The parents of the affected individual are usuallygenetically normal.[14] The incidence of the syndrome increases with the age of the mother, from less than 0.1% for 20-year-old mothers to 3% for those of age 45.[4] It is believed to occur by chance, with no known behavioral activity or environmental factor that changes the probability.[2] Usually, babies get 23 chromosomes from each parent for a total of 46, whereas in Down syndrome, a third 21st chromosome is attached.[15] The extra chromosome is provided at conception as the egg and sperm combine.[16] In 1–2% of cases, the additional chromosome is added in the embryo stage and only impacts some of the cells in the body; this is known asMosaic Down syndrome.[17][15]Translocation Down syndrome is another rare type.[18][19] Down syndrome can be identified during pregnancy byprenatal screening, followed by diagnostic testing, or after birth by direct observation andgenetic testing.[6] Since the introduction of screening, Down syndromepregnancies are oftenaborted (rates varying from 50 to 85% depending on maternal age, gestational age, and maternal race/ethnicity).[20][21][22]
There is no cure for Down syndrome.[23] Education and proper care have been shown to provide betterquality of life.[7] Some children with Down syndrome are educated in typical school classes, while others require morespecialized education.[8] Some individuals with Down syndrome graduate fromhigh school, and a few attendpost-secondary education.[24] In adulthood, about 20% in the United States do some paid work,[25] with many requiring a sheltered work environment.[8] Caretaker support in financial and legal matters is often needed.[10] Life expectancy is around 50 to 60 years in thedeveloped world, with proper health care.[9][10] Regularscreening for health issues common in Down syndrome is recommended throughout the person's life.[9]
Down syndrome is the most commonchromosomal abnormality,[26] occurring in about 1 in 1,000 babies born worldwide,[1] and one in 700 in the US.[18] In 2015, there were 5.4 million people with Down syndrome globally, of whom 27,000 died, down from 43,000 deaths in 1990.[11][27][28] The syndrome is named after British physicianJohn Langdon Down, who dedicated his medical practice to the cause.[29] Some aspects were described earlier by French psychiatristJean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol in 1838 and French physicianÉdouard Séguin in 1844.[30] The genetic cause was discovered in 1959.[29]
Signs and symptoms
A boy from Somalia with Down syndrome
Those with Down syndrome nearly always have physical and intellectual disabilities.[31] As adults, their mental abilities are typically similar to those of an 8- or 9-year-old.[9] At the same time, their emotional and social awareness is very high.[32] They can havepoor immune function[14] and generally reachdevelopmental milestones at a later age.[10] They have an increased risk of a number of health concerns, such ascongenital heart defect,epilepsy,leukemia, andthyroid diseases.[29]
Feet of a boy with Down syndrome, showing the deviated first toes
People with Down syndrome may have these physical characteristics: asmall chin,epicanthic folds,low muscle tone, a flatnasal bridge, and a protruding tongue. A protruding tongue is caused by low tone and weak facial muscles, and often corrected with myofunctional exercises.[40] Some characteristic airway features can lead toobstructive sleep apnea in around half of those with Down syndrome.[29] Other common features include: excessive joint flexibility, extra space betweenbig toe and second toe, asingle crease of the palm, and short fingers.[34][37]
Instability of theatlantoaxial joint occurs in about 1–2%.[41] Atlantoaxial instability may causemyelopathy due to cervical spinal cord compression later in life, this often manifests as new onset weakness,problems with coordination, bowel or bladder incontinence, and gait dysfunction.[42] Serial imaging cannot reliably predict future cervical cord compression, but changes can be seen on neurological exam. The condition is surgically corrected with spine surgery.[42]
Growth in height is slower, resulting in adults who tend to haveshort stature—the average height for men is 154 centimetres (5 feet 1 inch), and for women is 142 centimetres (4 feet 8 inches).[43] Individuals with Down syndrome are at increased risk forobesity as they age due to hypothyroidism, other medical issues and lifestyle.[29][44]Growth charts have been developed specifically for children with Down syndrome.[29]
A boy with Down syndrome using a cordless drill to assemble a book case
This syndrome causes about a third of cases of intellectual disability.[14] Many developmental milestones are delayed with the ability to crawl typically occurring around 8–22 months rather than 6–12 months, and the ability to walk independently typically occurring around 1–4 years rather than 9–18 months.[45] Walking is acquired in 50% of children after 24 months.[46]
Most individuals with Down syndrome have mild (IQ: 50–69) or moderate (IQ: 35–50)intellectual disability with some cases having severe (IQ: 20–35) difficulties.[1][47] Those with mosaic Down syndrome typically have IQ scores 10–30 points higher than that.[48] As they age, the gap tends to widen between people with Down syndrome and their same-age peers.[47][49]
Commonly, individuals with Down syndrome have better language understanding than ability to speak.[29][47]Babbling typically emerges around 15 months on average.[50] 10–45% of those with Down syndrome have either astutter orrapid and irregular speech, making it difficult to understand them.[51] After reaching 30 years of age, some may lose their ability to speak.[9]
They typically do fairly well with social skills.[29] Behavior problems are not generally as great an issue as in other syndromes associated with intellectual disability.[47] In children with Down syndrome,mental illness occurs in nearly 30% withautism occurring in 5–10%.[10] People with Down syndrome experience a wide range of emotions.[52] While people with Down syndrome are generally happy,[53] symptoms ofdepression andanxiety may develop in early adulthood.[9]
Children and adults with Down syndrome are at increased risk ofepileptic seizures, which occur in 5–10% of children and up to 50% of adults.[9] This includes an increased risk of a specific type of seizure calledinfantile spasms.[29] Many (15%) who live 40 years or longer developAlzheimer's disease.[54] In those who reach 60 years of age, 50–70% have the disease.[9]
Brushfield spots, visible in the irises of a baby with Down syndrome
Hearing and vision disorders occur in more than half of people with Down syndrome.[29]
Ocular findings
Brushfield spots (small white or grayish/brown spots on the periphery of theiris), upward slantingpalpebral fissures (the opening between the upper and lower lids) andepicanthal folds (folds of skin between the upper eyelid and the nose) are clinical signs at birth suggesting the diagnosis of Down syndrome[57][58] especially in theWestern World.[58] None of these requires treatment.[citation needed]
Visually significant congenitalcataracts (clouding of thelens of the eye) occur more frequently with Down syndrome.[58]Neonates with Down syndrome should be screened for cataract because early recognition and referral reduce the risk of vision loss fromamblyopia.[59] Dot-like opacities in the cortex of thelens (cerulean cataract) are present in up to 50% of people with Down syndrome, but may be followed without treatment if they are not visually significant.[58]
Strabismus,nystagmus andnasolacrimal duct obstruction occur more frequently in children with Down syndrome.[58] Screening for these diagnoses should begin within six months of birth.[58][59] Strabismus is more often acquired thancongenital.[58] Early diagnosis and treatment of strabismus reduces the risk of vision loss from amblyopia.[60] In Down syndrome, the presence of epicanthal folds may give the false impression ofstrabismus, referred to aspseudostrabismus. Nasolacrimal duct obstruction, which causes tearing (epiphora), is more frequently bilateral and multifactorial than in children without Down syndrome.[58]
Refractive error is more common with Down syndrome, though the rate may not differ until after twelve months of age compared to children without Down syndrome.[58] Early screening is recommended to identify and treat significant refractive error with glasses or contact lenses. Pooraccommodation (ability to focus on close objects) is associated with Down syndrome, which may mean bifocals are indicated.[58]
Inkeratoconus, thecornea progressively thins and bulges into a cone shape,[61] causing visual blurring or distortion. Keratoconus first presents in the teen years and progresses into the thirties.[61][62] Down syndrome is a strong risk factor for developing keratoconus, and onset may be occur at a younger age than in those without Down syndrome.[58] Eye rubbing is also a risk factor for developing keratoconus.[62] It is speculated that chronic eye irritation fromblepharitis may increase eye rubbing in Down syndrome,[58] contributing to the increased prevalence of keratoconus.
An association betweenglaucoma and Down syndrome is often cited.[57] Glaucoma in children with Down syndrome is uncommon, with a prevalence of less than 1%.[57][58] It is currently unclear if the prevalence of glaucoma in those with Down syndrome differs from that in the absence of Down syndrome.[58]
Estimates ofprevalence of ocular findings in Down Syndrome vary widely depending on the study.[58] Some prevalence estimates follow. Vision problems have been observed in 38–80% of cases.[57]Brushfield spots are present in 38–85% of individuals.[57] Between 20 and 50% havestrabismus.[57]Cataracts occur in 15%,[63] and may be present at birth.[57]Keratoconus may occur in as many as 21–30%.[58]
Hearing loss
Hearing problems are found in 50–90% of children with Down syndrome.[64] This is often the result ofotitis media with effusion which occurs in 50–70%[10] and chronicear infections which occur in 40–60%.[65] Ear infections often begin in the first year of life and are partly due to pooreustachian tube function.[66][67] Excessiveear wax can also cause hearing loss due to obstruction of the outerear canal.[9] Even a mild degree of hearing loss can have negative consequences for speech, language understanding, and academics.[1][67] It is important to rule out hearing loss as a factor in social and cognitive deterioration.[68] Age-related hearing loss of thesensorineural type occurs at a much earlier age and affects 10–70% of people with Down syndrome.[9]
Although the overall risk ofcancer in Down syndrome is not changed,[70] the risk oftesticular cancer and certain blood cancers, includingacute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) andacute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is increased while the risk of other non-blood cancers is decreased.[9] People with Down syndrome are believed to have an increased risk of developing cancers derived fromgerm cells whether these cancers are blood- or non-blood-related.[71] In 2008, the World Health Organization (WHO) introduced a distinct classification for myeloid proliferation in individuals with Down syndrome.[72]
Blood cancers
Leukemia is 10 to 15 times more common in children with Down syndrome.[29] In particular,acute lymphoblastic leukemia is 20 times more common and the megakaryoblastic form ofacute myeloid leukemia (acute megakaryoblastic leukemia), is 500 times more common.[73] Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is a leukemia ofmegakaryoblasts, the precursors cells tomegakaryocytes which form bloodplatelets.[73] Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Down syndrome accounts for 1–3% of all childhood cases of ALL. It occurs most often in those older than nine years or having awhite blood cell count greater than 50,000 permicroliter and is rare in those younger than one year old. ALL in Down syndrome tends to have poorer outcomes than other cases of ALL in people without Down syndrome.[73][74] In short, the likelihood of developing acute myeloid leukemia (AML) andacute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is higher in children with Down syndrome compared to those without Down syndrome.[75]
Myeloid leukemia typically precedes Down syndrome and is accompanied by a condition known astransient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM), which generally disrupts the differentiation of megakaryocytes and erythrocytes.[76] In Down syndrome, AMKL is typically preceded bytransient myeloproliferative disease (TMD), a disorder ofblood cell production in which non-cancerous megakaryoblasts with a mutation in theGATA1 gene rapidly divide during the later period of pregnancy.[73][77] GATA1 mutations combined with trisomy 21 contribute to a predisposition to TAM.[78] In trisomy 21, the process of leukemogenesis starts in early fetal life, with genetic factors, including GATA1 mutations, contributing to the development of TAM on the preleukemic pathway.[76] The condition affects 3–10% of babies with Down.[73] While it often spontaneously resolves within three months of birth, it can cause serious blood, liver, or other complications.[79] In about 10% of cases, TMD progresses to AMKL during the three months to five years following its resolution.[73][79][78]
Non-blood cancers
People with Down syndrome have a lower risk of all major solid cancers, including those of lung, breast, and cervix, with the lowest relative rates occurring in those aged 50 years or older.[71] This low risk is thought to be due to an increase in the expression oftumor suppressor genes present on chromosome 21.[80][71] One exception is testiculargerm cell cancer which occurs at a higher rate in Down syndrome.[71]
People with Down syndrome tend to be more susceptible togingivitis as well as early, severeperiodontal disease,necrotising ulcerative gingivitis, and earlytooth loss, especially in the lower front teeth.[83][84] Whileplaque and poororal hygiene are contributing factors, the severity of these periodontal diseases cannot be explained solely by external factors.[84] Research suggests that the severity is likely a result of a weakened immune system.[84][85] The weakened immune system also contributes to increased incidence ofyeast infections in the mouth (fromCandida albicans).[85]
People with Down syndrome also tend to have a morealkalinesaliva resulting in a greater resistance totooth decay, despite decreased quantities of saliva,[86] less effective oral hygiene habits, and higher plaque indexes.[83][85][86][87]
Higher rates of tooth wear andbruxism are also common.[85] Other common oral manifestations of Down syndrome include enlarged hypotonic tongue, crusted and hypotonic lips,mouth breathing, narrowpalate with crowded teeth, class IIImalocclusion with an underdeveloped maxilla and posteriorcrossbite, delayed exfoliation ofbaby teeth and delayed eruption of adult teeth, shorter roots on teeth, and often missing and malformed (usually smaller) teeth.[83][85][86][87] Less common manifestations includecleft lip and palate andenamel hypocalcification (20% prevalence).[87]
Taurodontism, an elongation of the pulp chamber, has a high prevalence in people with DS.[88][89]
Males with Down syndrome usually do not father children, while females have lower rates offertility relative to those who are unaffected.[90] Fertility is estimated to be present in 30–50% of females.[91]Menopause usually occurs at an earlier age.[9] The poor fertility in males is thought to be due to problems withsperm development; however, it may also be related to not being sexually active.[90] As of 2006, three instances of males with Down syndrome fathering children and 26 cases of females having children have been reported.[90] Withoutassisted reproductive technologies, around half of the children of someone with Down syndrome will also have the syndrome.[90][92]
The cause of the extra full or partial chromosome is still unknown.[93] Most of the time, Down syndrome is caused by a random mistake in cell division during early development of the fetus, but not inherited,[94] and there is no scientific research which shows that environmental factors or the parents' activities contribute to Down syndrome. The only factor that has been linked to the increased chance of having a baby with Down syndrome is advanced parental age. This is mostly associated withadvanced maternal age but about 10 per cent of cases are associated with advancedpaternal age.[95]
Down syndrome is caused by having three copies of thegenes onchromosome 21, rather than the usual two.[3][96] The parents of the affected individual are typically genetically normal.[14] Those who have one child with Down syndrome have about a 1% possibility of having a second child with the syndrome, if both parents are found to have normalkaryotypes.[91]
The extra chromosome content can arise through several different ways. The most common cause (about 92–95% of cases) is a complete extra copy of chromosome 21, resulting intrisomy 21.[92][97] In 1–2.5% of cases, some of the cells in the body are normal and others have trisomy 21, known asmosaic Down syndrome.[91][98] The other common mechanisms that can give rise to Down syndrome include: aRobertsonian translocation,isochromosome, orring chromosome. These contain additional material from chromosome 21 and occur in about 2.5% of cases.[29][91] An isochromosome results when the twolong arms of a chromosome separate together rather than the long andshort arm separating together duringegg or sperm development.[92]
Trisomy 21
Down syndrome (also known by thekaryotype 47,XX,+21 for females and 47,XY,+21 for males)[99] is mostly caused by a failure of the 21st chromosome to separate during egg or sperm development, known asnondisjunction.[92] As a result, a sperm or egg cell is produced with an extra copy of chromosome 21; this cell thus has 24 chromosomes. When combined with a normal cell from the other parent, the baby has 47 chromosomes, with three copies of chromosome 21.[3][92] About 88% of cases of trisomy 21 result from nonseparation of the chromosomes in the mother, 8% from nonseparation in the father, and 3% after the egg and sperm have merged.[100]
Mosaic Down syndrome
Mosaic Down syndrome is diagnosed when there is a mixture of two types of cells: some cells have three copies of chromosome 21 but some cells have the typical two copies of chromosome 21.[18] This type is the least common form of Down syndrome and accounts for only about 1% of all cases.[93] Children with mosaic Down syndrome may have the same features as other children with Down syndrome. However, they may have fewer characteristics of the condition due to the presence of some (or many) cells with a typical number of chromosomes.[18]
Translocation Down syndrome
The extra chromosome 21 material may also occur due to aRobertsonian translocation in 2–4% of cases.[91][101] In this translocation Down syndrome, the long arm of chromosome 21 is attached to another chromosome, oftenchromosome 14.[102] In a male affected with Down syndrome, it results in a karyotype of 46XY,t(14q21q).[102][103] This may be a new mutation or previously present in one of the parents.[104] The parent with such a translocation is usually normal physically and mentally;[102] however, during production of egg or sperm cells, a higher chance of creating reproductive cells with extra chromosome 21 material exists.[101] This results in a 15% chance of having a child with Down syndrome when the mother is affected and a less than 5% probability if the father is affected.[104] The probability of this type of Down syndrome is not related to the mother's age.[102] Some children without Down syndrome may inherit the translocation and have a higher probability of having children of their own with Down syndrome.[102] In this case it is sometimes known asfamilial Down syndrome.[105]
The extra genetic material present in Down syndrome results in overexpression of a portion of the 310 genes located on chromosome 21.[96] This overexpression has been estimated at 50%, due to the third copy of the chromosome present.[91] Some research has suggested the Down syndrome critical region is located at bands 21q22.1–q22.3,[106] with this area including genes for theamyloid precursor protein,superoxide dismutase, and likely theETS2 protooncogene.[107] Other research, however, has not confirmed these findings.[96]MicroRNAs are also proposed to be involved.[108]
The dementia that occurs in Down syndrome is due to an excess ofamyloid betapeptide produced in the brain and is similar toAlzheimer's disease, which also involves amyloid beta build-up.[109] Amyloid beta is processed from amyloid precursor protein, the gene for which is located on chromosome 21.[109]Senile plaques andneurofibrillary tangles are present in nearly all by 35 years of age, though dementia may not be present.[14] It is hypothesized that those with Down syndrome lack a normal number oflymphocytes and produce lessantibodies which is said to present an increased risk of infection.[29]
Down syndrome is associated with an increased risk of some chronic diseases that are typically associated with older age such as Alzheimer's disease. It is believed that accelerated aging occurs and increases the biological age of tissues, but molecular evidence for this hypothesis is sparse. According to a biomarker of tissue age known asepigenetic clock, it is hypothesized that trisomy 21 increases the age of blood and brain tissue (on average by 6.6 years).[110]
Screening before birth
Guidelines recommend screening for Down syndrome to be offered to all pregnant women, regardless of age.[111][112] A number of tests are used, with varying levels of accuracy. They are typically used in combination to increase the detection rate.[29] None can be definitive; thus, if screening predicts a high possibility of Down syndrome, eitheramniocentesis orchorionic villus sampling is required to confirm the diagnosis.[111]
Prenatal ultrasound can be used to screen for Down syndrome. Findings that indicate increased chances when seen at 14 to 24 weeks ofgestation include a small or no nasal bone,large ventricles,nuchal fold thickness, and an abnormal rightsubclavian artery, among others.[113] The presence or absence of many markers is more accurate.[113] Increased fetalnuchal translucency (NT) indicates an increased possibility of Down syndrome picking up 75–80% of cases and being falsely positive in 6%.[114]
Ultrasound of fetus with Down syndrome showing alarge bladder
Enlarged NT and absent nasal bone in a fetus at 11 weeks with Down syndrome
Blood tests
Several blood markers can be measured to predict the chances of Down syndrome during the first or second trimester.[115][116] Testing in both trimesters is sometimes recommended and test results are often combined with ultrasound results.[115] In the second trimester, often two or three tests are used in combination with two or three of:α-fetoprotein, unconjugated estriol, total hCG, and free βhCG detecting about 60–70% of cases.[116]
Testing of the mother's blood for fetal DNA is being studied and appears promising in the first trimester.[117][118] The International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis considers it a reasonable screening option for those women whose pregnancies are at a high likelihood of trisomy 21.[119] Accuracy has been reported at 98.6% in the first trimester of pregnancy.[29] Confirmatory testing by invasive techniques (amniocentesis, CVS) is still required to confirm the screening result.[119]
A blood sample is taken from the mother byvenipuncture and is sent for DNA analysis.
For combinations of ultrasonography and non-genetic blood tests, screening in both the first and second trimesters is better than just screening in the first trimester.[111] Common screening techniques in use are able to pick up 90–95% of cases, with a false-positive rate of 2–5%.[115] If Down syndrome occurs in one in 500 pregnancies with a 90% detection rate and the test used has a 5% false-positive rate, of 28 women who test positive on screening, only one will have a fetus with Down syndrome confirmed. If the screening test has a 2% false-positive rate, this means of 11 women who test positive on screening, only one will have a fetus with Down syndrome.[115]
Invasive genetic testing
Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling are more reliable tests, but they increase the risk ofmiscarriage by between 0.5–1%.[122] The risk of limb problems may be increased in the offspring if chorionic villus sampling is performed before 10 weeks.[122]
An example of an algorithm for determining the indication for prenatal genetic testing of Down syndrome[123]
The risk from the procedure is greater the earlier it is performed, thus amniocentesis is not recommended before 15 weeks gestational age and chorionic villus sampling before 10 weeks gestational age.[122]
Abortion rates
About 92% of pregnancies in Europe with a diagnosis of Down syndrome are terminated.[22] As a result, there is almost no one with Down syndrome inIceland andDenmark, where screening is commonplace.[124] In the United States, the termination rate after diagnosis is around 75%,[124] but varies from 61 to 93%, depending on the population surveyed.[21] Rates are lower among women who are younger and have decreased over time.[21] When asked if they would have a termination if their fetus tested positive, 23–33% said yes, when high-risk pregnant women were asked, 46–86% said yes, and when women who screened positive are asked, 89–97% say yes.[125]
After birth
A diagnosis can often be suspected based on the child's physical appearance at birth.[10] An analysis of the child's chromosomes is needed to confirm the diagnosis, and to determine if atranslocation is present, as this may help determine the chances of the child's parents having further children with Down syndrome.[10]
Efforts such asearly childhood intervention, therapies, screening for common medical issues, a good family environment, and work-related training can improve the development of children with Down syndrome and provide good quality of life. Common therapies utilized include physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy.[126] Education and proper care can provide a positivequality of life.[7] Typical childhoodvaccinations are recommended.[29]
A number of health organizations have issued recommendations forscreening those with Down syndrome for particular diseases.[127] This is recommended to be done systematically.[29]
At birth, all children should get anelectrocardiogram andultrasound of the heart.[29] Surgical repair of heart problems may be required as early as three months of age.[29]Heart valve problems may occur in young adults, and further ultrasound evaluation may be needed in adolescents and in early adulthood.[29] Due to the elevated risk of testicular cancer, some recommend checking the person's testicles yearly.[9]
Cognitive development
Some people with Down syndrome experience hearing loss. In this instance,hearing aids or other amplification devices can be useful for language learning.[29]Speech therapy may be useful and is recommended to be started around nine months of age.[29] As those with Down syndrome typically have good hand-eye coordination, learningsign language is a helpful communication tool.[47]Augmentative and alternative communication methods, such as pointing, body language, objects, or pictures, are often used to help with communication.[128] Behavioral issues and mental illness are typically managed with counseling or medications.[10]
Education programs before reaching school age may be useful.[1] School-age children with Down syndrome may benefit frominclusive education (whereby students of differing abilities are placed in classes with their peers of the same age), provided some adjustments are made to the curriculum.[129] In the United States, theIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act of 1975 requires public schools generally to allow attendance by students with Down syndrome.[130]
Individuals with Down syndrome may learn better visually. Drawing may help with language, speech, and reading skills. Children with Down syndrome still often have difficulty with sentence structure and grammar, as well as developing the ability to speak clearly.[131] Several types of early intervention can help with cognitive development. Efforts to develop motor skills include physical therapy, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy. Physical therapy focuses specifically on motor development and teaching children to interact with their environment. Speech and language therapy can help prepare for later language. Lastly, occupational therapy can help with skills needed for later independence.[132]
Deaths due to Down syndrome per million persons in 2012
Between 5–15% of children with Down syndrome in Sweden attend regular school.[137] Some graduate from high school; however, most do not.[24] Of those with intellectual disability in the United States who attended high school about 40% graduated.[138] Many learn to read and write and some are able to do paid work.[24] In adulthood about 20% in the United States do paid work in some capacity.[25][139] In Sweden, however, less than 1% have regular jobs.[137] Many are able to live semi-independently,[14] but they often require help with financial, medical, and legal matters.[10] Those with mosaic Down syndrome usually have better outcomes.[91]
Individuals with Down syndrome have a higher risk of early death than the general population.[29] This is most often from heart problems or infections.[1][9] Following improved medical care, particularly for heart andgastrointestinal problems, the life expectancy has increased.[1] This increase has been from 12 years in 1912,[140] to 25 years in the 1980s,[1] to 50 to 60 years in the developed world in the 2000s.[9][10] Data collected between the 1985–2003 showed between 4–12% infants with Down syndrome die in the first year of life.[79] The probability of long-term survival is partly determined by the presence of heart problems. From research at the turn of the century, it tracked those with congenital heart problems, showing 60% survived to at least 10 years and 50% survived to at least 30 years of age. The research failed to track further aging beyond 30 years.[14] In those without heart problems, 85% studied survived to at least 10 years and 80% survived to at least 30 years of age.[14] It is estimated that 10% lived to 70 years of age in the early 2000s.[92] Much of this data is outdated and life expectancy has drastically improved with more equitable healthcare and continuous advancement of surgical practice.[141] TheNational Down Syndrome Society provides information regarding raising a child with Down syndrome.[142]
The risk of having a Down syndrome pregnancy in relation to amother's age[4]
Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal abnormality in humans.[9] Globally, as of 2010[update], Down syndrome occurs in about 1 per 1,000 births[1] and results in about 17,000 deaths.[143] More children are born with Down syndrome in countries where abortion is not allowed and in countries where pregnancy more commonly occurs at a later age.[1] About 1.4 per 1,000 live births in the United States[144] and 1.1 per 1,000 live births in Norway are affected.[9] In the 1950s, in the United States, it occurred in 2 per 1,000 live births with the decrease since then due to prenatal screening and abortions.[104] The number of pregnancies with Down syndrome is more than two times greater with many spontaneously aborting.[10] It is the cause of 8% of allcongenital disorders.[1]
Maternal age affects the chances of having a pregnancy with Down syndrome.[4] At age 20, the chance is 1 in 1,441; at age 30, it is 1 in 959; at age 40, it is 1 in 84; and at age 50 it is 1 in 44.[4] Although the probability increases with maternal age, 70% of children with Down syndrome are born to women 35 years of age and younger, because younger people have more children.[4] Thefather's older age is also a risk factor in women older than 35, but not in women younger than 35, and may partly explain the increase in risk as women age.[145]
English physicianJohn Langdon Down first described Down syndrome in 1862, recognizing it as a distinct type of mental disability, and again in a more widely published report in 1866.[29][147][148]Édouard Séguin described it as separate fromcretinism in 1844.[30][149] By the 20th century, Down syndrome had become the most recognizable form of mental disability.
Due to his perception that children with Down syndrome shared facial similarities with those ofBlumenbach's Mongoloid race, John Langdon Down used the term "mongoloid".[150] He felt that the existence of Down syndrome confirmed that all peoples were genetically related.[151] In the 1950s with discovery of the underlying cause as being related to chromosomes, concerns about the race-based nature of the name increased.[152]
In 1961, a group of nineteen scientists suggested that "mongolism" had "misleading connotations" and had become "an embarrassing term".[153] TheWorld Health Organization (WHO) dropped the term in 1965 after a request by the delegation from theMongolian People's Republic.[154] While this terminology continued to be used until the late twentieth century,[155]: 21 it is now considered unacceptable and is no longer in common use.
In antiquity, many infants with disabilities were either killed or abandoned.[30] In June 2020, the earliest incidence of Down syndrome was found in genomic evidence from an infant that was buried before 3200 BC atPoulnabrone dolmen inIreland.[156]Researchers believe that a number of historical pieces of art portray Down syndrome, including pottery from thepre-Columbian Tumaco-La Tolita culture in present-dayColombia andEcuador,[157] and the 16th-century paintingThe Adoration of the Christ Child.[158][159]
In the 20th century, many individuals with Down syndrome were institutionalized, few of the associated medical problems were treated, and most people died in infancy or early adulthood. With the rise of theeugenics movement, 33 of the then 48U.S. states and several countries began programs of forced sterilization of individuals with Down syndrome and comparable degrees of disability.Action T4 inNazi Germany saw the systematic murder of people with Down syndrome made public policy.[160]
With the discovery ofkaryotype techniques in the 1950s it became possible to identify abnormalities of chromosomal number or shape.[149] In 1959Jérôme Lejeune reported the discovery that Down syndrome resulted from an extra chromosome.[29] However, Lejeune's claim to the discovery has been disputed,[161] and in 2014 the Scientific Council of the French Federation of Human Genetics unanimously awarded its Grand Prize to his colleagueMarthe Gautier for her role in this discovery.[162] The discovery took place in the laboratory ofRaymond Turpin at the Hôpital Trousseau in Paris, France.[163] Jérôme Lejeune and Marthe Gautier were both his students.[164]
As a result of this discovery, the condition became known as trisomy 21.[165] Even before the discovery of its cause, the presence of the syndrome in all races, its association with older maternal age, and its rarity of recurrence had been noticed. Medical texts had assumed it was caused by a combination of inheritable factors that had not been identified. Other theories had focused on injuries sustained during birth.[166]
Down syndrome is named afterJohn Langdon Down. He was the first person to provide an accurate description of the syndrome. His research that was published in 1866 earned him the recognition as the Father of the syndrome.[167] While others had previously recognized components of the condition, John Langdon Down described the syndrome as a distinct, unique medical condition.[19]
In 1975, the United StatesNational Institutes of Health (NIH) convened a conference to standardize the naming and recommended replacing the possessive form, "Down's syndrome", with "Down syndrome".[168] However, both the possessive and nonpossessive forms remain in use by the general population.[12] The term "trisomy 21" is also commonly used.[153][169]
Obstetricians routinely offer antenatal screenings for various conditions, including Down syndrome.[170][171] When results from testing become available, it is considered an ethical requirement to share the results with the patient.[170][172]
Some bioethicists deem it reasonable for parents to select a child who would have the highest well-being.[173] One criticism of this reasoning is that it often values those with disabilities less.[174] Some parents argue that Down syndrome should not be prevented or cured and that eliminating Down syndrome amounts to genocide.[175][176] Thedisability rights movement does not have a position on screening,[177] although some members consider testing and abortion discriminatory.[177] Some in the United States who areanti-abortion support abortion if the fetus is disabled, while others do not.[178] Of a group of 40 mothers in the United States who have had one child with Down syndrome, half agreed to screening in the next pregnancy.[178]
Within the US, someProtestant denominations see abortion as acceptable when a fetus has Down syndrome whileOrthodox Christianity andRoman Catholicism do not.[179] Women may face disapproval whether they choose abortion or not.[180] Some of those against screening refer to it as a form ofeugenics.[179]
Advocacy groups
Advocacy groups for individuals with Down syndrome began to be formed after theSecond World War.[181] These were organizations advocating for the inclusion of people with Down syndrome into the general school system and for a greater understanding of the condition among the general population,[181] as well as groups providing support for families with children living with Down syndrome.[181] Before this individuals with Down syndrome were often placed inmental hospitals or asylums. Organizations included theRoyal Society for Handicapped Children and Adults founded in the UK in 1946 byJudy Fryd,[181][182] Kobato Kai founded in Japan in 1964,[181] the National Down Syndrome Congress founded in the United States in 1973 byKathryn McGee and others,[181][183] and theNational Down Syndrome Society founded in 1979 in the United States.[181] The first Roman Catholic order of nuns for women with Down Syndrome,Little Sisters Disciples of the Lamb, was founded in 1985 in France.[184], founded in 2015, advocates the need for a specific classification category to enable Down syndrome swimmers the opportunity to qualify and compete at theParalympic Games.[187] The project began when International Down syndrome swimmer Filipe Santos broke the world record in the 50m butterfly event, but was unable to compete at the Paralympic Games.[188][189]
Although Down syndrome swimmers are able to compete in theParalympic SwimmingS14 intellectual impairment category (provided they score low in IQ tests), they are often outmatched by the superior physicality of their opponents.[190][191]
At present there is no designated Paralympic category for swimmers with Down syndrome, meaning they have to compete as intellectually disadvantaged athletes. This disregards their physical disabilities.[192][193]
A number of advocacy groups globally have been lobbying for the inclusion of a distinct classification category for Down syndrome swimmers within the IPC Classification Codes framework.[194]
Despite ongoing advocacy, the issue remains unresolved, and swimmers with Down syndrome continue to face challenges in accessing appropriate classification pathways.[195][196]
Down syndrome may also occur inhominids other than humans. Ingreat apes chromosome 22 corresponds to the human chromosome 21[a] and thus trisomy 22 causes Down syndrome in apes. The condition was observed in acommon chimpanzee in 1969 and aBornean orangutan in 1979, but neither lived very long. The common chimpanzee Kanako (born around 1993, in Japan) has become the longest-lived known example of this condition. Kanako has some of the same symptoms that are common in human Down syndrome. It is unknown how common this condition is in chimps, but it is plausible it could be roughly as common as Down syndrome is in humans.[204][205]
Fossilized remains of aNeanderthal aged approximately 6 at death were described in 2024. The child, nicknamed Tina, suffered from a malformation of the inner ear that only occurs in people with Down syndrome, and would have caused hearing loss and disablingvertigo. The fact that a Neanderthal with such a condition survived to such an age was taken as evidence of compassion and extra-maternal care among Neanderthals.[206][207]
In popular culture
Chris Burke, an actor with Down syndrome, born in 1965
Jamie Brewer is an American actress and model. She is best known for her roles in theFX horror anthology television seriesAmerican Horror Story.[208] In its first season,Murder House, she portrayedAdelaide "Addie" Langdon; in the third season,Coven, she portrayedNan, an enigmatic andclairvoyantwitch; in the fourth seasonFreak Show, she portrayed Chester Creb's vision of his doll, Marjorie; in the seventh seasonCult, she portrayed Hedda, a member of the 'SCUM' crew, led by feministValerie Solanas; and she also returned to her role as Nan in the eighth season,Apocalypse. In February 2015, Brewer became the first woman with Down syndrome to walk the red carpet atNew York Fashion Week, for designer Carrie Hammer.[209]
Sofía Jirau is aPuerto Rican model with Down syndrome, working with top designers and renowned media outlets such Vogue Mexico, People, Hola!, among others.[210][211][212] In February 2020, Jirau made her debut atNew York Fashion Week.[213] Then in February 2022, she became the first-ever model with Down Syndrome to be hired by the American retail companyVictoria's Secret.[214] She walked theLA Fashion Week runway in 2022.[215] Jirau launched a campaign in 2021 called Sin Límites or No Limits "which seeks to make visible the challenges facing the Down syndrome community, demonstrate our ability to achieve our goals, and raise awareness about the condition throughout the world."[215]
Life Goes On is an American drama television series that aired onABC from September 12, 1989, to May 23, 1993.[225] The show centers on the Thatcher family living insuburban Chicago: Drew, his wife Libby, and their children Paige, Rebecca and Charles. Charles, called Corky on the show and portrayed byChris Burke, was the first major character on a television series with Down syndrome.[226] Burke's revolutionary role conveyed a realistic portrayal of people with Down syndrome and changed the way audiences viewed people with disabilities.[227]
Struck by Lightning, an Australian film byJerzy Domaradzki and starringGarry McDonald, is a comedy-drama depicting the efforts by a newly appointed physical education teacher to introduce soccer to a specialized school for youths with Down syndrome.
^Using the traditional numbering; the current numbering scheme retains human chromosome numbers, using 2A and 2B instead of 2 and 3 to refer to the two chromosomes that fused intochromosome 2 in humans.[203]
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^Evans-Martin FF (2009).Down Syndrome. Genes & Disease. New York: Infobase Publishing. p. 13.ISBN9781438119502. Retrieved20 March 2020.There is also very little representation of Down syndrome in art over the centuries. Only a few paintings, such as the sixteenth century Flemish paintingThe Adoration of the Christ Child, have been identified in which characters appear to have facial features and other characteristics typical of Down syndrome.
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External links
Wikimedia Commons has media related toDown syndrome.