Clockwise from top-left: The remix ofMacarena sung by the Bayside Boys became an international phenomenon; anAntonov-32 planecrashed into a crowded market inKinshasa ,Zaire . 2 people were killed on the plane, but up to 348 people were killed and over 500 were injured on the ground, the accident with the most ground fatalities of any air disaster in history until2001 and the deadliest airplane crash in Africa;Saudia Flight 763 crashes with Kazakhstan Airlines Flight 1607 in mid-air overCharkhi Dadri ,India , making it theworld's deadliest mid-air collision with 349 total fatalities and 0 survivors; the wreckage ofTWA Flight 800 . The plane exploded and crashed 12 minutes after takeoff fromNew York City in theAtlantic Ocean , with 230 fatalities and 0 survivors, making it the third-deadliest aviation accident in United States history, and birthingconspiracy theories and contributing to the eventual dissolution ofTrans World Airlines ; eight people die duringa blizzard on Mount Everest , the deadliest disaster onMount Everest which raised questions about the safety of trekking on the mountain;Martin Bryant killed 35 people and injured 28 more during aspree shooting atPort Arthur, Tasmania , contributing to drastic changes among Australia'sgun laws ; theIsrael Defense Forces firedairstrikes at aUnited Nations compound in southernLebanon , killing 106 Lebanese civilians; the1996 Summer Olympics are held inAtlanta , the 100th anniversary of thefirst modern Olympic game session . Calendar year
1996 by topic Subject By country Lists of leaders Birth and death categories Establishments and disestablishments categories Works category
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1996 .
1996 (MCMXCVI ) was aleap year starting on Monday of theGregorian calendar , the 1996th year of theCommon Era (CE) andAnno Domini (AD) designations, the 996th year of the2nd millennium , the 96th year of the20th century , and the 7th year of the1990s decade.
Calendar year
1996 was designated as:
International Year for the Eradication of Poverty
January January 8 – AZairean cargo planecrashes into a crowded market in the center of the capital city of theDemocratic Republic of the Congo ,Kinshasa , killing around 300 people.[ 1] January 9 –20 – Serious fighting breaks out between Russian soldiers and rebel fighters inChechnya .January 11 –Ryutaro Hashimoto , leader of theLiberal Democratic Party , becomesPrime Minister of Japan .January 13 –Italy's Prime Minister ,Lamberto Dini , resigns after the failure of all-party talks to confirm him. New talks are initiated by PresidentOscar Luigi Scalfaro to form a new government.January 14 –Jorge Sampaio is elected President of Portugal.January 16 – President ofSierra Leone Valentine Strasser is deposed by the chief of defence,Julius Maada Bio . Bio promises to restore power following elections scheduled for February.January 19 TheNorth Cape oil spill occurs as an engine fire forces the tugboatScandia ashore on Moonstone Beach in South Kingstown,Rhode Island . TheNorth Cape Barge is pulled along with it and leaks 820,000 gallons of home heating oil. AnIndonesian ferry sinks off the northern tip ofSumatra , drowning more than 100 people. January 20 –Yasser Arafat is re-elected president of thePalestinian Authority .January 21 – France undertakes itslast nuclear weapons test .January 22 –Andreas Papandreou ,Prime Minister of Greece , resigns due to health problems; a new government forms underCostas Simitis .January 24 – Polish PremierJózef Oleksy resigns amid accusations that he spied forMoscow . He is replaced byWłodzimierz Cimoszewicz .January 27 – ColonelIbrahim Baré Maïnassara deposes the first democratically elected President ofNiger ,Mahamane Ousmane , in a military coup.January 31
February February 3 – The 6.6 Mw earthquake near Lijiang in South-west China kills up to 322 people, injures 17,000, and leaves 300,000 homeless.February 6 –Birgenair Flight 301 , on a charter flight from theCaribbean toGermany , crashes into the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of theDominican Republic , killing all 189 passengers and crew.February 7 –René Préval succeedsJean-Bertrand Aristide as President ofHaiti in the first peaceful handover of power since the nation achieved independence 192 years earlier, in 1804.February 9 February 10 –Bosnian Serbs break off contact with theBosnian government and with representatives of Ifor, theNATO localised force, in reaction to the arrest of several Bosnian Serb war criminals.February 14 – Violent clashes erupt betweenFilipino soldiers andVietnamese boat people , as the Filipino government attempts to forciblyrepatriate hundreds of Vietnameseasylum seekers .February 15 The American Embassy inAthens ,Greece , comes under mortar fire. BegumKhaleda Zia is re-elected as Prime Minister ofBangladesh . The country's second democratic election is marred by low voter turnout, due to several boycotts and pre-election violence, which has resulted in at least thirteen deaths. The UK government publishes theScott Report . February 17 – The 8.2 Mw Biak earthquake strikes thePapua province of easternIndonesia with a maximumMercalli intensity of VIII (Severe ). A large tsunami followed, leaving 166 people dead or missing and 423 injured.February 24 –Cuban fighter jetsshoot down two American aircraft belonging to the Cuban exile groupBrothers to the Rescue . Cuban officials assert that they invaded Cuban airspace.February 25 – Two suicide bombs inIsrael kill 25 and injure 80;Hamas claims responsibility.February 27 –Pokémon Red and Green releases on theGame Boy inJapan , launching thePokémon multimedia franchise.February 29 February:
March Summit of the Peacemakers in Sharm el-Sheikh
April April 1 – TheHalifax Regional Municipality encompassing theCity of Halifax , theCity of Dartmouth , theTown of Bedford , and theMunicipality of the County of Halifax is formed inNova Scotia , Canada.[ 6] April 3 April 6 April 9 – In a common statement, theEuropean Union officially recognises theFederal Republic of Yugoslavia .April 11 – TheIsraeli government launchesOperation Grapes of Wrath , consisting of massive attacks onLebanon , in retaliation for "terrorist attacks", and sparking off a violent series of retaliations.April 18 –Qana massacre : Over 100Lebanese civilians are killed after Israel shells theUnited Nations compound inQana . In reaction, anIslamist group inEgypt opens fire on a hotel, killing eighteen Greek tourists and injuring seventeen others.April 21 – Ageneral election in Italy proclaims a new center-left government headed byRomano Prodi , replacingSilvio Berlusconi .April 24 – At the urging ofYasser Arafat , thePalestine Liberation Organization drops its clause inPalestinian National Covenant calling for the removal ofIsrael (→Legitimacy of the State of Israel ). The Israeli government responds by dropping a similar clause concerning the existence ofPalestine .April 26 – Shanghai Five group, predecessor of theShanghai Cooperation Organisation , is created with the signing of the Treaty on Deepening Military Trust in Border Regions inShanghai by the heads of states of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.[ 8] April 28
May May –Iraq disarmament crisis : UNSCOM supervises the destruction ofAl-Hakam , Iraq's main production facility of biological warfare agents. May 9 May 10 May 11 – After takeoff fromMiami , a fire started by improperly handledoxygen canisters in the cargo hold ofAtlanta -boundValuJet Flight 592 causes theDouglas DC-9 to crash in theFlorida Everglades , killing all 110 people on board.May 13 – Severethunderstorms and atornado inBangladesh kill 600 people.May 17 –28 –Atal Bihari Vajpayee , leader of theBharatiya Janata Party , is elected asPrime Minister of India , replacingP. V. Narasimha Rao of theIndian National Congress . However, the party does not receive an overall majority and Vajpayee resigns thirteen days later rather than face a no confidence vote and is replaced by theUnited Front leader,Deve Gowda .May 18 – TheX Prize Foundation launches the $10,000,000Ansari X Prize .May 21 May 27 –First Chechnya War : Russian PresidentBoris Yeltsin meets withChechnyan rebels for the first time and negotiates a ceasefire for the dispute.May 28 –Albania 'sgeneral election ofMay 26 is declared unfair by international monitors, and the rulingDemocratic Party under President Muhannad Ibrahim is charged by theOrganization for Security and Co-operation in Europe with rigging the elections. Several hundred protestors gather inTirana to demonstrate against the election result.May 30 – TheLikud Party , led byBenjamin Netanyahu , wins a narrow victory in theIsraeli general election .
June June –Iraq disarmament crisis : As Iraq continues to refuse inspectors access to a number of sites, the United States fails in its attempt to build support for military action against Iraq in the UN Security Council. June 1 –3 – The Czech Republic'sfirst general election ends inconclusively. Prime MinisterVáclav Klaus and his incumbentCivic Democratic Party emerge as the winners, but are unable to form a majority government. PresidentVáclav Havel refuses to invite Klaus to form a coalition.June 4 – The spacerocket Ariane 5 explodes forty seconds inits maiden flight , after takeoff inFrench Guiana . The project costs European governments $7,500,000,000 over eleven years.June 6 –Leighton W. Smith, Jr. resigns asNATO commander in the face of increasing criticism.June 8 –30 –England hosts theUEFA Euro 1996 football tournament, which is won byGermany .June 11 An explosion in aSão Paulo suburban shopping centre kills 44 people and injures more than 100. A peace convoy carryingChechen separatist leaders and international diplomats is targeted by a series of remotely controlled land mines; eight people are killed. June 15 – InManchester , UK, anIRA bomb injures over 200 people and devastates a large part of the city centre.June 28 June 29 June 30
July July July 1 July 3 –Boris Yeltsin isre-elected asPresident of Russia after the second round of elections.July 5 –Dolly the sheep , the firstmammal to be successfullycloned from an adultcell , is born at theRoslin Institute inMidlothian ,Scotland ,UK .July 11 – Arrest warrants are issued forBosnian Serb war criminalsRadovan Karadžić andRatko Mladić by theRussell Tribunal inThe Hague .July 12 –Hurricane Bertha : made landfall inNorth Carolina as a Category 2 storm, causing $270 million in damage ($541 million in present-day terms[ 14] ) to the United States and its possessions and many indirect deaths.July 16 – An outbreak ofE. coli food poisoning in Japan results in 6,000 children being ill, including two deaths, after a group of school children eat contaminated lunches.July 17 July 19 July 21 – TheSaguenay Flood , one of Canada's most costlynatural disasters , is caused by flooding on theSaguenay River inQuebec .July 22 – The firstGethsemani Encounter takes place at theabbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani . This event, hosted by theDIMMID , is the first intermonastic dialogue between Buddhist and Christian monks and is attended by theDalai Lama and BishopJoseph John Gerry .[ 15] [ 16] July 24 – TheDehiwala train bombing kills 56 commuters outsideColombo .July 25 – TheTutsi -ledBurundian army performs acoup and reinstalls previous presidentPierre Buyoya , ousting current presidentSylvestre Ntibantunganya .July 27 – TheCentennial Olympic Park bombing at the1996 Summer Olympics in the United States kills one person and injures 111.[ 17]
August The electron microscope reveals chain structures in meteorite fragmentALH84001 . August August 1 August 4 – The1996 Summer Olympics conclude.August 6 –NASA announces that theAllan Hills 84001 meteorite, thought to originate fromMars , may contain evidence of primitive lifeforms; further tests are inconclusive.August 7 – Heavy rains kill more than 80 campers nearHuesca , Spain.[ 19] August 9 –Boris Yeltsin is sworn in at theKremlin for a second term asPresident of Russia .August 13 – Data sent back by theGalileo space probe indicates there may bewater on one ofJupiter 's moons.August 14 – A rocket ignited during afireworks display inArequipa ,Peru knocks down a high-tension power cable into a dense crowd, electrocuting 35 people.August 15 –Bob Dole is nominated forPresident of the United States , andJack Kemp for vice president, at theRepublican National Convention inSan Diego ,California .August 16 –Brookfield Zoo ,Chicago . After a 3-year-old boy falls into the 20-foot (6.1 m) deep gorilla enclosure,Binti Jua , a female lowlandgorilla sits with the injured boy until his rescue.August 21 August 23 –Osama bin Laden writes "The Declaration of Jihad on the Americans Occupying the Country of the Two Sacred Places," a call for the removal of American military forces from Saudi Arabia.August 26 –David Dellinger ,Bradford Lyttle , and nine others are arrested by theFederal Protective Service while protesting in a demonstration at theKluczynski Federal Building in downtown Chicago duringthat year's Democratic National Convention .[ 20] August 28 – Their Royal Highnesses, the Prince and Princess of Wales, are formally divorced at theHigh Court of Justice in London. Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales is restyledDiana, Princess of Wales , due to the Queen'sletters patent issued a week earlier.August 29 August 31 –Iraq disarmament crisis : Iraqi forces launch an offensive into the northernNo-Fly Zone and capture Arbil.
September The first flag ofAfghanistan under the Taliban control until 1997
January Florence Pugh Jennie January 3 –Florence Pugh , English actress[ 21] January 6 January 7 –Helly Shah , Indian actress[ 23] January 10 –Budda Baker , American football safety[ 24] January 11 –Leroy Sané , German footballer[ 25] January 12 –Ella Henderson , English singerJanuary 15 –Dove Cameron , American actress and singerJanuary 16 January 17 –Nile Wilson , British artistic gymnast[ 26] January 21 –Marco Asensio , Spanish footballerJanuary 22 –Dillon Brooks , Canadian basketball player[ 27] January 24 –Patrik Schick , Czech footballerJanuary 25 –Tati Gabrielle , American actress[ 28] January 26 –Tyger Drew-Honey , British actorJanuary 30 –Xiao Ruoteng , Chinese artistic gymnast[ 29] January 31 –Joel Courtney , American actor
February Sophie Turner Paul Mescal February 1 –Ahmad Abughaush , Jordanian taekwondo athlete[ 30] February 2 February 7 February 9 February 11 February 13 February 14 February 15 –Toshikazu Yamanishi , Japanese race walker[ 35] February 17 –Sasha Pieterse , South African-born American actressFebruary 19 –Ashnikko , American rapper, singer, and songwriter[ 36] February 20 –Mabel , English singerFebruary 21 February 23 –D'Angelo Russell , American basketball playerFebruary 25 –Emel Dereli , Turkish shot putterFebruary 27 –Chris Godwin , American football wide receiver[ 38] February 28
March Myles Turner Taylor Hill
April Abigail Breslin Anya Taylor-Joy Katherine Langford April 2 April 3 April 4 April 9 –Giovani Lo Celso , Argentinian footballerApril 10 April 11 April 12 –Matteo Berrettini , Italian tennis player[ 48] April 14 –Abigail Breslin , American actressApril 15 –Edimilson Fernandes , Swiss footballer[ 49] April 16 –Anya Taylor-Joy , actressApril 17 –Dee Dee Davis , American actressApril 18 April 22 –Wendy Sulca , Peruvian singerApril 23 –Álex Márquez , Spanish motorcycle racerApril 24 –Ashleigh Barty , Australian tennis playerApril 25 April 28 –Tony Revolori , American actorApril 29 –Katherine Langford , Australian actress
May Birdy Normani Josh Allen
June Tom Holland Rodri June 1 –Tom Holland , English actorJune 3 –Han Tianyu , Chinese short track speed skaterJune 4 –Maria Bakalova , Bulgarian actress[ 57] June 5 –Harold Landry , American football linebacker[ 58] June 7 –Christian McCaffrey , American football running back[ 59] June 10 –Jun , Chinese singer and actorJune 12 –Davinson Sánchez , Colombian footballerJune 13 June 15 –Aurora , Norwegian singerJune 16 –Lily Zhang , American table tennis playerJune 17 –Godfred Donsah , Ghanese footballerJune 18 June 19 –Larisa Iordache , Romanian artistic gymnastJune 22 June 24 –Harris Dickinson , English actor, writer, and directorJune 27 –Lauren Jauregui , American singerJune 28
July Alessia Cara July 1 –Adelina Sotnikova , former Russian figure skaterJuly 3 –Kendji Girac , French singer[ 63] July 4 –Ryoya Kurihara , Japanese baseball player[ 64] July 5 –Risa Shōji , Japanese figure skaterJuly 7 –Mikey Musumeci , AmericanBJJ practitioner and currentONE Flyweight Submission Grappling World Champion July 8 –Marlon Humphrey , American football cornerback[ 65] July 10 –Moon Ga-young , South Korean actressJuly 11 July 16 July 18 –Yung Lean , Swedish rapper and record producerJuly 20 –Ben Simmons , Australian basketball player[ 68] July 22 –Skyler Gisondo , American actor[ 69] July 24 –Joe Mixon , American football running back[ 70] July 30 –Jacob Lofland , American actor[ 71]
August Caeleb Dressel August 2 August 3 –Derwin James , American football safety[ 74] August 5 August 12 –Arthur , Brazilian footballerAugust 14 –Brianna Hildebrand , American actressAugust 16 –Caeleb Dressel , American swimmerAugust 18 –Jonathan Di Bella ,Italian-Canadian kickboxer and currentONE Strawweight Kickboxing World Champion August 19 August 21 –Jasmine Camacho-Quinn , Puerto Rican hurdler[ 75] August 24 –Kenzō Shirai , Japanese gymnastAugust 27 –Ebru Topçu , Turkish footballerAugust 28 –Kim Se-jeong , South Korean singer and actressAugust 30 August 31 –Jalen Brunson , American basketball player[ 77]
September Zendaya Lili Reinhart Ella Purnell September 1 –Zendaya , American actress and singerSeptember 2 –Austin Abrams , American actor[ 78] September 3 –Joy , South Korean singer and actressSeptember 4 –Montez Sweat , American football defensive end[ 79] September 5 September 6 –Mark Andrews , American football tight end .[ 80] September 7 –Donovan Mitchell , American basketball player[ 81] September 9 –Jaïro Riedewald , Dutch footballerSeptember 12 September 13 –Lili Reinhart , American actress[ 84] September 14 –Leo Woodall , British actor[ 85] September 17 September 19 September 23 September 25 –Mie Nielsen , Danish swimmerSeptember 27 –Maxwel Cornet , French-Ivorian footballerSeptember 28 –Michael Ronda , Mexican actor and singer
October Lewis Capaldi Bella Hadid Jaylen Brown Devin Booker October 3 –Kelechi Iheanacho , Nigerian footballerOctober 4 –Ella Balinska , English actress[ 94] [ 95] October 7 October 8 –Sara Takanashi , Japanese ski jumperOctober 9 October 10 –Oscar Zia , Swedish singer and songwriterOctober 12 –Vitória Strada , Brazilian actress[ 97] October 13 October 15 –Zelo , Korean singerOctober 17 –Cansu Özbay , Turkish volleyball player[ 100] October 20 October 24 October 25 –Marileidy Paulino , Dominican sprinter[ 102] October 27 –Samantha Logan , American actress[ 103] October 28 October 30 –Devin Booker , American basketball player
November Lil Peep Lorde
December Joe Burrow Kaitlyn Dever Hailee Steinfeld
Nobel Prizes
Right Livelihood Award
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