Infunctional analysis and related areas ofmathematics adual topology is alocally convex topology on avector space that is induced by thecontinuous dual of the vector space, by means of thebilinear form (also calledpairing) associated with thedual pair.
The different dual topologies for a given dual pair are characterized by the Mackey–Arens theorem. All locally convex topologies with their continuous dual are trivially a dual pair and the locally convex topology is a dual topology.
Several topological properties depend only on thedual pair and not on the chosen dual topology and thus it is often possible to substitute a complicated dual topology by a simpler one.
Given adual pair, adual topology on is alocally convex topology so that
Here denotes thecontinuous dual of and means that there is alinear isomorphism
(If a locally convex topology on is not a dual topology, then either is not surjective or it is ill-defined since the linear functional is not continuous on for some.)
TheMackey–Arens theorem, named afterGeorge Mackey andRichard Arens, characterizes all possible dual topologies on alocally convex space.
The theorem shows that thecoarsest dual topology is theweak topology, the topology of uniform convergence on all finite subsets of, and thefinest topology is theMackey topology, the topology of uniform convergence on allabsolutely convex weakly compact subsets of.
Given adual pair with a locally convex space and itscontinuous dual, then is a dual topology onif and only if it is atopology of uniform convergence on a family ofabsolutely convex andweakly compact subsets of