowoso. While Jember have the tiger kadhuk. Both are art that is rarely encountered.
Culture and customs of Javanese in the western part of East Java received a lot of influence from the Middle Javanese, so this area is known as Mataraman, indicating that the area was once the territory of theSultanate of Mataram. The area includes the former residency of Madiun (Madiun, Ngawi, Magetan, Ponorogo, Pacitan), ex-residency Kediri (Kediri, Tulungagung, Blitar, Trenggalek, Nganjuk), and part of Bojonegoro. As is the case in Central Java, wayang kulit, and Ketoprak quite popular in this region.
East Java's west coast region is heavily influenced by the Islamic culture. This area covers an area of Tuban, Lamongan and Gresik. In the past the north coast of East Java is the entry area, and the center of the development of Islam. Five of the nine members of the walisongo are buried in this area.
In the area of ex-residency of Surabaya (including Sidoarjo, Mojokerto and Jombang), and ex-residency Malang, had little cultural influence Mataraman, considering this region is an area arek (the term for offspring Kenarok), especially in the area of Malang that make this area difficult to be affected by Mataraman culture.
Customs in horse hooves region heavily influenced by the culture of Madura, given the magnitude of Madura tribe population in the region. Osing social mores of the culture is a blend of Java, Madura and Bali. While the Tenggerese tribe is heavily influenced by Hindu culture.[46]
Villagers in East Java, as well as in Central Java, has ties based on friendship, and territorial. Various ceremonies were held, among others: tingkepan (ceremony gestational age of seven months for the first child), babaran (ceremony before the birth of the baby), sepasaran (ceremony after the baby was five days), Pitonan (ceremony after the baby was seven months old), circumcision, fiancé.
East Java's population generally embraced monogamy. Prior to application, the men doing the show nako'ake (ask if the girl already had a husband), once that is done peningsetan (application). The wedding ceremony was preceded by a gathering or kepanggih. Communities on the west coast: Tuban, Lamongan, Gresik, even Bojonegoro has a habit of women's families applying common man (Ganjuran), different from the usual habits of other regions in Indonesia, where the men apply for women. And generally men will then be entered into the family of the woman.
To pray for the deceased person, usually a family party did send donga on day 1, 3rd, 7th, 40th, 100th, 1 year and 3 years after death.
East Java is the province with the highest number of public universities in Indonesia.[47] Three major cities for universities areSurabaya,Malang, andJember; there is also a university atBangkalan on Madura island. Among them, notable university which are:
Another important form of education that is available in most cities in East Java is thepesantren. This is a kind of socio-education organized byIslamic clerics, and associated with local or national Muslim organizations.Jombang andPonorogo is a famous region for its pesantren.[48] and the Indonesian Naval Academy (Akademi Angkatan Laut) located in Surabaya.
East Java supports several regional media outlets. Local newspapers with provincial news reach their readers earlier than their competitors fromJakarta. In the spirit of "providing more news from around readers", most newspapers even issue municipal sections which are different among their distribution areas. More startups media also develop for younger generation.
Jawa Pos Group, one of the major newspaper groups in Indonesia, based in Surabaya
Surya, newspaper based in Surabaya (owned byKompas Group)
Suara Surabaya (E100 FM), most famous local radio and internet news in Surabaya and East Java
IDN Times, multiplatform media for millennials and generation z people
East Java has a number of interesting sights. One of the tourist icon is Mount Bromo in East Java, which is inhabited by the Tengger tribe, where the ceremony is held every year Kasada. In the mountainous region of Tengger also there is a waterfall that is Madakaripura which is the last hermitage Mahapatih Gajah Mada before serving in the kingdom of Majapahit. Madakaripura Waterfall has a height of about 200 meters, which makes it the highest waterfall on the island of Java and the second highest in Indonesia. East Java also has some other mountainous tourist area of which is Malang Raya mountainous area known as the natural mountain tourist area that includes Malang and Batu. Tretes and Trawas mountainous areas, are also known to have characteristics such as Puncak area in West Java province. Other natural attractions in East Java is the National Park (4 of 12 National Parks in Java) and Taman Safari Indonesia II in Prigen.
East Java is also contained relics of history in the classical era. Trowulan sites in Mojokerto, once the center of the Majapahit Kingdom, there are dozens of temples and tombs of the kings of Majapahit. Other temples spread throughout much of East Java, including Penataran temple in Blitar.[50] In Madura, Sumenep is the center of the kingdom of Madura, where there are Kraton Sumenep, museums, and the tombs of the kings of Madura (Asta Tinggi Sumenep).
East Java is known for its coastal scenery.[51] On the south coast there is the Prigi Beach, Pelang Beach and Pasir Putih Beach in Trenggalek, Popoh Beach in Tulungagung, Ngliyep Beach, and tourism areas such as theJatim Park,Museum Angkut, Batu Secret Zoo, Batu Night Spectacular, Eco Green Park in Batu, and the Watu Ulo Beach in Jember. East Java also has a beach that the waves is one of the best in the world, namely the Plengkung Beach located in Banyuwangi. In addition there Kenjeran Beach in Surabaya, and the White Sand Beach in Situbondo. Lake in East Java, among others Sarangan in Magetan, Ir. Sutami Dam in Malang, and Selorejo Dam in Blitar.
In the coastal area of the north there are a number of tombs of the saints, which are places of pilgrimage for Muslims.[52] Five of the ninewalisongo are buried in East Java:Sunan Ampel in Surabaya,Sunan Giri, andMaulana Malik Ibrahim in Gresik,Sunan Drajat in Paciran (Lamongan), andSunan Bonang in Tuban. In the northern coastal region, there are a number of caves, including Maharani Cave in Lamongan and Tuban Akbar Cave and Cave Gong located in Pacitan. Other pilgrimage sites include the tomb of Indonesia's first presidentSukarno, inBlitar, as well as the tomb of the fourth Indonesian presidentAbdurrahman Wahid, known as Gus Dur, in Jombang.
Malang Metropolitan Region is a leading tourist destination in Indonesia with theCity of Batu as its center. Malang has various tourist areas including volcanoes to beaches, as well as man-made tour of the history of travel to an international-class theme park with the support of inter-provincial transportation via trains, buses, and airplanes are available in Malang. Surabaya is the center of government, entertainment, financial, and business center of East Java, where there are Tugu Pahlawan, the Museum MPU Tantular, Surabaya Zoo, Submarine Monument, Ampel Region, and the Downtown Tunjungan area.
Meru Betiri National Park – Between Jember and Banyuwangi districts, this park covers 580 km2 (224 sq mi). Hard to get to, it contains coastalrainforest and scenery and is home to abundant wildlife.
Alas Purwo National Park – This 434 km2 (168 sq mi) park is formed by theBlambangan Peninsula (southeastern Java). Comprisingmangrove,savanna, lowland monsoon forests and beaches, the park's name meansFirst Forest in Javanese. Javanese legend says that the earth first emerged from the ocean here.
Baluran National Park – This 250 km2 (97 sq mi) national park is located in northeastern Java, known asThe Little Africa, formerly extensive savanna has been largely replaced byAcacia.
Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park – Located in East Java at the region of Probolinggo and Pasuruan, 70 km (43 mi) from Surabaya the capital city of East Java province.Mount Bromo is one of the great hiking and trekking destinations for overseas tourists. The scenic view of Bromo also attracts hundreds of photo enthusiasts to see the views there.
Purwodadi Botanical Garden is a research centre inPasuruan, East Java, Indonesia. It has an area of 85 hectares (210 acres) and more than 10,000 types of trees and many plant collections.Callus cultures ofAgave amaniensis by Setia Dewi were taken in 1988.[53]
Some typical East Javanese dishes include Bakso Malang, Rawon, and Tahu Campur Lamongan.[54] Surabaya is famous for Rojak Cingur, Semanggi, Lontong Balap, clam satay, mussels, and rice cakes.[55] Malang is popular for a variety of processed fruits (especially apples),tempeh crisps,Bakpao telo,Bakso Malang, rawon, and Cwie noodles.[56] Kediri is famous for tahu takwa, tahu pong, tungku fried rice and getuk pisang.[57][58] Madiun is known for pecel madiun, and as a producer of Brem.[59] The subdistrict of Babat, Lamongan is famous as a producer ofwingko.[60] Bondowoso is also well known as a producer oftape. Gresik famous is for nasi krawu, otak-otak bandeng, andbonggolan. Sidoarjo is famous for shrimp crackers, shrimp paste, and petis. Ngawi is famous[61] for tempeh chips, tahu tepo, andnasi lethok. Blitar has the typical food that is pecel.Rambutan is also native to Blitar. Banyuwangi is famous[62] for sego tempong, salad soup, and pecel rawon. Jember have special food made of tape that is Suwar-suwir and tape proll that is very sweet. Corn is known as one of the staple food of the Madurese, while cassava is processed into gaplek, a staple food used to be a part of the population in Pacitan and Trenggalek. Tulungagung is famous for itslodho, goat satay and pati rice.[63] Ponorogo is famous for Satay Ponorogo, Tiwul Goreng and Dawet Jabung, Probolinggo is famous for Ketan Kratok, Olok Crab, Glepungan Rice and Kraksaan Soto.
East Java once hosted theIndonesian National Games (Indonesian:Pekan Olahraga Nasional), namely PON VII in 1969, and PON XV in 2000, and became the overall champion of PON in 2000, and 2008. Since 1996 the East Java Football Team always won medals gold was included in 2008, and was recorded as the fourth gold medal received consecutively.
^Ying-Yai Sheng-Lan. Ma Huan, Translated from the Chinese text edited by Feng Ch’eng-Chün with introduction, notes and appendices by J. V. G. Mills. 1433. p. 138.
^James Minahan (2012).Ethnic Groups of South Asia and the Pacific: An Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO.ISBN978-1-59884-660-7.
^Yingya Shenglan. Ma Huan, Translated from the Chinese text edited by Feng Ch’eng-Chün with introduction, notes and appendices by J. V. G. Mills. 1970. p. 89.
^Ames, Glenn J. (2008).The Globe Encompassed: The Age of European Discovery, 1500–1700. p. 99.
^Atkins, James (1889).The Coins And Tokens Of The Possessions And Colonies Of The British Empire. London: Quaritch, Bernard. p. 213.
^Law No. 7/2017 (UU No. 7 Tahun 2017) as amended by Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 1/2022 and Regulation of General Elections Commission No. 6/2023.
^abBadan Pusat Statistik, Jakarta, 28 February 2024,Provinsi Jawa Timur Dalam Angka 2024 (Katalog-BPS 1102001.35)
^(lyn/agf/rin/c6/oki) (8 September 2017). F. S., Miftakhul (ed.)."Jatim Provinsi dengan Bandara Terbanyak".www.jawapos.com (in Indonesian). JawaPos.com. Archived fromthe original on 15 March 2019. Retrieved15 March 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)