The wordsynapomorphy—coined by German entomologistWilli Hennig—is derived from theAncient Greek wordsσύν (sún), meaning "with, together";ἀπό (apó), meaning "away from"; andμορφή (morphḗ), meaning "shape, form".
Lampreys andsharks share some features, like anervous system, that are not synapomorphic because they are also shared byinvertebrates. In contrast, the presence ofjaws and paired appendages[11] in both sharks and dogs, but not in lampreys or close invertebrate relatives, identifies these traits as synapomorphies. This supports the hypothesis that dogs and sharks are more closely related to each other than to lampreys.
The concept of synapomorphy depends on a given clade in the tree of life.Cladograms are diagrams that depict evolutionary relationships within groups of taxa. These illustrations are accurate predictive device in modern genetics. They are usually depicted in either tree or ladder form. Synapomorphies then create evidence for historical relationships and their associated hierarchical structure. Evolutionarily, a synapomorphy is the marker for the most recent common ancestor of the monophyletic group consisting of a set of taxa in a cladogram.[12] What counts as a synapomorphy for one clade may well be a primitive character orplesiomorphy at a less inclusive or nested clade. For example, the presence ofmammary glands is a synapomorphy formammals in relation totetrapods but is asymplesiomorphy for mammals in relation to one another—rodents and primates, for example. So the concept can be understood as well in terms of "a character newer than" (autapomorphy) and "a character older than" (plesiomorphy) the apomorphy: mammary glands are evolutionarily newer than vertebral column, so mammary glands are an autapomorphy if vertebral column is an apomorphy, but if mammary glands are theapomorphy being considered then vertebral column is a plesiomorphy.
These phylogenetic terms are used to describe different patterns of ancestral and derived character or trait states as stated in the above diagram in association with apomorphies and synapomorphies.[13][14]
Symplesiomorphy – an ancestral trait shared by two or more taxa.
Plesiomorphy – a symplesiomorphy discussed in reference to a more derived state.
Pseudoplesiomorphy – a trait that cannot be identified as either a plesiomorphy or an apomorphy that is a reversal.[15]
Reversal – a loss of derived trait present in ancestor and the reestablishment of a plesiomorphic trait.
Convergence – independent evolution of a similar trait in two or more taxa.
Apomorphy – a derived trait. Apomorphy shared by two or more taxa and inherited from a common ancestor is synapomorphy. Apomorphy unique to a given taxon is autapomorphy.[16][17][18][19]
Synapomorphy/homology – a derived trait that is found in some or all terminal groups of a clade, and inherited from a common ancestor, for which it was an autapomorphy (i.e., not present inits immediate ancestor).
Underlying synapomorphy – a synapomorphy that has been lost again in many members of the clade. If lost in all but one, it can be hard to distinguish from an autapomorphy.
Autapomorphy – a distinctive derived trait that is unique to a given taxon or group.[20]
Homoplasy inbiological systematics is when atrait has been gained or lost independently in separate lineages during evolution. Thisconvergent evolution leads to species independently sharing a trait that is different from the trait inferred to have been present in their common ancestor.[21][22][23]
Reversehomoplasy – trait present in an ancestor but not in direct descendants that reappears in later descendants.[25]
Hemiplasy is the case where a character that appears homoplastic given the species tree actually has a single origin on the associated gene tree.[26][27] Hemiplasy reflects gene tree-species tree discordance due to themultispecies coalescent.
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