Organisation for the European zoo and aquarium community
European Association of Zoos and Aquaria Abbreviation EAZA Formation 1992; 33 years ago (1992 ) Type NGO Focus To facilitate cooperation within the European zoo and aquarium community towards the goals of education, research and conservation.[ 1] Headquarters Amsterdam ,Netherlands Region
Europe, Western Asia[ 1] Methods Accreditation Main organ
Council and Committees Parent organization
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Website www .eaza .net Formerly called
European Community Association of Zoos and Aquaria (ECAZA) "Progressive Zoos and Aquariums Saving Species Together With You"
TheEuropean Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA ) is an organisation for the European zoo and aquarium community that links over 340 member organisations in 41 countries. EAZA membership is open to all zoos and aquaria across Europe that comply with EAZA's standards. The organisation is administered and headquartered atNatura Artis Magistra inAmsterdam ,the Netherlands .[ 2]
The mission of the association is to promote cooperation for furthering regional collection planning and wildlife conservation.[ 3] EAZA also promotes educational activities and advisesEU lawmakers throughstanding committees of theEuropean Parliament and theEuropean Council .[ 4]
EAZA Ex-situ Programme [ edit ] EAZA manages theEAZA Ex-situ Programme (EEP) , a population management andconservation programme. As of 2022, over 400 animal species are represented in the programme.[ 5]
Each EEP has a coordinator who is assisted by a species committee. The coordinator collects information on the status of all the animals kept in EAZA zoos and aquariums of the species for which they are responsible, produces astudbook , carries out demographic and genetic analyses, produces a plan for the future management of the species and provides recommendations to participating institutions.[ 6]
Thematic conservation campaigns [ edit ] Every two years EAZA launches a campaign dedicated to a threatenedspecies or a threatenedEnvironment . The campaign's aims are to draw attention to the problem, to promotebiodiversity awareness, raise funds for special projects and to do lobbying work in nationalgovernments and international organizations.
The campaigns address EAZA members to get involved in the themes and to spread information about the importance of biodiversity and itsconservation to the visitors.
EAZA campaigns list[ 7] Years active Campaign Theme / species 2024–2025 Vietnamazing Joining forces to save Vietnam‘s species 2022–2023 EAZA21+ Internal campaign for EAZA Members 2020–2021 Which fish? Sustainable aquatic resources 2017–2019 Silent Forest Asian songbird crisis 2015–2017 Let it Grow Local biodiversity 2014–2015 Pole to Pole Penguins, polar bears, the Arctic and Antarctic in general 2011–2013 Southeast Asia 2010–2011 Apes 2008–2010 European Carnivore 2007–2008 Amphibian 2006–2007 Madagascar 2005–2006 Rhino 2004–2005 ShellShock Tortoises and turtles 2002–2004 Tiger 2001–2002 Rainforest 2000–2001 Bushmeat Unsustainable and illegal hunt and trade of threatened wildlife
Campaign for the Ukrainian zoos [ edit ] In 2022, during theRusso-Ukrainian War , EAZA launched a funding campaign to save animals from Ukrainian zoos.[ 8] In June 2022 EAZA had collected €1 324 884 from over 130 institutional and 11 000 private donors, and funds have been provided to nearly 20 institutions in Ukraine.[ 9] Funds were allocated on the basis of need according to the requests received from zoos, and were distributed to recipients through channels subject to change due to possible war-time disruptions.
List of EAZA member institutions [ edit ] Source:[ 10] [ 11]
As of October 2023, EAZA has 308 Full Members, 20 Temporary Members, 20 Candidates for Membership, 55 Corporate Members and 38 Associate Members represented in 47 countries.[ 12]
Institution Name (and native name) Country City Other association memberships Aalborg Zoo Denmark Aalborg DAZA ,WAZA Aquarium of Genoa (Acquario di Genova) Italy Genoa UIZA Ähtäri Zoo (Ähtärin eläinpuisto) Finland Ähtäri Bergen Aquarium (Akvariet i Bergen) Norway Bergen Al Ain Zoo Emirate of Abu Dhabi Al Ain Allwetterzoo Münster Germany Münster VDZ Alpenzoo Innsbruck-Tirol Austria Innsbruck VDZ Apenheul Primate Park Netherlands Apeldoorn NVD Aquarium Barcelona Spain Barcelona AquaZoo Leeuwarden Netherlands Leeuwarden Aquazoo - Löbbecke Museum Germany Düsseldorf VDZ Arabia's Wildlife Centre United Arab Emirates Sharjah Aspinall Foundation - Howletts Wild Animal Park United Kingdom BIAZA Aspinall Foundation - Port Lympne Hotel & Reserve United Kingdom Lympne BIAZA Attica Zoological Park Greece Spata Belfast Zoological Gardens United Kingdom Belfast BIAZA Bellewaerde Belgium Bioparc Fuengirola Spain Fuengirola AIZA Bioparc Valencia Spain Valencia AIZA Blackpool Zoo United Kingdom Blackpool BIAZA Borås Djurpark AB Sweden Borås SAZA Bojnická zoologická záhrada Slovakia Bojnice Budapest Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Budapest Fővárosi Állat- és Növénykert) Hungary Budapest Bursa Zoo Turkiye Bursa Curraghs Wildlife Park United Kingdom Ballaugh Rotterdam Zoo (Diergaarde Blijdorp )Netherlands Drayton Manor Zoo United Kingdom Dudley Zoological Gardens United Kingdom Dudley Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust - Durrell Wildlife Park United Kingdom Trinity BIAZA East Midlands Zoological Society Ltd. - Twycross Zoo United Kingdom Twycross BIAZA Erlebnis-Zoo Hannover Germany Hanover VDZ Faruk Yalcin Zoo Turkiye Darıca Folly Farm Adventure Park and Zoo United Kingdom Begelly BIAZA Fondazione Bioparco di Roma Italy Rome UIZA Galway Atlantaquaria Republic of Ireland BIAZA Givskud Zoo Denmark Haus des Meeres - Agua Terra Zoo Austria Vienna VDZ İzmir Wildlife Park (İzmir Doğal Yaşam Parkı) Turkiye Izmir Jardim Zoologico de Lisboa Portugal Lisbon Järvzoo AB Sweden Järvsö Korkeasaari Zoo (Korkeasaaren eläintarha) Finland Helsinki WAZA ,SAZA KMDA ZOO Antwerpen Belgium Antwerp KMDA ZOO Planckendael Belgium Emerald Park Republic of Ireland Ashbourne Kolmården Wildlife Park (Kolmårdens djurpark) Sweden Norrköping SAZA Knowsley Safari Park United Kingdom BIAZA Longleat Safari and Adventure Park United Kingdom BIAZA Loro Parque S.A. Spain Puerto de la Cruz AIZA Marwell Wildlife United Kingdom Winchester BIAZA Wroclaw Zoo (Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny we Wrocławiu) Poland Wroclaw WAZA Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny w Łodzi Sp. z.o.o. Poland Lodz Warsaw Zoo (Miejski Ogród Zoologiczny w Warszawie) Poland Warsaw WAZA Monkey World Ape Rescue Centre United Kingdom Wool BIAZA Moscow State Zoological Park (Московский зоопарк) Russia Moscow EARAZA ,WAZA Muséum national d'histoire naturelle - Ménagerie du Jardin des plantes France Paris Muséum national d'histoire naturelle - Parc Zoologique De Clères France Clères Muséum national d'histoire naturelle - Parc Zoologique de Paris France Paris Muséum national d'histoire naturelle - Réserve Zoologique de la Haute-Touche France Obterre Münchener Tierpark Hellabrunn AG Germany VDZ Natura Artis Magistra - Artis Amsterdam Royal Zoo Netherlands Amsterdam NVD Nordens Ark Sweden SAZA North of England Zoological Society - Chester Zoo United Kingdom Chester BIAZA Oceanario de Lisboa Portugal Lisbon Odense Zoo Denmark Odense Ogród Zoobotaniczny w Toruniu Poland Torun Ogród Zoologiczny w Opolu Poland Opole Ogród Zoologiczny w Zamościu Poland Zamosc Opel-Zoo Germany Kronberg im Taunus VDZ Ouwehands Dierenpark Rhenen Netherlands Rhenen NVD Pairi Daiza Belgium Cambron-Casteau Parc le PAL France Parc Zoologique de Thoiry France Parco Faunistico Le Cornelle Italy UIZA Parco Natura Viva, Parco Zoo e Autosafari Italy UIZA Parken Zoo Sweden Eskilstuna SAZA Parque Zoológico de Barcelona Spain Barcelona AIZA ,WAZA Parque Zoológico y Jardín Botánico Alberto Durán - Zoobotánico Jerez Spain Jerez de la Frontera AIZA Ranua Wildlife Park (Ranua Resort) Finland Ranua Ree Park - Ebeltoft Safari Denmark Ebeltoft DAZA Réserve Africaine de Sigean France Riga Zoo Latvia Riga Royal Burgers' Zoo Netherlands Arnhem NVD Royal Zoological Society of Scotland - Edinburgh Zoo United Kingdom Edinburgh BIAZA Royal Zoological Society of Scotland - Highland Wildlife Park United Kingdom Kingussie BIAZA Saarbrücker Zoo Germany Saarbrücken VDZ Safari Park Dvůr Králové Czech Republic Dvur Kralove nad Labem UCSZOO Safaripark Beekse Bergen Netherlands Hilvarenbeek NVD Salzburg Zoo (Tiergarten Hellbrunn) Austria Salzburg VDZ Serengeti-Park Hodenhagen GmbH Germany Hodenhagen VDZ Skansen-Akvariet Sweden Stockholm SAZA Tallinn Zoo (Tallinn Loomaaed) Estonia Tallinn EARAZA ,VDZ ,WAZA The Tisch Family Zoological Gardens Israel Jerusalem IZA,WAZA Tiergarten der Stadt Nürnberg Germany Nurnberg VDZ Tiergarten Schönbrunn Austria Vienna VDZ Tierpark Berlin-Friedrichsfelde Germany Berlin VDZ Tierpark Chemnitz Germany Chemnitz VDZ Tierpark Dählhölzli Switzerland Bern VDZ Tierpark Hagenbeck GmbH Germany Hamburg VDZ Tierpark Nordhorn Germany Nordhorn VDZ Tierpark und Fossilium Bochum Germany Bochum VDZ Vogelpark Avifauna Netherlands Alphen aan den Rijn Welsh Mountain Zoo and Botanic Gardens United Kingdom BIAZA Weltvogelpark Walsrode Germany Walsrode VDZ West Midlands Safari & Leisure Park United Kingdom Wilhelma, der Zoologisch-Botanische Garten Germany Stuttgart VDZ ,WAZA Wild Planet Trust - Newquay Zoo United Kingdom Newquay BIAZA Wild Planet Trust - Paignton Zoo United Kingdom Paignton BIAZA Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen Netherlands Emmen NVD Woburn Safari Park United Kingdom BIAZA Woodside Wildlife Park United Kingdom Yorkshire Wildlife Park United Kingdom Branton BIAZA Zoo am Meer Germany Bremerhaven VDZ Zoo Aquarium de Madrid Spain Madrid AIZA Zoo Brno Czech Republic Brno UCSZOO Zoo de Doué France Doue-la-Fontaine Zoo de La Flèche France La Fleche Zoo de La Palmyre France Les Mathes ANPZ ,WAPCA ,CEPA ,AEECL Zoo Dortmund Germany Dormund VDZ Zoo Dresden Germany Dresden VDZ ,WAZA Zoo Hoyerswerda Germany Hoyerswerda VDZ Zoo Krefeld Germany Krefeld VDZ Zoo Landau in der Pfalz Germany Landau in der Pfalz VDZ Zoological Center Tel Aviv-Ramat Gan - Ramat Gan Safari Israel Ramat Gan IZA,WAZA Zoological Society of East Anglia - Africa Alive Reserve United Kingdom Suffolk BIAZA Zoological Society of East Anglia - Banham Zoological Gardens United Kingdom Banham BIAZA ,WAZA Zoological Society of Ireland Ltd. - Dublin Zoo Republic of Ireland Dublin BIAZA ,WAZA Zoological Society of Ireland Ltd. - Fota Wildlife Park Republic of Ireland Carrigtwohill Zoological Society of London - London Zoo United Kingdom London BIAZA ,WAZA Zoological Society of London - Whipsnade Zoo United Kingdom Dunstable BIAZA ,WAZA Zoologická a botanická zahrada města Plzně Czech Republic Plzen UCSZOO Zoologická zahrada hl. m. Prahy Czech Republic Prague UCSZOO ,WAZA Zoo Basel (Zoologischer Garten Basel) Switzerland Basel VDZ ,WAZA Berlin Zoo Germany Berlin VDZ ,WAZA Zoologischer Garten Frankfurt am Main Germany Frankfurt VDZ Zoologischer Garten Halle (Saale) - Bergzoo Halle Germany Halle (Saale) VDZ Heidelberg Zoo (Zoo Heidelberg) Germany Heidelberg VDZ ,WAZA Karlsruhe Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Karlsruhe) Germany Karlsruhe VDZ Cologne Zoological Garden (Zoologischer Garten Köln - Kölner Zoo) Germany Cologne VDZ ,WAZA Leipzig Zoological Garden (Zoologischer Garten Leipzig) Germany Leipzig VDZ ,WAZA Madeburg Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Magdeburg GmbH) Germany Magdeburg VDZ Rostock Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Rostock GmbH) Germany Rostock VDZ Wuppertal Zoo (Zoologischer Garten Wuppertal) Germany Wuppertal VDZ ,WAZA Copenhagen Zoo (Zoologisk Have København) Denmark Copenhagen DAZA ,VDZ ,WAZA ZOOM Erlebniswelt Gelsenkirchen Germany Gelsenkirchen VDZ Osnabruck Zoo (Zoo Osnabrück gGmbH) Germany Osnabruck VDZ ,WAZA Ostrava Zoo Czech Republic Ostrava UCSZOO ZooParc de Beauval France Saint-Aignan ANPZ ,CEPA ,WAZA Zoo Parc Overloon Netherlands Overloon NVD Zoo Schwerin Germany Schwerin VDZ Zoo Zürich Switzerland Zürich VDZ ,WAZA Zagreb Zoo Croatia Zagreb WAZA
Candidates for membership [ edit ] These zoos and aquariums are members through an aforementioned associate organization.
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EAZA Homepage Zootierliste - Unofficial database of animal husbandry and species records in European and EAZA/EEP member zoos, in English language
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