Daruvar (Czech:Daruvar,German:Daruwar,Hungarian:Daruvár,Serbian:Дарувар,Latin:Aquae Balissae) is aspa town and municipality inSlavonia, northeasternCroatia, with a population of 8,567. The area including the surrounding villages (Dar. Vinogradi, Doljani, Donji Daruvar, Gornji Daruvar, Lipovac Majur, Ljudevit Selo, Markovac, and Vrbovac) has a population of 11,633 as of 2011.[4]
It is located in the foothills ofPapuk mountain and along the Toplica River. The main political and cultural centre of theCzech national minority in Croatia, Daruvar has awinemaking tradition reportedly dating back more than 2,000 years.
Archaeological findings here of stone axes can be traced to theStone Age. The history of Daruvar can be traced to the 4th century BC, when the first organized habitation developed near the warmgeothermal spas in today's Daruvar valley.Celtic -Pannoniantribes living here and familiar with water treatments benefiting health, wereIassi, (meaninghealers), so called by bothGreek andRoman writers.
After the fall of the Western Roman Empire and the destruction of local tribes by Avar Kaghanate in 6th century, this area was resettled by Croats, a Slavic tribe that reached the Balkans in 7th century.
In the 11th century theregion became part of a mightier entity, that ofKriževci, a rapidly growing and politically important city. It became part of thearchdiocese of Zagreb mentioned by legislators for the first time in 1334.
Since the city was on a busy crossroads, there were four trading points within the valley — Četvrtkovac, Dimičkovine, Podborje, and Toplice (toplice = "spas" in Croatian). For more than a millennium, the spas continued to attract people as a destination. The population in that period was exclusivelyCatholic.
In the 15th and 16th centuries, all that changed. Expansion of theOttoman Empire disrupted the steady development, andTurks occupied lands here in 1543. TheMonastery ofSt King Ladislaus was degraded, becoming a Turkish defensive post looking into theKrajina, amilitary zone created to protect theHabsburg Empire just west of the city. Local people fled from Turks.
In 1699 the Habsburg Empire expelled the Turks. The ethnically mixed area came under the rule ofVienna in 1745.Podborje,Sirač, andPakrac were bought bycountAntun Janković, who in 1771 renamed Podborje as Daruvar, (daru = "crane" inHungarian), after a building of his called theCrane'scastle.
In 1837 Daruvar was declared afree city bydecree ofkingFerdinand I. The monarch's government recruited migrant farmers from southern Bavaria and other areas to repopulate the area and re-establish agriculture in the Danube River valley. They also recruited people skilled incrafts andtrade. Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Italians (around so calledLittle Italy), and others were invited to come. The government promised that they could practice their own religions (most were Catholic) nd languages.
Since records began in 1978, the highest temperature recorded at the local weather station at an elevation of 152 metres (499 ft) was 40.0 °C (104.0 °F), on 10 August 2017.[5] The coldest temperature was −25.2 °C (−13.4 °F), on 16 January 1963.[6]
The Czech population is of significant size having its own newspaper, schools, societies andclubs (Česká beseda or 'Czech word',Jednota or 'Unity' inCzech), and publishing company. The entire area (Veliki Zdenci,Grubišno Polje, Končanica), is actually bilingual withCzech being the second official language. There are numerous local ethnic festivities celebrating important points in different cultures — youth,harvest etc. with the most interesting andpicturesque that of the Czechminority.[citation needed]
Directly elected minority councils and representatives are tasked with consulting tasks for the local or regional authorities in which they are advocating for minority rights and interests, integration into public life and participation in the management of local affairs.[10] At the2023 Croatian national minorities councils and representatives electionsCzechs andSerbs of Croatia each fulfilled legal requirements to each elect their own 15 members minority council of the City of Daruvar whileHungarians were electing individual representative.[11]
Water treatments benefitinghealth were well known to mentioned Iassi tribes here almost 2,500 years ago, later widely used by Romans and in the Middle Ages. In 1772 the owner of the area Antun Janković started building around thesprings, envisioning correctly that the town might become a healing, leisure, and recreation center again as it was through the course of history. He erected numerous buildings, many of them still functional (Anton's spa,Ivan's spa). After 1897 the newly openedrailroad brought new visitors. RestaurantTeresa,Swissvilla,Villa Arcadia, andBig Mud Spa with its prominentdome and today well known city mark were all built during the turn of 19 and 20th century.
Daruvarske Toplice is a special hospital complex for rehabilitation specializing in treatment of femalefertility (primary and secondarysterility), with twoclinics for estheticsurgery. Warm waters (33 to 47°C) are also used in postoperative rehabilitation, treatment ofinflammations,rheumatism, the trauma of bones, hips,head,spine, andlocomotion. More spas are aroundPakrac andLipik, where there is also amineral water bottling plant. The park within the complex is positioned containing 65 different kind of trees such as a 250-year-oldGinkgo tree from China,Variegatum fromArizona, and others. HotelTermal, renovated and extended in 1996, is also here. A smaller hotel,Balisse, is a few minutes walking distance away in thetraffic-friendly downtown.
The area is rich inmonuments. HistoricKistalovac,Pavlovina,Sirač,Bagenovać,Dobra Kuća, andStupčanica are examples of numerous local castles belonging to the Croatiannobility of the times passed by.Franciscanmonasteries like those ofSt. Margareth,St. Ana,St. Three Kings, and theChurch ofHoly Trinity are witnesses of the rich religious culture.
German people who came here in the 18th century as well as Czechs in the 19th were the keystone of the revival participating in agriculture, food processing plants, culture, and education. Thedevelopment was accelerated at the turn of the century by being connected to therailroad track fromBanova Jaruga toBarcs in Hungary. An important historic moment in 1897 was witnessed by the emperorFranz Joseph himself. Since 1840 abrewery is operating here producing today more than 250,000hectoliters of beer based upon an old and famous Czechrecipes, withOld Bohemian (Staročeško pivo) brand being the most known.Zdenka ofVeliki Zdenci is well known for its milk and melted cheese processing plant.
Fish is cultivated inartificial lakes aroundKončanica and processed withinIrida. Here are local high quality vines asGraševina (ranking the highest),Rhein Riesling,Chardonnay, andSauvignon. Here fruit,maize, wheat, meat, and other agricultureproducts are produced for local, national, and widermarkets.Dalit, created in 1905, is a metal processing plant, once one of the biggest in what was onceYugoslavia, employing today 320, but in the late 1970s almost 2,000 people. A flat glass factory is in Lipik. There are smallgraphics andprinting (Daruvarska Tiskara d.d.,Logos) facilities and thetextile plantVesna, which employs around 200. Growing is the importance of trade, tourism, andcommunication. 2300 people are employed, one-third of them women.