Dentelin was a region of theFrankish Empire disputed betweenAustrasia andNeustria.
Mentioned in theChronicle of Fredegar, theDuchy of Dentelin included far north-eastern parts of modernFrance and south-western parts ofBelgium. The cities ofBoulogne-sur-Mer,Thérouanne,Tournai,Arras, andCambrai lay within the duchy.
Dentelin formed part of the inheritance of theMerovingian king of NeustriaChlothar II, but was lost by him to his cousins,Theudebert II andTheuderic II, following the battle ofDormelles in 599.
Chlothar, who outlasted his rival kinsmen and became sole Frankish king, retained Dentelin when he installed his sonDagobert I as king of Austrasia in 623. When Dagobert died in 639, Dentelin was included in Neustria, and remained part of that kingdom afterwards.