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Droungarios of the Fleet

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Commander of the Imperial Fleet of the Byzantine navy
"Megas droungarios" redirects here. For the judicial office megas droungarios tēs viglas, seeDroungarios of the Watch.

Goldsolidus ofRomanos I Lekapenos, who used his position asdroungarios of the Fleet to become Emperor

Thedroungarios of the Fleet (Greek:δρουγγάριος τοῦ πλοΐμου/τῶν πλοΐμων,droungarios tou ploïmou/tōn ploïmōn; after the 11th century δρουγγάριος τοῦ στόλου,droungarios tou stolou),[1] sometimesanglicized asDrungary of the Fleet, was the commander of the Imperial Fleet (βασιλικὸς στόλος,basilikos stolos, or βασιλικὸν πλόϊμον,basilikon ploïmon), the central division of theByzantine navy stationed at the capital ofConstantinople, as opposed to the provincial (thematic) fleets.[2] From the late 11th century, when the Byzantine fleets were amalgamated into a single force under themegas doux, the post, now known as theGranddroungarios of the Fleet (μέγας δρουγγάριος τοῦ στόλου,megas droungarios tou stolou), became the second-in-command of themegas doux and continued in this role until the end of the Byzantine Empire.

Background and history of the office

Lead seal with cross surrounded by legend on the obverse and a simple legend in the reverse
Seal of Niketas,magistros,droungarios tou basilikou ploïmou andkatepanō tōn ploïmōn (late 9th/early 10th century)

In response to theMuslim conquests, some time in the latter half of the 7th century, the bulk of theByzantine navy was formed into a single command, the great fleet of theKarabisianoi (Greek:Καραβισιάνοι, "the Ships' Men"), commanded, like the landthemes that appeared around the same time, by astratēgos (stratēgos tōn karabōn/karabisianōn, "general of the ships/ships' men").[3] TheKarabisianoi, however, proved inadequate and were replaced in the early 8th century by a more complex system composed of three elements, which, with minor alterations, survived until the 11th century: a central fleet based atConstantinople; a few regional naval commands, namely the maritimeTheme of the Cibyrrhaeots and a number of independent commands under adroungarios, which eventually evolved into the maritime themes of theAegean Sea and ofSamos in the course of the 9th century; and a greater number of local squadrons in the land themes, charged with purely defensive and police tasks and subordinate to the local thematic governors.[4]

A fleet was based in Constantinople at least since the 7th century, and indeed played a central role in the repulsion of the two Arab sieges of Constantinople in674–678 and717–718,[5] but the exact date of the establishment of the Imperial Fleet (βασιλικὸς στόλος,basilikos stolos, or βασιλικὸν πλόϊμον,basilikon ploïmon) as a distinct command is unclear. The Irish historianJ. B. Bury, followed by the French ByzaninistRodolphe Guilland, considered it "not improbable" that the Imperial Fleet existed as a subordinate command under thestratēgos tōn karabisianōn already in the 7th century.[2][6] Certainly thedroungarios of the Fleet first appears in theTaktikon Uspensky ofc. 842/43;[6] and as there is little evidence for major fleets operating from Constantinople during the 8th century, the Greek ByzantinistHélène Ahrweiler dated the fleet's creation to the early 9th century.[7] From that point on, the Imperial Fleet formed the main naval reserve force and provided the core of various expeditionary fleets.[8]

Thedroungarios of the FleetNiketas Ooryphas punishes theCretan Saracens, as depicted in theMadrid Skylitzes.

In theTaktikon Uspensky, thedroungarios of the Fleet is positioned relatively lowly in the hierarchy, coming after all the senior military and civilian officials, placed between theprōtostratōr and theek prosōpou of the themes. By the time of the 899Klētorologion of Philotheos, however, he had risen considerably in importance, being placed variously either immediately before or after thelogothetēs tou dromou and in the 35th or 38th position of the overall hierarchy, ahead of thedomestikoi of the guard regiments (tagmata) of theHikanatoi and theNoumeroi, as well as of the variouschartoularioi (civil department heads). Indeed, he was not classed with the other military commanders, whether of the themes or of thetagmata, but in the special class of military officials, thestratarchai, where he is listed second, after thehetaireiarchēs, the commander of the imperial bodyguard.[9][10] This rise coincided with the revival in the Byzantine navy's fortunes, begun underMichael III (r. 843–867) but carried to fruition under the first two emperors of theMacedonian dynasty,Basil I the Macedonian (r. 867–886) andLeo VI the Wise (r. 886–912).[11][12]

TheKlētorologion further lists his subordinate officials as comprising his deputy ortopotērētēs (τοποτηρητής), the secretary orchartoularios (χαρτουλάριος), the head messenger orprōtomandatōr and the other messengers (μανδάτορες,mandatores), the commanders of squadrons orkomētes (κόμητες; sing. κόμης,komēs), and thecenturions of the individual ships (κένταρχοι,kentarchoi; sing. κένταρχος,kentarchos). In addition, there was akomēs tēs hetaireias (κόμης τῆς ἑταιρείας), whose function is disputed: according to Bury, he probably commanded the foreign mercenaries, especiallyRus' or Scandinavians, who served as marines, but the Greek historianNicolas Oikonomides considered him the head of thedroungarios' personal guard.[1][12][13] According to theDe Ceremoniis of EmperorConstantine VII (r. 913–959), he also had a role in imperial ceremonies, often in association with thedroungarios tēs viglēs. Typical dignities associated with the post where the senior ranks ofprōtospatharios,patrikios, andanthypatos.[12]

The office reached its heyday during the 10th century, when several important personages held it, most notably EmperorRomanos I Lekapenos (r. 920–944), who used it as a springboard to the throne. The office continued in the 11th century, but as the fleet was no longer very active, thedroungarios chiefly commanded the Constantinopolitan fleet instead of leading expeditions; the title was now usually referred to asdroungarios tou stolou (δρουγγάριος τοῦ στόλου).[1][14] With the accession ofAlexios I Komnenos (r. 1081–1118) a major reorganization of the navy took place. With the great naval themes having suffered a long decline as military formations, Alexios gathered the remnants of the provincial fleets and amalgamated them with the Imperial Fleet into a single force based in Constantinople, and placed it under the command of themegas doux.[15]

The post of thedroungarios of the Fleet remained in existence, now with the addition of the prefixmegas ("grand"). According to the mid-14th centuryBook of Offices ofPseudo-Kodinos, he "has the same relation to themegas doux as themegas droungarios tēs viglēs had to themegas domestikos", i.e., he was the second in command. He was apparently in charge of subordinatedroungarioi, who however were of very lowly rank and are rarely mentioned in the sources. Although reduced in significance in comparison to its heyday, themegas droungarios tou stolou remained important, ranking 32nd in the overall hierarchy in theBook of Offices.[1][16][17] Pseudo-Kodinos gives his ceremonial costume at the time as follows: a gold-embroideredskiadion hat, a plain silkkabbadion kaftan, and askaranikon (domed hat) covered in golden and lemon-yellow silk and decorated with gold wire and images of the emperor in front and rear, respectively depicted enthroned and on horseback. He bore no staff of office (dikanikion).[16][18]

List of known holders

Note: Uncertain entries are marked in italics.
NameTenureAppointed byNotesRefs
Kraterosc. 820sMichael II the AmorianTitledexarchōn tou stolou ("leader of the fleet") byZonaras, perhaps the first holder of the post.[19]
Johnc. 859/67Michael IIIAddressee of a letter by Patriarch Photios; otherwise unknown.[20][21]
Niketas Ooryphasc. 860–873 or 879 (?)Michael III
Basil I the Macedonian
A very successful commander, he spearheaded Basil I's naval offensive, relieving theArab siege ofRagusa, attacking theEmirate of Bari, and scoring two major victories over theCretan Saracens atKardia and theGulf of Corinth.[19][22]
Eliasc. 862/67c. 869Basil I the MacedonianAprōtospatharios, he was charged by Basil with bringing the deposedPatriarch of ConstantinopleIgnatios to the capital in 867. Addressee of three letters by PatriarchPhotios betweenc. 862 and 869.[19][23]
Adrianosc. 877/78Basil I the MacedonianFormer deputy of Ooryphas, he was sent by Basil I to assistSyracuse inSicily during itsfinal siege by the Aghlabids, but was delayed by contrary winds and failed to reach the city.[20][24]
Nasarc. 879/80Basil I the MacedonianInflicted two heavy defeats on theAghlabids ofIfriqiya atCephalonia and insouthern Italy.[19][25]
Eustathios [Argyros]c. 894–904Leo VI the WiseParticipated in theByzantine–Bulgarian war of 894–896, and was dismissed after failing to prevent thefall ofTaormina inSicily to the Aghlabids in 902. Restored to his post, he was again dismissed in 904 for failing to confront the Saracens underLeo of Tripoli. His possible identity with the contemporary generalEustathios Argyros is a matter of dispute.[19][26]
Himerios904–912Leo VI the WiseAppointed to replace Eustathios, he failed to prevent thesack of Thessalonica, but scored a few successes against the Arabs. Dismissed after leading a failed expedition againstCrete, and suffering a heavy defeat at the hands of Leo of Tripoli atChios in 912.[27][28]
Romanos Lekapenosc. 917–919Zoe KarbonopsinaA career naval officer of lowly origin, he rose to senior commands, becoming eventuallydroungarios of the Fleet under the regime of Empress-regentZoe Karbonopsina. Used his position to outmanoeuvre her and the generalLeo Phokas the Elder, and assume the guardianship of Zoe's sonConstantine VII, to whom he married his daughter. Became senior emperor in 920, and ruled until deposed by his own sons in 944.[20][29]
John Rhadenosc. 921/22Romanos I LekapenosScored a decisive victory over Leo of Tripoli offLemnos, in which Leo was killed.[20][30]
Alexios Moselec. 922Romanos I LekapenosKilled at theBattle of Pegae against theBulgarians in 922[20][31]
Lipseitherc. 908/17 orc. 922/44 (?)eitherLeo VI the Wise
orRomanos I Lekapenos
ThePatria of Constantinople record apatrikios anddroungarios of the Fleet, who during the joint reign of Romanos Lekapenos and Constantine VII established a monastery and a guest house in Constantinople. He is usually identified withConstantine Lips, who founded theLips Monastery inc. 908, but this identification is uncertain; Constantine Lips was active under Leo VI and killed at theBattle of Acheloos in 917.[20][32]
Constantine Gongylesc. 944/45–949Constantine VIIEunuch active in the court since the regency of Zoe, he was appointed to the post immediately after Constantine VII became sole emperor, and led the failed expedition to recover Crete in 949.[20][33]
ConstantineunknownRomanos I LekapenosAprōtospatharios andmanglabitēs, he was sent to a diplomatic mission toCaucasian Iberiac. 923; in the sources he is also recorded by his (evidently later) titles ofpatrikios anddroungarios of the Fleet, hence identified by some either with Constantine Lips or with Constantine Gongyles, but both are problematic.[34][35]
Joseph Bringas950sConstantine VIIEunuch holding senior offices in the court since Romanos I's reign, Constantine VII appointed himdroungarios of the Fleet as well; underRomanos II rose toparadynasteuōn and chief minister of the empire.[20][36]
Niketas Abalantesc. 964Nikephoros II PhokasLeader of the great expedition to recoverSicily, after initial success the Byzantine fleet was decisively defeated by theFatimids at theBattle of the Straits. Niketas was taken captive to Ifriqiya, where he remained until ransomed in 967.[34][37]
Leo Lekapenosc. 971–976John I TzimiskesRelative and close collaborator of the powerfulparakoimōmenosBasil Lekapenos, he was appointed to the post as part of Tzimiskes's purge of Nikephoros Phokas' followers. He organized the dispatch of the fleet in the971 expedition against the Rus', but himself remained in Constantinople, where he suppressed an abortive coup byLeo Phokas the Younger. He remained in the post until promoted (either already by Tzimiskes or by Basil II) toprōtovestiarios.[34][38]
Bardas Parsakoutenosc. 977/78Basil IILeo the Deacon reports that he defeated a rebel fleet offAbydos during the first rebellion ofBardas Skleros. His title is unclear, but it is generally assumed that he commanded the Imperial Fleet.[39][40]
Theodore Karantenosc. 977/78Basil IITermednauarchos byJohn Skylitzes, defeated a rebel fleet underMichael Kourtikios offPhocaea during the first rebellion of Bardas Skleros. It is unclear whether he commanded the Imperial Fleet or a thematic squadron.[20][39][41]
Kyriakosc. 989Basil IIMentioned only as defending Abydos against the rebelBardas Phokas the Younger in spring 989.[34][42]
Stephenc. 1038–1040Michael IV the PaphlagonianBrother-in-law of the emperor andpatrikios, he was largely responsible for the failure of the attempt to recover Sicily through his dispute withGeorge Maniakes. He is not explicitly calleddroungarios, however, but rather "master of the fleet" ([kat]archōn tou stolou).[34]
Nikephoros Komnenosc. 1081Alexios I KomnenosYounger brother of Alexios I, madesebastos andmegas droungarios tou stolou after the latter's accession. This was an honorific appointment rather than an active office, and Nikephoros does not appear to have exercised any command.[16]
Eustathios Kymineianosc. 1101Alexios I KomnenosConfidante and one of the chief aides of Alexios, he held various fleet commands after 1087. He probably becamemegas droungarios inc. 1101/02, when he was sent to seize and refortifyKorykos. In 1107 he governed Constantinople in Alexios' absence on campaign.[43][44]
Constantine Dalassenosc. 1090Alexios I KomnenosQualified asthalassokrator ("master of the sea") byAnna Komnene, he was likely amegas droungarios. He commanded the Byzantine fleet against the Turkish emirTzachas.[45][46]
Demetrios Branasc. 1141Manuel I KomnenosAdmiral (nauarchos) during the campaign againstMesud I,Sultan of Rum.[16]
Constantine Komnenosc. 1143–1147Manuel I KomnenosAttendant of Church councils in 1143 and 1147, qualified simply assebastos andmegas droungarios, possiblymegas droungarios tēs viglas rather than of the Fleet.[43]
Nikephoros Dasiotesc. 1147Manuel I KomnenosAdmiral (nauarchos) of the fleet that conveyedConrad III to Palestine.[16]
Maiosc. 1151Manuel I KomnenosAdmiral (nauarchos) who signed the peace treaty with theKingdom of Sicily[16]
John Makrembolitesc. 1140s/50sManuel I KomnenosMakrembolites is known as a courtier of Manuel. A seal calling himmegas droungarios survives, but it most likely refers to the post ofmegas droungarios tēs viglas rather than of the Fleet.[43]
Gabalasc. 1241–1266/67John III VatatzesThepansebastos andmegas droungarios tou stolou Gabalas is attested in an act of theNicaean emperor John Vatatzes. He was the father-in-law of a Michael Komnenos Branas. It is possible that it refers to eitherLeo Gabalas or his brotherJohn Gabalas, the autonomous rulers ofRhodes.[43][47]
Stephen Mouzalonuntil 1303Andronikos II PalaiologosSent to mediate in a quarrel between theGenoese and theCatalan Company, he was killed in the clash.[43][48]
John Doukas Mouzalonearly 14th centuryAndronikos II PalaiologosRecipient of a number of poems composed for him byManuel Philes.[43][49]
John Philanthropenosc. 1324Andronikos II PalaiologosOikeios of the Emperor, attested in the post in an act of July 1324.[50][51]
George Isarisc. 1344possiblyJohn V PalaiologosMegas droungarios tou stolou in 1344, he joinedJohn Kantakouzenos in the next year. Advanced tomegas primikērios before his deathc. 1373/74.[52]
Loukas Notarasc. 1441Manuel II PalaiologosCaptained the ship that broughtConstantine Palaiologos toLesbos; calleddroungarios, he may have beenmegas droungarios tou stolou. He later becamemegas doux and was one of the chief ministers of the Empire up to theFall of Constantinople.[53][54]

A number of holders are known only by their surviving seals of office, and can only approximately be dated:

Euphemianosc. 750/c. 850Known from a series of 14 seals that detail his career, fromspatharios anddroungarios of the Aegean Sea, toprōtospatharios anddroungarios tou ploïmou, and eventuallypatrikios andstratēgos ofHellas.[55]
Johnlate 8th/early 9th centuryKnown from a single seal that names him asspatharios anddroungarios tou ploïmou.[55]
Basilsecond half of 9th centuryKnown from a single seal naming him aspatrikios, imperialprōtospatharios anddroungarios tou ploïmou.[56]
Barsakioslate 9th centuryEvidently Armenian in origin, known from a single seal naming him asanthypatos,patrikios, imperialprōtospatharios anddroungarios tou ploïmou.[57]
Niketas10th centuryKnown only through his seal naming him as amagistros,droungarios tou ploïmou andkatepanō tōn ploïmōn. Placed byWerner Seibt in the first third of the 10th century.[58][59]
Hilarion10th centuryKnown from a single seal naming him as imperialprōtospatharios,droungarios tou ploïmou,primikērios andepi touChrysotriklinou.[60]
[Theodoros] Rhadinosfirst half of 11th centuryKnown from a single seal naming him asanthypatos andpatrikios, imperialprōtospatharios, anddroungarios tou ploïmou. His first name is tentative.[60]
Andronikosfirst half of 11th centuryKnown only through two seals naming him as apatrikios,droungarios tou ploïmou andpinkernēs.[34][61]
Constantine11th centuryKnown only through a single seal naming him as avestarchēs anddroungarios tōn ploïmōn.[62]
Solomon11th centuryKnown only through a single seal naming him as adroungarios tōn ploïmōn.[62]


  1. ^abcdODB, "Droungarios tou ploimou" (A. Kazhdan), pp. 663–664.
  2. ^abGuilland 1967, p. 535.
  3. ^Ahrweiler 1966, pp. 22–25.
  4. ^Ahrweiler 1966, pp. 31–35, 76–81.
  5. ^Haldon 1999, p. 74.
  6. ^abBury 1911, p. 109.
  7. ^Ahrweiler 1966, pp. 73–74.
  8. ^Ahrweiler 1966, pp. 33–34.
  9. ^Bury 1911, pp. 108–110, 137, 140.
  10. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 535–536.
  11. ^Bury 1911, p. 110.
  12. ^abcGuilland 1967, p. 536.
  13. ^Bury 1911, pp. 110–111.
  14. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 537–539.
  15. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 540, 542.
  16. ^abcdefGuilland 1967, p. 540.
  17. ^Verpeaux 1966, pp. 167, 179.
  18. ^Verpeaux 1966, p. 160.
  19. ^abcdeGuilland 1967, p. 537.
  20. ^abcdefghiGuilland 1967, p. 538.
  21. ^PmbZ, Ioannes (#3309).
  22. ^PmbZ, Niketas Ooryphas (#25696).
  23. ^PmbZ, Elias (#21640).
  24. ^PmbZ, Adrianos (#20122).
  25. ^PmbZ, Nasar (#25490).
  26. ^PmbZ, Eustathios (#21836).
  27. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 537–538.
  28. ^ODB, "Himerios" (A. Kazhdan), p. 933.
  29. ^ODB, "Romanos I Lekapenos" (A. Kazhdan), p. 1806.
  30. ^PmbZ, Ioannes Radenos (#22914).
  31. ^PmbZ, Alexios Mosele (#20241).
  32. ^ODB, "Lips" (A. Cutler, A. Kazhdan), pp. 1232–2333.
  33. ^PmbZ, Konstantinos Gongylios (#23823).
  34. ^abcdefGuilland 1967, p. 539.
  35. ^PmbZ, Konstantinos (#23833).
  36. ^PmbZ, Ioseph Bringas (#23529).
  37. ^PmbZ, Niketas (#25784).
  38. ^PmbZ, Leon (#24532).
  39. ^abHolmes 2005, pp. 456–457 (note 27).
  40. ^PmbZ, Bardas Parsakutenos (#20786).
  41. ^PmbZ, Theodoros Karantenos (#27765).
  42. ^PmbZ, Kyriakos (#24234).
  43. ^abcdefGuilland 1967, p. 541.
  44. ^Skoulatos 1980, pp. 85–87.
  45. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 540–541.
  46. ^Skoulatos 1980, pp. 61–62.
  47. ^PLP, 3293. Γαβαλᾶς.
  48. ^PLP, 19447. Mουζάλων Στέφανος.
  49. ^PLP, 19440. Mουζάλων Ιωάννης ∆ούκας.
  50. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 541–542.
  51. ^PLP, 29766. Φιλανθρωπηνὸς Ἰωάννης.
  52. ^PLP, 92111. Ἲσαρις Γεώργιος.
  53. ^Guilland 1967, p. 542.
  54. ^PLP, 20730. Nοταρᾶς Λουκᾶς.
  55. ^abPmbZ, Euphemianos (#1692).
  56. ^PmbZ, Basileios (#966).
  57. ^PmbZ, Barsakios (#20821).
  58. ^Guilland 1967, pp. 538–539.
  59. ^PmbZ, Niketas (#25751).
  60. ^abPmbZ, Hilarion (#22610).
  61. ^PmbZ, Andronikos (#20418).
  62. ^abGuilland 1967, pp. 539–540.


  1. Despotes
  2. Sebastokrator
  3. Caesar
  4. Megas domestikos
  5. Panhypersebastos
  6. Protovestiarios
  7. Megas doux
  8. Protostrator
  9. Megas logothetes
  10. Megas stratopedarches
  11. Megas primmikerios
  12. Megas konostaulos
  13. Protosebastos
  14. Pinkernes
  15. Kouropalates
  16. Parakoimomenos tes sphendones
  17. Parakoimomenos tou koitonos
  18. Logothetes tou genikou
  19. Protovestiarites
  20. Domestikos tes trapezes
  21. Epi tes trapezes
  22. Megas papias
  23. Eparchos
  24. Megas droungarios tes vigles
  25. Megas hetaireiarches
  26. Megas chartoullarios
  27. Logothetes tou dromou
  28. Protasekretis
  29. Epi tou stratou
  30. Mystikos
  31. Domestikos ton scholon
  32. Megas droungarios tou stolou
  33. Primmikerios tes aules
  34. Protospatharios
  35. Megas archon
  36. Tatas tes aules
  37. Megas tzaousios
  38. Praitor tou demou
  39. Logothetes ton oikeiakon
  40. Megas logariastes
  41. Protokynegos
  42. Skouterios
  43. Ameralios
  44. Epi ton deeseon
  45. Koiaistor
  46. Megas adnoumiastes
  47. Logothetes tou stratiotikou
  48. Protoierakarios
  49. Logothetes ton agelon
  50. Megas diermeneutes
  51. Akolouthos
  52. Krites tou phossatou
  53. Archon tou allagiou
  54. Protallagator
  55. Megas dioiketes
  56. Orphanotrophos
  57. Protonotarios
  58. Epi ton anamneseon
  59. Domestikos ton teicheon
  60. Prokathemenos of thekoiton
  61. Prokathemenos of thevestiarion
  62. Vestiariou
  63. Hetaireiarches
  64. Logariastes tes aules
  65. Stratopedarches of themonokaballoi
  66. Stratopedarches of thetzangratores
  67. Stratopedarches of themourtatoi
  68. Stratopedarches of theTzakones
  69. Prokathemenos of theGreat Palace
  70. Prokathemenos of thePalace of Blachernae
  71. Domestikos of thethemata
  72. Domestikos of the easternthemata
  73. Domestikos of the westernthemata
  74. Megas myrtaïtes
  75. Protokomes
  76. Papias
  77. Droungarios
  78. Sebastos
  79. Myrtaïtes
  80. Prokathemenoi of the cities according to their importance
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