Slavic tribe that inhabited the area surrounding the central Bóbr River
The localization of theSilesian tribes between 9th and 10th centuries.
Dadosesani[a] was aSlavic tribe that inhabited the area near the centralBóbr river, between the modern location of the towns ofSzprotawa andGłogów, in the area of modern southwesternPoland.[1]
The exact area that was inhabited by the tribe remains unknown. It was set in the area of the centralBóbr river, in the northern part ofLower Silesia, near the modern town ofGłogów.[2][3] The archeological studies had established, that in the area inhabited by the tribe functioned 31 smaller territories, 17 of which includedgords.[1] According to some sources, they bordered theZara tribe to the west, viaBóbr river.[citation needed]
TheBavarian Geographer had mentioned the tribe in hisDescriptio civitatum et regionum ad septentrionalem plagam Danubii, published in the IX century. In said document, they were referred to asDadosezani andDadosesani, and according to it, they had 20gords, and possibly visualized theBobrans tribe.[4]
^Hilczerówna Z., Urbańska-Łosińska A.,Rozwój terenów osadniczych u schyłku starożytności i we wczesnym średniowieczu w południowej części województwa zielonogórskiego, In: Z. Kaczmarczyk, A. Wędzki:Studia nad początkami i rozplanowaniem miast nad środkową Odrą i dolną Wartą, vol. 2. Zielona Góra 1970, p 84.
^J. Lodowski,Dolny Śląsk na początku średniowiecza (VI-X w.). Podstawy osadnicze i gospodarcze, Wrocław, 1980, p. 118.
^L.A. Tyszkiewicz,Słowianie i Awarowie. Organiacja plemienna Słowian, Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich. Wydawnictwo, 2009, p. 164, ISBN 978-83-04-05023-5, OCLC 750836214.