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On 1 July 2009, the 26 districts ofLatvia (Latvian:rajoni,sg.rajons), introduced in 1949 by theSoviet occupation authorities to supersedecounties (apriņķi,sg.apriņķis, e.g.Rīgas apriņķis) of the Republic of Latvia, were divided into 77cities (Latvian:pilsētas,sg.pilsēta), 10 amalgamated municipalities (Latvian:novadi,sg.novads), 24 rural territories (Latvian:lauku teritorijas,sg.lauku teritorija) and 475 parishes (Latvian:pagasti,sg.pagasts).
The previous administrative reform had been enacted in 1990 upon therestoration of the independence of Latvia, when parishes, which had been abolished from 1945 to 1949 during theSoviet occupation in favour ofvillage councils (ciemu padomes,sg. ciema padome), were restored.
Thenew divisions were in force from 2009 to 2021, when they were superseded by the 2021 reform (seeAdministrative divisions of Latvia).