Dengbêjî is aKurdishmusic genre sung by Dengbêj. Dengbêjs are singing storytellers. There have been many terms to describe Dengbêjs throughout history, but today Dengbêj is the best known, and also several singing storytellers use Dengbêj as part of their own (artistic) name.[1] Dengbêjs are viewed as a way to transmit the traditions of their Kurdish ancestors in times as it was not possible to publish in Kurdish or about Kurdish history.[2] Since many documents about certain Kurdish events don't exist, today there exist attempts to analyze them through the songs of the Dengbêjs.[3] They sing about Kurdish geography,[4] history, recent events, but also lullabies and love songs.[5]
Roger Lescot has performed a study through a large amount of Dengbêjs during theFrench Mandate in Syria and Lebanon.[2] In the 1930s the Turkish Government implemented fines on every word that was spoken in Kurdish, putting the tradition of Dengbêjs singing in danger and almost became extinct inTurkish Kurdistan.[2] In the 1980s the Dengbêjs were persecuted for singing in Kurdish, as it was forbidden in Turkey to sing inKurdish language.[6] At that time Dengebêjs were recorded clandestinely on cassette tapes and distributed.[7]
In 1991, theTurkish presidentTurgut Özal announced that the use of the Kurdish language became legal except for broadcasts, publications, education and in politics.[8] The Dengbêjs were again able to perform with more freedom. From 1994 onward, the Dengbêjs were supported by Kurdish politicians to attend festivals and TV shows outside of Turkey and from the 2000s also withinTurkey. Dengbêj music became politicized and as a sign of Kurdish nationalism, which was confronted byTurkish nationalism.[9]
The Kilam is a specialty of the Dengbêjs, where they just let out spontaneously what moves them, and do not even pause after the end of a phrase.[10] The style of a stran is melodic and rhythmic, popular and love songs sung at weddings are sung in the stran style.[10] They sing mostly without instruments accompanying them.[11] Traditionally Dengbêjs need to learn ancient Dengbêj songs before performing their own songs.[12]
In 2003 the firstMala Dengbêjan (Dengbêj House in Kurdish) was in inaugurated inVan, Turkey.[13] In May 2007 theDemocratic Society Party (DTP) led Municipality ofDiyarbakır[2] supported the establishment of theMala Dengbêjan in Diyarbakır.[14] In several other cities, Dengbêj houses were founded as well.[13] The revitalization of the Dengbej tradition was supported by theEuropean Union.[2]
Well-known Dengbêjs includeKarapetê Xaço, Evdalê Zeynikî and[15]Şakîro.[16]