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Not to be confused withDiffiety.

Inmathematics, adiffeology on a set generalizes the concept of smooth charts in adifferentiable manifold, by declaring what constitutes the "smooth parametrizations" into the set.

The concept was first introduced byJean-Marie Souriau in the 1980s under the nameEspace différentiel[1][2] and later developed by his studentsPaul Donato[3] andPatrick Iglesias.[4][5] A related idea was introduced byKuo-Tsaï Chen (陳國才,Chen Guocai) in the 1970s, using convex sets instead of open sets for the domains of the plots.[6]

Intuitive definition


Recall that atopological manifold is atopological space which is locally homeomorphic toRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}.Differentiable manifolds (also called smooth manifolds) generalize the notion of smoothness onRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} in the following sense: a differentiable manifold is a topological manifold with a differentiableatlas, i.e. a collection of maps from open subsets ofRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} to the manifold which are used to "pull back" the differential structure fromRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} to the manifold.

Adiffeological space consists of a set together with a collection of maps (called adiffeology) satisfying suitable axioms, which are used to characterize smoothness of the space in a way similar to charts of an atlas.

A smooth manifold can be equivalently defined as a diffeological space which is locally diffeomorphic toRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}. But there are many diffeological spaces which do not carry any local model, nor a sufficiently interesting underlying topological space. Diffeology is therefore suitable to treat examples of objects more general than manifolds.

Formal definition


Adiffeology on a setX{\displaystyle X} consists of a collection of maps, calledplots or parametrizations, fromopen subsets ofRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} (for alln0{\displaystyle n\geq 0}) toX{\displaystyle X} such that the following axioms hold:

Note that the domains of different plots can be subsets ofRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}} for different values ofn{\displaystyle n}; in particular, any diffeology contains the elements of its underlying set as the plots withn=0{\displaystyle n=0}. A set together with a diffeology is called adiffeological space.

More abstractly, a diffeological space is a concretesheaf on thesite of open subsets ofRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}, for alln0{\displaystyle n\geq 0}, and open covers.[7]



A map between diffeological spaces is calledsmooth if and only if its composite with any plot of the first space is a plot of the second space. It is called adiffeomorphism if it is smooth,bijective, and itsinverse is also smooth. By construction, given a diffeological spaceX{\displaystyle X}, its plots defined onU{\displaystyle U} are precisely all the smooth maps fromU{\displaystyle U} toX{\displaystyle X}.

Diffeological spaces form acategory where themorphisms are smooth maps. The category of diffeological spaces is closed under many categorical operations: for instance, it isCartesian closed,complete andcocomplete, and more generally it is aquasitopos.[7]



Any diffeological space is automatically atopological space with the so-calledD-topology:[8] thefinaltopology such that all plots arecontinuous (with respect to theeuclidean topology onRn{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{n}}).

In other words, a subsetUX{\displaystyle U\subset X} is open if and only iff1(U){\displaystyle f^{-1}(U)} is open for any plotf{\displaystyle f} onX{\displaystyle X}. Actually, the D-topology is completely determined by smoothcurves, i.e. a subsetUX{\displaystyle U\subset X} is open if and only ifc1(U){\displaystyle c^{-1}(U)} is open for any smooth mapc:RX{\displaystyle c:\mathbb {R} \to X}.[9]

The D-topology is automaticallylocally path-connected[10] and a differentiable map between diffeological spaces is automaticallycontinuous between their D-topologies.[5]

Additional structures


A Cartan-De Rham calculus can be developed in the framework of diffeologies, as well as a suitable adaptation of the notions offiber bundles,homotopy, etc.[5] However, there is not a canonical definition oftangent spaces andtangent bundles for diffeological spaces.[11]



Trivial examples

  • Any set can be endowed with thecoarse (or trivial, or indiscrete)diffeology, i.e. the largest possible diffeology (any map is a plot). The corresponding D-topology is thetrivial topology.
  • Any set can be endowed with thediscrete (or fine)diffeology, i.e. the smallest possible diffeology (the only plots are the locally constant maps). The corresponding D-topology is thediscrete topology.
  • Any topological space can be endowed with thecontinuous diffeology, whose plots are allcontinuous maps.



Anydifferentiable manifoldM{\displaystyle M} can be assigned the diffeology consisting of all smooth maps from all open subsets of Euclidean spaces into it. This diffeology will contain not only the charts ofM{\displaystyle M}, but also all smooth curves intoM{\displaystyle M}, all constant maps (with domains open subsets of Euclidean spaces), etc. The D-topology recovers the original manifold topology. With this diffeology, a map between two smooth manifolds is smooth in the usual sense if and only if it is smooth in the diffeological sense. Accordingly, smooth manifolds with smooth maps form afull subcategory of the category of diffeological spaces.

This procedure similarly assigns diffeologies to other spaces that possess a smooth structure that is determined by a local model. More precisely, each of the examples below form a full subcategory of diffeological spaces.

Constructions from other diffeological spaces


Wire/spaghetti diffeology


Thewire diffeology (orspaghetti diffeology) onR2{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{2}} is the diffeology whose plots factor locally throughR{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} }. More precisely, a mapp:UR2{\displaystyle p:U\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} is a plot if and only if for everyuU{\displaystyle u\in U} there is an open neighbourhoodVU{\displaystyle V\subseteq U} ofu{\displaystyle u} such thatp|V=qF{\displaystyle p|_{V}=q\circ F} for two plotsF:VR{\displaystyle F:V\to \mathbb {R} } andq:RR2{\displaystyle q:\mathbb {R} \to \mathbb {R} ^{2}}. This diffeology does not coincide with the standard diffeology onR2{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{2}}: for instance, the identityid:R2R2{\displaystyle \mathrm {id} :\mathbb {R} ^{2}\to \mathbb {R} ^{2}} is not a plot in the wire diffeology.[5]

This example can be enlarged to diffeologies whose plots factor locally throughRr{\displaystyle \mathbb {R} ^{r}}. More generally, one can consider therank-r{\displaystyle r}-restricted diffeology on a smooth manifoldM{\displaystyle M}: a mapUM{\displaystyle U\to M} is a plot if and only if the rank of itsdifferential is less or equal thanr{\displaystyle r}. Forr=1{\displaystyle r=1} one recovers the wire diffeology.[17]

Other examples


Subductions and inductions


Analogously to the notions ofsubmersions andimmersions between manifolds, there are two special classes of morphisms between diffeological spaces. Asubduction is a surjective functionf:XY{\displaystyle f:X\to Y} between diffeological spaces such that the diffeology ofY{\displaystyle Y} is the pushforward of the diffeology ofX{\displaystyle X}. Similarly, aninduction is an injective functionf:XY{\displaystyle f:X\to Y} between diffeological spaces such that the diffeology ofX{\displaystyle X}is the pullback of the diffeology ofY{\displaystyle Y}. Note that subductions and inductions are automatically smooth.

It is instructive to consider the case whereX{\displaystyle X} andY{\displaystyle Y} are smooth manifolds.

In the category of diffeological spaces, subductions are precisely the strongepimorphisms, and inductions are precisely the strongmonomorphisms. A map that is both a subduction and induction is a diffeomorphism.[17]


  1. ^Souriau, J. M. (1980), García, P. L.; Pérez-Rendón, A.; Souriau, J. M. (eds.),"Groupes differentiels",Differential Geometrical Methods in Mathematical Physics, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 836, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 91–128,doi:10.1007/bfb0089728,ISBN 978-3-540-10275-5, retrieved2022-01-16
  2. ^Souriau, Jean-Marie (1984), Denardo, G.; Ghirardi, G.; Weber, T. (eds.),"Groupes différentiels et physique mathématique",Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 201, Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, pp. 511–513,doi:10.1007/bfb0016198,ISBN 978-3-540-13335-3, retrieved2022-01-16
  3. ^Donato, Paul (1984).Revêtement et groupe fondamental des espaces différentiels homogènes [Coverings and fundamental groups of homogeneous differential spaces] (in French). Marseille: ScD thesis,Université de Provence.
  4. ^Iglesias, Patrick (1985).Fibrés difféologiques et homotopie [Diffeological fiber bundles and homotopy](PDF) (in French). Marseille: ScD thesis,Université de Provence.
  5. ^abcdIglesias-Zemmour, Patrick (2013-04-09).Diffeology. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs. Vol. 185. American Mathematical Society.doi:10.1090/surv/185.ISBN 978-0-8218-9131-5.
  6. ^Chen, Kuo-Tsai (1977)."Iterated path integrals".Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society.83 (5):831–879.doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1977-14320-6.ISSN 0002-9904.
  7. ^abBaez, John; Hoffnung, Alexander (2011)."Convenient categories of smooth spaces".Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.363 (11):5789–5825.arXiv:0807.1704.doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-2011-05107-X.ISSN 0002-9947.
  8. ^Iglesias, Patrick (1985).Fibrés difféologiques et homotopie [Diffeological fiber bundles and homotopy](PDF) (in French). Marseille: ScD thesis,Université de Provence.Definition 1.2.3
  9. ^abcChristensen, John Daniel; Sinnamon, Gordon; Wu, Enxin (2014-10-09)."The D -topology for diffeological spaces".Pacific Journal of Mathematics.272 (1):87–110.arXiv:1302.2935.doi:10.2140/pjm.2014.272.87.ISSN 0030-8730.
  10. ^Laubinger, Martin (2006)."Diffeological spaces".Proyecciones.25 (2):151–178.doi:10.4067/S0716-09172006000200003.ISSN 0717-6279.
  11. ^Christensen, Daniel; Wu, Enxin (2016). "Tangent spaces and tangent bundles for diffeological spaces".Cahiers de Topologie et Geométrie Différentielle Catégoriques.57 (1):3–50.arXiv:1411.5425.
  12. ^Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick; Karshon, Yael; Zadka, Moshe (2010)."Orbifolds as diffeologies"(PDF).Transactions of the American Mathematical Society.362 (6):2811–2831.doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-10-05006-3.JSTOR 25677806.S2CID 15210173.
  13. ^Gürer, Serap; Iglesias-Zemmour, Patrick (2019)."Differential forms on manifolds with boundary and corners".Indagationes Mathematicae.30 (5):920–929.doi:10.1016/j.indag.2019.07.004.
  14. ^Hain, Richard M. (1979)."A characterization of smooth functions defined on a Banach space".Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society.77 (1):63–67.doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-1979-0539632-8.ISSN 0002-9939.
  15. ^Losik, Mark (1992)."О многообразиях Фреше как диффеологических пространствах" [Fréchet manifolds as diffeological spaces].Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat. (in Russian).5:36–42 – viaAll-Russian Mathematical Portal.
  16. ^Losik, Mark (1994)."Categorical differential geometry".Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques.35 (4):274–290.
  17. ^abBlohmann, Christian (2023-01-06). "Elastic diffeological spaces".arXiv:2301.02583 [math.DG].
  18. ^Donato, Paul; Iglesias, Patrick (1985). "Exemples de groupes difféologiques: flots irrationnels sur le tore" [Examples of diffeological groups: irrational flows on the torus].C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I (in French).301 (4):127–130.MR 0799609.
  19. ^Karshon, Yael; Miyamoto, David; Watts, Jordan (2022-04-21). "Diffeological submanifolds and their friends".arXiv:2204.10381 [math.DG].
  20. ^Joris, Henri (1982-09-01)."Une C∞-application non-immersive qui possède la propriété universelle des immersions".Archiv der Mathematik (in French).39 (3):269–277.doi:10.1007/BF01899535.ISSN 1420-8938.

External links

  • Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour:Diffeology (book), Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 185, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI USA [2013].
  • Patrick Iglesias-Zemmour:Diffeology (many documents)
  • Global hub on diffeology and related topics
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