East Greek vase painting was a regional style ofancient Greek vase painting, produced by the eastern Greeks (Ionia and the islands of the easternAegean Sea). In spite of the region's wealth, the pottery was rather unremarkable in comparison to other areas. The clay is red-brown to pink and often containsmica inclusions. Many regional sub-styles of East Greek pottery existed.
East GreekGeometric vase painting, starting in the Middle Geometric period, shows a strong influence byAttic vase painting. Especially onKos, this is notable at an early stage. The shape oflekythoi also indicates aCypriot influence.Rhodes also produced large vases, including tall-footedkraters. The distinguishing feature of East Greek vase painting were diagonally hatchedmeanders, triangles and rhomboids. Later, waterfowl were added as a motif. The Attic system ofmetope-like panes was also adopted, but abandoned soon after. By the end of the Geometric period, vases were often covered in a whiteslip, onto which the paint was applied.
Until the 7th century BC, Geometric shapes were continued within the Subgeometric style. This style lasted much longer here than in other Greek regions. Only by about 650 BC was it replaced with anorientalising animal style. This began initially at or nearMiletus; a second centre developed after about 625 BC onChios. The decorational system of this animal style is named after the most commonly depicted creature, theWild Goat style. Until 600 BC, vase painting relied entirely on painted silhouettes and reservations, than, beginning in northernIonia, incision (black-figure style) started to spread. Theanimal frieze style was quite decorative, but allowed little scope for further development. Especially inIonian vase painting, regional styles now began to develop.