Drip coffee is made by pouring hot water onto groundcoffee beans, allowing it tobrew while seeping through. There are several methods for doing this, including using afilter. Terms used for the resulting coffee often reflect the method used, such asdrip-brewed coffee, or, somewhat inaccurately,filtered coffee in general. Manually brewed drip coffee is typically referred to aspour-over coffee.[1][2] Water seeps through theground coffee, absorbing its constituentchemical compounds, and then passes through a filter. Theused coffee grounds are retained in the filter, while the brewed coffee is collected in a vessel such as acarafe or pot.
Commercialpaper coffee filters were invented in Germany byMelitta Bentz in 1908[3][4] and are commonly used for drip brew all over the world. In 1944, Willy Brand developed an automatic drip-brewer utilizing circular paper filters in Switzerland.[5]: 144 In 1954, one of the first electric drip brewers, theWigomat invented byGottlob Widmann, was patented in Germany.[6] Drip brewcoffee makers largely replaced thecoffee percolator (a device combiningboiling, drip-brewing andsteeping) in the 1970s due to the percolator's tendency to over-extract coffee, thereby making it bitter.[7] One benefit of paper filters is that the used grounds and the filter may bedisposed together, without a need to clean the filter.Permanent filters are also common, made of thinperforated metal sheets, fine plastic mesh, porousceramics or glazed porcelain sieves that restrain the grounds but allow the coffee to pass, thus eliminating the need to have to purchase separate filters which sometimes cannot be found in some parts of the world. These add to the maintenance of the machine but reduce overall cost and produce less waste.
Brewing with apaper filter produces clear, light-bodied coffee. While free of sediments, such coffee is lacking in some of coffee's oils and essences; they have been trapped in the paper filter.[8] Metal, nylon or porcelain mesh filters do not normally remove these components.[9]
It may be observed, especially when using a tall, narrow carafe, that the coffee at the bottom of the coffeepot is stronger than that at the top. This is because less flavor is available for extraction from the coffee grounds as the brewing process progresses. A mathematical argument has been made that delivering comparable strength in two cups of coffee is nearly achieved using aThue–Morse sequence of pours.[10] This analysis prompted a whimsical article in the popular press.[11]
Filter coffee is central to Japanese coffee culture and connoisseurship.[12]
In South India, filter coffee brewed at home is known asKaapi and is a part of local culture. Most houses have a stainless-steel coffee filter and most shops sell freshly roasted and ground coffee beans. Some popular filter coffee brands include Mysore café, Hill coffee (Suresh healthcare), Cothas Coffee (Bangalore) and Narasu's Coffee (Salem). It is common in South India and Louisiana to addchicory to coffee to give it a unique taste and flavour.[13]
There are a number of methods and pieces of equipment for making drip-brewed coffee.
Pour-over methods are popular ways of making specialty drip coffee.The method involves pouring water over a bed of coffee (sometimes also calledcake) in a filter-lined conical or cylindrical chamber typically consisting of a filter and a suitablefilter holder. The filtering can be with paper, cloth, plastic, ceramics, or metal.[14][15]
The quality of the resulting coffee is extremely dependent on the technique of the user, with pour-over brewing being a popular method used in theWorld Brewers Cup.[15][16]
The pour-over coffee preparation method typically starts by pouring a small amount of hot water over the coffee grounds and allow it to sit for about half a minute before continuing the pouring. This pre-wetting, calledblooming,[nb 1] will causecarbon dioxide to be released in bubbles or foam from the coffee grounds and helps to improve the taste.
There are several manual drip-brewing devices on the market, offering more control over brewing parameters than automatic machines, and which incorporate stopper valves and other innovations that offer greater control over steeping time and the proportion of coffee to water. There also exist small, portable,single-serving drip brew makers that only hold the filter and rest on top of amug orcup, making them a popular option for backcountry campers and hikers. Hot water is poured in and drips directly into the cup.
Different filter shapes and sizes exist, most notable the (paper)coffee filter systems introduced byMelitta (1908, 1932, 1936, 1965),Chemex (1941) andHario (2004).
Manual drip coffee makers include the so-called French drip coffee pot (invented in 1795 byFrançois Antoine Henri Descroizilles [de] and manufactured by a metal-smith inRouen,[17][18] then popularized by bishopJean-Baptiste de Belloy[17][18] for why it became known asCafetière du Belloy [de] inParis since 1800[19][20] to the point that it was sometimes incorrectly attributed to the bishop himself[21][20]), theGrègue [fr] (café grègue,café coulé, etc.)[22] originating fromLa Réunion and also common inLouisiana, and the so-calledArndt'sche Caffee-Aufgussmaschine (Quedlinburg, Germany, c. 1900).French drip devices emerged from the earliercoffee biggins where cloth filters would be fully inserted into the pot forsteeping instead of drip filtering.[23] French drip coffee pots don't use paper filters but a permanent filter featuring many small round drilled holes made out of (enameled) metal, ceramics or porcelain. A cafetière du Belloy was originally made out of tin, later versions were made out of silver, copper, ceramics or porcelain. The Grègue and theArndt'sche Caffee-Aufgussmaschine are built out of (enameled) metal. To avoid sediments in the coffee, coarsely ground coffee has to be used.
Around 1895, skyblue enameled metal coffee pots namedMadam Blå [da] were introduced in Denmark byGlud & Marstrand. They looked similar to French drip coffee pots, but usedcotton filters and were available in 18 sizes for up to 50cups of coffee.
TheDrip-O-lator is an American coffee pot for making drip coffee patented in 1921 and in 1930 and manufactured inMassillon, Ohio,[24] orMacon, Georgia,[25] United States. The production of Drip-O-lators ceased in the middle of the twentieth century. The pots have become collectibles similar tobric-à-brac.[26]
In the 1930s, the German company Melitta produced a series of manual coffee makers calledKaffeefiltriermaschine ("coffee filtering machine"). They worked on the principle of French drip coffee pots, but used a paper filter and allowed to pour the whole amount of water at once instead of having to pour several times.[27]
A less familiar form of drip brewing is the reversible or "flip" pot commonly known asNapoletana (1819) and late-19th century variants like theRussian reversible pot akaRussian egg, thereversible Potsdam cafetière akaPotsdam boiler, or theArndt'sche Sturzmaschine (c. 1920).
A variant of the category of French drip coffee pots is the group of"Bohemian" coffee pots including the originalKarlsbad coffee makers, historically produced by several mostly Bohemianporcelain manufacturers since 1878 up into the first half of the 20th century, and variants produced bySiegmund Paul Meyer (SPM) /Walküre since 1910,[28][29][30][31] now[update]Friesland (FPM).[32][33] In contrast to French drip coffee pots which feature round holes, they all use a special double-layered cross-slitted strainer made from through-glazed porcelain.[34][35] BeforeWorld War I, they were very popular in theViennese coffee house culture. The special kind of drip coffee they produce is called aKarlsbader ("Karlsbad coffee").[34][36]
System Büttner coffee makers are a type of coffee makers featuring a special permanent through-glazed porcelain filter with triangularly-arranged slits and avalving mechanism to combine steeping with drip-brewing. They were invented in 1926 by thecoffee roaster Carl A. Büttner (Berlin, Germany)[37] and produced up into, at least, the 1940s by the porcelain manufacturerBauscher [de] (Weiden, Germany) for various German coffee roasters and distributors.
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One of the first electrical drip coffee makers was the GermanWigomat, patented in 1954. In the early 1970s electrical drip coffee makers became more common, causing a decline in manual drip coffee preparation methods until the 2010s, and the near-extinction ofcoffee percolators. Among the early electrical drip coffee machines was a machine designed by two formerWestinghouse engineers and sold under the brandMr. Coffee in the early 1970s.
It normally works by admitting water from a cold-water reservoir into a flexible hose in the base of the reservoir leading directly to a thin metal tube or heating chamber (usually, of aluminium), where a heating element surrounding the metal tube heats the water. The heated water moves through the machine using thethermosiphon principle. Thermally induced pressure and the siphoning effect move the heated water through an insulated rubber or vinyl riser hose, into a spray head, and onto the ground coffee, which is contained in a brew basket mounted below the spray head. The coffee passes through a filter and drips down into the carafe. A one-way valve in the tubing prevents water from siphoning back into the reservoir. The carafe, usually made of glass, rests on a warming plate that keeps the brewed coffee warm. A thermostat attached to the heating element turns off the heating element as needed to prevent overheating the water in the metal tube (overheating would produce only steam in the supply hose), then turns back on when the water cools below a certain threshold. For a standard 10- to 12-cup drip coffeemaker, using a more powerful thermostatically controlled heating element (in terms of wattage produced), can heat increased amounts of water more quickly using larger heating chambers, generally producing higher average water temperatures at the spray head over the entire brewing cycle. This process can be further improved by changing the aluminium construction of most heating chambers to a metal with superior heat transfer qualities, such as copper.[citation needed]
Throughout the latter part of the 20th century, a number of inventors patented various coffeemaker designs using an automated form of the drip brew method. Subsequent designs have featured changes in heating elements, spray head, and brew-basket design, as well as the addition of timers and clocks for automatic-start, water filtration, filter and carafe design, drip stop, and even built-in coffee grinding mechanisms.
Diterpenes present in unfiltered coffee andcaffeine each appear to increase risk ofcoronary heart disease. A lower risk of coronary heart disease among moderate coffee drinkers might be due toantioxidants found in coffee.
une cafetière qu'il avait fait fabriquer par un petit ferblantier de Rouen
De Belloy's (or Du Belloy's) coffee pot appeared in Paris about 1800. It was first made of tin; but later, of porcelain and silver[1]
he invented the filter
Der Kaffee kommt mit keinem Metall in Berührung, behält daher sein natürliches Aroma. […] Durch Verwendung des doppelt geschlitzten, durchaus glasierten Siebes, kommt das lästige Filtrierpapier, das dem Kaffeearoma schädlich ist, in Fortfall.