Deutscher Inkasso-Dienst (DID), the nucleus of the group, was established in 1974 as aspin-off of the legal department ofOtto-Versand (now:OTTO).[6] The company dealt with collecting outstanding receivables forOtto-Versand and also for non-group companies. Early on, the service provider focused on correspondence and dialogue with defaulting payers and on the acquisition of external clients.[7] In the 1980s and 1990s, the company grew through acquisitions inGermany, through expansion in Europe, and through expansion of its range of services.[8][9]
In 2000 the EOS Holding was established,[10] introducing the umbrella brand EOS.[8] The company entered theUS when it took overCollecto in 2001, a company founded in 1992.[8][11] In 2004 the group established a special company formedical debt recovery,EOS Health Honorarmanagement AG, which established itself over the following years particularly as a service provider for dental practices.[12][13]
In July 2005 the group acquired a majority stake inEurope Matrix Financial Services S.A. with operations inGreece,Bulgaria,Macedonia andSerbia.[14] In fiscal 2007/08 it enteredRussia,China and theBenelux countries. At the same time the group acquired a stake in direct marketing specialistCoXulto (Stuttgart). By the end of this period the group had almost 3,500 employees.[15][16][17][18] In 2009 the group purchased theSpanish debt collection service providerAcción de Cobro fromBanco Pastor.[19][20] It entered theCroatian market by establishingEOS Matrix d.o.o.[21] Thanks to a majority shareholding inWCF Finetrading AG, the group expanded its activities in commodity pre-financing,[22] a business segment that the company then relinquished in 2017.[23]
A location inUkraine was established in 2010.[24][25] In the same year, the company strengthened its presence in the USA through the acquisition ofTrue North AR.[26] This was followed in 2011 by the purchase of a majority stake inHoepers Recuperadora de Crédito S.A, a debt collection service provider inBrazil.[27] Since April 2011 the company has also been offering its services inFrance following its takeover of debt collection companyCredirec.[28] The group acquired the Canadian debt collection companyNor-Don Collection Network (NCN) in 2011.[29] In 2013 the group took over the debt collection unit of Spanish bankBanco Popular,[30] and purchased the companySAF Forderungsmanagement fromDeutsche Telekom.[31] In 2015 it acquired theSwisscom debt collection subsidiaryAlphapay.[32][33] At the end of 2015 EOS andEuler Hermes soldBürgel toCRIF.[34][35] The group strengthened its market position in France andBelgium in 2016 through the purchase ofContentia.[36]
On 1 March 2017 Klaus Engberding became Chairman of the Board of Directors of EOS Holding GmbH.[42][43] He succeeded Hans-Werner Scherer, who had led the group for many years.[42][44][45]
At the end of 2018, the Group soldHealth AG and theSwiss Zahnärztekasse AG toBAWAG P.S.K.[46]
On February 1, 2022, Marwin Ramcke took over as CEO.
The group provides international financial services mainly in receivables management. Its three main areas of activity arefiduciary collection, receivables purchasing and business processoutsourcing.[47] The company says it serves around 20,000 customers,[43][48] including primarilymail order companies andonline retailers, banks, telecoms companies,utilities, thereal estate business and thepublic sector.[49]
EOS is a member of the Otto Group.[43] It dominates the financial services segment within the group[50][51][52] and is regarded within the group as having very high margins.[45][53] At the beginning of the year 2020,[2] the group included more than 60 operating companies.[48][54] It has established locations in 26 countries[55] in Europe[3] and North America.[4]
The group'sfiscal year begins – like that of the Otto Group – on 1 March and ends on 28 February of the following year, or 29 February in leap years. In 2019/20 the company achieved a revenue of 853,1 million euros.[2] Since 2005, credit rating agencyEuler Hermes Rating has consistently awarded EOS Holding therating A.[56][57][58][59]
For many years the group has been conducting surveys on payment practices in various European countries. In addition, it investigates payment practices by systematically comparing specific countries or defined groups, e.g. of companies in Germany.[60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68]
The press occasionally criticises the debt collecting practices of group companies. This criticism is related to demands for payment of sums that are decades old,[72][73][74] or demands made despite incorrect invoices[74][75] or charges that are excessively high and/or are questionable.[6][76] However, amongdebt counsellors the company is regarded as "a provider about which there are only a few complaints".[45]
In April 2017 around 33,000 files fromEOS Schweiz AG got into the hands of theSüddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. They were said to include sensitive personal data likemedical files, correspondence and credit card bills showing the names ofcreditors anddebtors, their registered addresses and information on the amount of outstanding debt. The newspaper said that it had obtained the data from aninformer, but the informer stated that they were acquired fromhackers who had found a vulnerability in the server software. The company closed the security gap and announced an overhaul of processes.[77][78][79][80]
The head office is located on theSteindamm, a street inHamburg's St. Georg district. This property of the Karl and Rudolf Förster heirs was designed by Adolf Böhringer, built from 1966 to 1967, extended laterally in 2003 and energetically renovated in 2011.[81][82]
The building that accommodates the company's Czech subsidiaryEOS KSI Česká republika, s.r.o. was built inPrague between 1955 and 1958 according to plans produced by architectKarel Prager. It initially housed a research centre for communication named after Russian physicistAlexander Stepanovich Popov.[83]
^Jan de Leur:Eintreiber. In:BAG-Handelsmagazin, 3/1993, p. 36 f.
^abcInkasso-Holding EOS weiter auf Wachstumskurs. In:Die Welt, 2001-03-24.
^Hans-Jörg Werth:Auf Wachstum abonniert. Ein Teamchef mit Visionen: Hans-Werner Scherer, Chef des Hamburger Finanzdienstleisters EOS, will den Umsatz bis 2010 verfünffachen. In:Welt am Sonntag, 2002-01-13.
^EOS gründet Unternehmen in der Ukraine., 2010-12-03.
^Otto-Tochter EOS wächst weiter im Ausland. In:Die Welt, 2011-09-20.
^Merker, Júlia (2014-11-03)."EOS Hoepers: novo diretor de operações" [EOS Hoepers: new director of operations] (in Portuguese). Retrieved2019-01-17.
^abcSchuldeneintreiber mit Imageproblem. Eines der größten Inkasso-Unternehmen in Deutschland versucht, den Ruf seiner Zunft zu verbessern. In:Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2017-05-17.
^See Hans-Jörg Werth:Auf Wachstum abonniert. Ein Teamchef mit Visionen: Hans-Werner Scherer, Chef des Hamburger Finanzdienstleisters EOS, will den Umsatz bis 2010 verfünffachen. In:Welt am Sonntag, 2002-01-13. Besides"Hans-Werner Scherer wurde am 24. Mai 1954 in Neukirchen geboren …".Welt am Sonntag (in German). 2016-08-28. Retrieved2018-02-24.
^Bawag steigt ins Zahn-Factoring ein [Bawag enters into tooth factoring].Börsen-Zeitung, 2018-12-22.
^Klostermeier, Johannes (2017-12-21)."Weickert leitet IT der Otto-Tochter EOS" [Weickert is head of IT at the Otto subsidiary EOS] (in German). Retrieved2019-01-17.
^Volker Mester:Otto-Tochter will Inkasso-Image verbessern. Hamburger Unternehmen Eos kämpft gegen das Bild gewalttätiger Geldeintreiber und schafft mehr als neue 100 Arbeitsplätze. In:Hamburger Abendblatt, 2017-05-22.
^TheHandelsblatt said mockingly 2012, OTTO is "a financial services provider with affiliated retail". SeeKontio, Carina; Ludowig, Kirsten; Schlautmann, Christoph (2012-07-20)."Für Tradition kann man sich nichts kaufen".Handelsblatt (in German). Retrieved2018-07-20.Deutschlands größter Katalogversender ist damit ein Finanzdienstleister mit angeschlossenem Einzelhandel.
^Hielscher, Henryk (2013-05-21)."Inkasso... find' ich gut".Wirtschaftswoche (online) (in German). Retrieved2018-07-20.'Im Grunde ist Otto ein Finanz- und Inkassodienstleister mit angeschlossenem Handelsgeschäft', sagt Jörg Funder, geschäftsführender Direktor des Instituts für Internationales Handels- und Distributionsmanagement an der Hochschule Worms.
^Gerhard und Lore Kienbaum-Stiftung. Jochen Kienbaum, Christoph J. Börner (Eds.):Neue Finanzierungswege für den Mittelstand. Von der Notwendigkeit zu den Gestaltungsformen. Gabler, Wiesbaden 2003,ISBN3-409-12477-2 (Mentioning of EOS as a partner).
^Hans-Werner Scherer:EOS Finanzpanel: Mittelstandsfinanzierung unter der Lupe. In:Controlling & management review. Zeitschrift für Controlling & Management, Vol. 49 (2005), issue 6, p. 388–393.
^EOS-Finanzpanel: Der deutsche Mittelstand setzt zunehmend auf langfristige Kredite. In:VerkehrsRundschau, 10/2007, p. 41.
^Oliver Meyer:Oma Biggi und der Otto-Irrsinn. In:Express, 2013-06-09.
^Oliver Meyer:Inkasso-Betrug: Noch ein Opfer. In:Express, 2013-06-17.
^abInkasso-Irrsinn. In:Computer Magazin für die Praxis, 2016-11-03, p. 34 f.
^Georg Schnurer:In der Falle. Gerichtlicher Mahnbescheid trotz zweifelhafter Forderung. In.c't, 2017-05-27, p. 68.
^Thomas Öchsner:Seelenmassage für arme Schlucker. In:Donaukurier, 1993-01-18.