Jacques de Vaulx (Jacques de Vau de Claye),Les premieres Oeuvres de Jacques de Vaulx, Le Havre, 1584, f.26v,La Figure de l'autre moitie du globe terrestre avant le Pole antarticqe,Bibliothèque nationale de France.[19]
Sarah Toulouse has published a more detailed and comprehensive list of 37 charts and atlases made between 1542 and 1635 and belonging to the Dieppe or Norman school of marine cartography.[20]
Guillaume Le Testu's 1556Cosmographie Universel, 4ème projection, where the northward extending promontory of theTerre australe is calledGrande Jave.
Because many of the inscriptions on the Dieppe maps are written inFrench,Portuguese or Gallicised Portuguese, it has often been assumed that the Dieppe school of mapmakers were working fromPortuguese sources that no longer exist. It has been assumed that Portuguesecartographers were bribed for information of the latest discoveries, despite the official Portuguese ‘Politica de sigilo’ (‘policy of silence’). TheCantino map of 1502 (not a Dieppe school map) shows evidence of second-hand Portuguese sources, and this has been taken by some as supporting evidence for this assumption.[21]
Common features of most of the Dieppe world maps (see Vallard 1547, Desceliers 1550) are thecompass roses and navigationalrhumb lines, suggestive of asea-chart. However, the maps are best understood as works of art, clearly intended to be spread out on a table, and containing information on the latest discoveries, side by side with mythological references and illustrations. For example, the Desceliers 1550 map carries descriptions of earlyFrench attempts tocolonise Canada, the conquests ofPeru by theSpanish and the Portuguese sea-trade among theSpice Islands. On the same map can be found descriptions of legendaryCathay, kingPrester John inEthiopia, and the race ofAmazons in Russia.[22] Other Dieppe maps also carry fictitious features such as theMarco Polo inspiredZanzibar/Îles des Geanz. (see Vallard 1547, Rotz 1542 and Dauphin c. 1536–42). As with other maps made before the 17th century, the Dieppe maps show no knowledge oflongitude. Whilelatitude could be marked in degrees as observed byastrolabe orquadrant,easting could only be given in distance.[23]Mercator's projection first appeared in 1568–9, a development too late to influence the Dieppe cartographers.
Most of the Dieppe maps depict a large land mass entitledJave la Grande orterre de lucac (Locach) between what is nowIndonesia andAntarctica. In the English-speaking world particularly, academic and popular interest in the Dieppe maps over the last 150 years has focused largely on this feature of the maps. This is because Jave la Grande is thought by some writers to provide clues of a possible Portuguese exploration of Australia's coasts in the 1520s. However, the most recent academic writings on the Dieppe maps by Carile (1997), Brunelle (2007) and King (2009) have suggested that the maps need to be considered in their entirety, and consideration needs to be given to what they reveal about various influences on the mapmakers, as well as French aspirations.
This group of writers argue that the maps are not necessarily literal records of voyages of exploration. On the 1543 world chart of Guillaume Brouscon this feature, the northern part ofTERRE OSTRALE (Terra Australis), is calledterre de lucac (Locach); on this chart,la Jave grande refers to Java, andJave refers to an island to its east (Bali,Lombok orSumbawa). Similarly, on the 1570Carte cosmographique ou Universelle description du monde of Jean Cossin, an originator of thesinusoidal projection, this feature is calledTerre de lucac,[24] as it is also by Jacques de Vaulx on his chart. On the so-called Pasterot atlas (British Library MS Egerton 1513) it is calledIOCAT, another form of Locach.
It is noteworthy that theUnfortunate Isles(Islas Infortunadas) discovered duringMagellan's voyage across the Pacific in 1522 appear on the Dieppe maps, renamed with a corrupted version of his name asysles de magna andye de saill or some slight variation thereof, and displaced to the vicinity of Jave la Grande / Lucach.[25]
Professor Gayle K. Brunelle ofCalifornia State University has argued that, although the Dieppe school of cartographers was active for only a generation – from about 1535 to 1562 – the cartographers associated with it were acting as propagandists for French geographic knowledge and territorial claims in theNew World. The decades when the Dieppe school was flourishing were also the decades in which French trade with the New World was at its 16th-century height, in terms of the North Atlantic fish trade, the still fledgling fur trade, and, most important for the cartographers, the rivalry with the Portuguese for control of the coasts of Brazil and the supplies of lucrativeBrazilwood. Brunelle states that the Dieppe cartographers accessed cartographic skills and geographic knowledge from Portuguese mariners, pilots, and geographers working in France, at the same time as they were producing maps meant to emphasize French dominion over the New World, both inNewfoundland and in Brazil, that the Portuguese also claimed. Portuguese-style maps, in particular, became the basis for the work of other cartographers produced for courts throughout Europe, so much so that at times Italian, French, German, or Flemish map makers did not even bother to translate the Portuguese inscriptions they had 'borrowed' from Portuguese maps.[26] Brunelle noted that, in design and decorative style the Dieppe school maps represented a blending of the latest geographical and nautical knowledge circulating in Europe (and theportolan style of depicting coastlines), with older conceptualizations of world geography deriving fromPtolemy andmediaeval cartographers and explorers such asMarco Polo.Renaissance mapmakers such as those based in Dieppe relied heavily on each other's work, as well as on maps from previous generations, and thus their maps represented a mixture of old and new data and even differing conceptualizations of space, often coexisting uneasily in the same map.[27]
The Dieppe maps all depict the hypothetical southern continent,Terra Australis, incorporating a huge promontory extending northward called "Jave la Grande". According to the French geographer Numa Broc, Terra Australis found its most inspired illustrator in the pilot-cartographer ofLe Havre,Guillaume Le Testu.[28] Le Testu'sCosmographie Universelle, the sumptuous atlas he presented in 1556 toGaspard II de Coligny, Grand Admiral of France, constituted a veritable encyclopaedia of the geographic and ethnographic knowledge of the time. French historian Frank Lestringant has said: "Thenautical fiction of Le Testu fulfilled the conditions of a technical instrumentality, while giving toKing Henry II and his minister, Admiral Coligny, the… anticipatory image of an empire that awaited to be brought into being".[29] In theCosmographie twelve vividly coloured charts are devoted to a survey of the fictitious continent Terra Australis. In these charts, Le Testu drew the outlines of an enormousAustral continent which covered the southern part of the globe and filled a considerable part of theIndian Ocean. This imaginary land derived from theAntichthone of the Greeks and had already been reactivated, notably by the mathematician and cosmographerOronce Fine (1531) and by Le Testu's predecessors of the Dieppe school. According to the Portuguese historian Paolo Carile, the attitude of Le Testu reveals a cultural conflict between the old cosmographic beliefs and the demands of an empirical concept of geographical and ethnographical knowledge, influenced by the rigour of hisCalvinist faith. Carile notes that while on the iconographic side Le Testu depicts an Austral Continent with strangely tropical conditions incorporating beasts drawn from fantasy and old legends, on the other side he nullifies these leaps of imagination by his admission that the land shown as part of the Terra Australis was still unknown and what was marked out on his map was based solely on imagination and surmise.[30]
The cartographers of the Dieppe school incorporated into their world maps the cosmographic concepts ofOronce Fine, the first Professor of Mathematics at the Collège Royal in Paris (now the Collège de France). His 1531 world map was published in 1532 in theNovus Orbis Regionum ac Insularum. Fine's cosmography was derived from that of the German mathematician,Johannes Schöner.[31] In his study of Schöner's globes, Franz von Wieser, found that the derivation of Fine's mappemonde from them was "unverkennbar" ("unmistakeable").[32] Lucien Gallois noted in 1890, as Franz von Wieser had done before him, the undeniable "ressemblance parfaite" ("perfect resemblance") between Fine's 1531 mappemonde and Schöner's 1533 globe.[33] Schöner's globe of 1523 also closely resembled Fine's mappemonde, proving that Schöner's cosmographic concepts pre-dated those of Finé. Albert Anthiaume wrote in 1911:
Whence had the Norman cartographers drawn the idea of this continent [la Terre Australe]? From the bicordiform mappemonde of Oronce Finé (1531), which he in turn had borrowed, according to Gallois, from Schoener....Most of the Norman cartographers, and particularly Le Testu, knew the works of Oronce Finé.[34]
One place name in particular on the Dieppe maps, thebaie bresille on northwest coast the 1542 Rotz map'sLande of Java, which appears asBaye bresille on the Harleian,Baye bresill on the Desceliers andBaie Braecillie on Le Testu'sGrande Jave of 1556, illustrates the reliance of their makers on the Schöner/Finé cosmography. Armand Rainaud noted in 1893 that this appellation, "without doubt comes from the globes of Schoener and the maps of Oronce Fine".[35] On Finé's 1531 mappemonde,BRASIELIE REGIO is shown as part of the Terra Australis lying to the east of Africa and to the south of Java, just where Schöner locatedBRASIELIE REGIO on his 1523 globe, and where the Dieppe maps locate theirBaye Bresille.[36]
Another indication of this reliance is given by the placement ofCATIGARA (Kattigara) on the western coast ofSouth America on the mid-1540s Harleian mappemonde and on Le Testu's 1556 map of western South America: the same location it occupied on Fine's 1531 mappemonde and on Schöner's 1523 and 1533 globes.Kattigara orCattigara was understood by the 2nd-centuryAlexandriangeographerPtolemy to be a port and emporium on the eastern side of theSinus Magnus ("Great Gulf"), the actualGulf of Thailand.[37] The 1507Waldseemüller map showsCatigara in this location. Following the 1519–1521 circumnavigation of the world by the expedition led byFerdinand Magellan and completed after his death in the Philippines by Sebastian deJuan Sebastián Elcano, Schöner identified the Pacific Ocean with Ptolemy'sSinus Magnus, which he labelled on his 1523 globe,SINUS MAGNUS EOV[um]MARE DE SUR (the Great Gulf, Eastern Sea, South Sea").[38] The eastern side of the Sinus Magnus, which Schöner took to be the peninsula of India Superior (Indochina) where Cattigara was located, was therefore identified by him withSouth America, which on his 1533 globe bears the inscription,America, Indiae superioris et Asiae continentis pars ("America, a part of India Superior and of the Asian continent"). Cattigara was accordingly located on Schöner's 1523 and 1533 globes on the western coast of South America.CATIGARA occupied the same location on Fine's mappemonde, as it also did on the Dieppe school maps, the mid-1540s Harleian mappemonde and Le Testu's 1556 map of western South America.
Globe by Jacques de Vau de Claye (1583) showing "Terre de Beac/Locac" as a peninsula of the "Terre Australle".
The extent of French knowledge concerning Terra Australis in the mid-16th century is indicated byLancelot Voisin de La Popelinière, who in 1582 publishedLes Trois Mondes, a work setting out the history of the discovery of the globe. InLes Trois Mondes, La Popelinière pursued a geopolitical design by using cosmographic conjectures which were at the time quite credible, to theorize a colonial expansion by France into the Austral territories. His country, eliminated from colonial competition in the New World after a series of checks at the hands of the Portuguese and Spanish, could only thenceforward orient her expansion toward this "third world". He declared: "to the ambition of the French is promised the Terre Australe, a territory which could not but be filled with all kinds of goods and things of excellence".[39] Taking up an earlier proposal byAndré d'Albaigne and inspired by Le Testu's description of Terra Australis, La Popelinière described in eloquent terms this unknown "third world" which would complete theOld World and theNew World. He wrote;
"it is a land extending towards the South, or Midi, to thirty degrees from the Equator, of much greater extent than the whole of America, only discovered byMagellan when he passed through the strait that is the passage between the Austral land and the southern quarter of America to go to theMoluccas... We know nothing of so fine, so great a country, which can have no less of wealth nor other properties than the Old and New Worlds".[40]
It is noteworthy that La Popelinière believed that only Ferdinand Magellan had actually sighted the southern continent, in the shape ofTierra del Fuego. He was apparently ignorant thatFrancis Drake sailed through open sea to the south of Tierra del Fuego in 1578, proving it to be an island and not, as Magellan had supposed, part of Terra Australis. La Popelinière, the would be colonist, gave no indication that he thought that anyone, French, Portuguese or otherwise, had visited the part of Terra Australis shown on the Dieppe maps as "Jave la Grande".
Debates over the theory of Portuguese discovery of Australia
Discussion of the Dieppe maps in contemporary Australia (except for the work of Robert J. King) is exclusively confined to theJave la Grande feature.[41] In the media, the maps are sometimes mistakenly described as Portuguese.[42][43][44]
Map detail of Terre Australe by Desceliers, 1550
The first writer to put these maps forward as evidence of Portuguese discovery of Australia wasAlexander Dalrymple in 1786, in a short note to hisMemoir Concerning the Chagos and Adjacent Islands.[45] Dalrymple was intrigued enough to publish 200 copies of the Dauphin map.[46]
Since then a number of other writers have contributed to the debate about the "Jave La Grande" landmass that appears on the Dieppe maps. These include;
French diplomat and geographer, Charles Etienne Coquebert de Montbret, having examined the Harleian world map and Rotz atlas at the British Museum in 1802, proposed in a lecture to the Société Philomathique de Paris in 1803 that itsLande of Java was evidence of a discovery of the east coast of Australia by Portuguese based in the Moluccas, who perhaps were accompanied by French seafarers, who thereby obtained the intelligence upon which the maps were prepared. His claim was rebutted by Frédéric Metz in a letter to theRevue Philosophique, Littéraire et Politique of 11 November 1805. Metz noted the absence ofNew Guinea and theGulf of Carpentaria, and pointed out that a chart that recorded the voyage of navigators who had gone as far as the southern extremity of the east coast of Australia could not have failed to indicate the breadth of sea that separated Australia from Java, whereas the Rotz map showed only a narrow channel between the two.[47]
R. H. Major, in 1859, then Keeper of Maps in theBritish Museum, who wroteEarly Voyages to Terra Australis, arguing "Java La Grande" was Australia's west and east coastline.[48]
Of the Dieppe maps, the Rotz (1547), the Harleian or Dauphin (mid-1540s), and the Desceliers (1550) were published by the British Museum in 1885,[49] and were described byJoseph Maiden in an 1886 article. He accepted that they showed Australia and were of Portuguese origin.[50]
James R. McClymont believed that "Jave la Grande" on the Dieppe maps was a theoretical construct and not the result of an actual discovery of Australia. In 1892, he drew attention to the similarity of the "Jave la Grande" of the Dieppe maps with the outline of the coasts of South America and noted the placement on it of American place names such as Baye bresill, and presented this as proof of "the complete absence of all 9connection between the theory of a Terra Australis and the geographical fact of the Australian continent". His lament was that, "to this day a confusion exists between these distinct phenomena, which blurs the outlines of early Australian history". McClymont cited the Franco-Portuguese navigator and cosmographerJean Alfonse who, in his work of 1544,La Cosmographie, identified Java Minor (Sumatra) as an island but Java Major (Java) as part of the continent of Terra Australis, which extended as far as the Antarctic Pole and theStrait of Magellan. Based on a faulty reading ofMarco Polo,Alfonse wrote inLa Cosmographie: "La Grand Jave is a land that goes as far as under the Antarctic Pole and from the Terre Australle in the west to the land of the Strait of Magellan on the eastern side. Some say that it is islands but from what I have seen of it, it is a continent [terre ferme]... That which is called Jave Mynore is an island, but la Grand Jave is terra firma."[51][52][53][54][55]
George Collingridge wroteThe Discovery of Australia in 1895[56] and reproduced a number of the "Jave La Grande" sections of several Dieppe maps for English speaking audiences. He also argued "Jave La Grande" was substantially Australia's coastline. Collingridge produced a shorter version of this book for use in New South Wales schools; The First Discovery of Australia and New Guinea in 1906. It was not used.[57]
Edward Heawood, Librarian of the Royal Geographical Society, London, noted in 1899 that the argument for the coasts of Australia having been reached early in the 16th century rested almost entirely on the fact that "early in the sixteenth century a certain unknown map-maker drew a large land, with indications of definite knowledge of its coasts, in the quarter of the globe in which Australia is placed". He pointed out that "a difficulty arises from the necessity of supposing at least two separate voyages of discovery, one on each coast, though absolutely no record of any such exists". He concluded: "the slight reliance to be placed on the French maps with respect to outlying parts of the world, and the influence still exercised by the old writers, is shown by their delineation ofJapan, the insertion of an Isle des Géants in the Southern Indian oceans, and of Catigara on the west coast of South America, as also by the fictitious coast-line of a southern continent... This should surely make us hesitate to base so important assumption as that of a discovery of Australia in the 16th century on their unsupported testimony".[58] Heawood subsequently said he thought there was an "extraordinarily slight foundation" for the idea of a discovery of Australia early in the 16th century, "considering the vagueness of the delineation of the southern land, and the fact that this is not limited to the position of Australia, but stretches completely round the southern hemisphere, in some (including the earliest) of the maps". That it came farthest north where Australia happened to be was merely due to the arbitrary junction with Java, of which the southern coast was then unknown, and which from Marco Polo's time had been thought to be of enormous extent. Heawood noted that thePierre Desceliers mappemondes of 1536 and 1550 bore a picture of cannibals onJave la Grande, which appeared to have been copied from a similar tableau on the island of Java on MartinWaldseemüller's 1516Carta Marina.[59] Heawood concluded that this seemed to add strength to the argument for a hypothetical origin forJave la Grande, Waldseemüller's representation of Java with its cannibals on theCarta Marina serving as the first stage in the process of its evolution".[60]
In 1902, the historian Charles de La Roncière argued for a French origin for Jave la Grande: "Besides spices and other valuable merchandise, theParmentier expedition (of 1529) brought back vague ideas on Australia or Jave-la-Grande, which left traces in the contemporary Dieppe cartography".[61]
In an article in an 1874 issue of theMagazine of American History, historianBenjamin Franklin DeCosta discussed theLenox Globe, which was probably manufactured in France in the early sixteenth century. De Costa drew attention to a large unnamed land mass depicted on it in the southern part of the eastern hemisphere and suggested that this land represented Australia. If so, he said, "it would be necessary to conclude that, although misplaced upon the Lenox Globe, Australia was known to the geographers of that early period."[62] But in a subsequent study of the similar globe held by the Jagiellonian University in Crakow,Tadeusz Estreicher stated: "This land can only be America and we must assume that the island represents South America but certainly in the wrong place. This assumption becomes certainty when we find on the Jagellon globe that the island bears the inscriptionAMERICA NOVITER REPERTA [America newly discovered]". That is, the maker of the globe depicted South America twice on the globes, in opposite hemispheres, an indication of uncertainty as to its true location resulting from alternative measurements of longitude and of the size of the earth.[63]
Ida Lee suggested in 1904 that the first discovery of the Australian continent was due to Sebastian Cabot in 1499.[64]
The geographer Lucien Gallois concluded in 1912: “The great austral continent that appears on the French maps of the first part of the sixteenth century is obviously an appendage to the north coast of Java, thought of as the beginning of a land that extends far toward the south. The naming on the east and west coasts of this continent is absolute fantasy".[65]
Ernest Scott, first Professor of History at theUniversity of Melbourne, wrote on the significance of Dieppe Maps in several books between 1916 and 1929. He argued that while intriguing, the Dieppe maps alone could not be accepted as evidence the Portuguese had a knowledge of Australia in the 16th century.[66] In the Introduction toAustralian Discovery by Sea, Scott explained that the Dieppe mapmaker Desceliers had: "connected up Java withPtolemy's imaginary outline of Terra Incognita, and also with the outline of the land which Magellan saw to the south of him when he sailed through his strait in 1520. But in so doing he played tricks with Ptolemy's frank confession of ignorance. He did not like the look of Ptolemy's plain line, so he serrated it. He actually attributed names to the teeth of the saw as if they were real capes, and showed rivers flowing into the gaps between. He produced a pretty and mysterious-looking map, which geographically was a hoax. There is no land where Desceliers marked those capes and streams. There is no continent stretching from Java to South America on the one side and to the south of Africa on the other. In joining up Java with Ptolemy's line he necessarily covered the area where the real continent of Australia was, and accidentally produced a certain delusive resemblance to part of the outline of that land. Desceliers' map does not prove that up to this date any navigator had seen any portion of Australia".[67]
G. Arnold Wood, Professor of History at the University of Sydney, gave several reasons in his authoritativeDiscovery of Australia (1922) for regarding with suspicion the claim advanced on behalf of the Dieppe maps. He said it seemed exceedingly unlikely that voyages took place during this period that would have enabled cosmographers to draw maps of the western, northern, and eastern coasts of Australia. There was no record, no hint, in contemporary narratives, of a single voyage of discovery on those coasts: "When I think of the enormous difficulties of navigation on these Australian coasts, of the scanty naval equipment of the handful of Portuguese, who, in 1512, had just arrived at the Moluccas, and of the lack of motive for voyages of detailed and scientific survey, I feel that nothing but evidence of the most unanswerable nature would induce me to accept those maps as representing the discovery of Australia." At that time it was the fashion to fill vacant spaces in the South with continents which were the result not of discoveries but of philosophical speculations. Java was an island that had for centuries enjoyed the reputation of being the largest and most magnificent island in the world, an island of from three thousand to seven thousand miles in circuit. To the south of Java,Marco Polo had been understood to say, was "an extensive and rich province that forms a part of the mainland." AndLudovico di Varthema had brought home stories of races of men who navigated by theSouthern Cross, who lived in a country where the day did not last more than four hours, and where it was colder than in any other part of the world. Wood noted thatGerard Mercator interpreted these statements to find a place on the map for Marco Polo's "extensive and rich province" by adding to his Southern Continent a huge promontory stretching northwards towards Java. Mercator wrote upon it that anyone who had read certain chapters in Polo and Varthema would easily believe that very vast regions here existed. But to the Norman cartographers who were aware that the Portuguese had actually visited Java, it may have appeared that a better interpretation could be suggested. Polo and Varthema had not only spoken of a continent south of Java; they had also spoken of Java itself asJava Major, the greatest island in the world. Was it not likely that Java extended far southward? Was it not possible that, like Tierra del Fuego and perhaps New Guinea, it was a tip of the Austral continent with a centre in the South Pole? Wood proposed that the cosmographers might have supposed that immediately to the south of Java, separated only by a narrow channel, lay a great continent which, being virtually a part of Java, Marco Polo'sJava Major, could be calledJave la Grande. Perhaps the "extensive and rich province that forms part of the mainland" was really continuous with Java Major, and might connect it with "the Austral Land not yet wholly discovered." Wood concluded: "on the whole, I am so impressed by the difficulty of explaining these maps as the product of voyages of discovery, and the easiness of explaining them as the product of the imagination working on scientific theories and Marco Polo narratives, that nothing would induce me to accept Jave la Grande as the equivalent of Australia save resemblances in detail of a very undeniable nature".[68]
Klaus Mehnert, professor of the history of the Pacific at the University of Hawaii, examined the cartographic history of the Pacific in 1944, including the maps of Rotz and Desceliers. With regard to the speculation that mapmakers of the early to mid-sixteenth century may have had some actual knowledge of Australia; whether, in other words, Australia was not discovered much earlier than had been generally assumed, he concluded that a closer examination revealed that in coast lines of these maps, including Mercator's of 1569 and that of Ortelius of 1570, "we do not find traces of Australia but only of the wrongly interpreted Marco Polo".[69]
In 1963, Professor Andrew Sharp suggested that the Dieppe cartographers had mistakenly reassembled original unscaled Portuguese charts of Java, resulting in "Jave La Grande". Sharp said that its western coast down to the last named place,Coste Bracq, was a reproduction of a mariner's chart of the coast of the south-western and western end of Java; fromCoste Bracq southward was an arbitrary addition. The cartographer who compiled this composite map of the western coast had no idea of the relative scales of the originals, and influenced by his identification ofJave la Grande with Marco Polo'sJava Major, showed the coast far too big in relation to the established cartography of Sumatra and the north coast of Java. As for the east coast, it was a reproduction of a mariner's chart of part of the southeast coast of Sumba, its eastern extremity and its northeast coast, all joined to Sumbawa. As on the western coast, the eastern coast ofJave la Grande was reproduced on a greatly exaggerated scale, again under the influence of Marco Polo'sJava Major. The separation ofJave la Grande fromJave by the strait ofR. Grande created a Java (Jave) corresponding to Marco Polo'sJava Minor distinct fromJave la Grande. The imagined great land to the south was big enough to satisfy the description of Marco Polo'sJava Major as the biggest island in the world and to become the nucleus for further extensions to the south with some flavour of the legendaryTerra Australis about them.[70]
In 1977, lawyerKenneth McIntyre wroteThe Secret Discovery of Australia. Portuguese ventures 200 years before Captain Cook. This book achieved widespread publicity in Australia. It remains the best known of the books attempting to prove that Jave La Grande is Australia. McIntyre attributed discrepancies in "Java la Grande" to the difficulties of accurately recording positions without a reliable method of determininglongitude, and the techniques used to convert maps to differentprojections.
Robert Langdon concluded in a review of TheSecret Discovery of Australia that he believed that Andrew Sharp satisfactorily explained the Dieppe maps in his bookThe Discovery of Australia: “They were simply clumsy attempts to piece together charts of various parts of Indonesia, plus some conjectured land to the south of it, which were drawn by different people at different times on completely different scales. The resemblances to Australia that can now be seen in them are purely coincidental.”[71]
Roger Hervé, map librarian at theBibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris, argued the Dieppe maps were mainly based on the single voyage of Joäo Afonso in 1525-27, in theSan Lesmes. Hervé claimed that Afonso was driven south from west of the Straits of Magellan, and that he was driven by very unusual winds west to the coast of New Zealand, then on to the coast of Australia, where theSan Lesmes was wrecked (becoming the Warrnambool wreck known as theMahogany Ship). Afonso and the crew then travelled by land or boat up the east coast to the latitude of Rockhampton, where he met up with the crew of the Portuguese, Gomes de Sequeira, who had been exploring the Moluccas. In Hervé's version,Cap de Fremose, which appears on many of the Dieppe maps as an easterly projection of the coast, is identified as New Zealand's East Cape.[72]
In the 1980s,Helen Wallis, then Curator of Maps at theBritish Library, suggested that the French 1529 voyage toSumatra ofJean Parmentier and his brother may have collected information that found its way onto the Dieppe Maps. While admitting the evidence for this was circumstantial, she suggested that perhaps a Dieppe cartographer such as Jean Rotz may have accompanied the expedition.[73]
In 1980, the French geographer Numa Broc commented on Wallis's suggestion: "Unfortunately, the accounts of sailors such as theParmentier brothers or of Jean Alfonse are couched in much too imprecise terms for it to be possible to decide [whether they reached Australia]. Broc noted that the Dieppe cartographers replaced theRegio Patalis ofOronce Fine with aGrande Jave and aPetite Jave, more or less attached to an enormous austral land mass, and that their insistence on speaking of "la Grande Jave" permitted the erection of the hypothesis of a Portuguese or French "pre-discovery" of Australia between 1520 and 1530.[74]
In his exhaustive work onLuis Váez de Torres,Queensland historian Captain Brett Hilder suggested "Jave La Grande" as depicted on the Dieppe maps was simply a mythical continent.[75]
In 1984, Brigadier (ret'd) Lawrence Fitzgerald wroteJava La Grande (sic)[76] In this book he compared the coastlines of "Jave la Grande" as shown on the Dauphin (1536–42) and Desceliers (1550) maps with the modern Australian coastline, arguing theDieppe mapmakers had incorrectly assembled Portuguese charts. He also suggested some of the Dieppe map illustrations found on "Jave la Grande" may relate to Australia.
In his 2004 survey of mapping of the Pacific, Thomas Suarez suggests Jave La Grande is most likely a "whimsy sparked by medieval texts, which suggested a vast Java..." He also points out that some Dieppe chartmakers such as Pierre Desceliers on his 1546 world chart, "accompany it with an inscription stating that it has never been discovered."[77]
In 2007, journalist Peter Trickett's bookBeyond Capricorn[78] was published. This stated that an assembly error had been made by cartographers working on the Vallard Atlas of 1547, and that if part of it was rotated 90 degrees, it became an accurate map of theAustralian coasts, andNew Zealand's north island. He also suggested some of the illustrations and embellishments on "Jave La Grande" may relate to Australia. Some media publicity at the time of the book's release incorrectly suggested the Vallard map is not well known.[79]
Associate Professor William A. R. (Bill) Richardson was former reader inPortuguese and Spanish atFlinders University,South Australia. Since 1983 Richardson has written more than 20 articles on the "Jave La Grande" question for academic journals. Richardson has also criticizedGavin Menzies assertion the Dieppe maps provide clues as to a possibleChinese discovery of Australia.[80] In 2007 he also criticized Trickett's book.[81] In 2006 his bookWas Australia charted before 1606? The Jave La Grande inscriptions was published. Richardson devotes much of this book to considering the "Jave La Grande" connection to Australia and in particular the information thattoponymy (the study of placenames) can provide in identification. His conclusion is that "Jave La Grande" is unmistakably connected to the coast of south-westJava and the southern coast ofVietnam.[82] A difficulty with the explanation put forward by Richardson is that, as he acknowledges, there is no surviving Portuguese chart that bears "an immediately obvious resemblance" to either the west coast ofJave la Grande south ofR: Grande or to its east coast. He therefore suggests that the Portuguese charts that he says were the source for the Dieppe mapmakers "could well have been captured at sea" by French pirates or privateers, or possibly taken by "one of the renegade Portuguese who went to work abroad" to France, where they came into the hands of the Dieppe cartographers.[83]
Richardson's many writings have attracted academic support and criticism. Emeritus Professor Victor Prescott argued that Richardson "brilliantly demolished the argument that Java la Grande show(s) the east coast of Australia."[84] However, Helen Wallis observed: "The place-name interpretations of Bill Richardson are ingenious, but the concept of Java-la-Grande as a composite of southern Java and Indochina is in my view far-fetched and not proven."[85][86] Australian historianAlan Frost has also written that Richardson's argument is "so speculative and convoluted as not to be credible".[87] The Portuguese historian Luis Filipe Thomaz has described Richardson's interpretation as "preposterous".[88]
In his 2010 book on maps, Australian writer Matthew Richardson devoted a chapter to challenging Professor Bill Richardson's thesis. He characterizes Richardson's theory that toponymy showsJave la Grande to be a map of Java joined to Vietnam, as "far-fetched". Yet, he says, it has not been treated as such by the scholarly community, but has found "a warm reception among experienced researchers". He examines sceptically Bill Richardson's place name explanations one by one. On the explanation ofHavre de Sylla on the west coast ofJave la Grande as being a corruption of "Cilacap" (Chilachap) on the south coast of Java, Richardson thinks Collingridge's explanation, that it matchesEgtis Silla on Martin Behaim's globe, is more likely. He notes that "Syllacap", with a sibillant initial and a "c" is an improbable derivative from Chilachap. He concludes that not one place name on the west coast invites identification with the south of Java and that, if part of Java is represented, both scale and orientation are grossly in error. He notes that comparing Jave la Grande with any map of Vietnam, the disparity of scale may quickly be seen. South Vietnam could only have been mistaken for Jave la Grande by an early sixteenth century cartographer if there were no indications on the prototype chart of what in the world it represented. And no answer is given to how they chose a scale which gave it a similar length to Australia's east coast. On the east coast, he says of the explanation ofCap de fremose as a corruption ofCabo decamboja: "So all you have to do is read fr for dec, change a to e, delete the b, change j to s, change a to e, and add de. Both other letters stay the same. In six easy steps of this magnitude, you can derive any name you see from a name you would rather see". He concludes: "One has to ask how the Richardson analysis has gained the credence of experts, despite being easy to discredit".[89]
In a contribution to the University of Chicago'sHistory of Cartography, Sarah Toulouse concluded regarding the Jave-la-Grande of the Norman charts: 'Our present knowledge of the available source material seems to support the idea that this large promontory was as fictional as the rest of Terra Australis. In fact, the Norman cartographers themselves refer to these regions as ones of "land not at all discovered," and in hisCartographie universelle Le Testu is even clearer on the matter when he says that he includes imaginary lands so as to alert navigators to the political dangers that might lie ahead in these unknown seas [folio 34]. Nevertheless, mystery remains—especially as some of the place-names on this imaginary coast are of Portuguese origin, but no known Portuguese map shows Jave-la-Grande as such'.[90]
Writing in theJournal of Northern Territory History in 2012, Pat Zalewski argues that the Dieppe maps are of the Northern Territory and Western Gulf of Carpentaria. He claims the origin for these maps were the Macassans, who were hunting turtle shell in the pre-trepang era, but fails to identify the path by which this information found its way on to the Dieppe maps.
Chet van Duzer concluded in his study of Pierre Desceliers' world map of 1550 that the Jave la Grande on the Norman world maps of the sixteenth century did not represent a pre-discovery of Australia but was "merely an elaboration of the southern land mass as it appeared on Mercator's 1541 globe".[91]
Andrew Eliason has noted that the islandsylhas de magna andye de saill that appear off the east coast ofJave la Grande on the Harleian mappemonde of c.1546, and on other Dieppe Maps under similar names, appear asI. de Mague andI. de Sally onAndré Thevet's map,Quarte Partie du Monde (1575), where they represent two islands discovered by Magellan in 1520,ylhas de magna being a corruption ofysles de maguaillan (Magellan's isles).[92]
In a 2019 article inThe Globe, ProfessorBrian Lees and Associate Professor Shawn Laffan from theUniversity of New South Wales analysed the projections used on the 1542 Jean Rotz mappa mundi (world map). They come to the conclusion that the mappa mundi in Jean Rotz's atlas is a good "first approximation" of the Australian continent and also suggest that the "extension of the east coast may reflect early knowledge of New Zealand." They also say that whoever was responsible for knowledge of the Australian continent being carried back to Europe in the early part of the 16th Century, which led to the construction of Rotz's map, is unknown.[93]
In 2020, local historian Ray Blackwood argued the Dauphin Map shows Australia's coastline from Joseph Bonaparte Gulf in the west to the vicinity of Groote Eylandt in the east.[94][95] He supports his argument by providing a list of "Identifiers" by which he equates named features in the maps with actual features on the Northern Territory coast. He asserts that the promontory "Simbana" on the north of Java la Grande equates with the Cobourg Peninsula with the Tiwi Islands to the west and Croker Island to the east. He puts forth the view that Cape Fremose is a contrivance of convenience by the cartographers of the time whereby they have lumped together the Wessel Islands and the complex of islands around Cape Arnhem because the tidal influences of the area made navigation among them too hazardous for boats of the time.
At an international workshop at the Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon, cartographic historian Robert King said that there was no evidence in Portuguese records and charts of the early 16th century that their navigators discovered Australia. He said that the large southern land, calledJave la Grande, or Terre deLucac, on the world maps of the Dieppe school of marine cartography, which proponents of an early Portuguese discovery adduced in support, could be explained by setting those maps in the context of the development of cosmographic theory and its cartographic expression from Henricus Martellus to Gerard Mercator, 1491-1569. The southern continent of the Dieppe cartographers, like Mercator’s southern continent with its promontory ofBeach (Locach), were the product not of actual discovery by French or Portuguese navigators but of imaginative extrapolation from a few mis-identified or misplaced coasts in the southern hemisphere. Following Magellan’s expedition of 1519-1522, mis-identification ofMarco Polo's Java Minor (Sumatra) with the island ofMadura allowed the southern coast of Java Major (Java) to remain undefined, despite the survivors of Magellan’s expedition having made their return voyage to Spain by the south of Java (Java Major) rather than through the strait between Madura andJava as was understood fromAntonio Pigafetta's account of the voyage. This permitted cartographers to identify Java Major as a promontory ofTerra Australis and with Marco Polo’sLocach. An adaptation ofOronce Fine’s map of 1531 formed the basis of the world maps ofGerardus Mercator and the Dieppe cartographers. With them, theRegio Patalis, shown as a promontory of the Terra Australis on Fine’s map, was identified with Marco Polo's Java Major, or Locach (also known as Beach). Theysles de magna andye. de saill, shown off the east coast of Jave la Grande on the Harleian map, which appear asI. de Mague andI. de Sally onAndré Thevet’sQuarte Partie du Monde, represent the two islands discovered by Magellan during his voyage across the Pacific in 1522, which he called theDesventuradas, orIslas Infortunatos (Unfortunate Isles).The Jave la Grande and Terre de Lucac of the Dieppe maps represented Marco Polo's Java Major and Locach, displaced by the map-makers who misconstrued the information on Southeast Asia and America brought back by Portuguese and Spanish navigators.[96]
^Richardson, W.A.R. (2006).Was Australia charted before 1606? The Jave La Grande inscriptions. Canberra, National Library of Australia, P.96,ISBN0-642-27642-0
^McIntyre, K.G. (1977)The Secret Discovery of Australia, Portuguese ventures 200 years before Cook, p. 207. Souvenir Press, MenindieISBN0-285-62303-6
^Herve, R. (1983). Translated by John Dunmore.Chance Discovery of Australia and New Zealand by Portuguese and Spanish Navigators between 1521 and 1528. Palmerston North, New Zealand. The Dunmore Press, p. 19.ISBN0-86469-013-4. Herve provides a slightly different list of Dieppe Maps
^E. C. Abendanon, "An Important Atlas in the British Museum",The Geographical Journal, vol. 57, no. 4, 1921, pp. 284–289; Helen Wallis, "The Enigma of the Dieppe Maps", Glyndwr Williams & Alan Frost (eds.),Terra Australis to Australia, Oxford University Press, 1988, p.70.
^Robert J. King, "Cartographic Drift: Pulo Condor and theysles de magna andye de saill on the Dieppe Maps",The Globe, no.87, 2020, pp.1-22.
^Gayle K. Brunelle, "Images of empire: Francis I and his Cartographers", M. Gosman, A. MacDonald, A. Vanderjagt (eds.),Princes and Princely Culture: 1450-1650, Leiden, BRILL, Vol.I, 2003, pp. 81–103, 98–99.
^Gayle K. Brunelle, "Dieppe School", in David Buisseret (ed.),The Oxford Companion to World Exploration, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, pp. 237–238.
^Numa Broc, "De l'Antichtone à l'Antarctique",Cartes et figures de la Terre, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1980, pp. 136–49.
^Frank Lestringant, "La «France antarctique» et la cartographie prémonitoire d'André Thevet (1516-1592) ",Mappemonde, 1988, no.4, pp. 2–8.
^Paolo Carile, "Les récits de voyage protestants dans l'Océan Indien au XVIIe siècle: entre utopie et réalisme", Ana Margarida Faleão et al. (eds.),Literatura de Viagem: Narrativa, História, Mito, Lisboa, Edições Cosmos, 1997, pp. 47–58, n.b. p. 52.
^Henry Harrisse,The Discovery of North America, London, 1892 (reprinted Amsterdam, N. Israel, 1961), p. 583.
^Franz von Wieser,Magalhães-Strasse und Austral-Continent. Auf den Globen Johannes Schöner. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Erdkunde im xvi. Jahrhundert, Innsbruck, 1881 (reprinted Amsterdam, Meridian, 1967), p. 67.
^Lucien Gallois,Les Géographes allemands de la Renaissance, Paris, Leroux, 1890, (repr. Amsterdam, Meridian, 1963), p.92; Franz von Wieser,Magalhães-Strasse und Austral-Continent auf den Globen Johannes Schöner, Innsbruck, 1881, p. 65.
^Albert-Marie-Ferdinand Anthiaume, "Un pilote et cartographe havrais au XVIe siècle: Guillaume Le Testu",Bulletin de Géographie Historique et Descriptive, Paris, Nos 1-2, 1911, pp. 135–202, n.b. p. 176.
^"qui provient sans doute des globes de Schoener et des cartes d'Oronce Finé", Armand Rainaud,Le Continent Austral: Hypotheses et Découvertes, Paris, Colin, 1893 (repr. Amsterdam, Meridian Pub. Co., 1965), p.291.
^J. W. McCrindle,Ancient India as described by Ptolemy, London, Trubner, 1885, revised edition by Ramachandra Jain, New Delhi, Today & Tomorrow's Printers & Publishers, 1974, p. 204: "By the Great Gulf is meant the Gulf ofSiam, together with the sea that stretches beyond it towardChina"; Albert Herrmann, "Der Magnus Sinus und Cattigara nach Ptolemaeus",Comptes Rendus du 15me Congrès International de Géographie, Amsterdam, 1938, Leiden, Brill, 1938, tome II, sect. IV,Géographie Historique et Histoire de la Géographie, pp. 123–28.
^F. C. Wieder (ed.),Monumenta Cartographica, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1925, Vol.I, pp.1-4, "The Globe of Johannes Schöner, 1523-1524", and Plates 1-3.
^Anne-Marie Beaulieu (ed.),Les Trois Mondes de La Popelinière, Geneva, Droz, 1997, p. 50.
^Anne-Marie Beaulieu (ed.),Les Trois Mondes de La Popelinière, Geneve, Droz, 1997, Art.14, p. 412.
^Charles Etienne Coquebert de Montbret, « Extrait d'un Mémoire sur des Cartes Manuscrites dressées dans la première moitié du seizième siècle, et sur lesquels on voit représenté, à ce qu'il parait, le continent de la Nouvelle Hollande»,Bulletin des Sciences, par la Société Philomathique de Paris, no.81, An 12 (1803), pp. 163–164; Frédéric Metz,Magazin Encyclopédique: ou Journal des Sciences, des Lettres et des Arts, Paris, Tome 4, 1807, pp. 148–162
^Facsimiles of Old Charts of Australia in the British Museum, London, Trubner, 1885.
^J.H. Maiden, “Description of some Sixteenth Century Maps of Australia”,Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Geographical of Australasia, vols.III/IV, 1885-1886, pp.91-103.
^Edward Heawood, "Was Australia Discovered in the Sixteenth Century?",The Geographical Journal, Vol. 14, No. 4, October 1899, pp. 421–426.
^J. A. J. de Villiers, "Famous Maps in the British Museum",The Geographical Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2, August 1914, pp. 168–184, page 178.
^Frederic Kenyon and Edward Heawood, "Famous Maps in the British Museum: Discussion",The Geographical Journal, Vol. 44, No. 2 (Aug., 1914), pp. 184–188, page 187.
^"L'Armateur Jean Ango et la Liberté des Mers",Le Correspondant, 25 Février 1902, pp. 718–41, p.733.
^B.F. De Costa, "The Lenox Globe",Magazine of American History, vol.3, no.9, 1879, pp. 529–40.
^Tadeusz Estreicher (1918)."Ein Erdglobus aus dem Anfange des XVI. Jahrhunderts in der Jagellonischen Bibliothek". Bulletin international de l'Académie des Sciences de Cracovie/ Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Krakau, No.2, February 1900, pp.96-105; idem, « Globus Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej z początku wieku XVI, a trzema figurami », Rozprawy Akademii Umiejętności: Wydział Filologiczny, w Krakowie, Nakładem Akademii, vol.32, 1901, pp.1–18; idem, globe of the beginning of the 16th century in the Jagellon Library January 1900, National Library of Australia MS 760/12/199., published inThe Globe, No. 75, December 2014: 29–32.
^Ida Lee, "The Great South Land. A Point for Historians and Geographers",Empire Review, vol.7, February 1904, pp.71-80.
^"Le grand continent austral figuré sur les cartes françaises de la première partie du xvie siècle, est visiblement un appendice à la côte Nord de Java, considérée comme l'amorce d'une terre qui s'étendait au loin vers le Sud. La nomenclature des côtes Est et Ouest de ce continent est absolument fantaisiste"; Lucien Gallois, ‘Guillaume Le Testu’,Annales de Géographie, vol.21, no.119, 1912, p.8.
^Sir Ernest Scott (ed.),Australian Discovery by Sea, London, Dent, 1929, Vol.1, pp. xi–xii.
^G.Arnold Wood,The Discovery of Australia, London, 1922, pp.56-83. Reissued 1969, revised by J. C. Beaglehole, Macmillan Company of Australia, South Melbourne. Wood noted the statement byJan Huyghen van Linschoten: "This island beginneth under seven degrees on the South side, and runneth East and by South 150 miles long (=600 English miles), but, touching the breadth, it is not found, because as yet it is not discovered, nor by the inhabitants themselves well known. Some think it to be firm land and parcel of the country called Terra Incognita, which, being so, should reach from that place to the Capo de Bona Sperance, but as yet it is not certainly known, and therefore it is accounted an island".
^Klaus Mehnert, "The Face of the Pacific",The XXth Century (Shanghai), vol.VII, no.2/3, August/September 1944, pp.141–162, 156;Klaus Mehnert,Ein Deutscher auf Hawaii, 1936-1941, Mehnert Archiv, Band 2, Stuttgart-Schömberg, 1983, pp. 285–299.
^Robert Langdon, review of K. G. McIntyre,The Secret Discovery of Australia: Portuguese Ventures 200 Years before Cook inThe Journal of Pacific History, vol. 14, no. 3, 1979, pp. 186–88.
^Roger Hervé,Découverte fortuite de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande par des navigateurs portugais et espagnols entre 1521 et 1528, Paris, Bibliotheque nationale, 1982; Hervé, R. (1983)Chance Discoveries of Australia and New Zealand by Portuguese and Spanish Navigators between 1521 and 1528 Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, New Zealand.ISBN0-86469-013-4
^Wallis, H. "The Dieppe Maps" inThe Globe: Journal of the Australian Map Curator's Circle Canberra, No. 17, 1982. pp. 23–51.
^Numa Broc, "De l'Antichtone à l'Antarctique",Cartes et figures de la Terre, Paris, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1980, pp. 136–49 ; andidem, La Géographie de la Renaissance (1420-1620), Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, 1980, pp.171.
^Hilder, B. (1980)The Voyage of Torres p.11. University of Queensland Press, St. Lucia.ISBN0-7022-1275-X
^Fitzgerald, L.(1984).Java La Grande The Publishers, HobartISBN0-949325-00-7. It is unclear why he preferred the modern spelling Java rather than Jave.
^Suarez, T.(2004)Early Mapping of the Pacific P.78+. Periplus Editions, Singapore.ISBN0-7946-0092-1
^Trickett, P (2007).Beyond Capricorn. How Portuguese adventurers discovered and mapped Australia and New Zealand 250 years before Captain Cook. East St. Publications. Adelaide.ISBN978-0-9751145-9-9. (Also published in Portuguese asPara além de Capricórnio, Lisboa, Caderno, 2008)
^Alan Frost, "Jave la Grande", in David Buisseret (ed.),The Oxford Companion to World Exploration, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, p. 423.
^"estapafúrdia"; Luis Filipe F.R. Thomaz, "A expedição de Cristóvão de Mendonça e o descobrimento da Austrália", in Carlota Simões, Francisco Contente Domingues (coordenadores),Portugueses na Austrália: as primeiras viagens, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra, 2013, pp. 59–126, p.98. This book was reviewed by Bill Richardson inThe Globe, no. 74, 2014, pp. 49–51.
^Matthew Richardson (2010)The West and the Map of the World: A reappraisal of the past. P. 138-149. The Miegunyah Press at Melbourne University Publishing Limited, Carlton, Australia.ISBN978-0-522-85607-1
^Sarah Toulouse, "Marine Cartography and Navigation in Renaissance France", in David Woodward (ed.),The History of Cartography, Volume 3,Cartography in the European Renaissance, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 2007, pp. 1551–1568, pp. 1555–1556.
^Chet Van Duzer,The World for a King. Pierre Desceliers' World Map of 1550, London, British Library, 2015, p. 72.
^Andrew Eliason, "A Pacific Prospectus: The Origins and Identities of the Islands depicted in the South Sea on the Dieppe Maps",The Globe, no.79, 2016, pp.13-30. See also Robert J. King, "Cartographic Drift: Pulo Condor and the ysles de magna and ye de saill on the Dieppe Maps",The Globe, no.87, 2020, pp.1-22.[5]
^Blackwood, Eric Ralph (December 2020). "A note on the Dauphin Map and its relevance to the east coast of Australia".The Globe - Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Map Society.88: 79/82.
^Blackwood, Eric Ralph (Ray) (March 2021). "Redrawing the past".The Skeptic. 41- No 1: 28/31.
^“A Portuguese discovery of Australia? The Magnus Sinus, Java and Locach on the map from Martellus to Mercator, 1491-1569”, presented at "Universum Infinitum, From the German Philosopher Nicolaus Cusanus (1401–1464) to the Iberian Discoveries in the 15th Century: Ocean World in European Exploration", Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, Lisbon, 17-18 June 2016; published in Thomas Horst, Harald Schwaetzer & and Matthias Vollet, (eds.) in cooperation with Kirstin Zeyer,Universum Infinitum: Texte und Studien zur europäischen Geistesgeschichte, Münster, Aschendorff Verlag, Reihe B, Bd. 25, 2022, pp.152-172, 280-291. ISBN 978-3-402-16023-7.