In common usage, a day starts atmidnight, written as 00:00 or12:00 am in24- or12-hour clocks, respectively. Because the time of midnight varies between locations,time zones are set up to facilitate the use of a uniformstandard time. Other conventions are sometimes used, for example theJewish religious calendar counts days from sunset to sunset, so theJewish Sabbath begins at sundown onFriday. Inastronomy, a day begins atnoon so that observations throughout a single night are recorded as happening on the same day.
In specific applications, the definition of a day is slightly modified, such as in theSI day (exactly 86,400seconds) used forcomputers andstandards keeping,local mean time accounting of theEarth's natural fluctuation of a solar day, andstellar day andsidereal day (using thecelestial sphere) used forastronomy. In some countries outside of thetropics,daylight saving time is practiced, and each year there will be one 23-hour civil day and one 25-hour civil day. Due to slight variations in the rotation of the Earth, there are rare times when aleap second will get inserted at the end of aUTC day, and so while almost all days have a duration of 86,400 seconds, there are these exceptional cases of a day with 86,401 seconds (in the half-century spanning 1972 through 2022, there have been a total of 27 leap seconds that have been inserted, so roughly once every other year).
Several definitions of this universal human concept are used according to context, need, and convenience. Besides the day of 24 hours (86,400 seconds), the wordday is used for several different spans of time based on the rotation of the Earth around its axis. An important one is thesolar day, the time it takes for the Sun to return to its culmination point (its highest point in the sky). Due to an orbit's eccentricity, the Sun resides in one of the orbit's foci instead of the middle. Consequently, due toKepler's second law, the planet travels at different speeds at various positions in its orbit, and thus a solar day is not the same length of time throughout the orbital year. Because the Earth moves along aneccentric orbit around the Sun while the Earth spins on an inclined axis, this period can be up to 7.9 seconds more than (or less than) 24 hours. In recent decades, the average length of a solar day on Earth has been about 86,400.002 seconds[2] (24.000 000 6 hours). There are currently about 365.2421875 solar days in one meantropical year.
Ancient custom has a new day starting at either the rising or setting of the Sun on the local horizon (Italian reckoning, for example, being 24 hours from sunset, old style).[3] The exact moment of, and the interval between, two sunrises or sunsets depends on the geographical position (longitude and latitude, as well as altitude), and the time ofyear (as indicated by ancient hemisphericalsundials).
A more constant day can be defined by the Sun passing through the localmeridian, which happens at localnoon (upperculmination) ormidnight (lower culmination). The exact moment is dependent on the geographical longitude, and to a lesser extent on the time of the year. The length of such a day is nearly constant (24 hours ± 30 seconds). This is the time as indicated by modern sundials.
A further improvement defines a fictitious mean Sun that moves with constant speed along thecelestial equator; the speed is the same as the average speed of the real Sun, but this removes the variation over a year as the Earth moves along its orbit around the Sun (due to both its velocity and its axial tilt).
In terms of Earth's rotation, the average day length is about 360.9856°. A day lasts for more than 360° of rotation because of the Earth's revolution around the Sun. With a full year being slightly more than 360 days, the Earth's daily orbit around the Sun is slightly less than 1°, so the day is slightly less than 361° of rotation.
For civil purposes, a common clock time is typically defined for an entire region based on the local mean solar time at a central meridian. Such time zones began to be adopted about the middle of the 19th century whenrailroads with regularly occurring schedules came into use, with most major countries having adopted them by 1929. As of 2015, throughout the world, 40 such zones are now in use: the central zone, from which all others are defined as offsets, is known asUTC+00, which usesCoordinated Universal Time (UTC).
The most common convention starts the civil day atmidnight: this is near the time of thelower culmination of the Sun on the central meridian of the time zone. Such a day may be called acalendar day.
A day is commonly divided into 24 hours, with each hour being made up of 60 minutes, and each minute composed of 60 seconds.
Asidereal day orstellar day is the span of time it takes for the Earth to make one entirerotation[5] with respect to the celestial background or a distant star (assumed to be fixed).[6] Measuring a day as such is used inastronomy.[6] A sidereal day is about 4 minutes less than a solar day of 24 hours (23 hours 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds), or 0.99726968 of a solar day of 24 hours.[7] There are about 366.2422 stellar days in one mean tropical year (one stellar day more than the number of solar days).[8]
Besides a stellar day onEarth, other bodies in the Solar System have day times, the durations of these being:[9][10]
Decimal clock face, made in around the start of the 19th century
Variousdecimal ormetric time proposals have been made, but do not redefine the day, and use the day orsidereal day as a base unit. Metric time uses metric prefixes to keep time. It uses the day as the base unit, and smaller units being fractions of a day: a metric hour (deci) is1⁄10 of a day; a metric minute (milli) is1⁄1000 of a day; etc.[16] Similarly, in decimal time, the length of a day is static to normal time. A day is also split into 10 hours, and 10 days comprise adécade – the equivalent of a week. 3décades make a month.[17]: 35 Various decimal time proposals which do not redefine the day: Henri de Sarrauton's proposal kept days, and subdivided hours into 100 minutes;[17]: 42 in Mendizábal y Tamborel's proposal, thesidereal day was the basic unit, with subdivisions made upon it;[17]: 42–43 and Rey-Pailhade's proposal divided the day 100cés.[17]: 42
A day counting approximation, for example "See you in three days." or "the following day"
The full day covering both the dark and light periods, beginning from the start of the dark period or from a point near the middle of the dark period
A full dark and light period, sometimes called anychthemeron in English, from the Greek fornight-day;[18] or more colloquially the term24 hours. In other languages,24 hours is also often used. Other languages also have a separate word for a full day.
The period of light when the Sun is above the localhorizon (that is, the time period fromsunrise tosunset)
The time period from 06:00–18:00 (6:00am – 6:00 pm) or 21:00 (9:00 pm) or another fixed clock period overlapping or offset from other time periods such as "morning", "afternoon", or "evening".
The time period from first-light "dawn" to last-light "dusk".
A specific period of the day, which may vary by context, such as "the school day" or "the work day".
Discovered by paleontologistJohn W. Wells, the day lengths of geological periods have been estimated by measuring sedimentation rings in coralfossils,[22][20] due to some biological systems being affected by the tide.[20] The length of a day at the Earth's formation is estimated at 6 hours.[20] Arbab I. Arbab plotted day lengths over time and found a curved line.[20] Arbab attributed this to the change of water volume present affecting Earth's rotation.[20]
For mostdiurnal animals, the day naturally begins at dawn and ends at sunset. Humans, with their cultural norms and scientific knowledge, have employed several different conceptions of the day's boundaries.
In theHebrew Bible,Genesis 1:5 defines a day in terms of "evening" and "morning" before recounting the creation of the Sun to illuminate it: "And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day."TheJewish day begins at either sunset or nightfall (when three second-magnitude stars appear).Medieval Europe also followed this tradition, known asFlorentine reckoning: In this system, a reference like "two hours into the day" meanttwo hours after sunset and thus times during the evening need to be shifted back one calendar day in modern reckoning.Days such asChristmas Eve,Halloween (“All Hallows’ Eve”), and the Eve ofSaint Agnes are remnants of the older pattern whenholidays began during the prior evening.
That the Conference expresses the hope that as soon as may be practicable the astronomical and nautical days will be arranged everywhere to begin at midnight.
Inancient Egypt the day was reckoned from sunrise to sunrise.
Prior to 1926, Turkey had two time systems:Turkish, counting the hours from sunset, andFrench, counting the hours from midnight.
Humans have divided the day in rough periods, which can have cultural implications, and other effects on humans' biological processes. The parts of the day do not have set times; they can vary by lifestyle or hours of daylight in a given place.[25]
Daytime is the part of the day during whichsunlight directly reaches the ground, assuming that there are no obstacles. The length of daytime averages slightly more than half of the 24-hour day. Two effects make daytime on average longer than night. The Sun is not a point but has an apparent size of about 32minutes of arc. Additionally, theatmosphererefracts sunlight in such a way that some of it reaches the ground even when the Sun is below the horizon by about 34 minutes of arc. So the first light reaches the ground when the centre of the Sun is still below the horizon by about 50 minutes of arc.[26] Thus, daytime is on average around 7 minutes longer than 12 hours.[27]
Twilight is the period beforesunrise and aftersunset in which there is natural light but no direct sunlight.[36] The morning twilight begins atdawn and ends at sunrise, while the evening twilight begins at sunset and ends atdusk. Both periods of twilight can be divided intocivil twilight,nautical twilight, andastronomical twilight. Civil twilight is when the sun is up to 6 degrees below the horizon; nautical when it is up to 12 degrees below, and astronomical when it is up to 18 degrees below.[37]
Night is the period in which the sky isdark;[38] the period betweendusk anddawn when no light from the sun is visible.[39]Light pollution during night can impact human and animal life, for example by disrupting sleep.[40][41]
^Mallory, James P.; Adams, Douglas Q. (2006).The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. p. 124.ISBN978-0-19-929668-2.
^Certain authors caution against identifying "day" with rotation period. For example:Seligman, Courtney."Rotation Period and Day Length".Archived from the original on 2018-09-29. Retrieved2011-06-03.A Cautionary Note: Because the rotation period of the Earth is almost the same as the length of its day, we sometimes get a bit sloppy in discussing the rotation of the sky, and say that the stars rotate around us once each day. In a similar way, it is not unusual for careless people to mix up the rotation period of a planet with the length of its day, or vice versa.
^"SI Unit of Time (Second)".Resolution 1 of the 13th CGPM (1967/68). Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). Archived fromthe original on 2011-01-10. Retrieved2015-10-17.
^"Unit of Time (Second)".SI Brochure: The International System of Units (SI) (8 ed.). Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). 2014 [2006]. Archived fromthe original on 2018-06-13. Retrieved2015-10-17.
^"evening, n." Oxford English Dictionary. Retrieved18 September 2023.The close of day, esp. the time from about 6 p.m., or sunset if earlier, to bedtime; the period between afternoon and night.